32 Overview to Account Structures Revisions

This chapter contains these topics:

32.1 Objectives

  • To restructure your chart of accounts

  • To create new business units and attach existing account information to them

  • To update free form account numbers to act as cross-references from old to new account numbers

  • To change business unit, object, and subsidiary numbers

  • To update Account Ledger and Account Balances tables to reflect new account identifiers

32.2 About Account Structures Revisions

If your company has recently expanded or merged with another company, it might be necessary for you to change the company account structures (chart of accounts).

Account structure revisions consist of:

  • Changing account structures

  • Working with account information

  • Updating batch header amounts

  • Reposting the account ledger

  • Consolidating monetary account balances

  • Updating the Ledger Type Master table

32.2.1 Can You Change Your Chart of Accounts?

You can change your chart of accounts without manually creating journal entries to transfer your account transactions and balances to new accounts. The system assigns a unique account ID to each new account. The account ID is used to maintain an audit trail of account ledger transactions and balances.

You can change the business unit.object.subsidiary, but you cannot change the account ID.

32.2.2 Which Tables Are Affected?

Three general ledger tables are affected by a change to account numbers. The account ID is the key to all three tables. The tables are:

  • Account Master (F0901)

  • Account Balances (F0902)

  • Account Ledger (F0911)

All three tables contain the following fields:

  • Account ID

  • Business Unit

  • Object

  • Subsidiary

The Business Unit Master table (F0006) might also be affected.

32.2.3 Is There More Than One Posting Level?

For each account ID, the system posts the following items in the Account Balances table in sequential order:

  • Account ID

  • Fiscal year

  • Ledger type

  • Subledger

  • Subledger type

  • Currency code (denominated)