13 Correct Chart of Accounts Discrepancies

This chapter contains these topics:

13.1 Overview

You run chart of accounts integrity reports to:

  • Ensure that there is matching account and company information among your account structure tables

  • Automatically update the tables with the correct company information

JD Edwards World recommends that you run the following integrity reports in this order:

  1. Accounts without a Business Unit

  2. Account Balance without Account Master

  3. Transactions without Account Master

This order ensures that the company number always originates from the Business Unit Master table.

13.1.1 Before You Begin

See Also:

13.2 Running the Accounts without a Business Unit Report


From General Accounting (G09), choose Integrity Reports and Updates

From Integrity Reports and Updates (G0922), choose Accounts without Business Units

This report verifies that a business unit or valid company number exists for each record in the Account Master table (F0901). If the business unit or company number does not exist in the Account Master table, this report prints the business unit, object account, subsidiary, and company for each account in the missing business unit.

This report may also assist in locating out of balance situations incurred on Financial Statements, for example, Simple Income Statement or FASTR reports.

If you run the report in update mode, it updates the company number in the Account Master table with the company number in the Business Unit Master table (F0006).

Run this integrity report in proof mode on a weekly basis. The sooner you detect a discrepancy, the easier it will be for you to research the issue and correct the discrepancy.

Additionally, if you are making a global change to the chart of accounts, for example, moving Business Unit 450 from Company 450 to Company 1, you must run this and two additional integrity reports:

  • Account Balance without Account Master (P097031)

  • Correcting Transactions to Batch Records (P097021)

The following is an example of the process that you should follow after you move a business unit from one company to another.

This is a DREAM Writer report.

When working with this report, observe the following precautions:

  1. JD Edwards World recommends that you run integrity reports at off-peak hours, when no one is on the system, to prevent a possible record-lock.

  2. Run this report in proof mode prior to submitting in "Final" mode. There is a processing option which allows an automatic update to the Company number in the Account Master file. When this option is active, the program replaces the company number in the F0901 with the Company number attached to the Business Unit in the F0006.

  3. Prior to running any integrity reports in Update mode, be sure to back up the following files: F0901, F0902, and F0911.

  4. When taking the option to update the company number:

    • If the "new" company's fiscal date pattern is different from the "original" company's date pattern, run the Repost Account Ledger program (P099102) to restate the amounts to the correct periods.

    • Run the following additional integrity reports in the following order and one at a time to ensure that the Company number on the Account Master is the same as that on the Business Unit Master:

      • Account Balance without Account Master (P097031)

      • Transactions without Account Master (P097021)


Please read any available documentation concerning these programs prior to running.

Example: Moving a Business Unit

Figure 13-1 Moving a Business Unit

Description of Figure 13-1 follows
Description of "Figure 13-1 Moving a Business Unit"

  1. Run the Companies in Balance integrity report. Verify each company is in balance.

  2. Change the company number on the business unit master.

  3. Run the following integrity reports in this order:

    • Account without Business Units

    • Account Balance without Account Master

    • Transactions without Account Master

  4. Run the Companies in Balance integrity report again to determine which intercompany transactions to enter.

  5. Enter the intercompany transactions, if necessary.

  6. Set the Batch Header to post out of balance to avoid creating additional Intercompany entries.

  7. Post the intercompany transactions, if necessary.

Figure 13-2 Account Master without Business Unit Master report

Description of Figure 13-2 follows
Description of "Figure 13-2 Account Master without Business Unit Master report"

13.2.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Abbreviated column headings The report contains the following abbreviated column headings:

A/M Co – Account Master Company

B/M Co – Business Unit Master Company

13.2.2 Correcting Discrepancies

After running this report, you should correct any discrepancies that the system detects. Some typical discrepancies, reasons for occurring, and possible resolutions include:

Discrepancies Reason / Resolution
C/M column is blank The Account Master file (F0901) items do not have a corresponding Business Unit Master file (F0006) record.


  • The Business Unit is not included in the Business Unit Master File (F0006).


  • Add the missing Business Unit to the F0006 using the Revise Single Business Unit program (P0006).

