
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  Y  Z 


AA ledger
cost derivation, 55.2.1
depreciation expense allocation, 50.1.6
form, 50.4
ranges, 50.1.1
revaluation, 50.3
setting-up, 50.1
user defined depreciation, 50.2
AAIs for revaluation, 50.3
AAIs for user defined depreciation, 50.2
About asset identification, 2.2
About calculating standard depreciation, 18
About calculating user defined depreciation, 23
About fixed asset journal entries, 25.2
About processing G/L to fixed assets, 9.2
About revaluation, 30
About standard depreciation, 15.2
About system setup, 47.2
About user defined depreciation, 21.2
About year-end processes, 37.2
Accelerated Cost Recovery system
mid-year, 16.7.2
Accelerated Cost Recovery System
inception-to-date, 16.8
remaining life, 16.8
Account balances
closing, 38.1
Account Reconciliation report
printing, 46.1.5
sample, 46.1.6
Accounts and ledgers
add new ACE ledger, 65.6
updating, 65
Accounts Payable system, 1.1
ACE luxury autos, 16.18
ACRS standard
current year-to-date, 16.7
personal property, 16.7.1
real property, 16.7.2
Adding additional information to a warranty, 36.1
Adding new ledgers to assets, 65.2
Adding warranties, 34.1
Additional asset information, 5, 5.1
choosing specification sheets, 5.1.2
displaying asset messages, 5.6.1
entering, 5
entering additional text, 5.1.2
entering description translations, 5.5
entering financing information, 5.4
entering insurance information, 5.3
entering message logs, 5.6
nameplate information, 5.2
printing asset messages, 5.6.1
specification sheets, 5.2
using tickler miles or hours, 5.6.2
viewing asset messages, 5.6.1
Additional information
alternate formats, 6.1.1
for warranties and incidents, 36.1
parent/component relationships, 6.1.1
query search mode, 6.1.1
Additional Information file (F1237), 36.2
Additional Information form, 36.1
Additional Information Inquiry form, 36.2
Additional Information Report for Warranties (P124037), 36.3
Address Book system, 1.1
Advanced operations, 1.5
All Item Numbers by Data Type report (P12440), 42.1.4
Allocations, 20
Alternate formats
asset information, 6.1.1
Annual close
assets with accounts in several companies, 38.1.2
carrying balances forward, 38.1.2
depreciation entries for the next fiscal year, 38.1.2
for a range of companies, 38.1.2
running the close, 38.1.3
Archive asset data, 66
Asset Account Balance Close, 38.1
Asset acquisition years
setting up, 52.1
Asset Acquisition Years form (P00105), 52.1
Asset company numbers
setting up, 53.1.1
Asset Cost Analysis report
printing, 41.4
Asset costs
reviewing, 13.1, 14.1
Asset data to purge or archive, 66
Asset depreciation information
expense allocation, 20
Asset disposal, 1.2.5, 1.3, 28.1
accessing accounts for disposal, 28.1.2
disposing of an asset early, 28.4
final disposal, mass, 28.3.1
journal entries, 28.1.2
mass asset disposal, 28.3
mass asset, simple, 28.3
on the Item Reconciliation report, 46.1.2
preliminary disposal, mass, 28.3.1
secondary accumulated depreciation account, 28.1.2
simple, 28.2
single asset disposal, 28.2
Single Asset Disposal form (P12105), 28.2
single with cash proceeds, 28.2
summary totals, 28.3.1
voiding entries, 28.1.2
with cash proceeds and trade-in, 28.2, 28.2
with cash proceeds, mass, 28.3
Asset identification, 2.2.3
category codes, 2.2.2
entering location information, 8.1
information, 2.2.1
master record,
message logs,
overview, 2.2
parent/component relationships, 2.2.4
supplemental data,
tracking locations, 8
Asset identification information, 2.2.1
Asset information, 6.1
entering additional, 5
printing reports, 41
searching for, 6.1
searching for assets by field, 6.2
searching for assets by query, 6.3
updating, 64
using an asterisk, 6.1.1
Asset location, 1.2.3
Asset locations, 8
entering location information, 8.1
entering location tracking text, 8.3.1
entering with inquiry, 8.1.1
entering without inquiry, 8.1.1
informational fields, 8.3.1
printing location records, 8.2.1
reviewing, 8.2
revising location billing information, 8.3.1
revising location information, 8.3
tracking, 8
Asset master
creating a record, 3.1
Asset Master Depreciation Expense Allocation File (F1230), 20.1, 20.2, 20.3
Asset master record
changing the responsible business unit for an asset, 59.1.1
Asset Master Revisions
program (P1201), C
Z file (F1201Z), C
Z file program (P1201Z), C
Asset messages
displaying, 5.6.1
printing, 5.6.1
Asset search
by field, 6.2
by query, 6.3
Asset Search & Location form (P1204), 6.2
Asset search and location, 1.2.3
Asset split, 1.2.5
Asset Split form (P12106), 26.1, 26.1
Asset split information
AS document type, 26.1.1
Asset Split form (P12106), 26.1
asset splits and prior year entries, 26.2
defining both the quantity and balance, 26.1.1
deleting asset splits, 26.1.1
depleting an original asset, 26.1.1
entering, 26.1
posting journal entries, 26.3
rounding of posted amounts, 26.1.1
splitting after the disposal date, 26.1.1
splitting into another existing asset number, 26.1.1
splitting secondary depreciation amounts, 26.1.1
splitting with multiple current locations, 26.1.1
updating the salvage value, 26.1.1
using to transfer asset costs, 26.1.1
Asset transfer, 1.2.5
Asset Warranties, 32
parent and component information, 7.1
reviewing current components, 7.3
Assets by Finance Method report
printing, 41.2
Assigning data types to assets, 60.3
Automated asset setup, 1.2.2
Automatic accounting instructions
AT AAIs, 50.1.7
DSxxx AAIs, 50.2.3
FA range, 50.1.3
FC range, 50.1.4
FD range, 50.1.5
FG AAIs, 50.1.6
FRxxx AAIs, 50.3.1
FX range, 50.1.2
SDA AAI, 50.2.1
SDE AAIs, 50.2.2
Automatic Accounting Instructions form (P00121), 50.4


