
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W 


52 period accounting
annual close, 76
changing, 74.2.2
changing to, 77
overview, 74.2


About 52 period accounting, 74.2
About account consolidations, 23.2, 23.2
About account structures revisions, 32.2
About bank statement processing, 51.2
About batch journal entry processing, 59.2
About business unit supplemental data, 68.2
About integrity reports, 5.2
About organization report structures, 16.2
About transaction codes, 52.1
Balance without Account Master report, 13.3.1
Account Balance without Account Master
processing options, 13.4
Account Balance without Account Master report, 13.3.1
Account balances
consolidating, low volume, 24.1
correcting, 37.1
delete last consolidation, 25.4
restated, 37.1
updating, 37.1
Account Balances table, 11.2
Account Build form, 20.5
Account information
changing, 34.1
working with, 34
Account Ledger Inquiry form, 19.1
Account Ledger table, 9.2, 10.1
Account master records
deleting, 48.1
Account Master table, 20.2
Account Master without Business Unit Master report, 13.2.1
Account numbers
advanced chart of accounts, 18.2
changing, 32.2.1
correcting, 66.1
flexible format chart of accounts, 18.2
user defined chart of accounts, 18.2, 19.1
Account ranges for an income statement
consolidations, 24.4.1
Account Structures
defining, 28.1
Account structures revisions
changing, 33.1
changing a single account, 33.4.4
changing accounts by subsidiary, 33.4.7
changing an account by object, 33.4.3
changing an account within a business unit, 33.4.2
changing budget pattern codes, 34.2
changing business unit, 33.4
changing business unit on multiple accounts, 33.4.5
overview, 32.2
purged transaction detail, 37.1.2
reposting the account ledger, 37.1
revising business unit security, 33.7
revising old business unit information, 33.8
updating account ledger and account balances tables, 33.5
updating batch header amounts, 36.1
updating category codes, 34.4
updating model/consolidated field, 34.3
updating reports and allocations, 33.9
working with account information, 34
52 period accounting, 74.2
Accounting periods, 75.1.1
deleting, 48.1
updating, 34.3
without a Business Unit report, 13.2.1
Accounts by Business Unit form, 19.1
Accounts Payable Matching Document Detail table, 9.2
Accounts Payable Matching Document table, 9.2
Accounts Payable table, 9.2
Accounts Receivable Ledger table, 9.2
a batch header, 67.2
batch journal entries, 61.2
supplemental code entries, 70.2
supplemental text, 70.4
transaction to bank statement, 53.2
Adding a batch header, 67.2
Adding batch journal entries, 61.2
Additional Selections form, 53.2
Advanced chart of accounts
overview, 18.2
account balances,
calculating cost, 2.3
cost allocations, 2
defining a variable numerator, 3.1.1
fixed rate factor,
overview, 1.2
process, 1.2.7
recurring frequencies,
reversing, 2.1.1
reversing journal entries,
reviewing and posting, 4
setting up cost allocations, 2.1
stop date, 1.2.7
stopping an allocation calculation, 2.1.2
variable numerator, 3
Allocations Journal report, 2.3.1
Allocations Review form, 2.2, 3.2
Audit adjustments, 52 period accounting, 75.1
Audit trail, 37.1
damaged, 67.1


