32 Overview to Warranties

Better management of your fixed assets is one way to control costs. Using the J.D. Edwards World Warranty functionality, you can ensure that you utilize all services with a warranty, track expirations, costs, and claim information.

The warranty programs allow you to add, change, and delete multiple warranties for a fixed asset. As a fixed asset can have more than one warranty associated with it, each warranty is unique. The unique data in the warranty contains amounts, dates, descriptions, dependences, contract numbers, and claims information including contacts. This functionality allows you to create invoices, but the invoices are put on permanent hold, without interest accruing.

The inquiry programs and reports allow you to review warranties for a specific fixed asset, warranties due to expire, warranties that have expired, who manages specific warranties, and contact information for claims.

Inquiry programs and reports also list all existing claims against a specific fixed asset and specific warranty, including associated documentation and free-from text.

You can tailor your data to meet your business needs by using User Reserved Information fields with the warranties and claims.

The three files that comprise warranties provide you with comprehensive data about the warranty so that you will be able to track warranty activity, easily modify the parameters of your warranty, and ensure that your warranty is in effect as long as you need it. The three files are:

  • Asset Warranty File (F1235) stores basic warranty information, such as a description, dates, and coverage.

  • Warranty Incident Management File (F1236) stores information related to an incident, such as a claim.

  • Warranty/Incident Additional Information File (F1237) stores any information you want to record for the warranty and incident and is user defined.

Warranties includes the following tasks:

  • Set Up Warranties

  • Work with Warranties

  • Work with Incidents

  • Work with Warranty Additional Information