33 Set Up Warranties

Prior to using the Warranty functionality, you must set up your system to accommodate the warranty.

Setting up warranties includes the following topics:

33.1 Setting Up Warranty Constants

Prior to using warranties, you should set the Warranty: Expiration Warning Days field in the Fixed Asset Constants (P001012). This allows the system to notify you when the warranty is due to expire. See Chapter 48, "Set Up Fixed Asset Constants" for more information.

33.2 Setting Up Warranty User Defined Codes (UDCs)

Many fields in the warranty programs accept only UDCs and you can customize these to meet your needs. There are several UDCs that you must set up prior to using the warranty programs.

The User Defined Code screen (P00051) displays no matter which option you select from the menu and 12 is the value in the System Code field. The value in the User Defined Codes field changes based on the menu selection.

Setting up warranty UDCs includes the following tasks:

  • To set up warranty UDCs

  • To set up general UDCs for warranties

To set up warranty UDCs

Set up the following UDCs for warranties:

User Defined Code Description
Cancellation/Void Reason (type CN) Use for reasons you cancel or void warranties.
Type of Warranty (type WC) Use to describe the type of warranty. For example, the warranty might be for preventative maintenance.
Type of Incident (type TI) Use to describe the type of incident. For example, an incident might cause a claim on the warranty.
Action Taken (type AT) Use to describe the status of the warranty. For example, you might cancel the warranty or be in negations for a new warranty.
Status of Incident (type CS) Use to describe the status of the incident. For example, an incident might be on hold, have been rejected, or is currently in progress.
Status Reason (type SR) Use to describe a reason for the status. For example, an incident might be on hold because it might require further investigation.
Type of Labor (type TL) Use to describe the type of labor that must take place on the equipment for the incident. For example, plumbing, electrical, or roofing.
Type of Coverage (type TC) Use to describe what the warranty covers. For example, parts, repair, or replacement.
Warranty Reporting Codes 1 = 6 (type W1 through W6) Use these for any type of information you might want to group or need more detailed information. For example, replacement, repair, and so forth.


From Fixed Asset System Setup (G1241), choose User Defined Codes

From Fixed Asset User Defined Codes (G1242), choose Warranty User Defined Codes

From Warranty User Defined Codes (G1243), choose an option

On the user defined codes screen, complete the following fields and click Add.

  • Character Code

  • Description

  • Description 2 (Optional)

To set up general UDCs for warranties

Set up the Information Type UDC, 00/IT, to add additional information to the warranty. See Chapter 49, "Set Up User Defined Codes" for more information.

33.3 Setting Up User Reserved Information (Optional)

The Warranty - User Reserved program (P12551) allows you to enter and maintain additional information about assets and warranties in your system. The system maintains the information in the Warranty - User Reserved file (F12551).

The user reserved fields provide you with the flexibility to define and store unique information associated with a record. The key to the information are the Asset (Item) Number, Warranty Number, and Type (UDC 00/TI) fields. This provides you with information that you can organize and group for easy access.


From Fixed Assets (G12), choose Warranty Information/Reports

From Fixed Asset Warranty Information (G1226), choose User Reserved

From User Reserved Information (G0055), choose Warranty User Reserved

Before You Begin

  • Set Up Vocabulary Overrides (Optional)

  • Set Up UDC 00/T1

  • Set the processing options for this program

See Entering User Reserved Information in the JD Edwards World Address Book and Electronic Mail Guide for more information about setting up User Reserved Information.