20 Review Location Information

This chapter contains these topics:

You can use Location Inquiry to review and revise location information for a piece of equipment. You can review current, planned, and historical location information for individual pieces of equipment, or review all information for a particular location. You can enter specific dates to limit the information that the system displays. You can also delete current and planned locations

If your organization uses Location Billing to bill for equipment use, the location might include location billing information. You can use Location Revisions to make changes to location billing information if you have not yet billed for the equipment. After you bill for the use of a piece of equipment, you cannot change location billing information.

20.1 Reviewing Location Information

Before You Begin

  • Verify that the equipment master includes a beginning location and start date. See Enter Location Information for more information about using Transfer Processing to update beginning location and start date fields in the equipment master.

To review location information


From Equipment/Plan Management (G13), choose Equipment Location Tracking

From Equipment Location Tracking (G1314), choose Location Inquiry

  1. On Location Inquiry, to locate specific equipment location information, complete any of the the following fields:

    • Equipment Number (Item Number)

    • Location

    • Transfer Number

    Figure 20-1 Location Inquiry screen

    Description of Figure 20-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 20-1 Location Inquiry screen"

  2. To narrow your search, complete the following optional fields:

    • Date From

    • To Date

    • Location Code

20.2 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Alternate formats You can toggle between alternate display formats on Location Inquiry to review equipment location information by equipment number or by location

20.3 Processing Options

See Chapter 52, "Location Inquiry (P12215),".