Balance forward records
creating, 43.1
Balance sheet calculation
consolidations, 24.4.2
Balancing procedures, 5.2
Bank Reconciliation report, 55.3
Bank statement detail
purging, 50.1
Bank statement processing
adding transactions, 53.2
batch types, 53.3.2
clearing payments and receipts, 54.1
deleting transactions, 53.2
entering bank statement information, 53.1.2
entering statement detail (optional), 53.1.3
entering statements, 53.1
loading statements from tape, 53
locating and revising statements, 53.2
multi-currency, 53.1.1, 53.3.2
out-of-balance statements, 53.1.2
overview, 51.2
posting automatic receipts, 56.1
posting general journal batches, 56.2
posting manual payments, 56.3
posting manual receipts, 56.4
posting transactions, 56
printing statement reports, 58.1
proof and final modes, 55.1
reconciling manually, 57.1
reconciling statements, 53.1.2
reviewing statements, 53.3
revising multiple transactions, 53.2.1
revising transactions, 53.2
summary, 51.2
transaction codes, 52.1
transactions other than manual receipts, 56.4.2
unrecorded deposits, 51.2.2
updating (refreshing) reconciliation file, 54.1
working with bank statements, 53
Bank statements
reconciling, 55.1
working with, 53
adding a batch header, 67.2
control inconsistencies, 8.1.2
correcting transactions to batch records, 8
deleting a batch header, 67.1.1
header amount, updating, 36.1
locating a batch header, 67.3
reviewing, 53.3.1
revising a batch header, 67.4
status, revising, 67.1
Batch A/R Cash Application table, 9.2
Batch header records
deleting, 9.2.1
Batch Header Revisions form, 67.2
Batch journal entries
adding, 61.2
correcting, 61.3
correcting unprocessed, 62.4
foreign-currency, 61.1.1
Journal Entry Batch Detail form, 61.2
multi-currency, 61.1.1
Next Numbers, 61.2.1
overview, 59.2
preparing, 59.2.1
preventing duplication, 62.4.1
processing, 62.1
proof and final modes, 62.2
purging processed, 63
reviewing, 60
revising, 61.1
revising or deleting processed entries, 61.1.1
submitting batches, 62.2
Batch maintenance, 64.2
Batch Table Entry report, 62.3
Batch transactions
unposted, 6.1
Batch type
bank statement processing, 53.3.2
Batches Posted out of Balance report, 9.2.1
Business Unit Master table, 20.2
Business Unit Structures
defining, 27.1
Business unit supplemental data
example, 68.2.1
overview, 68.2
Business Unit Supplemental Data Codes table, 70.2
Business Unit Supplemental Data Text table, 70.4
Business unit supplemental data types
setting up, 69
Business units
adding narrative text, 70.4
category codes, 22.3
changing, 33.4
changing narrative text, 70.4
changing supplemental codes, 70.2
copying narrative text, 70.5
copying supplemental codes, 70.3
deleting, 49.1
deleting narrative text, 70.4
deleting supplemental codes, 70.2
entering supplemental data, 70
entering supplemental data codes, 70.2
organizing, 17.1
overriding coded entries, 70.3.1
revising information, 33.8
setting up security, 73
supplemental code entry, 70.2
supplemental data reports, 72
viewing data types, 71.2
viewing supplemental data, 71, 71.1
working with supplemental narrative text, 70.4
Business units and account numbers
updating, 20.4


