Siebel Performance Tuning Guide > Analyzing Siebel ARM Data > Analyzing Siebel ARM Files Using the Siebel ARM Query Tool >

Configuring Output from the Siebel ARM Query Tool

This topic is part of Analyzing Siebel ARM Files Using the Siebel ARM Query Tool.

This topic discusses the output options that are available to you when you use the Siebel ARM Query Tool. Table 18 describes the flags that you can use to configure output.

Siebel ARM Query Tool can simultaneously write output to files in the .TXT, .XML, and .CSV formats. The following example shows using the Siebel ARM Query Tool to write different types of information to different files:

> sarmquery -input d:\sarmdata -select subarea=infra_entry -select resp=1000 -output header=hdr.csv -output sarm=sarm.csv -aggregate area -output agg=agg.xml

The preceding command writes:

  • Information about the header metadata from the Siebel ARM files to the file hdr.csv
  • Siebel ARM data to the file sarm.csv
  • Aggregate information about the area to the file agg.xml

You can also specify a maximum number of lines to write to a file. When the file contains the maximum number of lines specified, the Siebel ARM Query Tool creates a new file with the same file name plus N, where N equals a number. The following example illustrates the use of this option:

> sarmquery -output sarm=sarmdata.csv#20000

This command writes Siebel ARM data in comma-separated values (CSV) format to the file named sarmdata.csv. The optional value #20000 writes a maximum of 20000 lines to sarmdata.csv. Once sarmdata.csv contains 20000 lines, the Siebel ARM Query Tool writes to a new file with the name sarmdata_0002.csv, and so on, until all data is output.

All flags in Table 18 are preceded by the command option -output.

Table 18. Output Flags for the Siebel ARM Query Tool


Converts all FDR files (specified using -input) to CSV format and writes them to the specified file.

NOTE:  For more information about FDR (flight data recorder) files, see Siebel System Monitoring and Diagnostics Guide.


Converts all the FDR headers to CSV format and writes them to the specified file.


By default, the Siebel ARM Query Tool writes output to stderr.txt. This command redirects error messages to the specified file.


By default, Siebel ARM query does not write debug messages. This command enables the Siebel ARM Query Tool to write debug messages to the file specified file.


This command enables the Siebel ARM Query Tool to write more debug information.


By default, the Siebel ARM Query Tool writes output to stderr.txt. This command redirects verbose output to the specified file.


Creates a file which lists all areas and subareas for Siebel ARM.





The available flags are:

  • header. Writes all header information to the specified file.
  • appheader. Writes header information from Siebel ARM files generated by the Siebel Server.
  • webheader. Writes header information from Siebel ARM files generated by the Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE).
  • cliheader. Writes header information from the Siebel ARM files generated by clients.

The following example writes information about all headers to all.csv and then writes information for each specific part to a different file:

> sarmquery -input dir -output header=all.csv -output appheader=app.csv -output webheader=web.csv -output cliheader=cli.csv





The available flags are:

  • sarm. Writes all Siebel ARM data to the specified file.
  • appsarm. Writes all Siebel ARM data generated by the Siebel Server to the specified file.
  • websarm. Writes all Siebel ARM data generated by the Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE) to the specified file.
  • clisarm. Writes all Siebel ARM data generated by clients.

The following example writes Siebel ARM data generated by the Siebel Server and the SWSE to different files:

> sarmquery -output appsarm=app.csv -output websarm=web.csv




The available flags are:

  • agg. Writes the aggregation report to the specified file.
  • sagg. Writes a subset of the aggregation report to the specified file. This flag specifies exclusive metrics.
  • iagg. Writes a subset of the aggregation report to the specified file. This flag specifies inclusive metrics.

To use the options, you must have aggregated Siebel ARM data by using the flag -aggregate.





The available flags are:

  • avginclresp. Writes the average response time to the specified file.
  • pctcount. Writes the percentage of server requests that complete within the specified time to the specified file.

    The following example writes the percentages of server requests that complete within 100 milliseconds, between 100 milliseconds to 500 milliseconds, and so on:

    > sarmquery -histogram resp=100,500,1000,2000,5000 -output pctcount=stdout.txt

  • pctselftime. Writes the percentage of time spent in internal parts of the Siebel Server. This is also known as SLA fingerprint.
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