16 Working with Travel and Expense Reports and Inquiries

At any time during throughout the expense reporting process, you can review banking and card information, transactions, expense reports, and merchant information. In addition to the Expense Workbench for Managers and Statement Inquiry programs, the Travel and Expense system provides additional reports and inquiries that you can use to review travel and expense information.

Several of these reports are DREAM Writers and several integrate with the Purchase Card Management system.

Working with Travel and Expense Reports and Inquiries includes the following tasks:

16.1 Printing Bank Card Charges Report

The Travel and Expense Bank Card Report (P01P420) allows you to review information in the Travel and Expense Credit Card Transactions file (F01P13). This file contains the fees the bank charges for purchases made with the company issued credit card.

There are several demo versions available which allow you to print bank charges so you can track and monitor card activity.

You can set the processing option to print the generic text for each line of bank charges.


From Travel and Expense Processing (G01P2), choose Reports and Inquiries

From Travel and Expense Reports/Inquiries (G01P22), choose Bank Card Charges Report

Processing Options

See Section 19.6, "Bank Charges Report (P01P420),"

16.2 Printing the Bank Card Activity Report

You use the Bank Card Activity Report (P01P404) to review bank card activity and pinpoint any problem areas or issues. For example, you might want to print data for only monthly totals or choose to review only those totals that are over the limits.

The first two lines of the report reflect card information, and the limits and restrictions for the card followed by the transaction information.

Using the processing options for this DREAM Writer, you can limit the amount and type of information that appears on the report. For example, you can choose only detailed or summarized transaction information. You can also print daily, monthly, and yearly transactions or only those transactions that exceed the credit limits. Additionally, the report includes expired cards or cards that will soon expire.

This report is based on the join files: Employee/Card file (F01P01) and the Bank Card Work file (F01PBCW). This allows you to limit the data about the employee and the bank card, as well as information about the bank card transactions.

The Build Bank Card Work program (P01P525) creates the Bank Card Work file (F01PBCW) prior to running this report. It includes data from both the Purchase Card Transaction files (F01P11/F01P111) and the Travel and Expense Bank Card file (F01P13).

Currency amounts do not display unless you activate the multi-currency constant.


From Travel and Expense Processing (G01P2), choose Reports and Inquiries

From Travel and Expense Reports/Inquiries (G01P22), choose Bank Card Activity Report

16.2.2 Data Selection

J.D. Edwards World recommends that you do not change the following mandatory values:

  • BankcardUnique ID NE *BLANKS

If you choose Details (F4), you can see which of the two files in the join (F01P01 and F01P11) the system uses to retrieve information based on the data selection. For example, this DREAM Writer has two selections for Bankcard Unique ID, one from the F01P11 file (THCCUK), which the system uses to exclude transactions that are missing a value, such as those for preassigned cards, and one from F01P01 (ECCCUK) that includes all values.

16.2.3 Data Sequence

J.D. Edwards World recommends that you do not change the following mandatory values:

  • Bankcard Unique ID 001

  • Date of Purchase 002

16.3 Reviewing Merchant Activity

The Merchant Activity program (P01P220) allows you review your overall purchasing position with a merchant. The Merchant Activity program uses the merchant address book number to display transactions from the Account Ledger file (F0911). The program displays all records for the address book number and you can use the Application field to limit the display to only those transactions from the Travel and Expense system or PCards.

Additionally, the program launches a print program (P01P220P) when you choose Print Ledger (F21).

See Section 9.3, "Reviewing Merchant Activity (P01P220)" for more information.


From Travel and Expense Processing (G01P2), choose Reports and Inquiries

From Travel and Expense Reports/Inquiries (G01P22), choose Merchant Activity

16.4 Reviewing Merchant Summary

To view more than one year of merchant activity, use Merchant Activity Summary program (P01P225). This program summarizes merchant activity from the Account Ledger file (F0911) and displays the amounts by period or by quarter for the last three years. You can review records by company or use company 00000 to display activity for all companies. Additionally, you can view activity by merchant and cardholder, as well as for a specific account.

See Section 9.4, "Reviewing Merchant Summary (P01P225)" for more information.


From Travel and Expense Processing (G01P2), choose Reports and Inquiries

From Travel and Expense Reports/Inquiries (G01P22), choose Merchant Activity Summary

16.5 Reviewing Travel and Expense Accounting Information

The Travel and Expense Accounting Report (P01P421) allows you to review the accounting information for expense report lines and the resulting accounting distribution for expense report vouchers. The system displays the information from the Travel and Expense Transaction Accounting file (F01P14).

The demo versions allow you to choose between a main line only report or itemized lines.