Balance Character Code Update, 64.6
correcting depreciation entries, 12.3
correcting fixed assets, 12.2
correcting general ledger, 12.1
making corrections to, 12


Calculate Depreciation program (P12850), 20
Calculating depreciation expense allocations, 20.1
Calculating revaluation, 31
Calculating standard depreciation, 18, 18.1.4
carrying balances forward, 18.2.3
convention selection, 18.2.3
date selection, 18.2.3
G/L selections, 18.2.3
posting edit code, 18.2.3
subledgers, 18.2.3
Calculating user defined depreciation, 23, 23.2
Category Code Mapping form (P1391), 59.1
Category codes
asset identification, 2.2.2
equipment search, 7.1.1
mapping, 59.1
mapping with different character lengths, 59.1.1
mapping with different values, 59.1.1
overview, 2.2.2
responsible business unit, 59.1.1
Closing units of production, 39
Company numbers and accounts
updating, 65.3
Compute User Defined Depreciation program (P12855), 20
Consolidating assets to one location
explained, 8.1.1
changing, 48.1.1
Fixed Asset Constants form (P001012), 48.1
Fixed Asset Constants (P001012), 33.1
setting up, 48.1
setting up for warranties, 33.1
Correcting depreciation entries, 12.3
Correcting fixed asset balances, 12.2
Correcting general ledger balances, 12.1
Cost Summary form (P122101), 13.1
asset, 13.1, 14.1
equipment, 13
Creating an asset master record, 3
Current year-to-date, 16.4.1
units of production, 16.9


Daily operations, 1.5
Data by Item report
printing, 42.1.2
Data Entry form (P12091), 5.1.1
Data security, 60.4
Data Type Cross Reference form (P1392), 60.3.1
Data Type Definition form (P12090), 60.1
Data types
assigning to assets, 60.3
Date Pattern Revisions form (P0008), 52.1
Delete asset data, 66
calculating depreciation expense allocations, 20
calculating user defined depreciation, 23.2
correcting entries, 12.3
expense allocation inquiry program (P122030), 20.2
expense allocations, 20
final depreciation, 18.1.2, 23.1.2
forecast depreciation, 23.2
generating user defined depreciation journal report, 23.3
initial term apportionment code, 23.2.1
locating expense allocations, 20.2
non-depreciating equipment, 54.1.1
overview of standard, 15.2
overview of user defined, 21.2
posting depreciation to the G/L, 19, 19.2
posting edit code, 19.2.1
preliminary depreciation, 18.1.1, 18.1.1, 23.1.1
reviewing journal report, 18.2
reviewing the depreciation journal, 19.1
salvage value field, 23.2.1
user defined, 21.2
utilizing rules constant, 54.1.1
voiding a depreciation batch, 19.3
Depreciation & Accounting Values form (P1202), 3.1.1
Depreciation account rules, 53.1
setting up, 53.1
Depreciation Account Rules form (P12002), 53.1
Depreciation accounts
account association, 53.1.1
Depreciation Allocations Revisions form, 20.1
Depreciation and Amortization report
printing, 46.3
sample, 46.3.2
Depreciation books and methods
maintaining, 1.2.1
user defined depreciation,
Depreciation Expense Allocations
Detail Z file (F1230DZ), C
Header Z file (F1230HZ), C
inquiry program (P122030), 20.2
report (P124030), 20.3
revisions form, 20.2
revisions program (P1230), 20.1, C
z File program (P1230Z), C
Z File program (P1230Z), 20.1
Depreciation Expense report
printing, 46.2
sample, 46.2.1
Depreciation Formula Revisions form (P12853), 24.2, 24.3
Depreciation formulas
defining and revising, 24.3
setting up, 24.3
Depreciation information, 4
cost records, 4.1.1
depreciation and account values, 4.1.1
depreciation start date, 4.1.1
revising account information, 4.1.1
revising depreciation information, 4.1.1
revising general ledger information, 4.1.1
subledgers, 4.1.1
subsidiaries, 4.1.1
Depreciation Information
verifying, 4
Depreciation Information form (P1202), 4.1
Depreciation Journal report, 18.2
accumulated depreciation, 18.2
depreciation cost, 18.2
percentage/cross-over, 18.2
Depreciation methods
user defined depreciation methods, 22.1
Depreciation Projections report
assets included in report, 44.1.1
depreciated or disposed assets, 44.1.1
printing, 44
sample, 44.1.2
selecting a fiscal year, 44.1.1
Depreciation reports, 20.3, 43
printing, 20.3, 43
Depreciation rule
formulas, 24.2
header, 24.2
Life year rules, 24.2
rule conventions, 24.2
setting up, 24.2
Depreciation rule revisions
defining formulas for the rule, 24.2
referencing, 24.2
setting up life year rules, 24.2
specifying conventions, 24.2
Depreciation Rule Revisions form (P12851), 24.2, 24.2
Depreciation Schedule report, 43.1
Depreciation spread patterns
annual depreciation amount, 24.4
setting up, 24.4
Depreciation Spread Patterns form (P12854), 24.2, 24.2, 24.4
Depreciation standard, 15.2
Depreciation values
updating, 64.4
Description translations
entering, 5.5
Detailed transactions, 13.1.1
Disposal account rules, 56.1
business unit default, 56.2.1
cost and A/D account overrides, 56.2.1
disposing of other ledgers, 56.2.1
setting up, 56.1
Disposal Account Rules form (P12141), 56.1
Disposal date
in the asset master record, 28.1.2
Disposing of fixed assets, 28
DREAM Writer, 1.2.6
DSxxx AAIs, 50.2.3


