Siebel Performance Tuning Guide > Tuning Siebel Web Client > Guidelines for Siebel Web Client Tuning >

Specifying Static File Caching

This topic is part of Guidelines for Siebel Web Client Tuning.

Browser caching behavior is also subject to Web server settings for static file caching. Appropriate settings allow files that are rarely updated, such as image files, JavaScript files, or style sheet files, to be cached on the browser. Caching static files reduces network utilization and enhances Siebel Web Client response time.

Caching for Siebel Web template files is described in the persistent view caching content in Improving Performance Using View Layout Caching.

Because some static files can in fact be updated periodically, there is some risk that outdated versions of static files might be served from the cache. Therefore, some appropriate content expiration time must be specified. In general, setting an expiration time of 7 days might be appropriate.

If static files are rarely updated, then you can specify a larger number, for less frequent expiration. If static files are updated more often, then you can specify a smaller number, for more frequent expiration.

Instructions follow for specifying static file caching on Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS), Apache Web Servers, and Oracle iPlanet Web Server. You must restart your Web server for the settings to take effect. For more information, see your third-party Web server vendor documentation.

For more information about supported Web servers and versions, see the Certifications tab on My Oracle Support. For more information about tuning Web servers, see Tuning Operating Systems for Performance.

Static File Caching for Microsoft IIS

For Microsoft IIS, use the following procedure to specify static file caching and content expiration.

To specify static file caching on Microsoft IIS

  1. On the Web server computer, choose Start, then Settings, then Control Panel, and then Administrative Tools.
  2. Run Internet Service Manager.
  3. In Internet Service Manager, right-click Default Web Site.
  4. In Default Web Site Properties, click the HTTP Headers tab.
  5. Check the Enable Content Expiration check box.
  6. Select Expire After, and specify the value of 7 (to expire static files after 7 days), or another value appropriate for your deployment.

Static File Caching for an Apache Web Server

For supported Apache Web Servers (Oracle HTTP Server, IBM HTTP Server, and HP Apache Web Server), use the following procedure to specify static file caching and content expiration.

To specify static file caching on an Apache Web Server

  1. On the Web server computer, open the file httpd.conf for editing. This file is located in the Web server installation directory.
  2. Verify that the following line is included and not commented out:

    LoadModule expires_module modules/

  3. Add the following lines, if not already present, to the file (below the line shown in Step 2). Or, instead of 7 days, specify another value appropriate for your deployment.


    ExpiresActive On

    <IfModule mod_expires.c>

    ExpiresByType image/gif                   "access plus 7 days"

    ExpiresByType image/jpeg                  "access plus 7 days"

    ExpiresByType application/x-javascript    "access plus 7 days"

    ExpiresByType text/css                    "access plus 7 days"



  4. Save the file.

Static File Caching for Oracle iPlanet Web Server

For Oracle iPlanet Web Server, use the following procedure to specify static file caching and content expiration.

To specify static file caching on Oracle iPlanet Web Server

  1. From a browser, connect to the Web server administration page (for example, http://web_server_name/8080).
  2. Select the server, and click Manage.
  3. Click the link for Class Manager, in the upper right area.
  4. Among the horizontal tabs at the top, click Content Mgmt.
  5. Click the link for Cache Control Directives, in the left tab area.
  6. Under Cache Control Response Directives, select Maximum Age (sec), and input 604800 (seconds) for a valid cache of 7 days.
  7. Click Apply to apply the change.
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