Company numbers differ between accounts Records have a company number which differs between the F0901 and the F0006 files.


  • This is often caused by changing the company number on a business unit without running the updates.


  • Run this integrity report in Update mode.

13.3 Running the Account Balance without Account Master Report

This DREAM Writer report verifies that an account master number or valid company number exists for each transaction in the Account Balances table (F0902). If the account master or company numbers do not exist in the Account Balances table, this report prints the account balance information.

This report also updates the company number in the Account Balances table with the company number in the Account Master table.

If you set up Enhanced Subledger Accounting, you can view these values on the report. See Work with Enhanced Subledger Accounting for more information.

You should correct any discrepancies on the Account Balance without Account Master report before running the Transactions without Account Master report. Typically, if an account is not on the Account Balance without Account Master report, it is not on the Transactions without Account Master report.

Figure 13-3 Account Balance without Account Master report

Description of Figure 13-3 follows
Description of "Figure 13-3 Account Balance without Account Master report"

13.3.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Abbreviated column headings The report contains the following abbreviated column headings:
  • LT – Ledger Type

  • Ct – Century

  • FY – Fiscal Year

  • ST – Subledger Type

  • Cur Cod – Currency Code

  • A/B Co – Account Balances Company

  • A/M Co – Account Master Company

  • PYE – Prior Year End Balance

13.4 Running the Transactions without Account Master Report


From General Accounting (G09), choose Integrity Reports and Updates

From Integrity Reports and Updates (G0922), choose Transactions without Account Master

This report verifies that an account master number or valid company number exists for each record in the Account Ledger table (F0911). If the account master information or company numbers do not exist in the Account Ledger table, this report prints every account transaction from the Account Ledger table.

This report also updates the company number in the Account Ledger table with the company number in the Account Master table.

The report prints every transaction for which the company number on the Account Ledger table (F0911) and the Account Master table (F0901) differ, or for which there is no record in the Account Master table (F0901) for the account number on the Account Ledger table (F0911).

This is a DREAM Writer report.

13.4.1 Before You Begin

  • Correct any discrepancies on the Account Balance without Account Master report.

  • Run Accounts without Business Units (P097041 or R097041) prior to executing this report.


The Accounts without Business Units report will ensure the correct company is on the Account Master. The Account Master must have the correct company attached to the accounts before running any update to the Account Ledger table (F0911) using the Trans w/o Account Mater Integrity Rpt.

Figure 13-4 Transactions without Account Master report

Description of Figure 13-4 follows
Description of "Figure 13-4 Transactions without Account Master report"

13.4.2 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Abbreviated column headings The report contains the following abbreviated column headings:
  • BT Ty – Batch Type

  • Do Ty – Document Type

  • Doc Co – Document Company

  • T/L – Account Ledger Company Number

  • A/M Co – Account Master Company

  • L T – Ledger Type

  • P C – Posted Code

13.4.3 Issues Resolution

Issue Resolution
Account Master record (A/M) exists, but the company is not in the Account Ledger table (T/L) To update the company number in the Account Ledger table with the value that is in the Account Master table:
  • Run the integrity in final mode.

  • Enter a value of 2 in the processing option for the report.

The Account Number is missing from the Account Master table (A/M) To Add the account to the Account Master table:
  • Run the Revise Single Account program (P09011).

13.5 Correcting Discrepancies

After running these reports, you should correct any discrepancies that the system detects. Some typical discrepancies and possible resolutions are:

Discrepancy Resolution
The company number is not in the Account Master table Use a processing option in the Accounts without a Business Unit report to update the company number in the Account Master table. This is helpful if you change the company number in the business unit master record and want to globally update the Account Master table.
The company number is not in the Account Balances table Use a processing option in the Account Balance without Account Master report to update the company number in the Account Balances table. This is helpful if you change the company number in the account master record and want to globally update the Account Balances table.
Account Master Company column is blank on the report Add the account on Single Account Revisions by entering the short account ID from the report.
The company number is not in the Account Ledger table Use a processing option in the Transactions without Account Master report to update the company number in the Account Ledger table. This is helpful if you change the company number in the account master record and want to globally update the Account Balances table.