10 Work with Test Results

This chapter contains these topics:

10.1 Working with Test Results

You collect test results after you measure the quality of an item's characteristic. For example, a caffeine test for a soft drink would include taking a sample of the item and measuring for caffeine levels.

After you collect and enter the test results at the various points in your business cycle, you process the test results. The system compares the results to the minimum and maximum values, and the acceptable quantity or percentage that you previously defined for the test. If you are using lot control, the system evaluates the lot to determine whether it passes or fails quality inspection based on how many samples pass or fail. The system then sets the lot status to the value that you defined in the processing option for failed lot status.

Test Results Revisions (P3711) supports import/export functionality. See the JD Edwards World Technical Tools Guide for more information.

10.2 Entering Test Results


From Manufacturing Systems (G3), choose Quality Management

From Quality Management (G37), choose Test Results Revisions

You can enter test results for an item and lot from the Quality Management system menu, or from many programs within the Manufacturing and Distribution systems.

The format of Test Results Entry varies, depending on two factors:

  • From which program you accessed Test Results Entry

  • Whether you set a processing option to specify an entry mode

The three entry modes of Test Results Entry include:

Mode Description
Preference profile mode Organizes test result information by customer, customer group, item, or item group.
Order entry mode Organizes test result information by work order or sales order number.
ECS mode Organizes test result information by trip number and depot.

10.2.1 System Integration

Depending on how you set up item test specifications, you can access Test Results Revisions from the following programs:

  • Shop Floor Workbench

  • Work Order Routing

  • Work Order Inventory Completions

  • Co-By Product Completions

  • Work Order Hours and Quantities Entry

  • Rate Schedule Workbench

  • Sales Order Confirm

  • Purchase Order Receipts

  • Move and Disposition

  • Trip Create/Maintenance

  • Load and Delivery Confirmation

Entering test results consists of the following tasks:

  • Entering test results (preference profile mode)

  • Entering test results (order entry mode)

  • Entering test results (ECS mode)

10.2.2 Before You Begin

  • Set the processing option to determine the test results entry mode.

To enter test results (preference profile mode)

You can collect samples and perform tests at any point in your business cycle that you've defined in an item test specification.

On Test Results Revisions

Figure 10-1 Test Results Revisions screen

Description of Figure 10-1 follows
Description of "Figure 10-1 Test Results Revisions screen"

  1. Perform the test on an item's sample.

  2. To identify the item test specification for which the test was defined, review the following fields:

    • Branch/Plant

    • Lot/SN

    • Location

    • Customer/Supplier

    • Customer Group

    • Customer Type

    • Item Number

    • Item Group

  3. Access the detail area (F4).

    Figure 10-2 Test Results Revisions (Detail) screen

    Description of Figure 10-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 10-2 Test Results Revisions (Detail) screen"

  4. Complete the following fields with test result information:

    • Result Value

    • Tester

    • Test ID

    • Branch/Plant

    • Defect Source

    • Root Cause

    The system completes the following fields with information from the test:

    • Description

    • Minimum

    • Target

    • Maximum

    • Date Tested

    • Time Tested

    • Test Type

    You can also enter tests at any time on blank lines. After you enter test results, you should evaluate the lot against passed and failed tests.

Field Explanation
Lot/SN A number that identifies a lot or a serial number. A lot is a group of items with similar characteristics. If System Constants are set to not allow duplicate lots, the item number will default in from the lot master. If duplicate lots are allowed, you will need to enter both the lot or serial number and the item number.
Result Value The result of the performed test.
Tester The address book number of the person who originated the change request.
Date Tested The date on which the test was performed.
Time Tested The time at which the test was performed.
Defect Source The reason for an item testing failure during an assembly sequence.
Root Cause The type of test during which an item failure is noted.

To enter tests results (order entry mode)

On Test Results Revisions

Figure 10-3 Test Results Revisions (Order Entry Mode) screen

Description of Figure 10-3 follows
Description of "Figure 10-3 Test Results Revisions (Order Entry Mode) screen"

  1. Perform the test on an item's sample.

  2. To identify the item test specification for which the test was defined, review the following fields:

    • Branch/Plant

    • Order Number

    • Item Number

    • Lot/SN

    • Lot Status

  3. Access the detail area (F4).

    Figure 10-4 Test Results Revisions (Order Entry Mode, Detail) screen

    Description of Figure 10-4 follows
    Description of "Figure 10-4 Test Results Revisions (Order Entry Mode, Detail) screen"

  4. Complete the following fields with test result information:

    • Result Value

    • Tester

    • Test ID

    • Branch/Plant

    • Defect Source

    • Root Cause

    The system completes the following fields with information from the test:

    • Description

    • Minimum

    • Target

    • Maximum

    • Date Tested

    • Time Tested

    • Test Type

    You can also enter tests at any time on blank lines. After you enter test results, you should evaluate the lot against passed and failed tests.

To enter tests results (ECS mode)

On Test Results Revisions

Figure 10-5 Test Results Revisions (ECS Mode) screen

Description of Figure 10-5 follows
Description of "Figure 10-5 Test Results Revisions (ECS Mode) screen"

  1. Perform the test on an item's sample.

  2. To identify the item test specification for which the test was defined, review the following fields:

    • Trip Depot

    • Trip Number

    • Item Number

    • Compartment

    • Load Data

    • Vehicle ID

    • Registration/License Number

  3. Access the detail area (F4).

    Figure 10-6 Test Results Revisions (ECS Mode, Detail) screen

    Description of Figure 10-6 follows
    Description of "Figure 10-6 Test Results Revisions (ECS Mode, Detail) screen"

  4. Complete the following fields with test result information:

    • Result Value

    • Tester

    • Test ID

    • Branch/Plant

    • Defect Source

    • Root Cause

    The system completes the following fields with information from the test:

    • Description

    • Minimum

    • Target

    • Maximum

    • Date Tested

    • Time Tested

    • Test Type

    You can also enter tests at any time on blank lines. After you enter test results, you should evaluate the lot against passed and failed tests.

