Siebel System Administration Guide > Structure of the eapps.cfg File > Parameter Descriptions of the eapps.cfg File >

[defaults] Section

The parameters that follow apply to all of the Siebel Business Applications whose connection strings are referenced in this file. Any of the settings that can be specified under [defaults] can also be specified for individual applications (such as /esales_deu) in the [xxx] section). If such a parameter is set for a particular Siebel Business Application, then it overrides the value listed in [defaults].


This parameter specifies whether the SWSE will compress HTTP traffic. Compressing HTTP traffic, where it is feasible to do so, substantially reduces bandwidth consumption. This feature is supported on HTTP 1.1, and is not supported on HTTP 1.0.

  • When this parameter is set to False, HTTP traffic will not be compressed. Use this setting in order to never compress HTTP traffic. For example, use this setting if your proxy servers only support HTTP 1.0, or if the overhead of using compression and decompression is of more concern to you than bandwidth constraints.
  • When this parameter is set to True, HTTP traffic will be compressed if no proxy server is detected. However, if any proxy server is detected, then it will be assumed not to support HTTP 1.1, and HTTP traffic will not be compressed. Use this setting if you want to compress HTTP traffic where feasible, but cannot be certain that proxy servers that do not support HTTP 1.1 might be used.
  • When this parameter is set to CompressProxyTraffic, HTTP traffic will always be compressed. Use this setting for Siebel Business Applications only if you are certain that any proxy server that resides in front of your Siebel application users supports HTTP 1.1.

You can set DoCompression for individual Siebel Business Applications, or set it for multiple applications by defining it in the [defaults] section. For example, you might set this parameter to CompressProxyTraffic for employee applications accessed on an intranet, if you know that any proxy servers that are deployed support HTTP 1.1. Otherwise, set this parameter to either False or True (such as in the [defaults] section).

NOTE:  Because it is impossible to know what type of proxy server that an external user (that is, a partner or customer) might be using, use the setting CompressProxyTraffic for employee applications only, not for customer or partner applications.


This parameter specifies the URL (relative to the application's virtual directory) of the page that administrators can access to view statistics on how the Web server is being used. Statistics include the number of active users, the number of requests, and the average speed of request processing.

For more information about the SWSE statistics page, see Siebel System Monitoring and Diagnostics Guide.


This parameter specifies the HTTP port used for Web browser communications. The default setting is the standard port of the Web server in use (80).


This parameter specifies the HTTPS port used for secure Web browser connections. The default setting is the standard secure-browsing port of the Web server in use (443).


This parameter enables the processing of requests to Web sites even where the user does not provide the fully qualified domain name, such as For example:

EnableFQDN = True

The corollary parameter is FQDN, which must also be set appropriately for the request to be processed correctly. See also the description of the FQDN parameter.


This parameter specifies the fully qualified domain name. An example of a fully qualified domain name is If the Web server receives a request for a URL that does not contain a full domain name, then the FQDN setting causes the browser to reissue the request and to add the domain name specified using this parameter. In the following example, the eapps.cfg file is edited so that a Web site is accessed as http://ebiz/callcenter. If EnableFQDN is True, then the FQDN setting converts the request to

EnableFQDN = True

One possible application for this parameter is in a Single Sign-On environment, in which cookies with FQDN must be passed to different servers in the same domain. For more information about Single Sign-On, see Siebel Security Guide. See also the description of the EnableFQDN parameter.

NOTE:  If you are using software to block pop-up windows, then you must enable FQDN. For more information about configuring for pop-up blockers, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications for Pop-Up Blocker Compatibility.


This parameter indicates whether the Siebel Web Engine will respond to user requests. The default is True, or enabled. If Enabled is False, then the applicable Siebel application stops responding to user requests.

This parameter is optional. If you want to use it, then you must add it manually in either the [defaults] section of the file or at the application [/xxx] level, depending on whether you want to disable all applications or a particular application. For example, if Enabled is False in the
[/marketing_fra] section, then Siebel Marketing for French stops responding to user requests. In the example below, the parameter has been set to disable the application:

Enabled = False

In the next example, the parameter has been set to disable all applications:

Enabled = False


This parameter sets the preferred method of maintaining session information. The Siebel Web Engine maintains user session information through cookies or information contained in Web page URLs. SessionTracking has three values:

  • Automatic (Default). Detects whether the client is capable of supporting cookies. If so, then session information is maintained through cookies. If not, then it is maintained through URLs, except for applications deployed using Siebel Open UI.
  • URL. Forces session information to be passed through the URL. This setting is known as cookieless session mode. Siebel Open UI requires the use of cookies and does not support cookieless mode.
  • Cookie. Forces session information to be passed through cookies. Web browsers with cookies disabled cannot maintain a Siebel user session. When using this setting, you must also set URLSession to False and CookieSession to True. For more information about these parameters and about using cookies for Siebel Business Applications, see Siebel Security Guide.
Security-related eapps.cfg File Parameters

For information about security-specific eapps.cfg file parameters, such as AnonUserName, AnonPassword, GuestSessionTimeout, SessionTimeout, and EncryptedPassword, see Siebel Security Guide. See also the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using, Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration, and other relevant guides.

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