Elements of user defined depreciation
accumulated depreciation, 22.1.1
cost, 22.1.1
dates, 22.1.1
life years, 22.1.1
net book value, 22.1.1
salvage value and depreciation basis, 22.1.1
time, 22.1.1
Entering additional asset information, 5
Entering description translations, 5.5
Entering financing information, 5.4
Entering insurance information, 5.3
Entering location information, 8.1
Entering mass amounts of depreciation expense allocation data, 20.1
Entering mass amounts of warranty data, 34.1
Entering specification information, 5.2
Entering supplemental information, 5.1
Entering units of production, 17.1
Entering warranties, 34.1
Equipment costs
review by cost account, 13.1, 13.1
reviewing, 13
Equipment Search form (P1204), 5.6.1
Equipment searching by category codes, 7.1.1
Expense Allocation, 20


FA range, 50.1.3
FC range, 50.1.4
FD range, 50.1.5
asset search and location, 1.2.3
automated asset setup, 1.2.2
disposals, 1.2.5
insurance and financing information, 1.2.4
multiple depreciation books and methods, 1.2.1
reports, 1.2.6
splits, 1.2.5
system setup, 47.2.1
transfers, 1.2.5
Features of fixed assets, 1.2
Final depreciation, 18.1.2, 23.1.2
Financing information
entering, 5.4
Financing Information form (P12013), 5.4
Fixed Asset Category Codes
program (P12010), C
Z file (F12010Z), C
Z File program (P12010Z), C
Fixed Asset Constants form (P001012), 48.1
Fixed asset documents
setting up, 51.1
Fixed asset features, 1.2
Fixed Asset Financing
program (P12013), C
Z file (F12013Z), C
z file program (P12013Z), C
Fixed Asset Insurance
program (P12012), C
z file (F12012Z), C
Z FIle program (P12012Z), C
Fixed Asset ledger types, 55.2.1
Fixed Asset Retirements report
sample, 46.1.10
Fixed Asset Z file processing programs, C
Fixed Assets Supplemental Data-by Item report (P12400), 42.1.2
Additional Information, 36.1
Additional Information Inquiry, 36.2
Asset Acquisition Years, 52.1
Asset Master Information, 3.1.1
Asset Search & Location, 6.2
Asset Split, 26.1, 26.1, 26.1
Automatic Accounting Instructions, 50.4
Category Code Mapping, 59.1
Cost Summary, 13.1
Cost Summary by Cost Account, 13.1
Data Entry, 5.1.1
Data Type Cross Reference, 60.3.1
Data Type Definition, 60.1
Date Pattern Revisions, 52.1
Depreciation & Accounting Values, 3.1.1
Depreciation Account Rules, 53.1
Depreciation Allocations Inquiry, 20.2
Depreciation Allocations Revisions, 20.1
Depreciation Formula Revisions, 24.2, 24.3
Depreciation Information, 4.1
Depreciation Rule Revisions, 24.2, 24.2
Depreciation Spread Patterns, 24.2, 24.2, 24.4
Disposal Account Rules, 56.1
Equipment Search, 5.6.1, 6.3
Financing Information, 5.4
Fixed Asset Constants, 48.1
Incident Management Revisions, 35.1
Insurance Information, 5.3
Item Components, 7.3
Item Description Translation, 3.1.1, 5.5
Item Master-Category Codes, 3.1.1
Item Transaction Inquiry, 13.1
Ledger Depreciation Rules, 54.1
Ledger Type Rules, 55.1
Location Inquiry, 8.2
Location Revisions, 8.3
Location Transfer, 8.1.1, 8.1.1
Log Entry, 5.6
Multiple AAI Revisions, 50.4
Next Numbers, 51.1
Revaluation Index, 57.1
Revise Unposted Entries, 10.1
Single AAI Revisions, 50.4
Single Asset Disposal, 28.2
Specification Cross Reference, 60.2.1
Specification Data Entry, 5.2.1
Split Journal Entry, 10.2
Supplemental Data Security, 60.4
Text Entry-Fixed Assets, 5.1.1
Transfer Processing, 8.1.1
Units of Production Schedule, 17.1.1, 58.1
User Defined Code Revisions, 33.2, 49.1.1
View/Send Message, 5.6.2
Warranty Revisions, 34.1, 34.2
depreciation rule, 24.2
Formula elements, A.1
FRxxx AAIs, 50.3.1
FX range, 50.1.2


