44 Purge Prior Year Journal Entries

This chapter contains this topic:

44.1 Purging Prior Year Journal Entries


From General Accounting (G09), choose G/L Advanced & Technical Operations

From G/L Advanced & Technical Operations (G0931), choose Summarize & Purge Data

From Summarize & Purge Data (G09317), choose Purge Prior Year Journal Entries

If you create a balance forward record or you want to make more disk space available, you can purge summarized journal entries. When you run the Purge Prior Year Journal Entries program, the system:

  • Copies summarized prior year journal entries in the Account Ledger table (F0911) to a purge table F0911xx, where xx is the fiscal year

  • Marks the copied records as purged

  • Deletes purged records from the Account Ledger table when certain conditions are met

  • Prints a report that lists the number of records purged by company

This is a DREAM Writer process.

A record must be one of the following before you can purge it:

  • A prior year transaction

  • A summarized transaction for the current year

When the system identifies and marks the record as a purge record, the record must then meet all of the following conditions before the system deletes it:

  • The account number cannot be within the bypass purge ranges in the AAI item GLPRxx.

  • The record must not have an * (asterisk) in the Payment Number field. This denotes a partial payment retainage or discount for 1099 reporting.

  • The reconciled code must be a value other than blank, if the account is within the reconcilable range in AAI item GLRCxx.

  • For Energy clients, if the account is billable, the bill code of the transaction must be X (direct charge allocated or billed) or Y (manually allocated and billed).

Do not purge the summary balance forward records (document type BF) unless you no longer need them to support the Account Balances table.

Prior year journal entries can be:

  • Purged and deleted

  • Purged but not deleted

  • Deleted

  • Completely bypassed

You can only purge summarized prior year journal entries one year at a time. The program should not be stopped once it's started.

Three AAI items control the account ranges to be purged or bypassed:

AAI Explanation
GLSMxx Defines the range of accounts not to be summarized. Current year transactions must contain a Summarized Code of Y to be deleted from the Account Ledger table. Prior year transactions in these ranges can be deleted regardless of summarization.
GLRCxx Defines a range of accounts that must be reconciled before they are deleted. The Reconciled field must contain a value form the user defined code (09/RC) to be deleted.
GLPRxx Defines a range of accounts that are not to be deleted. These accounts are written to the purge table. Their purge codes are set to Y.

After the purge process is complete, you should:

  • Copy the F0911xx table to another medium. If you keep this table on your system and you purge again, the system adds newly purged records to the F0911xx table.

  • Run the Reorganize Files program (P98999).

Before You Begin

44.1.1 Processing Options

See Section 84.2, "Purge - All Companies (P09911)"

44.1.2 Data Selection for Purge Prior Year Journal Entries

Enter the fiscal year (where xx equals fiscal year) to correctly name the purge table F0911xx.