Siebel Performance Tuning Guide > Tuning Siebel Remote > Tuning Siebel Remote Server Components >

Tuning the Transaction Router Component

This topic is part of Tuning Siebel Remote Server Components. It describes how to resolve or avoid performance issues for the Transaction Router component (alias TxnRoute).

For more information about component groups that you must enable to use Siebel Remote, see About Siebel Remote.

Performance issues for Transaction Router can arise from the following sources:

  • Visibility-related transactions
  • Docking rules and data distribution
  • Slow-running queries
  • Increasing Transaction Router throughput
  • Setting the Id Db Size parameter

For more information about Transaction Router performance issues, consult the following documents:

  • 476759.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support. This document, previously published as Siebel Troubleshooting Steps 8, describes how to diagnose and resolve Transaction Router performance issues.
  • 477816.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support.This document, previously published as Siebel Troubleshooting Steps 38, describes how to monitor and manage the transaction backlog for a Siebel Remote implementation.

Visibility-Related Transactions

If you diagnose the root cause of the Transaction Router performance issue to be visibility-related transactions, then consider the following two possible solutions:

  • Reextract all mobile users and regional nodes. For more information, see Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide.
  • Allow the Transaction Router component tasks to continue processing until they clear the backlog.

    After the Transaction Router has processed all visibility-related transactions, the backlog will be processed more quickly. Starting additional Transaction Router tasks can also improve performance, but do not start more tasks than the Siebel Server or database engine can support.

Docking Rules and Data Distribution

If you diagnose the root cause of the Transaction Router performance issue to be docking rule related transactions, then it is advisable to request assistance from Global Customer Support. Create a service request (SR) on My Oracle Support. Alternatively, you can phone Global Customer Support directly to create a service request or get a status update on your current SR. Support phone numbers are listed on My Oracle Support.

When you log the SR, provide the following pieces of information:

  • RDBMS trace of the Transaction Router task
  • Transaction Router log files
  • .dx files the Transaction Router is processing from the SIEBEL_ROOT\siebsrvr\Docking\txnproc directory
  • The results from executing the visrule script

    For more information about the visrule script, see 476759.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support. This document was previously published as Siebel Troubleshooting Steps 8.

Slow-Running Queries

If you diagnose the root cause of the Transaction Router performance issue to be slow-running queries, then consult your database administrator to determine the following:

  • All indexes are present and valid on the tables involved in the poor performing queries. To determine whether all indexes are valid and present, see Siebel Data Model Reference on My Oracle Support (Article ID 1572379.1).
  • Check whether the tables and indexes involved in the poor-performing queries require defragmentation.

Increasing Transaction Router Throughput

The following factors can impact throughput for the Transaction Router component:

  • Large batch sizes for Siebel Enterprise Manager (Siebel EIM)

    It is recommended that, where possible, you reduce the size of the batch that Siebel EIM processes when it imports data. In addition, it is recommended that you log transactions to the Siebel File System rather than the Master Transaction Log (S_DOCK_TXN_LOG). For more information, see Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager Administration Guide.

  • Large batch size for Siebel Assignment Manager

    Where possible, reduce the batch file size for Siebel Assignment Manager, because large batch files can impact the performance of the Transaction Router component. For information, see Siebel Assignment Manager Administration Guide.

In both instances, you need to decide whether an increase in throughput for the Transaction Router component is more important than a decrease in throughput for the Siebel EIM and Siebel Assignment Manager components before you make changes.

Setting the Id Db Size Parameter

Increasing the size of the visdata.dbf file has been shown to help performance in certain situations. This file is a cached file used by the Transaction Router and Transaction Processor components. The size of the visdata.dbf file is determined by the value of the parameter Id Db Size, which is available for both of these components.

The value for this parameter must be the same in both components. If the value of Id Db Size is increased in one component, such as to 204800 (200 MB), then it must be changed in the other component.

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