General Accounting system, 1.1
Generating the user defined depreciation report, 23.3
Generic text
attaching to journal entries before posting, 10.1.1
attaching to journal entry documents, 13.1.1
on Item Transaction Inquiry, 13.1
G/L journal entries
accessing transactions using the Revise Unposted Entries program, 11.2.1
correcting an F/A entry, 11.2.1
correcting balances, 12.1
DP and AT document types, 11.2.1
F/A transactions not posting, 11.2.1
inability to locate a posted transaction, 11.2.1
placing an F/A transaction hold, 11.2.1
posting a batch of journal entries, 11.1
posting individual F/A transactions, 11.2.1
posting on F/A transactions, 11.2.1
posting to F/A and G/L at the same time, 11.2.1
posting to fixed assets, 11
posting to G/L and run depreciation or transfer, 11.2.1
posting to multiple assets, 11.2.1
printing a journal entries report, 10.3
processing fixed assets, 9.2
report messages, 10.3.1
Revise Unposted Entries form (P12012), 10.1
revising unposted, 10.1
Split Journal entry form (P121021), 10.2
splitting a portion, 10.2.1
splitting unposted journal entries, 10.2
verifying post process, 11.2
version prompt, 11.2.1
viewing results of interactive post, 10.1.1
working with, 9.2
Global updates
about, 63.2
company numbers and accounts, 65.3
depreciation values, 64.4
item number in the account ledger, 65.5
location code, 64.5
message log, 64.1
state and tax entity information, 64.3
updating accounts and ledgers, 65
updating the Balance Character Code, 64.6
updating the Search Word table, 64.2


Half-year convention
explained, 16.1.2
depreciation rule, 24.2


identification numbers, 2.2.3
Identification numbers
item number, 2.2.3
overview, 2.2.3
serial numbers, 2.2.3
unit number, 2.2.3
Identify New Journal Entries program
running, 65.1
Import mass amounts of depreciation expense allocation data, 20.1
Import mass amounts of warranty data, 34.1
Importing Mass Data, C
Inception to date revaluation
Item Balance records requirement, 31.1.1
ACRS optional, 16.8
fixed percent on declining balance to cross-over, 16.16
Incident Management Details program(P1220361), 35.2
Incident Management file (F1236), 35.2, 35.3
Incident Management Inquiry form
Incident Management Inquiry, 35.2
Incident Management Inquiry program (P122036), 35.2, 36.2
Incident Management Revisions form, 35.1
Incident Management Revisions program (P1236), 35.1
Incident Management Revisions table (F1236)
Incident Management Revisions (F1236), 34.4
Informational fields, 8.3.1
Insurance and financing information, 1.2.4
Insurance Information form (P12012), 5.3
Integrity reports, 45.1
printing F/A to G/L integrity, 45.2
printing G/L to F/A integrity, 45.5
printing the Fixed Asset Transaction report, 45.4
printing Unposted F/A Transactions, 45.3
running, 45.1
Item Components form (P12011)
displaying component information, 7.3
sample, 7.3
Item Components program (P12011), 7.3
Item Description Translation form (P12015), 5.5
Item Master-Category Codes form (P12010), 3.1.1
Item number in the account ledger
updating, 65.5
Item Reconciliation report
printing, 46.1.1
sample, 46.1.3


Journal entries, 25.2
accessing accounts for disposal, 28.1.2
asset split information, 26.1
disposing, 28.1.2
posting for asset splits, 26.3
posting to fixed assets, 11.1
splitting fixed assets, 26


deriving cost from, 55.2.1
Ledger depreciation rules, 54.1
setting up, 54.1
Ledger Depreciation Rules form (P12003), 54.1
Ledger repost, 65.4
Ledger type rules, 55.1
fixed asset transaction creation code, 55.2
multi-currency with fixed assets, 55.3
setting up, 55.1
Ledger Type Rules form (P002512), 55.1
Ledger types
unique to Fixed Assets, 55.2.1
Life year rules
depreciation rule, 24.2
Locating parent and component information, 7.1
Locating warranties, 34.2
Location dates
explained, 8.1.1
Location information
reviewing, 8.2
revising, 8.3
Location information and associated text, 51.1
Location Inquiry form (P12215), 8.2
Location records
out of sequence, 8.1.1
parent/component relationships, 8.1.1
printing, 8.2.1
relocating partial quantities, 8.1.1
Location Revisions form (P12041), 8.3
Location Transfer, 8.1.1
Location Transfer form (P12115), 8.1.1, 8.1.1
Log Entry form (P1205), 5.6


MACRS standard depreciation
half-year, 16.12
mid quarter, 16.12
mid-month, 16.12
Making corrections to fixed asset balances, 12
Mapping category codes, 59
Mass asset disposals, 28.3
Mass import of depreciation expense allocation data, 20.1
Mass import of warranty data, 34.1
Master Information form (P1201), 3.1.1
Master List report, 41.1
Master record
asset identification,
assigning category codes, 3.1.2
changing location information, 3.1.2
changing status of asset, 3.1.2
changing the parent number, 3.1.2
creating, 3.1
creating automatically, 3.1.2
deleting, 3.1.2
depreciation category code, 3.1.2
depreciation information, 4
Item Description Translation form, 3.1.1
optional required field entry, 3.1.2
protected fields, 3.1.4
required fields, 3.1.4
Message logs
asset identification,
entering, 5.6
item master record created, 11.2
item number assigned, 11.2
unable to post, 11.2
viewing, 5.6.1
Multiple AAI Revisions form (P00122), 50.4
Multiple current locations
explained, 8.1.1
Multiple depreciation books and methods, 1.2.1


