
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  L  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W 


Accessing column specifications, 3.6.2, 4.5
Additional Parameters form, 3.3
Additional STAR features
See Features
Arranging columns in a new sequence, 4.7


Boolean expression, 3.5.1


columnar, 1.1.2
Changing printer file settings, 9.1
arranging in a new sequence, 4.7
calculation, 3.6.2
Column Specifications form, 3.7.1
columnar calculations overview, 1.1.2
content, 3.6.2
data columns, 3.6.2
defining, 3.6
defining data in, 1.1.2
deleting, 4.5.1
description column, 3.6.1
features, 1.1
fiscal year, 1.1.1
flexible printing, 1.1.3
headings, 1.1.4
layout, 3.6.2
ledger type, 1.1.1
overriding defaults for, 4.6
reviewing single-column specifications, 3.7.2
revising, 4.5, 4.5
selection columns, 3.6.2
Single Column Specifications form, 3.7.2
STAR - Column Resequencing form, 4.7
type, 1.1.1
variable width date headings, 14.1.1
Column content, 3.6.2
calculation columns, 3.6.2
selection columns, 3.6.2
Column layout, 3.6.2
heading, 3.6.2
position, 3.6.2
size, 3.6.2
Column Report Illustration form, 3.6.2, 3.7.1
Column Specifications form, 3.6
Columnar calculations, 1.1.2
on STAR, 1.2.2
Conditioned Variance Reports form, 8.1
Copy/Move DW Parameters form, 13.1
Creating a custom date title, 14.1
Creating a new form ID, 13.1
Creating a version, 3.1
Creating an exception report, 8.1
Custom date title
creating, 14.1
Vocabulary Overrides form, 14.1.1


Data fields
displaying, 7.1
File Field Descriptions form, 7.2
hiding, 7.1
See Field IDs
Data tables, 1.4
Database review, 1.4
Date column headings, 14.1.1
Default information
entering, 3.4
Override Default Information form, 3.4, 4.4
revising, 4.3
Defining the columns, 3.6
Defining the workfile, 3.5
DEMO version, 3.1
Description column, 3.6.1
Display All Fields, 7.1
Downloading a report to a PC, 12.1
DREAM Writer, 1.3
DREAM Writer and STAR forms, 1.3.1
DREAM Writer Version Copy window, 3.2


Entering default information, 3.4
Entering identifying information, 3.2
Entering journal entry specifications, 11.3
Exception reports
creating, 1.1.5, 8.1


FASTR, 1, 1.3
Copy/Move DW Parameters form, 13.1
additional STAR features, 6.2
custom date title, 14.1
exception report, 8.1
form IDs, 13.1
overriding printer file settings, 9.1
PC Download Processing Options form, 12.1
preventing appearance of data fields, 7.1
User Defined Code Revisions form, 7.3
working with journal entries, 11.1
Field IDs
adding to Field Suppression table, 7.3
See Data fields
File download
See PC download file
File Field Descriptions form, 7.2
File settings
printing, 9.1
Fiscal year, 1.1.1
including on a report, 1.1.1
Fixed Asset system, 11.1
Form IDs
creating new, 13.1
DREAM Writer, 1.3.2
STAR, 1.3.2
User Defined Reports, 13.1
Column Report Illustration, 3.6.2, 3.7.1, 3.7.1
Column Specifications, 3.6
Conditioned Variance Reports, 8.1
Copy/Move DW Parameters, 13.1
DREAM Writer and STAR forms, 1.3.1
File Field Descriptions, 7.2
General Specifications, 3.5
Journal Entry Specifications, 11.3
Override Default Information, 3.4, 4.4
PC Download Processing Options, 12.1
Printer File Overrides, 9.1
sharing with DREAM writer, 1.3.1
Single Column Specifications, 3.7.2
STAR - Column Resequencing, 4.7
STAR Definition Options, 5.1
User Defined Code Revisions, 7.3
User Defined Reports, 13.1
Version Identification, 3.2
Vocabulary Overrides, 14.1.1


General Specifications, 3.5.3
preventing data fields from appearing, 7.1
General Specifications form, 3.5


