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Clib Set Cursor Position Method

The Clib Set Cursor Position method sets the position of the file cursor of an open file. It returns one of the following values:

  • If successful, then it returns the following value:


  • If not successful, then it returns a nonzero value.

Clib.fseek(filePointer, offset[, mode])

Table 145 describes the arguments for the Clib Set Cursor Position method.

Table 145. Arguments for the Clib Set Cursor Position Method


A file pointer that the Clib Open File method returns.


The number of bytes that the Clib Set Cursor Position method moves the file cursor, starting with the value that you specify in the mode argument.

The cursor position in a text file might not correspond exactly with the byte offset in the file. A text file is a file that is not opened in binary mode.


You can specify one of the following values:

  • SEEK_CUR. Relative to the current position of the file cursor.
  • SEEK_END. Relative to the end of the file.
  • SEEK_SET. Relative to the beginning of the file. If you do not specify the mode argument, then this method uses SEEK_SET.
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