Nameplate information
defined, 5.2
Next numbers
changing, 51.1.1
changing the sequence, 51.1.1
deleting, 51.1.1
setting up, 51.1, 51.1
Next Numbers form (P0002), 51.1


Open purchase orders
link from cost summary, 13.1.1
assets process, 1.3
automated asset setup, 1.2.2
fixed asset features, 1.2
fixed assets, 1.1
fixed assets menu, 1.5
multiple depreciation books and methods, 1.2.1
system integration, 1.1
tables, 1.4


Parent/component relationships, 2.2.4
asset information, 6.1.1
changing equipment parent and component relationships, 7.1.1
displaying equipment components, 7.1
displaying parent information, 7.1.1
displaying the next component level, 7.1.1
location records, 8.1.1
overview, 2.2.4
reviewing current asset components, 7.3
reviewing history, 7.2
Pass code
generic text, 10.1.1
integrity program, 10.1.1
posting edit code, 10.1.1
purchase order inquiry, 10.1.1
updating, 10.1.1
Performing mass asset disposal, 28.3
Performing single asset disposal, 28.2
Periodic operations, 1.5
Personal property, 16.7.1
Post G/L entries to fixed assets
posting disposals, 28.2.2
Posting a batch of journal entries to fixed assets, 11.1
Posting depreciation to the G/L, 19.2
Posting journal entries for asset split, 26.3
printing, 41.1
Printing a journal entries report, 10.3
Printing asset information reports, 41
Printing quarterly and year-to-date reports, 46
Printing reports, 41
Transaction Ledger report, 41.3
Printing the Depreciation and Amortization report, 46.3
Printing the Depreciation Expense report, 46.2
Printing the Fixed Asset Account Reconciliation report, 46.1.5
Printing the Fixed Asset Item Reconciliation report, 46.1.1
Printing the Fixed Asset Retirements report, 46.1.8
Printing the Master List report, 41.1
Printing the Property Tax Worksheet, 46.4
Printing the Sale of Business Property report, 46.1.12
Printing the Transaction Ledger report, 41.3
Printing the Units of Production report, 58.1.2
annual asset balance close, 1.3
asset disposal, 1.3
computing depreciation, 1.3
master and depreciation information, 1.3
split, 1.3
transferring assets, 1.3
voucher entry, 1.3
voucher posting, 1.3
Process flow
user defined depreciation, 22.4
Process outline, 1.3
Procurement system, 1.1
Programs and Ids
P12400 (fixed assets supplemental data-by item, 42.1.2
Programs and IDs
P0002 (next numbers), 51.1
P00051 (user defined code revisions), 33.2, 49.1.1
P0008 (date pattern revisions), 52.1
P001012 (fixed asset constants), 48.1
P00105 (asset acquisition years), 52.1
P0012 (single AAI revisions), 50.4
P00121 (automatic accounting instructions), 50.4
P00122 (multiple AAI revisions), 50.4
P002512 (ledger type rules), 55.1
P0083 (supplemental data security), 60.4
P12002 (depreciation account rules), 53.1
P12003 (ledger depreciation rules), 54.1
P1201 (asset master revisions), C
P1201 (equipment search), 5.6.1
P12010 (fixed asset category codes), C
P12010 (item master-category codes), 3.1.1
P12010Z (fixed asset category codes z file), C
P12011 (item components), 7.3
P12012 (fixed asset insurance), C
P12012 (insurance information), 5.3
P12012 (revise unposted entries), 10.1
P12012Z (fixed asset insurance z file), C
P12013 (financing information), 5.4
P12013 (fixed asset financing, C
P12013Z fixed asset financing z file), C
P12015 (item description translation), 5.5
P1201Z (asset master revisions z file), C
P1202 (depreciation & accounting values), 3.1.1
P1202 (depreciation information), 4.1
P1204 (asset search & location), 6.2
P12041 (location revisions), 8.3
P1205 (log entry), 5.6
P1208 (units of production schedule), 17.1.1, 58.1
P12090 (data type definition), 60.1
P12091 (date entry), 5.1.1
P12093 (text entry-fixed assets), 5.1.1
P12101 (cost summary by account), 13.1
P121021 (split journal entry), 10.2
P12105 (single asset disposal), 28.2
P12106 (asset split), 26.1, 26.1, 26.1
P12115 (location transfer), 8.1.1, 8.1.1
P12115 (transfer processing), 8.1.1
P1215 (specification cross reference), 60.2.1
P1216 (specification data entry), 5.2.1
P121D (item description translation), 3.1.1
P122030 (depreciation expense allocation inquiry), 20.2
P122036 (incident management inquiry), 36.2
P122036 (Incident Management Inquiry), 35.2
P122101 (cost summary), 13.1
p12211 (item transaction inquiry), 13.1
P12215 (location inquiry), 8.2
P12216-2 (view/send message), 5.6.2
P1230 (deprecation expense allocations revisions), C
P1230 (depreciation expense allocation revisions), 20.1
P12301 (Unposted F/A Transactions), 45.3
P1230Z (depreciation expense allocations z file), 20.1, C
P1235 (warranty information), C
P1235Z (warranty information z file), 34.1, C
P1236 (incident management revisions), 35.1
P1237 (warranty additional information revisions)
Warranty Additional Information Revisions program (P1237), 36.1
P124030 (depreciation allocation report), 20.3
P12421 (item by finance method), 41.4
P12424 (cost analysis), 41.4.1
P12430 (depreciation expense), 46.2.1
P12433 (depreciation and amortization), 46.3.2
P12435 (account reconciliation), 46.1.6
P12440 (all item numbers by data type), 42.1.4
P127011 (F/A to G/L integrity), 45.2
P127012 (Fixed Asset Transactions), 45.4
P127013 (G/L to F/A integrity), 45.5
P12841 (revaluation index), 57.1
P12850 (calculate depreciation), 20
P12851 (depreciation rule revisions), 24.2, 24.2
P12853 (depreciation formula revisions), 24.2, 24.3
P12854 (depreciation spread patterns), 24.2, 24.2, 24.4
P12855 (compute user defined depreciation), 20
P12860 (depreciation projections), 44.1.2
P12900 (purge closed warranty records), 34.4
P1391 (category code mapping), 59.1
P1392 (data type cross reference), 60.3.1
P2141 (disposal account rules), 56.1
Programs and IDs P1201 (master information), 3.1.1
Property Tax Worksheet
printing, 46.4
Purge asset data, 66
Purge Closed Warranty Records program (P12900), 34.4


