Siebel Web UI Dynamic Developer Kit Guide > Deploying Java Artifacts >

Example of Deploying Java Artifacts (IBM WebSphere)

This topic gives one example of deploying the Web UI DDK. You may use this feature differently, depending on your business model.

This example assumes that Siebel Web Client and the Siebel Server are installed and running (with the Custom Application Object Manager server component enabled and online) and that the Java EE development environment is IBM WebSphere Studio Application Developer. It also assumes that the Web UI DDK was generated for a view, as described in Example of Generating Java Artifacts.

To deploy Java artifacts in WebSphere

  1. Start WebSphere Studio Application Developer (WSAD).
  2. After WSAD has initialized, create a new project by selecting File, New, and then the Project menu item.

    The New Project dialog box appears.

  3. Select Web in the left text box.

    Two project types display in the right text box.

  4. Select Dynamic Web Project and then click Next.
  5. Enter a project name, such as MyWSADProject, and then click Finish.

    A message box appears, asking whether you wish to switch to the Web Perspective.

  6. Click Yes.

    The new project appears in the left window.

    NOTE:  In the left button bar, the Globe button is selected. This means that you are in the Web perspective. Keep this button selected throughout this procedure. If you accidentally change your screen perspective, click the Globe button to restore it.

  7. From the DDK output directory you created in Example of Generating Java Artifacts (c:\MyDDKFiles), copy the files from the Web UI DDK output folder and paste them into the WSAD directories as shown in Table 2.

    You can paste files into the WSAD project tree by right-clicking the folder you want and then selecting paste from the pop-up menu.

    Table 2. Folders to Paste from Web UI DDK to WSAD
    Copy These Folders from the Web UI DDK Output Folder
    Paste Files into this Folder of the WSAD Project Tree




    root directory


    Java Resources



    NOTE:  In the four com.siebel Java packages under the Java Source folder, red 'x' boxes appear against some of the items. This means that errors have been detected. At this stage, the errors are not an issue.

  8. Generate the Java client proxies from the WSDL file by, right-clicking on the build.xml file in the wsdl folder of the Web UI DDK, and then selecting Run Ant.

    The build dialog displays.

  9. Click the Run button.

    You will see various messages appear as the Ant process reads the WSDL file and generates the necessary Java client proxies.

  10. Select the root of the project tree in WSAD, right-click, and select refresh from the popup menu.

    This will refresh the tree from disk with files created in the previous step.

    Under the Java Resources folder you can several new packages appear (outputs of the Ant process) appear and the red 'x' boxes have disappeared.

  11. Compile the whole project by right-clicking on the root folder of the project and then selecting the Rebuild Project menu item.

    Run the application by right-clicking the Login.jsp file in the WebContent/All_Accounts_List_View folder in WSAD.

    WSAD installs the new project in the WebSphere application server. After the WebSphere application server has initialized the screen switches to a Web browser and displays the login page.

    NOTE:  At this stage, the browser is communicating with WebSphere only. No communication between WebSphere and the Siebel application has taken place.

  12. Make sure the Siebel Server is running and the Custom Application Object Manager server component enabled and online.
  13. Enter a valid username and password, such as SADMIN / SADMIN, and then click Sign In.

    The All Account List View appears. You can navigate through the view, create, update, and delete records. Login to the Siebel Web Client to verify that changes to the data are real time.

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