18 Purchase Card Processing Options

This chapter includes the following processing options:

18.1 Purchase Card Constants (P01P00)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter one of the following values to determine which application constants to display:

' ' = Purchase Card Constants

'1' = Travel and Expense Constants


18.2 Employee/Card Revisions (P01P01)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
Enter the number of days to be used as a tolerance amount to alert you to expiring cards. An alert will be displayed next to the Expiration Month/Year if it falls within the tolerance days from the system date, or if the Expiration Month/Year has passed. Enter the number of days prior to the card expiration date that you want the system to use to display the message, Expired!, on the Employee Card Revisions screen (P01P01)
2. Enter the character you will use to indicate you want the field cleared. If a value is entered, fields left blank will not be updated. If no value is entered, the entire record, all fields, will be processed and blank fields will be cleared. If you use the batch import (Z) process to update employee card information, you can use this processing option to specify a special character to indicate that you want to clear a field. The system clears the value from any field that has the character you specify in this processing option on the spreadsheet when you process the changes using Purchase Card Revisions (P01P01Z). For example, suppose you use category code 01 to track the employee's job and the employee moves to another position that no longer requires use of a credit card. If you attempt to clear a value using the Z-file, the system does not distinguish that you are changing the value of the field. You assign a special character to the fields that you want to clear on the F01P01Z spreadsheet and then enter that character in the processing option for Z-File Processing. The system locates all fields with the special character that you specify in the processing option and clears the value in the field.

18.3 Merchant Information (P01P02)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter 1 to require the address book number of the merchant. This processing option is valid only when merchant tracking is not activated in the Purchase Card Constants (P01P00).  

18.4 T&E Category Revisions (P01P04)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter '1' to update expense categories for Travel and Expense. If left blank, you will be working with Purchase Cards.  
2. Any values loaded below will be pre-loaded to the video upon entry:

Expense Group (* = All). . . . . .


18.5 PCard Transaction Detail - Expense Category Form (P01P111)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Select the default screen format:

' ' = Standard Account Entry

'1' = Expense Category Entry


18.6 Transaction Workbench (P01P200)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Any values loaded below will be pre-loaded to the video upon entry:

Company . . . . . . . . . . . .

Business Unit . . . . . . . . .

Cardholder. . . . . . . . . . .

Card ID . . . . . . . . . . . .

Merchant ID . . . . . . . . . .

Status. ('*' = All) . . . . . .

Status Reason Code. ('*'=All) .

Item Flag . (* = All) . . . . .

Asset Flag. (* = All) . . . . .

Enter the version for each program:

If left blank, ZJDE0001 will be used.

2. Supplier Ledger Inquiry. . . . . . .

3. Standard Voucher Entry . . . . . . .

4. Journal Entry. . . . . . . . . . . .

5. Purchase Order Entry . . . . . . . .

6. Merchant Information . . . . . . . .

7. Stock Inventory Items. . . . . . . .

8. Voucher Entry w/Logging (ZJDE0002) .

9. Voucher Entry - Multi Company. . . .

10. PCard Transaction Details. . . . . .


18.7 Purchase Card - Statement Inquiry (P01P201)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Any values loaded below will be pre-loaded to the video upon entry:

Company . . . . . . . . . . . .

Business Unit . . . . . . . . .

Cardholder. . . . . . . . . . .

Card ID . . . . . . . . . . . .

Merchant ID . . . . . . . . . .

Reconciled ('*' = All) . . . . . .

2. Enter '1' to use the Travel and Entertainment constants as the default processing when reconciling a multi-use card. If left blank, the PCard constants will be used. (This pertains to currency on/off for example).  

18.8 Merchant Activity Inquiry (P01P220)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1) Any values entered in the following options will be loaded upon entry into the program:
  • Merchant Number

  • Account

  • From Date/Period

  • Thru Date/Period

  • PCard Flag (* = All)

  • Subledger (* = All)

  • Subledger Type

  • Ascending/Descending

  • Sequence

  • Business Unit

2. Enter one of the following values to limit the Document Types you wish to display:

blank = all Document Types

'1' = 01P/DI for included types

'2' = 01P/DX for excluded types

For example, you might not want to include document types such as AE, PK, PN, PT or P1 that affect meaningful totals. Additionally, if you generate vouchers from the PCard system, you should assign them a unique document type so you can exclude them as well. JD Edwards World recommends that you display only journal entry document types and document types for vouchers that are generated outside of the PCard system. This ensures that you capture merchant activity correctly.
3. Enter the version to be called for each:

Merchant Activity Summary. . .