Quarterly and year-to-date reports
printing, 46.1
Query search, 6.3
Query search mode
asset information, 6.1.1


Real property, 16.7.2
full month, 16.7.2
mid-month, 16.7.2
Relocation information
updating, 8.1.1
Remaining life
ACRS optional, 16.8
fixed percent on declining balance to cross over, 16.16
about fixed asset reports, 40.2
Account Reconciliation, 46.1.6
All Numbers by Data Type, 42.1.4
Cost Analysis, 41.4.1
Data by Data Type, 42.1.4
Data by Item, 42.1.2
Depreciation and Amortization, 46.3, 46.3.2
Depreciation Expense, 46.2, 46.2.1
Depreciation Projections, 44, 44.1.2
F/A to G/L Integrity, 45.2
Fixed Asset Retirements, 46.1.10
Fixed Asset Transactions, 45.4
Fixed Assets Supplemental Data-by Item, 42.1.2
generating STAR, 42
G/L to F/A Integrity, 45.5
Incident Management, 35.3
Item by Finance Method, 41.4
messages, 10.3.1
overview, 1.2.6
printing Account Reconciliation, 46.1.5
printing asset information reports, 41
printing depreciation expense allocation reports, 20.3
printing depreciation reports, 43
printing journal entries, 10.3
printing Retirements report, 46.1.8
printing supplemental data, 42.1
Property Tax Worksheet, 46.4
quarterly and year-to-date, 46.1
quarterly reports, 46.1.2
running integrity test programs, 45.1
Sale of Business Property, 46.1.12
sample warranty notification (P124038), 34.3.2
sample warranty report (P124035), 34.3.1
Specification Data, 42.1.6
STAR, 1.2.6
Unposted F/A Transactions, 45.3
Warranty Additional Information, 36.3
Warranty Notification, 34.3.2
Warranty (P124035), 34.3.1
Repost Ledger program
running, 65.4
Retirements report
printing, 46.1.8
Revaluation, 29.2
AAIs, 50.3
by amount or allocation, 31.1.1
by factor, 30.3.2
by index, 30.3.1
calculating, 31.1
journal review, 31.1.1
overview, 29.2
requirement for inception to date calculation, 31.1.1
updating the Item Master (F1202) table, 31.1.1
Revaluation calculation methods
inception to date, 30.2.2
revaluation year balances, 30.2.1
Revaluation Index form (P12841), 57.1
Revaluation indexes
setting up, 57.1
Revaluation indices, 30.1, 30.2
Revaluation journal report
length, 31.1.1
Reviewing asset costs, 13
Reviewing current asset components, 7.3
Reviewing depreciation expense allocations, 20.2
Reviewing location information, 8.2
Reviewing parent and component history, 7.2
Reviewing the depreciation journal, 19.1
Revising unposted journal entries, 10.1
Rule conventions
depreciation rule, 24.2
Running the identify new entries program, 65
Running the repost ledger program, 65.4
Running the update location code batch program, 64.5
Running the update message log program, 64.1


