43 Print Netting Reports

This chapter contains these topics:

43.1 Printing Netting Reports

When you do business with another organization as both a customer and a supplier, you can print netting reports that show whether your company owes or is owed money.

These reports do not make adjustments to the account ledgers. The reports only list unusual conditions, such as:

  • The A/R balance is a credit.

  • The A/P balance is a debit.

  • The customer or supplier has both A/R and A/P balances.

You can use this information to net the receivable and payable balances for eligible organizations.

43.2 Creating the A/R and A/P Netting Report Workfile Table


From Accounts Payable (G04), choose Accounts Payable Reports

From Accounts Payable Reports (G0414), choose Build Netting Report File

Before you can print the Netting - Aging Report, you must create the work file it uses. When you do this, the system rebuilds the A/R and A/P Netting Workfile table (F03465) based on current information in the A/R Ledger and A/P Ledger tables.

43.2.1 Before You Begin

  • Verify that the A/R and A/P Netting Workfile table (F03465) exists in your library. Unlike other programs, the program that builds the netting report work file does not create the table if it does not exist.

43.2.3 Data Selection

By default, the system includes only open invoices and vouchers in the A/R and A/P Netting Workfile table. You can use data selection to limit the size of the table. For example, you can select records based on a company and a fiscal period.

You can change the data selection as follows:

  • For both A/R and A/P, by changing the data selection for Build Netting Report Workfile (P03465)

  • For A/R, by changing the data selection for A/R Netting File Refresh (P034651)

  • For A/P, by changing the data selection for A/P Netting File Refresh (P034652)

43.3 Printing the Netting - Aging Report


From Accounts Payable (G04), choose Accounts Payable Reports

From Accounts Payable Reports (G0414), choose Netting - Aging Report

You print the Netting - Aging report when you want the system to age balances. This report lists transactions by customer and supplier aged by currency type.

By selecting different versions of this report, you can review detailed or summary information. You can also review multi-currency or domestic currency only versions of the report.

This report lists information from the A/R and A/P Netting Workfile table (F03465).

When you print this report, the system:

  • Totals the open A/R and open A/P details for each account.

  • Ages the balances for each account as determined by the processing options.

43.3.2 Data Selection

You can use data selection to limit the detail on the report. For example, you can include any fields in the Address Book (F0101), as well as many of the fields shared by the A/R Ledger and A/P Ledger tables.

43.3.3 Data Sequence

This report is sequenced by company and address number. You can add to this sequence, but you should not change it.