
A  B  C  D  E  G  I  L  M  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W 


Accounts Payable Functional Server (XT0411Z1), 15.1
Adding statements manually, E.1, E.2
Approving vouchers, 15.2


Bank Card Activity Report (P01P404), 16.2
Bank File (F01P03), 16.10
Bank File table (F01P03), 2.7
Bank Information program (P01P03), 2.7
Bank Information Report (P01P403), 16.10
Bank Transmission Data program (P01PBK), 13.4, E.1, E.2


Changing expense reports, 14.2
Constants, 2.6
Constants for Travel and Expense (P01P00), 12.1
Create Expense Report program (P01P17W), 14.1
Creating accounts payable vouchers, 15.1
Credit card charges inquiry/selection, 16.6


Delegates program (P0050), 12.8
Deleting expense reports, 14.2
Duplicating expenses on expense reports, 14.1


Employee Card Info - User Reserved able (F01P55), 2.12
Employee Card Information - User Reserved program (P01P55), 2.12, 12.9.4
Employee Card Information report (P01P401), 16.8
Employee Purchase Card Information table (F01P01), 2.6, 6.1, 14.1, B.6
Enhanced subledger accounting, 2.1, 2.10.2, 12
Entering accounting information for expense reports, 14.2
Entering items from a credit card statement for an expense report, 14.1
Error Log File for Batch Processes (F00BLOG), 16.11
Error/Log Report (P00ZERR), 16.11
Expense Accounting Enhanced Subledgers program (P01601P2), 14.2
Expense Category File F01P04, 2.6
Expense Category Revisions program (P01P04), 2.6, 2.6, 12.5
Expense Category Selection program (P01P04W), 14.1
Expense Category Selection Window (P01P04W), 5.2, 5.2
Expense category set up, 2.6
Expense Category table F01P04, 12.5
Expense Report Account Revisions program (P01P14), 14.2, 14.2, 14.2
Expense Report Detail file (F01P171), 15.1
Expense Report Detail Inquiry program (P01P2211), 14.2
Expense Report Details program (P01P17), 14.1, 14.1
Expense Report Line Detail program (P01P2212), 14.2
Expense Report Revisions Window, 14.1
Expense Report Workbench (P01P221), 14.2
Expense Reports
additional system setup, 12.9
approving, 11.2
deleting, 14.2
duplicating an expense, 14.1
entering accounting information, 14.2
entering itemized expenses, 14.2
entering items from a credit card statement, 14.1
entering mileage, 14.1
entry process overview, 11.2
overview to managing, 14.2
pre-approval, 14.1
purging, 17
reimbursing, 11.2
rejecting, 14.2
revising, 14.2
splitting an expense, 14.2
submitting, 14.2
system setup, 12
viewing, 14.2
withdrawing, 14.2
workbench for managers, 14.2


Generic Purge Program (P00PURGE), 17.3


Itemized expenses for expense reports, 14.2


Line Item Account Split program (P01P141), 14.1, 14.2


set up, 2.4
set up for travel and expense, 12.3, 12.4
Merchant Activity program (P01P220), 16.3
Merchant Activity Summary program (P01P225), 16.4
Merchant Category Codes program (P01P21), 2.4, 12.3
Merchant Information file (F01P02), 16.9
Merchant Information PCard Info - Z File program (P01P02Z), 2.8.2, 2.9.2, 12.9.5
Merchant Information PCard Z-File table (F01P02Z), 2.8.2, 2.9.2
Merchant Information program (P01P02), 2.8.2, 2.9.1, 2.9.2
Merchant Information Report (P01P402), 16.9
Merchant summary review, 16.4
Mileage for expense reports, 14.1
Mileage Rates program (P01P10), 12.6


Organization Structure table (F0150), 14.1


PCard Merchant Inquiry - Print program (P01P220P), 16.3
PCard Voucher to Journal (P01P24W), 8.2
Point to Point Mileage Revisions program (P01P09), 12.7
Posting Vouchers, 15.3
Print Expense Reports program (P01P417), 16.7
Process Daily Transactions program (P01P560), 13.2
Process Daily/Wkly/Mnthly Transactions Report (R01P56E), 13.2, 13.4
Profile - MCC Revisions program (P01P20), 12.4
Profiles set up, 2.5
Program IDs
J01P02Z - Merchant Information PCard Z File, 2.8.2, 2.9.2, 12.9.5
P00051 - User Defined Codes
Profiles, 2.5
P00201 - Voucher Journal Review, 15.2
P0050 - Delegates, 12.8
P0092 - User Information, 12
P00PURGE - Generic Purge Program, 17.3
P00ZERR - Error/Log Report, 16.11
P01054 - Supplier Master, 12
P01P00 - Purchase Card Constants, 2.6
P01P02 - Merchant Information, 2.8.2, 2.9.2
P01P03 - Bank Information, 2.7
P01P04 - Expense Category Revisions, 2.6, 2.6, 12.5
P01P04W - Expense Category Selection Window, 14.1
P01P09 - Point to Point Mileage Revisions, 12.7
P01P10 - Mileage Rates, 12.6
P01P13 - T & E Credit Card Inquiry, 14.1, 16.6
P01P13 - T&E Credit Card Inquiry, 14.1, 14.1
P01P14 - Expense Report Account Revisions, 14.2, 14.2, 14.2
P01P141 - Line Item Account Split, 14.1, 14.2
P01P17 - Expense Report Details, 14.1, 14.1
P01P17W - Create Expense Report, 14.1
P01P20 - Profile - MCC Revisions, 12.4
P01P21 - Merchant Category Codes, 2.4, 12.3
P01P220 - Merchant Activity, 16.3
P01P220P - PCard Merchant Inquiry - Print, 16.3
P01P2211 - Expense Report Detail Inquiry, 14.2
P01P2212 - Expense Report Line Detail, 14.2
P01P225 - Merchant Activity Summary, 16.4
P01P404 - Bank Card Activity, 16.2
P01P417 - Print Expense Reports, 16.7
P01P522 - Travel and Expense - Create Voucher, 15.1
P01P55 - Employee Card Information - User Reserved, 2.12, 12.9.4
P01P560 - Process Daily Transactions, 13.2
P01P561 - Purchase Card Statement Transmission Processing, 13.3
P01P801 - Purge Closed PCard Statement Records, 17.2
P01P802 - Purge Closed Expense Report Records, 17.1
P01PBK - Bank Transmission Data, 13.4, E.1, E.2
P1601P2 - Expense Accounting Enhanced Subledgers, 14.2
Purchase Card - Bank Transmissions file (F01PBKZ), 13
Purchase Card Constants (P01P00), 2.6
Purchase Card Statement Transmission Processing program (P01P561), 13.3
Purge Closed Expense Report Records (P01P802), 17.1
Purge Closed PCard Statement Records (P01P801), 17.2
Purchase Card – Bank Transmissions file (F01PBKZ), 17.3
Statement File Detail (F01P121), 17, 17
Travel and Expense Expense Report Detail (F01P171), 17.1