18.9 Merchant Summary (P01P225)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1) Any values entered in the following options will be loaded upon entry into the program:

Merchant Number . . . . .

Merchant ID . . . . . . .

Year. . . . . . . . . . .

Company . . . . . . . . .

PCard Flag. (* = All) . .

Object Account. . . . . .

Subsidiary Account. . . .

Cardholder Address. . . .

Currency. . . . . . . . .

Business Unit . . . . . .

2. Enter one of the following values to limit the Document Types you wish to display:

blank = all Document Types

'1' = 01P/DI for included types

'2' = 01P/DX for excluded types

3. Enter a '1' to use the historical exchange rate (G/L Date) to convert amounts. If left blank the current exchanged rate based on today's date will be used.

NOTE: This only pertains if currency is active and the base company currency of the account is different than the currency requested.


18.10 Transaction Report (P01P400)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter one of the following formats:

' ' = Transaction Header Information

'1' = Transaction Detail Information

If left blank, Header format will print.

2. Enter '1' to print Generic Text.

If left blank, no generic text will print.

3. Enter '1' to print the Item or Asset line if either is entered for the transaction. If left blank, this information will not print.  
4. Enter '1' to print the Remark.

If left blank, the Description of Goods will print.

5. Enter a '1' to print the Enhanced Subledger fields. If left blank or no Enhanced Subledgers entered, the line will not print.  

18.11 Employee Card Information Report (P01P401)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a '1' to print Credit Limit information. If left blank, no Credit Limit information will print.  
2. Enter a '1' to print Category Codes. If left blank, no Category Codes will print.  
3. Enter a '1' to print card approval and date information. If left blank, no card approval information will print.  
4. Enter '1' to alert you to duplicate Credit Card Type / Bankcard ID records with an asterisk to the right of the Bankcard ID. If left blank, no asterisk will print.

NOTE: The DREAM Writer Sequence must be as shown in the DEMO version or the data will be unreliable.

You must use the Data Sequence from the ZJDE0001 version: Address Number (001) and Bankcard ID (2).
5. Enter the number of days to be used as a tolerance amount to alert you to expiring cards. An alert will be displayed next to the Expiration Month/Year if it falls within the tolerance days from the system date, or if the Expiration Month/Year has passed. For example, if you enter 30, the system prints ** next to the expiration date for those employees whose purchase cards will expire within 30 days.

18.12 Merchant Information Report (P01P402)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a '1' to print Purchase Order information. If left blank, no Purchase Order information will print.  

18.13 Transaction Activity Report (P01P404)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the number that represents the month that begins your fiscal year.

If left blank, the year will run January to January.

2. Enter a beginning purchase date to limit bank charges included in this report. If left blank, we will include one year of bank charges for this report.

NOTE: A workfile over both the PCard and T&E charges is created. Data must be limited for better performance.

3. Enter a '1' next to the information you would like to bypass in your report. If left blank, all will print.

Transaction Level Information

Daily Summary

Monthly Summary

Yearly Summary

4. Enter a '1' to print only those lines that are over the Credit or Transaction Limits. If left blank, all transactions and totals will print.  

18.14 Create Vouchers - Merchant Tracking (P01P510)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a '1' to process the batch information in Final mode. If left blank, the batch processing will be performed in Proof mode and no file updates will occur.  
2. Enter a '1' to automatically submit the post after processing/creating voucher transactions. If left blank, the post is not submitted.  
3. Enter one of the following voucher creation methods:

' ' = Standard Voucher

'1' = Logged Vouchers

'2' = Multicompany Single Supplier

NOTE: Multicompany is only invoked if you are processing pay items at the detail level.

You must coordinate the setting of this processing option with the setting of the processing option for Create Journal Entries (P01P520) that specifies whether to create an offsetting entry by company and business unit; otherwise, the offset accounts will not balance to zero when you post the corresponding vouchers.

Blank - Standard Voucher. The system uses the following hierarchy to locate the CCP AAI to use to retrieve the G/L distribution account to assign to the voucher:

  • CCP + Currency + Employee Company

  • CCP + Currency + Company 00000

  • CCP + Employee Company

  • CCP + Company 00000

The system uses the employee company from the F01P11 record to locate the CCP AAI to use. If you do not specify a business unit on the CCP AAI, the system uses the employee business unit from the F01P11 record and concatenates it to the object/subsidiary to derive the offset account to use.

