73 Set Up Business Unit Supplemental Data Security

This chapter contains this topic:

73.1 Overview


From General Accounting (G09), choose G/L Advanced & Technical Operations

From G/L Advanced & Technical Operations (G0931), choose Business Unit Supplemental Data

From Business Unit Supplemental Data (G09312), choose Supplemental Data Security

All users have access to all business unit supplemental data, unless you set up security. Setting up security for supplemental data enables you to control user access to:

  • Data entry forms

  • Inquiry forms

  • Reports

Security is based on user IDs and supplemental data types. The system stores security information in the Supplemental Data Type Security table (F0080).

73.1.1 Before You Begin

  • Determine which supplemental data types that each user can access

To set up business unit supplemental data security

On Supplemental Data Security

Figure 73-1 Supplemental Data Security screen

Description of Figure 73-1 follows
Description of "Figure 73-1 Supplemental Data Security screen"

  1. Complete the following fields:

    • User ID

    • Type of Data

    • Allow

  2. To add the record, press Enter.

Field Explanation
User ID For World, The IBM-defined user profile.

Form-specific information

The Skip To User ID field in the upper part of the screen lets you specify the user ID you want displayed at the top of the list. If the list includes many pages of information, this field eliminates the need to scroll through the list when searching for a specific user.

If you use *PUBLIC in the User ID field, you can secure a data type for all users that are not specified individually.

Type of Data Identifies a data type, which is used to group similar information.
Allow A code that indicates whether a user is allowed access to the function key or selection. Valid codes are:

Y – Yes, allow access

N – No, prevent access

Blank Yes, allow access (default).