Sale of Business Property report, 46.1.12
accumulated depreciation, 46.1.13
cost, 46.1.13
disposal gain/loss, 46.1.13
disposal proceeds, 46.1.13
ordinary gain/loss, 46.1.13
section 1231 gain/loss, 46.1.13
section 1250 recapture amount, 46.1.13
section 291, 46.1.13
SDA AAIs, 50.2.1
SDE AAIs, 50.2.2
Search for assets by field, 6.2
Search Word table, 64.2
Searching for asset information, 6
Searching for assets by query, 6.3
Secondary accumulated depreciation account
disposal, 28.1.2
Secondary tables, 1.4.2
data, 60.4
Setting up asset acquisition years, 52
Setting up automatic accounting instructions
Setting up AAIs for fixed assets, 50
Setting up beginning balances, 62
Setting up depreciation account rules, 53
Setting up depreciation expense allocations, 20.1
Setting up depreciation formulas, 24.3
Setting up depreciation rules, 24.2
Setting up depreciation spread patterns, 24.4
Setting up disposal account rules, 56
Setting up fixed asset constants, 48
Setting up ledger depreciation rules, 54.1
Setting up ledger type rules, 55
Setting up next numbers, 51
Setting up revaluation indices, 57
Setting up specification sheets, 60.2
Setting up supplemental data, 60
Setting up supplemental data security, 60.4
Setting up units of production, 58
Setting up user defined codes, 33.2, 49
Setting up user defined depreciation, 24
Single AAI Revisions form (P0012), 50.4
Single asset disposal, 28.2
Specification Cross Reference form (P1215), 60.2.1
Specification data
types, 60.2
Specification Data Entry form (P1216), 5.2.1
Specification Data report
printing, 42.1.6
Specification sheets defined, 5.2
Split, 1.3
Split fixed assets
working with, 26.1.1
Splitting fixed assets, 26
Splitting unposted journal entries, 10.2
Spreadsheet Tool for Asset Reporting (STAR) report, 1.2.6
Standard depreciation, 15.2, 18.1
calculating, 18.1
overview, 15.2
Standard depreciation calculation, 16.1.1
Standard depreciation methods, 16
ACE luxury autos, 16.18
assets after disposal, 16.1.2
half-year convention, 16.1.2
life months, 16.1.2
rules, 16.1
short years, 16.1.2
generating, 42
using, 42
State and tax entity information, 64.3
Straight line depreciation
current period, 16.3
inception-to-date, 16.3
remaining life, 16.3
Supplemental and specification information
Supplemental data,
assigning data types to assets, 60.3
columnar (c), 5.1
columnar-message (m), 5.1
narrative (n), 5.1
setting up, 60
setting up security, 60.4
types, 60.1
Supplemental data reports
printing, 42.1
Supplemental Data Security form (P0083), 60.4
Supplemental data types
setting up, 60.1
supplemental information, 5.1
Supplemental information
entering, 5.1
System integration, 1.1
System setup, 1.5
AAIs, 50.1
asset acquisition years, 52.1
assigning data types to assets, 60.3
beginning balances
Beginning Balance setup, 62.1
changing fixed asset constants, 48.1.1
defining specification data types, 60.2
depreciation account rules, 53.1
depreciation formulas, 24.3
depreciation rule revisions, 24.2
depreciation rules, 24.2
depreciation spread patterns, 24.4
disposal account rules, 56.1
features, 47.2.1
fixed asset constants, 48.1
fixed asset documents, 51.1
ledger depreciation rules, 54.1
ledger type rules, 55.1
life year rules, 24.2
location information and associated text, 51.1
mapping category codes, 59.1
next numbers, 51.1
overview, 47.2
revaluation indexes, 57.1
supplemental data, 60
supplemental data security, 60.4
units of production report, 58.1.2
units of production schedules, 58.1
user defined codes, 49.1
user defined depreciation, 24.1
using AAI forms, 50.4


Account Balances (F0902), 1.4.1
Account Ledger Transactions (F0911), 1.4.1
Account Master (F0901), 1.4.2
Additional Information (F1237), 36.2
Address Book Master (F0101), 1.4.2
Asset Master Depreciation Expense Allocation (F1230), 20.2, 20.3
Asset Master Depreciation Expense Allocation File (F1230), 20.1
Asset Warranty File (F1235), 34.2, 34.3
Asset Warranty (P1235), 34.1
Automatic Accounting Instructions (F0012), 1.4.2
Business Unit Master (F0006), 1.4.2
Default Depreciation Accounts (F12002), 1.4.2
Depreciation Defaults by Ledger Type, 1.4.2
Incident Management (F1236), 35.2, 35.3
Item Balances (F1202), 1.4.1
Item Master (F1201), 1.4.1
Item Messages (F1205), 1.4.2
Ledger Type Master (F0101), 1.4.2
Location History Text (F1210), 1.4.2
Location Tracking (F1204), 1.4.2
Parent History (F1212), 1.4.2
primary, 1.4.1
Production Schedule (F1208), 1.4.2
secondary, 1.4.2
Specification Cross Reference (F1215), 1.4.2
Specification Data (F1216), 1.4.2
Supplemental Data (F1209), 1.4.2
User Defined Codes (F0005), 1.4.2
User Defined Depreciation Annual Rules (F128252), 1.4.2
User Defined Depreciation Formulas (F12853), 1.4.2
User Defined Depreciation Rules (F12851), 1.4.2
User Defined Depreciation Spread Formulas (F12854), 1.4.2
Warranty Additional Information Revisions (F1237), 34.4
Warranty Incident Management File (F1236), 35.1
Warranty/Incident Additional Information File (F1237), 36.1, 36.3
Text Entry-Fixed Assets form (P12093), 5.1.1
Tickler miles or hours, 5.6.2
Tickler miles/hours field
running the Update Message Log program, 64.1
Tracking asset locations, 8
Transaction creation, 55.2.1
Transaction Ledger report (P12420)
printing, 41.3
Transaction report
beginning balances, 45.4.2
common points, 45.6
F/A pass code of P, 45.4.2
resolving differences, 45.5.3
subledgers, 45.6.1
summarized depreciation transactions, 45.4.2
Transfer fixed assets, 27.1
*blank as a valid value, 27.1.1
account locks, 27.1.1
automatic update, 27.1.1
category codes, 27.1.1
depreciation expense, 27.1.1
depreciation expense accounts for retroactive transfers, 27.1.1
final asset account transfer, 27.1.1
final asset information change, 27.1.1
G/L selections, 27.1.1
location start date, 27.1.1
management approval, 27.1.1
mass or single asset transfer, 27.1.1
posting transfer journal entries, 27.1.1
preliminary asset account transfer, 27.1.1
preliminary asset information change, 27.1.1
prior periods, 27.1.1
time limits for retroactive transfers, 27.1.1
transferring an asset after the disposal date, 27.1.1
transferring assets by subledger, 27.1.1
transferring assets for billing purposes, 27.1.1
transferring depreciation expense and revenue, 27.1.1
voiding a transfer, 27.1.1
Transfer Processing form (P12115), 8.1.1


