19 Post Depreciation to the G/L

This chapter contains these topics:

After you run either the standard or user defined depreciation in final mode, you can review and post any batches that did not post during the depreciation calculation process.

19.1 Reviewing the Depreciation Journal

After you run the depreciation programs in final mode, you can approve depreciation batches that did not post during the depreciation process.

If you run the depreciation in preliminary mode first and correct any errors, you need to review and approve the final depreciation journal entries only under the following circumstances:

  • Management Approval of Input is set to Yes (Y) in General Accounting Constants.

  • You did not indicate a post version in the processing options for Compute Depreciation.

To review the depreciation journal

On Depreciation Journal Review

  1. To locate a batch, complete any of the following fields:

    • User ID

    • Batch Status

    • Batch Number

  2. To approve the batch to post, complete the following field:

    • Approved

19.2 Running the Depreciation Post to G/L

You must manually post any depreciation journal entries to the general ledger that you approve on Depreciation Journal Review. Use the Depreciation Post to G/L to submit these batches for posting.

19.2.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Posting a specific batch If you specify a batch number, date, or user ID and do not clear the batch selection field after you run the post, the next time the system automatically submits a depreciation batch for posting, the batch will not post unless the data matches the information in the batch selection field.
Posting edit code The P12800 recognizes the posting edit code (FPEC) when it has value of '2'. It moves blanks to subledger and subledger type to Item Balances (F1202) as glossary for that field.

19.3 Voiding a Depreciation Batch

19.3.1 Before You Begin

  • Make sure the Depreciation Batch was run in detail. If it has not been run in detail the batch cannot be voided since there are not any detail F0911 records.

  • Post the voided batch to both Fixed Assets and General Accounting if depreciation was run in final.

  • Locate the document number on the Item Transaction Inquiry screen, accessed from the Cost Summary screen, or run the R12855 report.

To void the depreciation batch

On Enter Journal Entries

  1. To find the document to void, inquire on the document type "X" and document number.


    Verify that the entries display with a P (Posted) Code.
  2. Choose Void. The system creates new journal entries to void the depreciation.

19.4 Posting Voided Depreciation Entries

After you void a depreciation batch on Enter Journal Entries, you must post the void to the Account Ledger (F0911) using the Posting Journal program (R09871) by choosing Depreciation Post to G/L on the Depreciation menu (G1221).


Ensure that you use the correct version of R09871 on G1221 as the batch will not post using the General Ledger post on G0911. Ensure that you specify the batch number in the post process.

To post the Void to Fixed Assets, do one of the following:

  • Assets Program - Run the Post GL Entries to Assets Program-G1222/R12800). If using this option, make sure the post version has the desired batch number in the data selection. Submitting a blind execution could cause issues as it does a wide-open post. Make sure and post only the desired batch.

  • Revise Unposted Entries Program - Use the Revise Un-posted Entries program-G1212/R12102. If using this option, inquire on the batch number and batch type. This will display all the entries that have not been posted to the Fixed Assets System for the batch. Use the normal processing procedures for this program to post the entries.

You can verify the void entries on the Depreciation Journal Review screen. Inquire on the batch and verify that the original entries (Posted Code equal to P) and the void entries (Post Code equal to blank) display.

The Batch status will have changed from Posted to Approved (or Pending).

Once the Reversing Entries are posted to fixed assets, the correct balances will display in the Cost Summary. Use the Cost Summary screen to verify that the depreciation amounts have been reversed for the month in question.


You must consider batch approval when running this process.

19.4.1 Processing Options

See Section 69.2, "General Ledger Post (P09870)"