15 Working with Travel and Expense Vouchers

You must create a voucher before you can issue payments. Effective management of voucher processing is fundamental to your business practices.There are three programs you use to create, review, and post vouchers for expense report detail lines.

This chapter includes the following tasks:

15.1 Creating Vouchers

The Travel and Expense - Create Voucher program (P01P522) creates Accounts Payable vouchers for expense report detail lines from the Expense Report Detail file (F01P171). This DREAM Writer is based on the Travel and Expense Join file (F01P17JA) that is the expense report header and detail join file.

This program works in conjunction with the Accounts Payable Functional Server (XT0411Z1) to create the vouchers. Set the functional server processing options to choose document types, hold statuses, tax processing, etc. Additionally, some data is controlled by the Travel and Expense Constants or data in other files. This includes:

  • The business unit in the expense report and the company associated with that business unit. They become the voucher company, document company, and business unit.

  • The employee moves to the voucher Subledger Field with a Subledger Type of A.

  • The Payee is the Bank Number or the Employee.

  • The Supplier is the Address Book Number of the merchant if you track merchants. Otherwise, the program uses the bank number.

  • The Voucher Type field value becomes a T to indicate that it originated in the Travel and Expense system.

  • The distribution accounts are from the expense report accounting information.

The program produces the Travel and Entertainment - Create Voucher Report (R01P522) which provides errors, warnings, and voucher information.

JD Edwards World recommends that you perform any auditing of the expense report detail lines before you create vouchers for the detail lines. This program does not allow you to include any expense report detail lines on a voucher if you did not approve all of the expense report audit lines.

You can run the program in Proof or Final Mode. When you run the program in proof mode it does not update the files or create vouchers and the report provides errors and warnings. When you run the program in final mode, the program creates vouchers and updates the following:

  • The Expense Report detail line Voucher Creation Date with the voucher date and document information.

  • The Expense Report accounting lines with the voucher document information.

  • The Statement Date in the voucher Statement Date field when the expense line ties to a bank charge, and the bank charge is reconciled to a statement.

When processing numerous expense lines, this program breaks these transactions into numerous vouchers. The criteria the program uses to separate the transactions into vouchers follows:

  • Payee - bank or employee

  • Currency Code - reimbursement currency

  • Merchant ID - if you track merchant activity, the merchant is the Supplier on the voucher

  • Date of Purchase or Submittal Date as the G/L Date for vouchers.

  • Number of Detail Lines on the Voucher - The program allows for 999 Pay Items on a voucher. When the program reaches 999 pay items on one voucher, it creates a new voucher for additional transactions, even if the key data is identical.

The program creates domestic vouchers if you activate currency. Voucher amounts are all based on the reimbursement currency of the expense report.

What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Enhanced Subledger Accounting (ESA) JD Edwards World provides a mechanism to summarize the Enhanced Subledger 1 and 2 fields when you run the Post program. This supersedes the standard set up. It allows you to specify summarization and also allows the optional entry of the subledger/type.

You set the Store Cardholder Number field in the Purchase Card Constants program (P01P00) in conjunction with UDC 01P/PO.

ESA is a hard coded value in UDC 01P/PO. The Special Handling Code field of this UDC determines how the system summarizes journal entries. If you set this field to 1, Enhanced Subledgers 1 and 2 are summarized for PCard journal entries when you run the Post program. If you set the field to 2, Enhanced Subledgers 1 and 2 are summarized for all journal entries when you run the Post program.


From Travel and Expense Processing (G01P2), choose Transaction Processing

From Travel and Expense Transaction Process (G01P21), choose A/P Audit/Accounting Menu

From T&E A/P Audit Transaction Processing (G01P211), choose Create T&E Vouchers

15.1.2 Data Selection

You cannot change the Create Voucher Date and Expense Report Status values in the data selection, however, you can add to the data selection.

15.1.3 Data Sequence

You cannot change the initial order of the data sequence. It is set to correctly process expenses for merchants within certain purchase dates correctly. You can add to the data sequence.

NOTE: If you use the Submittal Date as the G/L Date instead of the Purchase Date, you must use the correct data sequence or unexpected results will occur.

15.2 Reviewing Vouchers

After you create the vouchers, you need to approve the batch before posting them in the general ledger. You use Voucher Journal Review program (P00201) to review and approve the batch.

When you review vouchers for posting, you can display a list of batches based on your user ID, the batch status, or a specific date range. For example, you might want to review all batches with a posting status of pending.

See Review and Approve Vouchers in the JD Edwards World Accounts Payable Guide for more information.


From Travel and Expense Processing (G01P2), choose Transaction Processing

From Travel and Expense Transaction Process (G01P21), choose A/P Audit/Accounting Menu

From T&E A/P Audit Transaction Processing (G01P211), choose Voucher Journal Review

15.3 Posting Vouchers

After you review and approve vouchers, you post them to the general ledger.

See Post Vouchers in the JD Edwards World Accounts Payable Guide for more information.


From Travel and Expense Processing (G01P2), choose Transaction Processing

From Travel and Expense Transaction Process (G01P21), choose A/P Audit/Accounting Menu

From T&E A/P Audit Transaction Processing (G01P211), choose Post Vouchers to G/L