11 Overview to Travel and Expense Management

This chapter contains the following topics:

11.1 Overview

The JD Edwards World Travel and Expense Management system allows you to effectively manage reimbursement requests. The system facilitates entering expense reports and provides immediate error notification if information is missing or inaccurate. It also provides control mechanisms to monitor expense reports, and the flexibility to customize the system for evolving expense and travel policies.

Using Travel and Expense Management, you create and customize your expense reimbursement policies according to the type of expenses your employees incur. For each type of expense, you establish expense categories that you can customize to track pertinent information. You can further define daily allowances or per diem rules, and rules for when you require a receipt. You can also set up expense policies to differentiate between allowable and unallowable amounts for any expense category. You allocate this portion of an expense to a separate object and subsidiary account that you set up when you map expense accounts to expense categories.

You set up group profiles and employee profiles to specify the reimbursement method and currency. You generally reimburse the credit card company but you can reimburse employees for expenses they incur.

All expense reports require management approval using the Approvals Management system. You can set up the system for alternate and multiple approvals. Use distribution lists and workflow to set up alternate approving managers to expedite the approval process if managers change or are not available. Employees can also enter an estimated expense report for pre-approval by management. Once they submit the report, the system indicates that it is waiting for manager pre-approval.

After the approval process is complete, the system produces Accounts Payable vouchers that you use to process the payment.

11.2 Process

The Travel and Expense Management process includes the following tasks:

  • Entering expense reports

    To request reimbursement for business trip expenses, employees must enter and submit expense reports. Each expense report consists of a header record and detail records. The header record contains basic information, such as the employee's address book number, the purpose of the trip, the business unit responsible for the expenses, etc. The detail records contain information about each of the expenses they incur. Before submitting expense reports, employees can review report totals and verify the expense amounts. Employees can also print reports for their records. When the employee creates an expense report, it creates a transaction in the Approvals Management system.

  • Approving expense reports

    Expense reports require approval from supervisors or managers before employees receive reimbursement. Managers can either approve or reject the reports using the Approvals Management system. If a manager approves an expense report, the system changes the expense report status to indicate that it is ready for reimbursement. If the manager rejects an expense report, the system notifies the employee and the employee must revise and resubmit the report. Employees can also enter an estimated expense report for pre-approval by management.

  • Reimbursing employee expenses

    When the expense report is approved, you can create vouchers to reimburse the financial institutions and employees. After processing the expense report, the system notifies the employee.

11.3 Integration

The Travel and Expense Management system integrates with other JD Edwards World systems including:

  • Purchase Card Management

  • Accounts Payable

  • Approvals Management

If you choose to integrate this system with the Purchase Card Management system, see Section 1, "Overview to Purchase Card Management System," and Section 3, "Understanding the Process Mode," for more information.

You must set up and use the Approvals Management system. See Approval Management in the JD Edwards World Technical Tools Guide for more information.

11.4 Files

The JD Edwards World Travel and Expense Management system uses the following files:

Table Description
Travel and Expense Credit Card Transactions (F01P13) Stores information about the credit card charges incurred.
Travel and Expense Report Header (F01P17) Stores information about the expense report, such as the employee ID, expense report type, expense report ending date, and expense report description.
Travel and Expense Report Detail (F01P171) Stores information about the expense report details, such as the expense categories, expense date, and expense amount.