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Displaying, Docking, and Stacking Windows

This topic describes how to display, dock, and stack windows.

Displaying a Window

You can display or hide a window.

To display a window

  • In Siebel Tools, click the View menu, click Windows, and then click the window that you must display.

    You can also click the Go menu, and then click Bookmarks List to display the Bookmarks window.

  • To hide a window, do one of the following:
    • Click the Close button that Siebel Tools shows in the upper right corner of the window.
    • Right-click the window that you must hide, and then click Hide.

Docking a Window

You can dock a window in a corner of the main window.

To dock a window

  • Drag the window to the area of the main window where you must dock the window.
  • To undock a window, you can right-click the window, and then click Docked.
  • To prevent Siebel Tools from docking a window when you move it, you can hold down the CTRL key while you move the window.

Displaying a Window as a Tab

You can display a docked window, including the Object Explorer, as a tab. You can open, close, or dock a tabbed window.

To display a window as a tab

  • Right-click the window, and then click Hide.

    Siebel Tools collapses the window and displays a tab for it along the far left margin in Siebel Tools.

  • To display a tabbed window:
    • Temporarily. Mouse over the tab that represents the window. Siebel Tools displays the window.
    • Permanently. Mouse over the tab that represents the window, and then click the push pin that Siebel Tools shows in the window title bar.

Stacking Windows

You can stack windows on top of each other if they are floating.

To stack windows

  • Drag, and then drop a floating window onto another floating window.

    Siebel Tools creates a single window that includes both windows, and it adds a tab that represents each window. You can click the tabs to navigate between these stacked windows.

Resetting Windows

You can reset windows to the display that Siebel Tools uses immediately after you first install it.

To reset windows

  • In Siebel Tools, click the View menu, and then click Reset Windows.

    Siebel Tools closes all windows except the Object Editor and the Object List Editor. It pins the Object Editor on the left, and the Object List Editor on the right, and resizes them to their original size.

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