13 Processing Expense Report Data

Before your employees enter expense reports, you can upload the credit card transactions from your financial institution to the Purchase Card - Bank Transmissions file (F01PBKZ). When the data is in the file on your system, you process it and then you can revise transactions or statements and reconcile them.

Depending on the transaction data and how often your financial institution sends the data might determine how often you process the data and whether you need to reconcile transactions to statements.

Processing expense report data includes the following tasks:

Before You Begin

Review Chapter 3, "Understanding the Process Mode."

13.1 Uploading Data

To upload data (transactions or statements) from the financial institution, you must create a custom program or use the batch import process to upload the data to the Purchase Card - Bank Transmissions file (F01PBKZ).

See Chapter 4, "Uploading the Bank Transmission" and Section 7.1, "Uploading the Bank Transmission for Statements"for information about uploading transactions and statements.

13.2 Processing Transactions

You use the Process Daily Transactions program (P01P560) to process the transactions from the F01PBKZ into the Travel and Expense Transaction file (F01P13). This program generates the Process Daily/Wkly/Mnthly Transactions report (R01P56E), which includes warning and error messages that the system encounters during processing.

If your financial institution sends daily transactions that include the statement number and date in the record, they most likely will not transmit statements. When you process daily transactions and the statement number and date are in the record, P01P560 recognizes that a monthly statement will not arrive and it marks the transaction as reconciled. This eliminates the need to process statements and reconcile them against the transactions at a later time.

See Section 4.2, "Processing Bank Transmissions for Transactions" for information about processing transactions.


From Travel and Expense Processing (G01P2), choose Transmission Processing

From Transmission Processing (G01P13), choose Process Daily Transactions

13.3 Processing Statements

You use the Purchase Card Statement Transmission Processing program (P01P561) to process the statements into the Statement File Header (F01P12) and Statement File Detail (F01P121) files.

See Chapter 7, "Processing Statements" for more information about processing statements.


From Travel and Expense Processing (G01P2), choose Transmission Processing

From Transmission Processing (G01P13), choose Receive Statement Transaction

13.4 Revising Transactions and Statements

You use the Bank File Revs - Transactions program (P01PBK) to revise transactions and statements when an error exists in the Process Daily/Wkly/Mnthly Transactions Report (R01P56E). See Section 4.3, "Revising Unprocessed Bank Transmissions." for more information.


From Travel and Expense Processing (G01P2), enter 27

From Travel and Expense Advanced/Technical (G01P311), choose Bank File Revs - Transactions or Statements

13.5 Reviewing Statements

After you process and revise statements, you can review them using the Statement Inquiry program (P01P201). You can review statement information and the associated details as long as you did not reconcile the statement. After you reconcile transactions to the statement, you can no longer review the details. See Section 7.3, "Reconciling Statements to Transactions."for more information.


From Travel and Expense Processing (G01P2), choose Transaction Processing

From Travel and Expense Transaction Process (G01P21), choose A/P Audit/Accounting Menu

From T&E A/P Audit Transaction Processing (G01P211), choose Statement Inquiry

13.6 Reconciling Statements

After you process and revise statements, you can reconcile them against the transactions to ensure accuracy. You can reconcile statements automatically or manually, depending on how you process the information.

You use the Statement Inquiry program (P01P201) to locate the statement. You then access the Bank Card - Manual Reconciliation program (P01P205) to review and manually reconcile the transactions from the Statement File Header (F01P12) and Statement File Detail (F01P121) files. When you locate the statement, the system displays all of the statement detail lines from the F01P121 that contain that statement number for the credit card type (such as VISA). Additionally, you can add a transaction if necessary.

You use the Statement Reconciliation program (P01P500) to automatically reconcile statements.

See Section 7.3, "Reconciling Statements to Transactions" for information about manual and automatic reconciliation.

Navigation to Manually Reconcile

From Travel and Expense Processing (G01P2), choose Transaction Processing

From Travel and Expense Transaction Process (G01P21), choose A/P Audit/Accounting Menu

From T&E A/P Audit Transaction Processing (G01P211), choose Statement Inquiry

Navigation to Automatically Reconcile

From Travel and Expense Processing (G01P2), choose Transaction Processing

From Travel and Expense Transaction Process (G01P21), choose A/P Audit/Accounting Menu

From T&E A/P Audit Transaction Processing (G01P211), choose Statement Reconciliation