balance sheet calculation, 24.4.2
cost allocations, 2.3
variable numerator allocations, 3.3
Category codes
for business units, 22.3
high-volume consolidations, 25.2
updating, 34.4
Change Business Units form, 33.4.5
Change Object Accounts form, 33.4.6
Change Subsidiaries form, 33.4.7
account information, 34.1
account numbers, 32.2.1
account structure, 33.1
accounts by object, 33.4.3, 33.4.6
accounts by subsidiary, 33.4.7
accounts within a business unit, 33.4.2
budged pattern codes, 34.2
business unit on multiple accounts, 33.4.5
business unit, object, or subsidiary, 33.4
business unit/object/subsidiary, 32.2.1
chart of accounts, 33.1
financial reporting date, 75.2
period account balances, 77
single account, 33.4.4
subsidiary numbers, 33.4.7
supplemental code entries, 70.2
supplemental text, 70.4
to 52 period accounting, 77
Changing a single account, 33.4.4
Changing account information, 34.1
Changing account structures, 33.1
Changing accounts by object, 33.4.6
Changing accounts by subsidiary, 33.4.7
Changing an account by object, 33.4.3
Changing an account within a business unit, 33.4.2
Changing business unit on multiple accounts, 33.4.5
Changing business unit, object, or subsidiary, 33.4
Changing to 52 period accounting, 77.1
Chart of accounts, 32.2.1
Clear Draft Payment form, 53.1.3
Clear Draft Receipt form, 53.1.3
Clear Payment form, 53.1.3
payments and receipts, 54.1
Closing a 52 period year, 76.1
Code data types, 68.2.1
Column titles, 72.2.1
Companies in Balance report, 11.1
deleting, 49.1
imbalances, 11
Company by Batch Out-of-Balance report, 10.1.1
Compare ledgers, 24.1
Computations, 3.1.2
Consolidated Trial Balance form, 24.2.1, 24.2.1, 24.2.3, 24.3.1
account balances, 23.2
Consolidating account balances
by masked business unit, 24.3.1
delete prior high-volume consolidation, 25.4
pseudo company, 25.2.1
review high-volume consolidations, 25.3
Consolidating business units, 24.2
by company, category code, and value, 24.2.3
by masked business unit, 24.3
by parent business unit, 24.2.3
Consolidating by masked business unit, 24.3
refresh, 25.2
Consolidation Review form, 25.3.1
AAI items, 23.2.2
account balance, 23.2
account ranges for a balance sheet, 24.4.2
account ranges for an income statement, 24.4.1
adjusting entries, 25.2.3
business units, 24.2
by company, category code, and value, 24.2.3
deleting prior, 25.1
duplicating business units, 25.2.3
foreign currency, 23.2.2
high-volume, 25.1
advantages, 23.2.1
income statement, 24.4.1
low volume, 24.1
advantages, 23.2.1
maintaining information, 24.2.4
refresh consolidation, 25.1
reorganizing tables, 25.4.1
reviewing high-volume, 25.3
Scaling factor, 24.2.3
security, 25.4.1
skip to account, 24.2.3
storing online criteria, 24.5
trial balance, 24.4
Contra clearing account, 1.2.4
Copying coded entries, 70.3
Copying narrative text, 70.5
Copying supplemental codes, 70.3
account balances, 37.1
account balances to transactions, 15
batch journal entries, 61.3
chart of accounts discrepancies, 13
company imbalances, 11
general ledger account number, 66.1
journal entries, 65.1
processed batch journal entries, 62.4.1
unprocessed batch journal entries, 62.4
Correcting account balances to transactions, 15.1
Correcting batch journal entries, 61.3, 62.4
Correcting chart of accounts discrepancies, 13.1
running account balances w/o Account Master report, 13.3
running accounts without a Business Unit Report, 13.2
running transactions w/o Account Master report, 13.4
Correcting discrepancies
Account Balance to Transactions, 15.3
Account Master Company column is blank on report, 13.5
batch is partially posted, 9.3
Batch to Detail an Out of Balance, 9.3
batches posted out of balance, 9.3
chart of account, 13
Companies in Balance, 11.4
Company by Batch Out-of-Balance, 10.2
company number not in Account Balance table, 13.5
company number not in Account Master table, 13.5
company number not in the Account Ledger table, 13.5
date pattern incorrect, 15.3
Intercompany accounts in balance, 12.4
no offsetting entries made during post, 9.3
out-of-balance batches by batch and company, 10.2
preventing future out of balance conditions, 11.1
prints, 8.1
research tools to balance, 11.4.1
researching, 8.1.1
Correcting intercompany account imbalances, 12.1
running the report, 12.2
Correcting out-of-balance batches, 9.1
Correcting out-of-balance batches by company, 10
Correcting transactions to batch records, 8
Cost allocations
fixed amount method, 2.1
percentage method, 2.1
reviewing, 2.2
setting up, 2.1, 2.1.1
setting up cost allocation basis, 2.1.1
units method, 2.1
Create Bank Statement Batches - Proof report, 55.2, 55.3, 55.4, 55.5, 55.6, 55.7
balance forward records, 43.1
consolidated balances, 30.1
disk space, 44.1
high-volume consolidations, 25.2
journal entries for eliminations, 31
organization report structures, 17.1
Creating high-volume consolidations, 25.2
Creating organization report structures, 17.1


audit trail, 67.1
Damaged account balances, 37.1
Data by Business Unit report, 72.3
Data by Type report, 72.2
Data removal
delete, 40.2.1
overview, 40.2
purge, 40.2.1
Date pattern
52 period accounting, 75
deleting, 75.1.1
yearly, 75.1.1
Define Data Types form, 69.1.2
account segments, 19.2, 19.2
account structures, 28.1
business unit structures, 27.1
flexible account segment, 20.2
object account segments, 19.2.1
subledger segments, 20.3
subsidiary account segments, 19.2.3
variable numerator allocation, 3.1.1
Defining a flexible format
rules, 19.2
difference between delete and purge, 40.2.1
Delete Account Master Records
processing options, 48.1
52 period date pattern, 75.1.1
a batch header, 67.1.1
account master records, 48.1
accounts, 48.1
bank statement transactions, 53.2
batch control records, 67.1
batch header records, 9.2.1
business unit, 49.1
company, 49.1
empty batch header records, 9
journal entry, 2.3.1
journal entry line item, 65.1.1
prior consolidation, 25.1
prior high-volume consolidations, 25.4
processed journal entries, 61.1.1
supplemental code entries, 70.2
supplemental text, 70.4
Deleting prior high-volume consolidations, 25.4
unrecorded, 51.2.2
batch header records, 67.1
Disk space, 44.1
business unit data types, 71.2
business unit supplemental data, 71.1
journal entries, 66
Duplication of journal entries
preventing, 62.4.1


