110 Automatic Payment Setup Processing Options

This chapter contains these topics:

110.1 Bank Account Information (P04130)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a '1' to display Electronic Information.  
2. Enter a '1' to display Bank System Information.  

110.2 A/P Payments (P04572)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the program name to translate payment amounts from numbers to words. (See User Defined Codes system code '98', record type 'CT' for program names.)

If left blank, the translation program associated with the payment currency code will be used.

2. Enter an override address format to use for the payee and/or company addresses.

If left blank, the country format will be used.

3. Enter a '1' if you would like to print the company name and address on the payment.

If left blank, no company information will print.

4. Enter a '1' if you would like the payee name and number printed on the stub.

If left blank, no payee information will print on the stub.

5. Enter '1' to print the Purchase Order Number in the Invoice field. If left blank, the first 10 characters of the Supplier Invoice Number will print.  
6. Enter the Forms Type for the Payments Spool File.

If left blank, the default is 'APCHECKS'.

7. Enter one of the following formats:

blank = amount fields same (default)

'1' = net amount field enlarged

8. Choose one of the following to appear on the stub:

' ' - Remark

'1' - Supplier Name (Useful if paying alternate payee for several vendors).

'2' - Supplier Invoice Number

'3' - Supplier Mailing Name

9. Enter one of the following values to select the sequence order of the detail to appear on the stub.

blank = Voucher Information

'1' = Vendor Invoice

10. Enter '1' to float the '$' sign to amount.

If left blank, amount will be asterisk filled.

11. Enter a '1' to limit the asterisks printed to two on the word line after the words or amount print. If left blank, all blanks after the words or amount will be asterisk filled.  
12. Enter a '1' to suppress printing a comma in the Amount portion of the check. If left blank, the comma will print.  

110.3 A/P Payments - PPD Bank Tape (P04572T1)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the File ID modifier (1 pos.). This is used to distinguish between multiple files created on the same date.

Default value is '1'.

2. Enter the tape payment detail (10 pos.) description. For example, you may want to enter EXP REIMB for expense reimbursements. This description may be used by the bank and printed on the supplier's bank account statement.  
3. Enter the Immediate Origin (10 pos.). (Header Record 1, positions 14-23) In most cases you should enter only 9 characters/digits and we will right justify your information and place a blank in the first position of the field (unless otherwise directed by ODFI to enter 10 characters/digits).

If this option is blank, the Tax ID for the bank account's company will be used.

Note: If this field is blank and no Tax Id is available, the tape will be rejected by the Clearing House.

4. Enter the Company ID Number.(10 pos). (Rec 5, 41-50 and Rec 8, 45-54). The ID Number MAY be preceded by one of the following ID Code Designators (ICDs) or a value of your own.

'1' = IRS Employer Id No. (EIN)

'3' = Data Universal No. System (DUNS)

'9' = User Assigned Number

If this option is blank, the Tax ID for the bank account's company will be used.

Note: If this field is blank and no Tax Id is available OR less than 10 chars, the tape will be rejected by the Clearing House.

5. Enter a value (20 character alpha) to be placed in the Discretionary Data field on the Company/Batch Header Record (Rec 5, position 21-40).

Enter an asterisk '*' to have the Bank Acct (CBNK) loaded to this field.

6. Enter a '1' to retrieve the Vendor's Bank Account Reference Roll Number to be placed in the Individual ID Number (Rec 6, pos 40-54).

If left blank, the Payment Number will be used.

7. Enter a '1' to print a balancing debit entry (Record 6) to the current bank account.

If left blank, no balancing record will be written.

Note: If a record is written, the routing and account numbers for the bank account will be used (specified in file F0030).

8. Enter a '1' to mask all but the last four characters of the Customer Bank Account that appears on the remittance advice. If left blank, no masking will occur.  
9. Enter a '1' to use the Mailing Name for the customer. If left blank, the Alpha Name will be used.  
10. Enter the payment print program to use if the pre-note status is set to 'P', requiring a payment print.  
10a. Enter the version of the print program to call.  
11. Enter the following default values:

Device Name

Tape Density

Label Name


New Volume Name

New Owner ID

File Name

12. Enter the Print Output Queue.  
13. Enter '1' to SAVE Spool File.  
14. Enter '1' to HOLD Spool File.  
15. Enter the Forms Type for Spool File.