10.2.3 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Work Order Completions As you enter work order completions, including quantity completed and quantity scrapped, you can:
  • Access Test Results Entry for any items requiring testing upon completion.

  • Review work order generic text.

  • Set processing options for default lot, work order and operation statuses.

Super Backflush As you backflush labor and material for a work order, you can:
  • Access Test Results Entry for any items that require testing.

  • Review generic text for the parent item and operations.

Hours and Quantities As you charge actual hours and quantities to a work order, you can:
  • Access Test Results Entry for completed items that require testing.

  • Access generic text for the parent item.

  • Set processing options for default lot, work order and operation statuses.

Process Work Orders As you process work orders, you can use processing options to set values for the status of the work order and operation lot if the tests fail.
Bill Revisions As you maintain bills of material, you can use generic text to indicate the various tests to perform on an item.
Receipts by PO/Item/Account As you receive items, you can access Test Results Entry for items that require testing.
Routing Receipts As you review the location of goods within the receipts routing process and move them to another operation, you can access Test Results Entry for items that require testing.
Import Test Results You can use the Test Results - Z File (P3711Z) program to create, update, or delete specification definitions. P3711Z launches the Test Results Revisions (P3711) program as a batch program and processes the data from Test Results Header Z (F3711HZ) and Test Results Detail Z (F3711DZ) files into P3711.

See Appendix B, "Import Mass Data into Quality Management"for more information about Z File processes.

10.3 Entering Text


From Manufacturing Systems (G3), choose Quality Management

From Quality Management (G37), choose Test Results Revisions

After you've entered test results, you can enter text for those test results such as the measuring equipment that you used. This text prints on the certificate of analysis.

To enter text

On Test Results Revisions

  1. For a test, choose the Generic Text option.

    Figure 10-7 Test Results Revisions Text screen

    Description of Figure 10-7 follows
    Description of "Figure 10-7 Test Results Revisions Text screen"

  2. Type the text.

10.4 Processing Test Results


From Manufacturing Systems (G3), choose Quality Management

From Quality Management (G37), choose Test Results Revisions

As you enter test results, the system processes them to determine if the results you collected pass the tests that you defined. The system compares the test results against minimum and maximum values, and sets the Pass/Fail flag accordingly for each test.

After the system evaluates the tests, if you are using lot control you must use the evaluate function to set the entire lot's status to fail if any of the tests have a failed result. If all the tests have a passing value, the system sets the lot status to pass. You can set both the pass and fail lot statuses with processing options.


A failed test result value will not limit transactions except for those tests you have defined as required for the ECS Bulk Load Confirm program.

Processing test results consists of the following tasks:

  • Processing test results

  • Revising a test status

To process test results

On Test Results Revisions

Choose the Evaluate function.

The system completes the following field accordingly:

  • Lot Status

If the status has failed, you can override it by revising the test results.

Field Explanation
Lot Status A user defined code (table 41/L) that indicates the status of the lot. If you leave this field blank, it indicates that the lot is approved. All other codes indicate that the lot is on hold.

You can assign a different status code to each location in which a lot resides on Item/Location Information or Location Lot Status Change.

10.4.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Evaluating ECS tests The test type on Test Definitions determines whether you enter test results during Bulk Load Confirm. If a test is required, the Bulk Confirm process stops until you enter test results and they pass. If a test is optional, a warning message appears, however you can finish the Bulk Confirm process. If a test is guaranteed, you can finish the Bulk Confirm process and no warning message appears.
Accept Quantity The evaluation process uses the Acceptable Quantity on Test Definitions as the number of tests that must pass in order for the entire lot to pass quality.
Accept Percentage The evaluation process uses Acceptable Percentage on Test Definitions as the percentage of tests that must pass in order for the lot to pass quality.
Creating non-conforming records You can also use this program to write failed tests to the Non-Conforming Material file (F3703) and generate a report detailing the failed tests.
Incomplete testing The message Testing Incomplete appears if you do not enter test results for all the tests defined for the item test specification.

To revise a test status

You can change the status of failed tests. You should use action code security to secure this function so all users can review the status, but only users with correct authority can change the status. Consider attaching a memo to explain why you changed a test's status.

On Test Result Revisions

  1. For the failed test result, choose the Override Status option.

    Figure 10-8 Test Status Revisions screen

    Description of Figure 10-8 follows
    Description of "Figure 10-8 Test Status Revisions screen"

  2. On Test Status Revisions, complete the following fields:

    • Disposition Code

    • Test Status

  3. Access the Generic Text function to enter text describing why you changed a test's status.

    Figure 10-9 Test Results Revisions Text (Generic Text) screen

    Description of Figure 10-9 follows
    Description of "Figure 10-9 Test Results Revisions Text (Generic Text) screen"

  4. Choose the Evaluate function.

Field Explanation
Disposition Code A user defined code (system 37/type DS) that explains the purpose of the test status change. For example, you can indicate the reason you are passing the failed test, such as the item will go through re-work or will be scrapped.

10.5 Working with External Test Results

You can also load external test results from a LIM (Laboratory Information Management) system into the Quality Management system. After you have loaded external test results to a work file, use the Batch Test Results Revisions program to edit the test results against existing test definitions, branch/plants and if results have passed or failed. This program reads the work file, edits the results, and writes records to the Test Results table (F3711).

The Batch Test Results Revisions program also prints a report that includes all the records in the Test Results table, or an exception report that includes any errors the system encountered.