Rejecting expense reports, 14.2
Reports, 16.2
P00ZERR - Error/Log Report, 16.11
P01P401 - Employee Card Information, 16.8
P01P402 - Merchant Information Report, 16.9
P01P403 - Bank Information Report, 16.10
P01P417 - Print Expense Reports, 16.7
P01P420 - Travel and Expense Bank Card, 16.1
P01P421 - Travel and Expense Accounting, 16.5
R01P56E - Process Daily/Wkly/Mnthly Transactions, 13.2, 13.4
Reviewing merchant activity, 16.3
Reviewing vouchers, 15.2
Revising expense reports, 14.2


Bank Information, 2.7
Employee Cards - User Reserved, 2.12
Expense Category Selection, 5.2
Merchant Category Codes, 2.4
Profiles, 2.5
Transaction Workbench, 5.3
Setting up
additional travel and expense information, 12.9
bank information, 2.7
employee cards - user reserved, 2.12
enhanced subledger accounting, 2.1, 2.10.2, 12
expense categories, 2.6
merchant category codes, 2.4, 12.3
profiles, 2.5, 12.4
travel and expense, 12
Splitting expenses on expense reports, 14.2
Statement File Detail file (F01P121), 13.3
Statement File Header table (F01P12), 7.3, 13.3
adding manually, E.1, E.2
Submitting expense reports, 14.2
Supplier Master program (P01054), 12


T & E Credit Card Inquiry program (P01P13), 14.1
T&E Credit Card Inquiry program (P01P13), 14.1, 14.1
F0150 - Organization Structure file, 14.1
F01P01 - Employee Card Information, 2.6
F01P01 - Employee Purchase Card Information, 6.1, 14.1, B.6
F01P02 - Merchant Information, 2.9
F01P02Z Merchant Information PCard Z-File, 2.8.2, 2.9.2
F01P03 - Bank File, 2.7
F01P04 - Expense Category, 2.6, 12.5
F01P12 - Statement File Header, 13.3
F01P121 - Statement File Detail, 13.3
F01P13 - Travel and Expense Credit Card Transactions, 14.1, 14.1
F01P13 - Travel and Expense Transaction, 13.2
F01P171 - Expense Report Detail, 15.1
F01P20- Merchant Category, 12.4
F01P21- Merchant Category (Commodity), 2.4, 12.3
F01P55 - Employee Card Info - User Reserved, 2.12
F01PBKZ - Purchase Card - Bank Transmissions, 13
Transaction Workbench (P01P200), 5
Transmission Log Report Versions, 16.11
Travel and Expense
approving expense reports, 11.2
constants, 12.1
credit card inquiry/selection, 16.6
entering expense reports, 11.2
expense categories, 12.5
files, 11.4
posting vouchers, 15.3
process, 11.2
purging records, 17.2
reimbursing expense reports, 11.2
reviewing vouchers, 15.2
set up, 12
set up additional information, 12.9
set up MCCs, 12.3
set up mileage rates, 12.6
set up point to point mileage, 12.7
set up profiles, 12.4
system integration with purchase cards, 1.2
system overview, 11.1
UDCs, 12.2
vouchers, 15.1
Travel and Expense - Create Voucher program (P01P522), 15.1
Travel and Expense Accounting Report (P01P421), 16.5
Travel and Expense Bank Card Report (P01P420), 16.1
Travel and Expense Credit Card Inquiry/Selection program (P01P13), 16.6
Travel and Expense Credit Card Transactions table (F01P13), 11.4, 14.1, 14.1
Travel and Expense Expense Report Header table (F01P17), 17.1
Travel and Expense Report Detail table (F01P171), 11.4
Travel and Expense Report Header table (F01P17), 11.4
Travel and Expense Transaction table (F01P13), 13.2


01P/EG, 2.6
01P/PR, 2.5
travel and expense, 12.2
User Defined Codes program (P00051), 2.5, 12.2
User Information program (P0092), 12
User reserved information for employees and cards, 2.12


Viewing expense reports, 14.2
Voucher Journal Review program (P00201), 15.2
Vouchers for expense reports, 15.1
Vouchers for travel and expense, 15.3


Withdrawing expense reports, 14.2