28 Dispose of Fixed Assets

This chapter contains these topics:

You can use the disposal programs in the Fixed Assets system to record asset disposals. You can also record new asset costs for trade-in transactions.

28.1 Disposing of Fixed Assets


From Fixed Assets (G12), choose Transfers, Splits and Disposals

From Transfers, Splits and Disposals (G1222), choose an option under Asset Disposals

When you dispose of an asset, you can indicate a specific method of disposal, such as scrapped, theft, or charity. The system updates the asset master record with the disposal date (unless you enter a date in the asset master record) and indicates the method of disposal in the Equipment Status field. The system also creates the journal entries for the disposal. You must post the disposal journal entries to the general ledger and fixed assets.

The disposal programs create journal entries for accounts based on the disposal account rules that you set up. These rules can be very simple or complex based on your company's needs. These rules replace information originally contained in the FDS series of automatic accounting instructions.

If you must dispose of more than one ledger, a second currency ledger for instance, you can indicate which ledgers to include. In addition, different account information can be specified to preserve the cost and accumulated depreciation accounts and use a reserve account in their place. Different account information can also be used to comply with charitable deduction reporting requirements in some countries.

If necessary, you can dispose of a single subledger for one or more assets.

Disposing of fixed assets consists of the following tasks:

  • Performing Single Asset Disposals

  • Performing Mass Asset Disposals

28.1.1 Before You Begin

Verify that the following tasks are complete:

  • Disposal account rules are set up

  • Depreciation is recorded through the disposal date of the asset

  • Cash receipts from disposal proceeds are posted to fixed assets

  • Accounts payable vouchers for trade-ins are posted to fixed assets

28.1.2 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Accessing accounts for disposal journal entries When you dispose of an asset, the system must access the following accounts in order to create the appropriate journal entries:
  • Accumulated Depreciation and Cost - You set up these accounts when you create the asset master record

  • Net Book Value, Cash Clearing, and Cash Proceeds - You set up these accounts when you set up the Disposal Account Rule Table. When cost and accumulated depreciation amounts are equal, the Disposal programs will not create an entry line for the Net Book Value of zero.

Disposal account rule table The Automatic Accounting Instructions that contained company specific disposal journal account information are replaced by a Disposal Account Rule Table. This new table enables the user to store company specific disposal account information by disposal method and by ledger type, providing additional flexibility.
Disposal journal entries The system creates disposal journal entries only for the Actual Amounts (AA) ledger unless you specify additional ledgers in the processing options.
Voiding disposal entries You can void disposal entries. Use the Single Asset Disposal program to void disposal journal entries the system creates in the Mass Disposal program

When you void disposal journal entries, the system automatically updates the Disposal Date and Equipment Status in the Item Master table (F1201).

Disposal date You do not have to remove the disposal date from the asset master record before you run disposal. You can leave the disposal date blank for the disposal program and the system uses the date from the asset master. If both the asset master record and the disposal program have blank dates, the system uses the G/L date.

If you do use the disposal date in the disposal program and a date exists in the asset master record, you get a message that the date exists in the asset master. The date in the asset master record is not overwritten.

The edit of the disposal date has been changed in the disposal programs to not force the user to remove the date disposed before disposing an asset.

For assets with multiple subledgers attached, the Single Asset Disposal will prompt the user to note if the disposal date should be updated when additional costs exist.

Secondary accumulated depreciation accounts If you define a secondary accumulated depreciation account (from the SDA AAI) for an asset, the disposal program handles the balance for that account.
Subledgers When disposals are run for assets with subledgers, the assets are disposed of at the subledger level. For example, when a cost account is being cleared, a credit is created in the cost account for each subledger and an offsetting debit is created in the net book value account defined in the disposal setup. This also happens for the accumulated depreciation account.
Modifying an entry A processing option has been added to prevent the user from modifying account and amount information for a disposal journal entry.

28.2 Performing Single Asset Disposals

You can use Single Asset Disposals to dispose of assets individually. Dispose of assets individually to record the gains and losses that result from a disposal, and to record the new asset cost if there is a trade-in. You can also use Single Asset Disposals to void or delete a disposal entry for a particular asset whether it was disposed of by the Mass Disposals or Single Asset Disposals procedures.

The system creates disposal journal entries based on the disposal type that you specify when you enter disposal information. You can use Single Asset Disposals to perform four types of disposals:

Disposal Type Description
Simple disposal (with no proceeds) Use simple disposal when the disposal does not involve proceeds. For example, use this disposal type if you dispose of an asset and do not receive cash for the asset because it was destroyed, given to charity, and so on.

The system uses the business unit in the Net Book Value account that you set up in the Disposal Account Rules table. If the business unit in that account rule is blank, the system uses the responsible business unit from the asset's master record.

Disposal with cash proceeds Use a disposal with cash proceeds when you receive cash for an asset. When you specify this disposal type, the system debits the Cash/Clearing account and credits the Proceeds from Sale account. If you use this disposal type, you must attach the asset item number to the cash receipt entry for the Cash/Clearing Account.