1 - Logged Voucher. Use this processing option setting when you assign purchase order information to the PCard transaction for encumbrance or inventory processing. The system uses the standard voucher logging AAIs (PP and PQ) for the G/L distribution and updates the Create Journal Entries Date field (CRTJ) with the system date to prevent journal entries from being generated.

2 - Multicompany Single Supplier. This is only invoked if you are processing pay items at the detail level.Set to 2 if you also generate multiple offset entries in the Create Journal Entries program. The system uses the following hierarchy to locate the CCP AAI to use:

  • CCP + Currency + Expense Distribution Company

  • CCP + Currency + Company 00000

  • CCP + Expense Distribution Company

  • CCP + Company 00000

The system derives the expense distribution company based on the business unit of the expense account from the F01P111 record and uses that to locate the CCP AAI to use. If the business unit is blank on the CCP AAI, the system uses the business unit from the expense distribution account and concatenates it to the object/subsidiary account specified in the AAI to derive the offset account.

4. Enter a '1' to create the voucher pay items at the detail level. If left blank, pay items will be created at the Transaction level rather than the detail distribution level. If you receive PCard transactions with receipt details and you process them in detail mode, then the transactions in the F01P11 are the same as those in F01P111. If no further G/L distribution has been made to allocate the entries to more than the original transmitted account, then the detail and the receipt information are the same and the setting of this processing option is moot. The system generates voucher pay items for receipt details.

Similarly, if you do not receive PCard transactions with receipt details, then regardless of your process mode the transactions in the F01P11 are the same as those in F01P111. If no further G/L distribution has been made to allocate the entries to more than the original transmitted account, then the detail and the receipt information are the same and the setting of this processing option is moot. The system generates one voucher pay item that represents the receipt total.

If you receive PCard transactions with receipt details and you process them in summary mode, the system summarizes the receipt details from F01P111 into one receipt total in F01P11. Similarly, if you do not receive PCard transactions with receipt details, but you add detail entries by further allocating the expenses across multiple G/L accounts, then you would have a single F01P11 receipt total with multiple F01P111 detail records. Therefore, setting this processing option affects whether you generate one or more pay items on the voucher.

5. Enter value for G/L Date Assignment:

' ' = Purchase Date

'1' = Summarized Purchase Date to Period End Date

'2' = Statement Date

'3' = Summarized Statement Date to Period End Date

'4' = G/L date Entered below:

G/L Date . . . . . . . . . .

NOTE: If Statement Date is not available the Purchase Date will be used.

CAUTION!!! DREAM Writer Sequence must be set correctly for selected date assignment.

Note: If you use either of the Statement Date options (2 or 3), you must set the Data Sequence as follows:
  • Employee Company

  • Currency Code

  • Statement Date

  • Date of Purchase

  • Unique Key ID

The program provides a unique DREAM Writer version for Statement Date processing (ZJDE0003).

6. Enter a '1' to bypass tax processing (no tax processing and no tax area/tax explanation defaults). If left blank, tax processing will be in effect.

(NOTE: See AP Functional Server(XT0411Z1) for additional tax processing option.)

7. Enter a '1' to use the detail transaction description as the pay item remark. If left blank or not in detail, the transaction description will be used.  
8. Enter a '1' to bypass populating the Vendor Invoice Number with the Card Type/Unique ID#. If left blank, the field VINV will be populated.

NOTE: If you have the constants set for Duplicate Invoice Number Edit this option should remain blank.

9. Enter a '1' to suppress the printing of warnings on the error report. If left blank, warnings will print on the error report.  
10. Enter a '1' to suppress the printing of successfully created vouchers. If left blank, vouchers successfully created will be noted on the report.  
11. To override standard A/P Voucher processing (DREAM Writer XT0411Z1, version ZJDE0001), enter an override version number. This should only be changed by persons responsible for system wide setup. Note: This should only be changed by persons responsible for system wide setup.
12. To override standard Journal Entry processing (DREAM Writer XT0911Z1, version ZJDE0001), enter an override version number. This should only be changed by persons responsible for system wide setup. Note: This should only be changed by persons responsible for system wide setup.

18.15 PCards - Create Journal Entries (P01P520)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a '1' to process the batch information in Final mode. If left blank, the batch processing will be performed in Proof mode and no file updates will occur.  
2. Enter a '1' to automatically submit the post after processing/creating journal transactions. If left blank, the post is not submitted.  
3. Enter value for G/L Date Assignment:

' ' = Purchase Date

'1' = Summarized Purchase Date to Period End Date

'2' = Statement Date

'3' = Summarized Statement Date to Period End Date

'4' = G/L date Entered below:

G/L Date . . . . . . . . . .

