46 Purge Prior Year Account Balances (P09912)

This chapter contains this topic:

46.1 Purging Prior Year Account Balances


From General Accounting (G09), choose G/L Advanced & Technical Operations

From G/L Advanced & Technical Operations (G0931), choose Summarize & Purge Data

From Summarize & Purge Data (G09317), choose Purge Prior Year Account Balances

To make more disk space available, you can purge account balance records.

Purging your Account Balance file (F0902) of previous years' account balance records will help create more free disk space on your computer.

Using the purge program (P09912) you can purge all prior year account balances or specific account balance records. You can only purge one year's files at a time. If purging files for multiple years run the purge program for each year you are purging.

46.1.1 How It Works

When you run the Account Balance Purge program (P09912), the system writes Account Balance (F0902) records for the fiscal year designated in Data Selection to the F0902xx file (where xx is equal to the fiscal year selected). After the system writes records to this file, it removes them from the Account Balance file (F0902) and generates a report listing the number of records purged.

Using Data Selection, you can choose specific account balance records to purge. For example, you can purge records for a specific company. If you are only purging part of a fiscal year or purging specific company information, you may use the same file to purge the remaining records for the same fiscal year. If the program finds a file in your library with the same fiscal year as that entered in your Data Selection, the program will simply add the new purged data to the existing file.

Before You Begin

  • Back up the Account Balances table

Data Selection for Purge Prior Year Account Balances

Enter the fiscal year (where xx equals fiscal year) to correctly name the purge table F0902xx.

46.1.2 Post Purge

After the account balance records are purged, you can move the purged file to another library or copy the file to tape or diskette.

You will not regain disk space until the F0902 file is "reorganized" and the purge file is moved to tape or diskette. The Reorganize File program (P98999) removes the space created by deleted records in the file and 're-orders' the existing records.


Reorganize File (P98999) is a technical program that should only be executed by authorized users.