The system uses the business unit from the respective disposal account rules for Net Book Value, Cash/Clearing, or Proceeds from Sale accounts. If the business unit in any of these rules is blank, the system uses the responsible business unit from the asset's master record.

Disposal with trade-in Use a disposal with trade-in when you trade an asset in for another asset and there are no cash proceeds. When you use this type of disposal, you must enter the new asset's master information before you run the Single Asset Disposals program to dispose of the asset you trade in.
Disposal with cash proceeds and trade-in Use a disposal with cash proceeds and trade-in when a disposal involves a combination of both cash and trade-in on an asset. Before you run the Single Asset Disposals program to dispose of the asset you traded in, you must to:
  • Enter the master record information for the new asset.

  • Post the accounts payable entry to the general ledger and fixed assets if you paid additional cash for the new asset.

When you receive cash for an asset, you debit the cash account and credit the Cash/Clearing account. Then, when you dispose of the asset using the Single Asset Disposals program, the system debits the Cash/Clearing account and credits the Proceeds from Sale account.

Performing single asset disposals consists of the following:

  • Entering disposal information

  • Reviewing and revising disposal entries

  • Posting the disposal entries

To enter disposal information

On Single Asset Disposals

Figure 28-1 Single Asset Disposals screen

Description of Figure 28-1 follows
Description of "Figure 28-1 Single Asset Disposals screen"

  1. To add a new batch for the disposal journal entries, complete the following fields:

    • G/L Date

    • Subledger/Subledger Type

    • Disposed Asset Number

    • Disposal Method

    • Date Disposed or Retired

    • Type of Disposal

    • New Asset Number if Trade In


    The batch number assigned by the system remains the same until you leave the asset disposal program. You can also include journal entries that relate to multiple asset disposals in a single batch.

    Figure 28-2 Single Asset Disposals (New Batch) screen

    Description of Figure 28-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 28-2 Single Asset Disposals (New Batch) screen"

  2. 2. To accept the transactions, complete the field following this message:

    • Is this Information Correct? (Y/N)

  3. If you are disposing of a single subledger, complete the field following this message:

    • Should the Date Disposed be Updated? (Y/N)

    The system clears the screen and creates the disposal journal entries.

Field Explanation
Disposal Method A user defined code (12/ES) that identifies the equipment or disposal status of an asset, such as available, down, or disposed.
Type of Disposal The type of disposal determines what journal entries the system creates. There are four types of disposals. Valid codes are:

1 – Simple disposal, no trade in and no cash proceeds

2 – Disposal with cash proceeds

3 – Disposal with trade-in

4 – Disposal with trade-in & cash proceeds


If there are amounts in the Inception to Date column/Cost and Accumulated Depreciation fields on the Cost Summary screen, the asset disposal is not complete. After you successfully complete both steps of the asset disposal process, Post to G/L and Post G/L Entries to Assets, there will be no amounts in the Inception to Date column/Cost and Accumulated Depreciation fields

28.2.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Using a subledger and subledger type If you specify a subledger and subledger type in the disposal information, the asset disposal updates only the specified subledger. You can choose whether to update the disposal date or leave it blank.
Trade-in and highlighted asset field If the Item Number field is highlighting and the error message is 0025, Record Invalid, there is no Asset Master record set up for the new asset in the F1201 file. When you do a disposal with trade-in, you must create a master record of the new asset before you dispose of the original asset.
Disposed asset and the compute depreciation journal When an asset is disposed, it will appear on the Depreciation Journal for tax ledgers until the end of the current fiscal year. This is done to permit accurate tax reporting. Even if no depreciation is calculated, the asset will appear on the Depreciation Journal. The asset will not appear on the Depreciation Journal for the next fiscal year once you run the Fixed Asset Annual Close.

To review and revise disposal entries

On Single Asset Disposals

  1. To locate a single disposal journal entry, complete the following fields:

    • Document Number

    • G/L Date

  2. To void disposal journal entries, complete the following field:

    • Void

To post the disposal entries

You must manually post single disposal journal entries to the general ledger and fixed assets. To perform this task, run the following posts:

  • Disposal Post to G/L (P09870)

  • Post G/L Entries to Assets

28.2.2 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Posting G/L entries to assets The default version of the Post G/L Entries to Assets program posts all unposted fixed asset entries. To post only disposal entries, you must create your own version of the post program and attach it to the menu option.

28.2.3 Processing Options

See Section 72.3, "Single Asset Disposal (P12105)."

28.3 Performing Mass Asset Disposals

Use Mass Asset Disposals to:

  • Dispose of multiple assets instead of a single asset.

  • Use data selections to indicate the assets that you want to dispose of.

  • Post the disposal entries to the general ledger automatically. The Mass Asset Disposals program performs this post automatically unless you specify Batch Approval in your system's setup.

The system creates disposal journal entries based on the disposal type that you specify when you enter disposal information. You can use Mass Asset Disposals to perform two types of disposals:

Disposal Type Description
Simple disposal (with no proceeds) Use simple disposal when the disposals do not involve proceeds. For example, use this disposal type if you want to dispose of assets and do not receive cash for them because they were destroyed, given to charity, and so on.