Units of production, 17.1
closing, 39.1
entering, 17.1
running Compute Depreciation program, 17.1
using method 09, 17.1
Units of Production report
printing, 58.1.2
Units of production schedule
creating master records, 58.1.1
running close program, 58.1.1
setting up, 58.1
Units of Production Schedule form (P1208), 17.1.1, 58.1
Update Location Code Batch program
running, 64.5
Update Message Log program
running, 64.1
Updating accounts and ledgers, 65
adding new ledgers to assets, 65.2
running the Identify New Journal Entries program, 65.1
Updating company numbers and accounts, 65.3
Updating depreciation values, 64.4
Updating state and tax entity information, 64.3
Updating the item number in the account ledger, 65.5
Updating the search word table, 64.2
User Defined Code Revisions forms (P00051), 33.2, 49.1.1
User defined codes
blank as a valid value, 49.1.2
code table 12/LT (Fixed asset ledger types), 49.1.2
deleting a user defined code, 49.1.2
depreciation account rules, 53.1.1
for warranties, 33.2
integrating with Equipment/Plant Management, 49.1.1
predefined classification codes, 49.1.1
setting up, 49.1
User defined depreciation,, 21.2, 23.1
AAIs, 50.2
base depreciation rules, 24.2.1
calculating, 23.1, 23.2
forecasting, 23.2
generating the journal report, 23.3
inclusion of standard depreciation methods, 24.2.1
locating existing user defined depreciation methods, 24.2.1
overview, 21.2
protecting user defined depreciation methods, 24.2.1
setting up, 24.1
User defined depreciation calculation-process flow, 22.4
User defined depreciation concepts, 22.2
annual depreciation amount, 22.2.1
apportionment - periodic and cumulative, 22.2.1
asset, 22.2.1
cost, 22.2.1
dates, 22.2.1
depreciation accounts, 22.2.1
formulas, 22.2.1
general ledger accounts, 22.2.1
item balance character, 22.2.1
limits and bases, 22.2.1
periodic depreciation journal entries, 22.2.1
reporting years, 22.2.1
User defined depreciation journal
example of, 23.3.1
User Defined Depreciation Journal report
account class and depreciation information, 23.3
asset numbers and journal entry amounts, 23.3
company totals, 23.3
User defined depreciation journal with details
example of, 23.3.2
User defined depreciation methods, 22.1
concepts, 22.2
depreciation calculation-process flow, 22.4
rule components, 22.3
User defined depreciation rule components, 22.3
annual rules, 22.3.3
header, 22.3.1
rule conventions, 22.3.2
User Reserved Information program (P12551), 33.3
Using AAI forms, 50.4


Verifying the post process, 11.2
View/Send Message form (P12216-2), 5.6.2


additional information, 36.1
incidents, 35.1
warranties, 34.1
Additional Information table (F1237), 36.2
Asset Warranty File (F1235), 34.1, 34.2, 34.3
additional information, 36.2
incidents, 35.2
warranties, 34.2
mass import of data, 34.1
Purge Closed Warranty Records program (P12900), 34.4
Incident Management (P124036), 35.3
Warranty (P124035), 34.3.1
Warranty Additional Information (P124037), 36.3
Warranty Notification (P124038), 34.3.2
setting up constants, 33.1
user defined codes, 33.2
user reserved information, 33.3
Warranty - User Reserved program (P12551), 33.3
Warranty Additional Information Revisions program (P1237), 36.1
Warranty Additional Information Revisions table (F1237), 34.4
Warranty Inquiry program (P122035), 34.2
Warranty Revisions program (P1235), 34.1
Warranty Revisions screen, 34.1, 34.2
Warranty User Reserved file (F12551), 33.3
Warranty/Incident Additional Information File (F1237), 36.1, 36.3
Warranty Information
program (P1235), C
Z file (F1235Z), C
Z File program (P1235Z), 34.1, C
Working with G/L journal entries, 9.2
Worksheet detail, 46.4.2
Worksheet organization, 46.4.2


Year-end processes
closing annual account balances, 38.1
overview, 37.2
printing depreciation projections, 44


Z file
mass import of depreciaiton expense allocation data, 20.1
processing programs, C