From Travel and Expense Processing (G01P2), choose Reports and Inquiries

From Travel and Expense Reports/Inquiries (G01P22), choose Expense Report Accounting

Processing Options

See Section 19.7, "Travel and Entertainment Expense Report Accounting Information (P01P421)"

16.6 Reviewing Bank Card Charges

The Travel and Expense Credit Card Inquiry/Selection program (P01P13) allows you to review and select bank card charges (line items from the credit card statement) The system displays the data from the Travel and Expense Credit Card Transactions file (F01P13).

The system enters the employee ID in the Employee field or you can enter the ID if you have authority to access charges for an employee.

This is the same program that displays when you enter an expense report and allows you to select existing bank card changes. This program is also accessible from the Expense Report Revisions program via function key. See Chapter 14, "Working with Expense Reports" for information about P01P13, selecting existing bank charges, and working with credit card statements.


From Travel and Expense Processing (G01P2), choose Reports and Inquiries

From Travel and Expense Reports/Inquiries (G01P22), choose Bank Card Charges Inquiry

16.7 Printing Expense Reports

You use the Print Expense Reports program (P01P417) to print an expense report in an expense report format. The expense report header information with the reimbursable amount due to the bank and employee appear in the top portion of the report. If the report is more than one page, the header information does not repeat at the top of subsequent pages.

The individual reimbursement amounts are totalled in the lower portion.

You can set the processing options to print the generic text on the report.

This DREAM Writer is also available from the Expense Report Workbench (P01P221) and Expense Report Revisions (P01P17). You can also print the expense report when you submit or withdraw an expense report.


From Travel and Expense Processing (G01P2), choose Reports and Inquiries

From Travel and Expense Reports/Inquiries (G01P22), choose Print Expense Reports

Processing Options

See Section 19.5, "Print Expense Reports (P01P417)"

16.8 Printing the Employee Card Information Report

You use the Employee Card Information report (P01P401) to review credit card information, such as card type, expiration dates, card usage code (CU), profile, and business unit, for your employees. See Section 9.5, "Printing the Employee Card Information Report (P01P401)".


From Travel and Expense Processing (G01P2), choose Reports and Inquiries

From Travel and Expense Reports/Inquiries (G01P22), choose Employee Card Information

16.9 Printing the Merchant Information Report

If you track merchants, you can print the Merchant Information Report (P01P402) to review information from the corresponding Merchant Information file (F01P02). Different from the online Merchant Activity program, this report does not include the transactions in the Account Ledger file (F0911).

You can set a processing option to print purchase order information for merchants. See Section 9.6, "Printing the Merchant Information Report (P01P402)".


From Travel and Expense Processing (G01P2), choose Reports and Inquiries

From Travel and Expense Reports/Inquiries (G01P22), choose Merchant Information Report

16.9.1 Processing Options (P01P402)

Section 18.12, "Merchant Information Report (P01P402)"

16.10 Printing the Bank Information Report

You use the Bank Information Report (P01P403) to review the information you have set up for the financial institutions that issue your credit cards. The system prints the information from the Bank File (F01P03). See Section 9.7, "Printing the Bank Information Report (P01P403)".


From Travel and Expense Processing (G01P2), choose Reports and Inquiries

From Travel and Expense Reports/Inquiries (G01P22), choose Bank Information Report

16.11 Printing the Transmission Log Reports

When you process transactions and statements, each program (P01P560 and P01P561, respectively) includes an Error File processing option that you can set to record errors in the Error Log File for Batch Processes (F00BLOG). You use the Error/Log Report program (P00ZERR) to print the errors. Many programs within JD Edwards World use F00BLOG and JD Edwards World provides many different versions of P00ZERR so that you can print the errors for a specific program. For the Travel and Expense system, you can run these versions:

  • Transaction Log (ZJDE0003) to print errors that result from running Process Daily Transactions (P01P560).

  • Statement Log (ZJDE0004) to print errors that result from running Receive Statement Transaction (P01P561).

  • Expense Reports (ZJDE0030) to print errors that result from running Expense Report Details (P01P17Z).

  • Purchase Card Z-File Log (ZJDE0008) to print errors that result from running Purchase Card Revisions (P01P01Z) and Merchant Revisions (P01P02Z).

Unless you use Data Selection, P00ZERR prints all error messages for transactions that the corresponding program generates. The system prints the error message only once.


From Travel and Expense Processing (G01P2), choose Reports and Inquiries

From Travel and Expense Reports/Inquiries (G01P22), choose Error/Log Report

Alternatively, you can access this program from the Purchase Card and T&E Z File Processes menu (G01P01Z).

16.11.1 Data Selection

The data selection for this DREAM Writer includes Process Name. With the exception of version ZJDE0001, for which the Process Name is equal to *ALL, the Process Name is unique for each version that of P00ZERR that you run.

16.11.2 Data Sequence

The data sequence for this DREAM Writer includes the following mandatory values that you should not change:

  • Batch Number 001

  • Transaction Number 002