Electronic funds transfers, 51.2
Eliminating entry creation
creating journal entries for eliminations, 31
Elimination Consolidations
creating consolidated balances, 30.1
verifying consolidated balances, 30.2
Elimination entry creation
generating business unit structures, 27.1.1
printing account structures, 28.3
printing business unit structures, 27.1.6
reviewing business unit structures, 27.1.3
revising account structures, 28.2
revising business unit structures, 27.1.4
Enter statement form, 53.1.2
supplemental data, 70
supplemental data codes, 70.2
Entering bank statement information, 53.1.2
Entering bank statements, 53.1
Entering coded entries, 70.2
Entering detail information, 53.1.3
Entering new account numbers, 20.5
Entering statement detail
detail for automatic receipts, 53.1.3, 53.1.3
detail for clear draft payments, 53.1.3
detail for clear draft receipts, 53.1.3
detail for clear payments, 53.1.3
detail for clear receipts, 53.1.3
detail for journal entries, 53.1.3
detail for manual payments with voucher match, 53.1.3
detail for manual payments without voucher match, 53.1.3
detail for manual receipts, 53.1.3
VAT detail for journal entries, 53.1.3
Exception reports
integrity tests, 5.2.3


Receipt Number, 53.1.3
Final mode
batch journal entries, 62.2
reconciling bank statements, 55.1
reporting date, 52 period accounting, 75.2
date patterns, 75
year, 44.1
Flexible account numbers
Account Build form, 20.5
account field, 19.1.1
advanced chart of accounts, 18.2
Flex Format-BU.Obj.Sub form, 20.2, 22.2
Flex Format-Subledger form, 20.3
overview, 19.1
refresh index, 20.4.1
rules for defining, 19.2
screen examples, 19.1
subledger format, 20.3
Flexible chart of accounts
converting from standard format, 20.2
creating, 20.1
defining an account segment, 20.2
Flexible Chart of Accounts Coding table, 20.4.1, 20.4.2, 22.3
batch journal entries, 61.1.1
Account Build, 20.5, 20.5
Account Ledger Inquiry, 19.1
Accounts by Business Unit, 19.1
Additional Selections, 53.2
Allocations Review, 2.2, 3.2
Automatic Receipts Entry, 53.1.3
Batch Header Revisions, 67.2
Change Business Units, 33.4.5
Change Object Accounts, 33.4.6
Change Subsidiaries, 33.4.7, 33.4.7
Clear Draft Payment, 53.1.3
Clear Draft Receipt, 53.1.3
Clear Payment, 53.1.3
Clear Receipts, 53.1.3, 53.1.3
Consolidated Trial Balance, 24.2.1, 24.2.1, 24.2.3, 24.3.1
Consolidation Review, 25.3.1
Define Data Types, 69.1.2
Elimination (Consolidation) Specifications, 29
Enter Statement, 53.1.2
Flex Format - Subledger, 20.3
Flex Format-BU. Obj.Sub, 20.2, 22.2
Inquiry by Business Unit, 71.1
Inquiry by Data Type, 71.2
Journal Entry Batch Detail, 61.2
Journal Entry (detail), 53.1.3
Journal Entry (detail) Tax Format, 53.1.3
Journal Entry Reclassification, 66, 66.1
Journal Entry Review, 60.1
Journal Entry Revisions, 61.2
Low Volume (Instant) Mode, 24.1, 24.2, 24.2.2, 24.3.1
Manual Payments with Voucher Match, 53.1.3
Manual Payments without Voucher Match, 53.1.3
Receipts Entry, 53.1.3
Review and Correct JEs, 66.1, 66.1
Review Online Consolidation, 24.2.1
Review Statement, 53.3.1
Revise JE by Line Number, 65.1
Revise Single Business Unit, 14.2
Set 52 Period Dates, 75.1.1
Set Financial Reporting Date form, 75.2
Specify Cost Computations, 2.1
Specify Variable Numerator Computations, 3.1.1, 3.1.2
Structure Inquiry, 17.2.1
Structure Revisions, 17.1.2, 28.2
Supplemental Data Security, 73.1.1
Text Entry - BU Legal Description, 70.4.1
User Defined Code Entry - BU Daily Job Logs, 70.2.1
Free-form account numbers
updating, 33.3


