28 Advanced Topics Processing Options

This chapter contains these topics:

28.1 Warehouse Location Integrity (P46990)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the type of comparison to process.

A blank will process all.

'1' = Both the Location Detail and Item Branch have a negative quantity.

'2' = The Location Detail has a negative quantity and the Item Branch has a zero balance or does not exist.

'3' = The Location Detail has a negative quantity and the Item Branch has a positive balance.

'4' = The balance of the Location Detail records do not match the Item Branch.

Note: If you want to compare the balance for a location regardless of whether it has a negative quantity, then use the DREAM Writer version for Location Detail/Item Branch balances. Otherwise, only locations with a negative quantity will be compared.

2. Enter a '1' to generate the report along with a glossary for any messages, or a '2' to generate the report with a complete glossary at the end.

If blank, a glossary will not be printed.


28.2 Purge Movement Information (P4600P)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter '1' to run this program in final mode.

If left blank, this program will produce only the report and will perform no file updates.

2. Enter a '1' to save the purged records to a special purge library.

If left blank, purged records will NOT be saved.

Note: This option is valid only for final mode.

3. Enter a work order status at or above which any related putaway requests may be purged.

If left blank, only putaway requests related to purged work orders will be purged.