Header information, 1.2.1
Hiding data fields on General Specifications, 7.1
adding field IDs to the Field Suppression table, 7.3


revising information, 4.2


Journal entries
Column Specifications report, 11.2
creating, 1.1.6
defining accounts and ledgers for, 11.2
entering specifications, 11.3
Journal Entry Specifications form, 11.3
posting to general ledger and Fixed Assets, 11.1
working with, 11.1
Journal Entry Specifications form, 11.3


defining which to use, 1.1.1
type, 1.1.1


Override default information
display decimals, 4.6
edit code, 4.6
Override Default Information form, 3.4
Overriding defaults for a column, 4.6
additional STAR features, 6.2
column features, 1.1
defining the format of reports, 1
printed report, 1.2
STAR report layout, 1.2
version revision, 2.1


PC download, 1.1.8
PC download file
creating, 12.1, 12.1
formatting, 12.1
PC Download Processing Options form, 12.1
Printed report
columns, 1.2.2
completed STAR, 1.2.4
conceptual overview, 1.2
header information, 1.2.1
rows, 1.2.3
Printer File Overrides form, 9.1
Printer file settings
overriding, 9.1
Process flow, 1.5.1
Programs and IDs
12600PT4 (journal entry specifications), 11.3
1260PT3 (conditioned variance reports), 8.1
1260PT5 (PC download processing options), 12.1
126300W (STAR definition options), 5.1
98FFD (file field descriptions), 7.2
P00051 (user defined code revisions), 7.3
P126030 (general specifications), 3.5
P126040 (column specifications), 3.6
P126040 (column specifications report), 11.2
P1260411 (column report illustration), 3.7.1
P126042 (single column specifications), 3.7.2
P126044 (STAR - column resequencing), 4.7
P1260PT1 (override default information), 3.4, 4.4
P126300 (user defined reports), 13.1
P9220 (vocabulary overrides), 14.1.1
P98790 (copy/move FASTR parameters), 13.1
P98CPYW (DREAM Writer version copy), 3.2


Report illustrations, 1.1.7
Report writers (other), 1.3
Column Specifications, 11.2
creating exception report, 8.1
defining totals and page breaks, 3.5.3
exception reporting, 1.1.5
printing, 3.8.3
report illustrations, 1.1.7
reviewing, 3.7
reviewing report layout, 3.7.1
running and reviewing, 4.8
See Printed report
Reviewing single-column specifications, 3.7.2
Reviewing the report, 3.7
Reviewing the report layout, 3.7.1
Revising columns, 4.5
Revising default information, 4.3
Revising identifying information, 4.2
Revising the workfile, 4.4
defining content and sequence of, 3.5.2
on STAR reports, 1.2.3
Running the version, 3.8


User Exclusive, 4.1
Single-column specifications
changing, 3.7.2
deleting the column, 3.7.2
reviewing, 3.7.2
Single-column specifications form, 3.7.2
comparing with other report writers, 1.3
defined, 1
defining the format of reports, 1
example of completed report, 1.2.4
header information, 1.2.1
overview of printed report, 1.2
process flow, 1.5.1
STAR Definition Options window, 3.2
STAR tables, 1.4.3
Substitution parameters
guidelines, 14.1.1


data used by STAR, 1.4
defined, 1.4.3
DREAM Writer tables used by STAR, 1.4.2
STAR, 1.4.3


User Defined Reports
creating and exception report, 8.1


Verifying additional parameters, 3.3
arranging columns, 4.7
Boolean expression, 3.5.1
contents of, 2.2
creating, 1, 3.1
creating form IDs, 13.1
creation overview, 2.1
data columns, 3.6.2
defining columns, 3.6
defining the work file, 3.5
DEMO, 3.1
description column, 3.6.1
entering default information, 3.4
identifying information, 4.2
overriding defaults for a column, 4.6
printer overrides, 9.1
record selection, 3.5.1
reviewing the report, 3.7
reviewing the submitted version, 3.8.2
revising a version, 2.1
revising columns, 4.5
revising the default information, 4.3
revising the workfile, 4.4
row definition and sequence, 3.5.2
running, 3.8
running with journal entries, 11.1
User Defined Reports, 8.1
verifying additional parameters, 3.3
Version Identification form, 3.2
Version revision
STAR Definition Options form, 5.1
Vocabulary Overrides form, 14.1.1


DREAM Writer Version Copy, 3.2
STAR Definition Options, 3.2
Work with Submitted Jobs, 3.8.2
contents, 3.5
defining, 3.5, 3.5.3
record selection, 3.5.1
revising, 4.4, 4.4
row definition and sequence, 3.5.2
totals and page breaks, 3.5.3
Working with journal entries, 11.1
defining accounts and ledgers for journal entries, 11.2
Entering journal entry specifications, 11.3
World Writer, 1.3