General Ledger
setting up distribution, 2.1.1
business unit structures, 27.1.1
G/L bank account
currency of, 53.3.2


High-volume consolidation, 25.1.1
High-volume consolidations
deleting prior, 25.4
reviewing, 25.3


an allocation amount, 3.1.2
General ledger distribution, 3.1.3
the calculation, 3.1.3
Income statement
consolidations, 24.4.1
Inquiry by Business Unit form, 71.1
Inquiry by Data Type form, 71.2
Integrity report
overview, 5.2
running, 5.2.5
balancing accounts, 12.2
settlements, 12
Intercompany Out-of-Balance report, 12.2


Journal entries, 64.2
adding, 65.1.1
batch and line number, 65.1.1
debit/credit, revising, 66.1
field updates, 66.1
holding a transaction, 66.1.1
line item, deleting, 65.1.1
line item, locating, 65.1
locating, 66
locating line numbers, 65.1.1
out-of-balance, 65.1
Reclassification forms, 66
releasing a transaction, 66.1.1
revising, 66
transaction codes, 52.1.1
Journal entry and batch maintenance
overview, 64.2
Journal entry classification
revising, 66
Journal Entry Reclassification form, 66.1
Journal Entry Review form, 60.1
Journal Entry Revisions form, 61.2


Leap year, 11.4
a batch header, 67.3
a cost computation, 2.2
bank statements, 53.2
financial reporting date, 75.2
journal entries, 66
journal entry line item, 65.1
Locating a batch header, 67.3
Locating and revising bank statements, 53.2, 53.3
Low Volume (Instant) Mode form, 24.1, 24.2, 24.2.2, 24.3.1


Magnetic media processing, 51.2
audit trail, 37.1
Manual payments
posting, 56.3
Manual Payments with Voucher Match form, 53.1.3
Manual Payments without Voucher Match form, 53.1.3
Manual receipts
posting, 56.4
account master number, 13.4
batch header record, 8.1, 13.2
Member ID
DREAM Writer, 54.1, 55.1.2
accounts, 34.3
business unit, 34.3
Moving a business unit
example, 13.2
bank statement processing, 53.1.1, 53.3.2
batch journal entries, 61.1.1
intercompany accounts in balance, 12.2.1


Narrative data types, 68.2.1
Next Numbers
batch journal entries, 61.2.1


Object account numbers
changing, 33.4.6
Object account segments
defining, 19.2.1
Online review by category code, 25.2.1
Organization report structures, 17
changing parent/child business units, 17.1.2
adding a child, 17.1.2
creating, 17.1
deleting parent/child business units, 17.1.2
multi-level, 17.2
printing, 17.3
reviewing, 17.2
revising, 17.1
single-level, 17.2
Structure Inquiry form, 17.2.1
Structure Revisions form, 17.1.2
viewing, 17.1.2
Organizational structure consolidation, 24.2.2
Originating company number, 13.1.1
Out of balance
locating conditions, 11.3
example of condition, 15.2.2
journal entries, 65.1
locating conditions, 13
posting, 10
Out-of-balance batches
correcting, 9, 9.1