The system uses the business unit in the Net Book Value account that you set up in the Disposal Account Rule table. If the business unit in that account is blank, the system uses the responsible business unit from the asset master records.

Disposal with cash proceeds Use a disposal with cash proceeds when you receive cash for disposed assets. When you specify this disposal type, the system debits the Cash/Clearing account and credits the Proceeds from Sale account. If you use this disposal type, you must attach asset numbers to the cash receipt entries for the Cash/Clearing account.

The system uses the business unit from the disposal account rule for Net Book Value, Clearing, or Proceeds from Sale accounts. If the business unit in any of these rules is blank, the system uses the responsible business unit from the asset master records.

You can use processing options to run a preliminary or final mass disposal. The preliminary disposal does not create disposal journal entries. Run a preliminary disposal for proofing purposes before you run the final disposal.

28.3.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Preliminary Disposal The preliminary disposal performs the following tasks:
  • Edits the disposal information you selected in the DREAM Writer

  • Prints a report that shows the journal entries that the system will create when you run a final disposal

Final Disposal The final disposal performs the following tasks:
  • Edits the disposal information you selected in the DREAM Writer

  • Creates journal entries for the accounts affected by the disposals

  • Prints a report that shows the journal entries

  • Updates the Date Disposed and Equipment Status fields in master records for the disposed assets

  • Shows a zero cost basis for the disposed assets

  • Submits the journal entries for posting to the general ledger

Note: If the system finds any errors during the final disposal process, it does not create journal entries for the assets in error. Instead, the system prints an error message on the final report. Correct these errors and rerun the final disposal.

Summary totals Summary totals by ledger type and disposal account are available in the Mass Disposal program.

Performing mass disposals consists of the following tasks:

  • Entering mass disposal information

  • Posting journal entries for mass disposal

To enter mass disposal information

On Mass Disposals

Select a DREAM Writer version and complete the appropriate processing options on Processing Options Revisions.


Use Data Selections to indicate what accounts you want to affect by the disposal. Company and item number are mandatory data sequence items for the mass disposal procedure.

To post journal entries for mass disposals

If your system requires batch approval, you must post the disposal journal entries manually to the general ledger before you run Post G/L Entries to Assets.

If your system does not require batch approval, it automatically performs the post to the general ledger. You must run only the Post G/L Entries to Assets to post journal entries for mass disposals to fixed assets.

28.3.2 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
G/L selections The processing option for the G/L post submittal works only under the following conditions:
  • You run the depreciation program in final mode.

  • You have Management Approval set to No (N) on System Constants.

28.3.3 Processing Options

See Section 72.4, "Mass Disposals (P12104)."

28.4 Disposing of an Asset Early

A disposition is the permanent withdrawal of property from use in a trade or business or in the production of income. A withdrawal may be made by sale, exchange, involuntary conversion, retirement, abandonment, or destruction. A disposition of property before the end of its recovery period is referred to as an early disposition.

28.4.1 Required Setup for Computing Depreciation

Compute Depreciation (P12850) does not require special setup because the early disposition rules have been accounted for in the P12850 program. Compute User Defined Depreciation (P12855) will require special setup to accommodate the desired depreciation results in the year of an early disposition.

Disposal year rules are designed to allow an asset to calculate depreciation to meet the requirements of a disposal year convention in the year an asset has been disposed. This type of disposal would take place during the asset's life and not in the year the asset is placed in service, or in the final year when an asset becomes fully depreciated. In the first and final years of an asset's life, the First Year Spread and Last Year Spread will override the disposal rules.

Use the Depreciation Rule Revisions program (P12851) and Depreciation Formula Revisions program (P12853) to establish a disposal year depreciation calculation setup as the 999 life-year rule. This 999 life-year rule needs to be set up and added to the applicable Depreciation Rule. These rules only apply to those depreciation methods using a compute direction of I or C. If you are using compute direction R or P, disposal year processing has already been accommodated; therefore, no 999 life-year rule is required.

The 999 life-year rule will only be observed by the Compute User Defined Depreciation program (P12855), and for those assets that have the date disposed field populated.

Performing an early disposal

The following steps are to be followed in order to take the correct amount of depreciation prior to running Single Asset Disposal (P12105) or Mass Disposals (P12104).

  1. From the Asset Master Information screen (P1201), manually enter the Date Disposed for the asset which is being disposed of early. Equipment Status may also be entered at this time but is not required.

  2. Run Compute Depreciation (P12850) and/or Compute User Defined Depreciation (P12855) for each ledger that is applicable to the asset. Depreciation must be run through the end of the disposal fiscal year. Refer to the section above for special setup required for Compute User Defined Depreciation (P12855).

  3. After verifying the correct amount of depreciation has been taken for each ledger, Single Asset Disposal (P12105) or Mass Disposals (P12104) can now be run to dispose of the asset's ledgers. The date disposed used in the Single Asset Disposal (P12105) or Mass Disposals (P12104) must be the same date that was entered in step 1.