NOTE: If Statement Date is not available the Purchase Date will be used.

CAUTION!!! DREAM Writer Sequence must be set correctly for selected date assignment.

Note: If you use either of the Statement Date options (2 or 3), you must set the Data Sequence as follows:
  • Employee Company

  • Currency Code

  • Statement Date

  • Date of Purchase

  • Unique Key ID

The program provides a unique DREAM Writer version for Statement Date processing (ZJDE0003).

4. Enter '1' to create multiple balance offset entries in Company/Business Unit detail. If left blank, one offset will be created for the journal entry using the Employee Company and Business Unit. Blank - One offset entry for each journal entry the system generates. The system uses the following hierarchy to locate the CCP AAI to use:
  • CCP + Currency + Employee Company

  • CCP + Currency + Company 00000

  • CCP + Employee Company

  • CCP + Company 00000

The system uses the employee company from the F01P11 record to locate the CCP AAI to use. If you do not specify a business unit on the CCP AAI, the system uses the employee business unit from the F01P11 record and concatenates it to the object/subsidiary to derive the offset account to use.

1 - One offset entry for each company and business unit combination based on the account used for the journal entry expense. The system uses the following hierarchy to locate the CCP AAI to use:

  • CCP + Currency + Expense Distribution Company

  • CCP + Currency + Company 00000

  • CCP + Expense Distribution Company

  • CCP + Company 00000

The system derives the expense distribution company based on the business unit of the expense account from the F01P111 record and uses that to locate the CCP AAI to use. If the business unit is blank on the CCP AAI, the system uses the business unit from the expense distribution account and concatenates it to the object/subsidiary account specified in the AAI to derive the offset account.

5. Enter the Document Type to be assigned to the journal entry. If left blank, JE will be assigned.  
6. Enter a '1' to suppress the printing of warnings on the error report. If left blank, warnings will print on the error report.  
7. Enter a '1' to suppress the printing of successfully created journal entries. If left blank, journal entries successfully created will be noted on the report.  
8. To override standard Journal Entry processing (DREAM Writer XT0911Z1, version ZJDE0001), enter an override version number. This should only be changed by persons responsible for system wide setup.  

18.16 Employee/Card Info - User Reserved (P01P55)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a User Reserved Type Code in UDC 00/T1 to be pre-loaded into the Type key field. Enter the value from the User Reserved Type Code UDC table (00/T1) to use as the default value in the Type field (TYUR) when you select the program from the menu.
2. Enter a '1' if you wish to protect the Type field from being changed. This processing works in conjunction with the previous processing option to prohibit changes to the default value for the Type field.

f you do not specify a value in the first processing option and you set this processing option to 1, the system uses blank as the default Type value.

18.17 Purchase Card Purge Transactions (P01P800)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the 'Purge Prior To' date to be compared to the Purchase Date.Only transactions with Purchase Dates prior to the date entered will be considered for purge. If left blank, all transactions meeting the other specifications will be purged, regardless of purchase date.  
2. Enter one of the following values to indicate what information to save to the purge files:
  • ' ' = Save Header and Detail data to F01P11P and F01P111P

  • '1' = Save only Header data to F01P11P

  • '2' = Do not save purged data to the purge files.


18.18 Purchase Card Purge Statements (P01P801)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the 'Purge Prior To' date to be compared to the Statement Date.Only statements with Statement Dates prior to the date entered will be considered for purge. If left blank, all statements with all detail lines reconciled will be purged, regardless of statement date.  
2. Enter one of the following values to indicate what information to save to the purge files:
  • ' ' = Save Header and Detail data to F01P12P and F01P121P

  • '1' = Save only Header data to F01P12P

  • '2' = Do not save purged data to the purge files.


18.19 Generic Purge Program (P00PURGE)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a '1' to save the purged records to a special purge library.

(Default of blanks will NOT save any purged records.)

2. Enter a '1' to reorganize the purged file.

(Default of blanks will NOT reorganize the file.)


18.20 Purchase Card Revisions (P01P01Z)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the version to be used to call Employee Purchase Card Info (P01P01).

If left blank, ZJDE0001 will be used.

2. Enter '1' to skip printing the error report.If left blanks, the report will print.  
3. Enter the version to be used to call the error report program (P41ZERR).

If left blank, XJDE0001 will be used.