clearing, 54.1
Period-end procedures, 9.1
bank statement transactions, 56
out-of-balance, 67.1
reclassified journal entry, 66.1.1
Posting allocations, 4
Posting automatic receipts, 56.1
Posting bank statement transactions, 56
Posting general journal batches, 56.2
Posting manual payments, 56.3
Posting manual receipts, 56.4
Preparing batch journal entries, 59.2.1
account structures, 28.3
bank statement reports, 58.1
business unit structures, 27.1.6
business unit supplemental data, 72
discrepancies, 8.1
organization report structures, 17.3
unposted batches, 6.1
Printing bank statement reports, 58.1
Printing organization report structures, 17.3
Printing unposted batches, 6.1
Prior year account balances
purging, 46.1
Prior year journal entries
bypassing, 44.1
purging, 44.1
purging and deleting, 44.1
Processed journal entries
correcting, 62.4.1
revising or deleting, 61.1.1
technical considerations for purging, 63.1.1
batch journal entries, 59.2, 62.1
Processing batch journal entries, 62.1
Processing options
Account Balance without Account Master, 13.4
Delete Account Master Records, 48.1
Transactions without Account Master, 13.5
Program ID
P0001Z, 60.1
P0006, 14.2
P0006QD, 34.3
P0008B, 75, 75.1.1
P001019B, 75.2, 75.2
P0011, 67.2
P00110Z, 62.2
P00250, 17.2.1
P0050, 17.1.2, 27.1
P00610, 71.2
P00620, 71.1, 71.1
P00650, 72
P00690, 69.1.2
P00691, 70
P00692, 70.2.1
P00693, 70.4, 70.4.1
P007011, 6.1
P007021, 7.1.1, 8.1.1, 15.2.1
P007031, 9.2.1
P0082, 73, 73.1.1
P009103, 37.1.1
P00PURGE, 63.1
P03103, 53.1.3
P03161, 53.1.3
P04102, 53.1.3
P04106, 53.1.3
P04161, 53.1.3
P04162, 53.1.3
P0901, 19.1
P0901Z1, 61.1.1, 61.2
P0902B, 77.1
P0907, 20.2, 22.2
P09071, 20.3
P0908, 20.5
P09104, 66.1
P09105, 65.1
P091102, 62.2
P0912, 2.1
P09122, 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.2
P09130, 54.1
P09131, 57.1
P09160, 53, 53.1.2
P09160W, 53.2
P09161, 53.1.3
P09170, 55.1, 55.2
P091702, 55.3
P091703, 55.4
P091704, 55.5
P091705, 55.6
P091706, 55.7
P09180, 58.1
P09181, 53.3, 53.3.1
P09200, 19.1
P09204, 66.1, 66.1
P092121, 25.1, 25.3.1, 25.3.1
P09218, 24.1, 24.2.2, 24.2.2, 24.2.3, 24.3.1
P092181, 24.2.1, 24.2.2, 24.2.3, 24.2.3, 24.3.1
P09220, 2.2, 3.2
P09302, 2.3.1
P093022, 3.3
P097001, 11.1, 11.2
P097011, 12.2
P097021, 13.4
P097041, 13.2.1
P09705, 15.2
P098021, 34.4
P09803, 33.1, 33.4.6, 33.4.6
P09805, 33.4.7, 33.4.7
P09806, 33.5
P09808, 34.2
P09811, 43.1
P09812, 33.4, 33.4.5, 33.4.5
P09813, 34.1
P09814, 48.1, 48.1
P09820B, 76
P09830, 20.4.1
P09870, 4.2, 56.1, 56.2, 56.4
P0991, 44.1
P099102, 37.1, 37.1.1
P09925, 49.1
P09930, 36.1
P10861, 25.4
Proof mode
batch journal entries, 62.2
reconciling bank statements, 55.1
Pseudo business units, 25.2
structure, 25.2.2
Pseudo company
defined, 25.1
Purged transaction detail, 37.1.2
bank statement detail, 50.2
conditions, 44.1
journal entries, 44.1
processed batch journal entries, 63
records, 43.1.2
selecting records, 63.1.1
summarized records, 43.1
Purging processed journal entries, 63.1


