Siebel eService Administration Guide for Siebel Open UI > Setting Up Siebel eService > Process of Adding the Application Object Manager Components for Siebel eService >

Editing the new_comp_sia.dat File

You edit the new_comp_sia.dat file to define the Self Service Object Manager (LANG) component, where LANG is an installed language. You can edit this file and then run the new_compdef_sia script on additional Siebel Servers, as necessary.

NOTE:  For any additional languages that you support for this application, repeat the following task (but change the content that you specify in Step 7) and repeat the task in Running the new_compdef_sia Script.

This task is a step in Process of Adding the Application Object Manager Components for Siebel eService.

To edit the new_comp_sia.dat file

  1. Stop the Siebel Server.
  2. For the Siebel Gateway Name Server, complete the following steps:
    1. Stop the Siebel Gateway Name Server.
    2. Back up the siebns.dat file on the Siebel Gateway Name Server.
    3. Restart the Siebel Gateway Name Server.
  3. On the Siebel Server computer, navigate to SIEBSRVR_HOME/bin/lang.

    In this directory, SIEBSRVR_HOME is the Siebel Server installation location, and lang is the three-letter code for the language for which you edit the new_comp_sia.dat file. (Use the backslash for Microsoft Windows; use the forward slash for UNIX or Linux.)

  4. Back up the existing file new_comp_sia.dat.
  5. Using an appropriate text editor, such as Notepad on Microsoft Windows, open the new_comp_sia.dat file.

    NOTE:  When you edit new_comp_sia.dat, do not enter any special characters, such as tabs.

  6. If the file does not contain a section for the Siebel Call Center component group, then add the following information in the component group section of the file:
    1. As needed, append an entry for the CallCenter component group, defined as follows:

    [Component Group]
    CallCenter = Siebel Call Center

    1. As needed, create a section for the CallCenter component group, defined as follows:

    FullName = Siebel Call Center
    Description = Siebel Call Center Components
    CreateDisabled = TRUE

  7. Add the following information in the component section of the file:
    1. Add a new entry for the Self Service Object Manager component in the existing components section, defined as follows:

    SServiceObjMgr_enu = Self Service Object Manager (ENU)

    In this example, you add the required definitions for U.S. English (ENU) in the new_comp_sia.dat file located in SIEBSRVR_HOME/bin/ENU. Substitute other language codes as needed for your specific task. For example, you can add the required definitions for French (FRA).

    1. Add a new section for the Self Service Object Manager component, defined as follows:

    FullName = Self Service Object Manager (ENU)
    Alias = ISSObjMgr
    Description = Siebel Self Service Object Manager
    CompGrp = CallCenter
    CompType = AppObjMgr
    FixedParam: DataSource = ServerDataSrc
    FixedParam: Lang = ENU
    Param: CfgRepositoryFile = siebel_sia.srf
    Param: LocaleCode = ENU
    Param: MaxTasks = 20
    FixedParam: ConfigFile = sservice.cfg
    FixedParam: NamedDataSource = ServerDataSrc,GatewayDataSrc,DataMart
    Param: CFGApplicationName = Siebel Service Portal
    Param: CFGApplicationTitle = Siebel Service Portal
    Param: CFGApplicationSplashText = Siebel Service Portal
    Param: SearchDefName = SelfService Definition
    Param: ProxyEmployee = PROXYE
    Param: LoginDomain = EXTERNAL
    Param: AllowAnonUsers = TRUE
    Param: EnableCDA = FALSE
    Param: EnableEmailClientAutomation = FALSE
    Param: ListRowStyle = Siebel List
    Param: LoginView = Login View (SelfService)
    Param: SystemSWFName = dCCHtmlType.swf
    Param: UserAgentFile = ua.ini
    Param: AllowAnonUsers = TRUE
    Param: AppletSelectStyle = Applet Select
    Param: HighInteractivity = TRUE
    Param: EnableOpenUI = TRUE

    NOTE:  The information that you specify includes several required parameter settings for the component. Some of the parameters enable Siebel Open UI, which this application requires. You can use Siebel Server Manager to configure several of the parameter settings later, for example, to tune application performance.

  8. Save the new_comp_sia.dat file.

    Next, run the new_compdef_sia script. For more information, see Running the new_compdef_sia Script.

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