Receipt Number
defined, 53.1.3
clearing, 54.1
Receipts Entry form, 53.1.3
Reclassified journal entry, 66.1.1
Reconciling bank statements, 53.1.2, 55.1, 55.1
amounts not equal, 55.6
cleared not issued report, 55.4
proof and final modes, 55.1
reviewing the cleared before issued report, 55.5
unreconciled items, 55.7
Reconciling bank statements manually, 57.1
Reorganize File program, 44.1
Account Balance to Transactions, 15.2.2
Account Balance without Account Master, 13.3.1
Account Master without Business Unit Master, 13.2.1
Account Structure Build, 28, 28.1.1
Allocations Journal, 2.3.1
Bank Reconciliation, 55.3
Bank Statement, 58.1
Batch Table Entry - Exceptions, 62.3
Batches Posted out of Balance report, 9.2.1
Business Unit Structure Build, 27.1.2
Companies in Balance, 11.1
Company by Batch Out-of-Balance, 10.1.1
Create Bank Statement Batches - Proof, 55.2, 55.3, 55.4, 55.5, 55.6, 55.7
Data by Business Unit, 72.3
Data by Data Type, 72.2
Intercompany Out-of-Balance, 12.2
Repost of Transactions to Account Balances, 37.1.1, 37.1.1
Unposted Batches, 6.1.1
Variable Allocation Journal, 3.3
Reports and allocations
updating, 33.9
Repost 52 period accounting, 77.1
Repost Account Ledger program, 43.1.2
Repost of Transactions to Account Balances report, 37.1.1, 37.1.1
Reposting the account ledger, 37.1
Research tools to balance, 11.4.1
Researching discrepancies, 8.1.1
Companies in Balance integrity report, 11.4.1
Restate account balance, 37.1
allocation, 2.1.1
variable numerator allocation, 3.1.2
Review and Correct JEs form, 66.1, 66.1
Review Online Consolidation form, 24.2.1
Review Statement form, 53.3.1
amounts not equal report, 55.6
bank reconciliation report, 55.3
bank statements, 53.3
batch control records, 67.1, 67.1
batch journal entries, 60
business unit structures, 27.1.3
cleared before issued report, 55.5
cleared not issued report, 55.4
cost allocations, 2.2
high-volume consolidations, 25.3
income statements and balance sheets, 24.4
organization report structures, 17.2
proof report, 55.2
unreconciled items report, 55.7
variable numerator allocations, 3.2
Reviewing and posting allocations, 4
Reviewing bank statements, 53.3
Reviewing batch journal entries, 60.1
Reviewing high-volume consolidations, 25.3
Reviewing income statements and balance sheets, 24.4
Reviewing the bank reconciliation report, 55.3
Revise JE by Line Number form, 65.1
Revise Single Business Unit form, 14.2
account structures, 28.2, 32.2
bank statements, 53.2, 53.2
bank statements transactions, 53.2
bank statements, multiple transactions, 53.2.1
batch header records, 67.1, 67.4
batch journal entries, 61.1
batches to post out-of-balance, 67.5
business unit security, 33.7
business unit structures, 27.1.4
business units, 33.2
Business Units form, 33.4.5
journal entries by line number, 65.1
journal entry, 2.3.1
journal entry classification, 66
line item, 65.1
old business unit information, 33.8
processed journal entries, 61.1.1
unposted journal entries, 65.1
unposted journal entry line item, 65.1
variable numerator allocation, 3.1.4
Revising a batch header, 67.4
Revising a journal entry, 66.1
Revising batch journal entries, 61.1
Revising business unit security, 33.7
Rolling period summarization, 43.1
Rules for defining flexible account numbers, 19.2
business unit, 19.2
numeric/alphanumeric, 19.2
object, 19.2
subledger, 19.2
subsidiary, 19.2
total length, 19.2


Scaling factor
consolidations, 24.2.3
Security, 73
consolidations, 25.4.1
revising business unit, 33.7
Set 52 Period Dates form, 75.1.1
Set Financial Reporting Date form, 75.2
Set up
as of date, 75.2
Setting up
52 period accounting, 75
business unit supplemental data types, 69
business units, 33.2
fiscal date patterns, 75.1
Setting up 52 period accounting, 75
Setting up business unit supplemental data types, 69.1
Setting up cost allocation basis, 2.1.1
Setting up cost allocation calculation, 2.1.1
Setting up cost allocations, 2.1
Setting up financial reporting dates, 75.2
Setting up G/L distribution, 2.1.1
Setting up security for business unit supplemental data, 73.1
Setting up variable numerator allocations, 3.1
Single balance forward, 43.1
Skip to account
consolidations, 24.2.3
Specify Cost Computations form, 2.1
Specify Var/Num Computations form, 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.2
Storing online consolidation criteria, 24.5
defining segments, 20.3
flexible account numbers, 20.3
Submitting batches, 62.2, 62.2
Submitting integrity reports, 10.1
Subsidiary account segments
defining, 19.2.3
Subsidiary numbers
changing, 33.4.7
Summarize Account Ledger records, 43.1
Summarized reporting, 43.1.2
bank statement processing, 51.2
Supplemental Data Security form, 73.1.1


F0005, 69.1
F0006, 20.2, 20.4.1, 25.1, 25.2.1, 27.1.1, 34.3, 34.4, 48.1, 49.1
F0008B, 75.1, 77.1
F0010, 75.2
F0011, 4.1, 6.1, 36.1, 65.1, 67.1
F0050, 17.1, 27.1.1
F00690, 69.1, 72.1
F00692, 70.2, 72.1
F00693, 70.4, 72.1
F0080, 73
F0101, 34.4
F0311, 8.1, 9.2, 51.2, 53.1.3
F0312, 9.2
F0411, 8.1, 9.2, 53.1.3, 53.1.3
F0413, 8.1, 9.2
F0414, 8.1, 9.2
F0901, 20.2, 25.1, 25.4, 32.2.2, 33.4.5, 33.4.7, 34.1, 34.3, 48.1, 49.1
F0902, 11.2, 12.2, 25.4, 30.1, 32.2.2, 33.4.5, 37.1, 49.1, 76
F0902B, 76, 77.1
F0907, 20.4.1, 20.4.2
F0911, 4.1, 8.1, 10.1, 25.4, 31, 32.2.2, 33.4.5, 36.1, 37.1, 43.1, 44.1, 49.1, 51.2, 56.1, 57.1, 62.1, 62.2, 63.1, 65.1, 66.1, 76.1.2, 77.1
F0911R, 51.2, 54.1, 56.1
F0911xx, 44.1
F0911Z1, 60, 61.1, 62.2, 63
F0912B, 3.1, 3.2
F0916, 51.2
F0917, 51.2, 58.1
F1001, 27.1, 30.1
F1002, 27.1, 30.1
F1003, 27.1, 30.1
F1011, 48.1
F1017, 29, 31
F10430, 28.1
Technical considerations
for processed journal entry purge, 63.1.1
Text Entry - BU Legal Description form, 70.4.1
Tracking data, 69.1
Transaction codes
automatic receipts entry, 52.1.1
bank statement processing
overview, 52.1
draft collected, 52.1.1
draft paid, 52.1.1
journal entry, 52.1.1
manual receipts entry, 52.1.1
payment clear, 52.1.1
receipts clear, 52.1.1
self-reconciling, 52.1.1
viewing, 60.1
Transactions to Batch report, 7.1.1, 8.1.1, 15.2.1
running, 7.1, 8.1
Transactions without a Batch Header report, 7.1.1, 8.1.1, 15.2.1
Transactions without Account Master
processing options, 13.5
Transit accounts
bank statement processing, 52.1.2


Understanding flexible format numbers
advanced chart of accounts, 19.1
Understanding transaction codes, 52.1
Unit method
example, 2.1
Unposted Batches report, 6.1.1
Unrecorded deposits, 51.2.2
fields, 66.1
54 amount categories, 76.1.2
Account Balances table, 33.5, 37.1, 76
Account Ledger file, 76.1.2
Account Ledger table, 33.5
Account Master file, 13.5
Account Master table, 13.5, 20.4.2
Address Book system, 49.1
all accounts, 34.3
batch header amount, 36.1
batch header records, 9
Business Unit Master table, 20.4.1
business units and account numbers, 20.4
category codes, 34.4
company number, 13.5
free-form account numbers, 33.3
reconciliation table, 54.1
reports and allocations, 33.9
Updating AAIs, 33.6
Updating batch header amounts, 36.1
Updating category codes, 34.4
Updating free-form account numbers, 33.3
Updating model/consolidated field, 34.3
Updating reports and allocations, 33.9
Updating the reconciliation table, 54.1
Upload to JD Edwards World system, 36.1
User access, 73
User Defined Code Entry - BU Daily Job Logs form, 70.2.1
User defined codes
business unit supplemental data, 69.1
system 00, type TS, 17.1.1


company number, 13.1, 13.4
Variable Allocation Journal report, 3.3
Variable numerator allocations, 3
defining, 3.1.1
identifying an amount, 3.1.2
identifying the general ledger distribution, 3.1.3
reviewing, 3.2
setting up, 3.1
consolidated balances, 30.2
allocations, 4.1
business unit data types, 71.2
business unit supplemental data, 71, 71.1
journal entries, 66
multiple business units, 24.1
Viewing business unit supplemental data, 71
Viewing data by business unit, 71.1
Viewing data by data type, 71.2
Viewing transactions, 60.1


Working with account information, 34
Working with batch headers, 67.2
Working with business unit supplemental data, 70.1
Working with cost allocations, 2
Working with high-volume consolidations, 25.1
Working with low-volume consolidations, 24.1
Working with variable numerator allocations, 3