33 Set Up Work Order Codes

This chapter contains the topic:

33.1 Setting Up Work Order Codes

You need to define certain user-defined codes for your manufacturing work orders.

Setting up work order codes includes the following steps:

  • To set up type codes

  • To set up priority codes

  • To set up status codes

  • To set up phase codes

  • To set up category codes

  • To set up operation status codes

  • To set up document type codes

To set up type codes


From Shop Floor Management (G31), choose Shop Floor Control Setup

From Shop Floor Control Setup (G3141), choose Type

Work order type codes (00/TY) indicate the type classification of a work order. For example, a rework order might be type R and a design order might be type D.

On Type

Complete the following fields:

  • System Code

  • User-defined Code

  • Character Code

  • Description

  • Description-2

Field Explanation
System Code A user-defined code (98/SY) that identifies a JD Edwards World system.
User-defined Codes Identifies the table that contains user-defined codes. The table is also referred to as a code type.
Code This column contains a list of valid codes for a specific user-defined code list. The number of characters that a code can contain appears in the column title.
Description A user-defined name or remark.
Description-2 Additional text that further describes or clarifies a field in JD Edwards World systems.

To set up priority codes


From Shop Floor Management (G31), choose Shop Floor Control Setup

From Shop Floor Control Setup (G3141), choose Priority

Work order priority codes (00/PR) indicate the priority of a work order in relation to other work orders. These codes are for reference only and do not affect the scheduling or planning of work. They should not be used as your formal work priority system.

On Priority

Figure 33-2 Priority screen

Description of Figure 33-2 follows
Description of "Figure 33-2 Priority screen"

Complete the following fields:

  • System Code

  • User-defined Code

  • Character Code

  • Description

To set up status codes


From Shop Floor Management (G31), choose Shop Floor Control Setup

From Shop Floor Control Setup (G3141), choose Status

Work order status codes (00/SS) describe the status or the current step in the process of implementing a work order. You can prevent certain transactions from occurring based on the status of a work order. For instance, the system can hold work orders whose status indicates they are pending approval or quality inspection, and release work orders that have a status code indicating they have been approved or passed quality inspection. In addition, you can set the system to automatically update the work order status code when you enter issue and completion transactions.

On Status

Figure 33-3 Status screen

Description of Figure 33-3 follows
Description of "Figure 33-3 Status screen"

Complete the following fields:

  • System Code

  • User-defined Code

  • Character Code

  • Description

To set up phase codes


From Shop Floor Management (G31), choose Shop Floor Control Setup

From Shop Floor Control Setup (G3141), choose Phase

Work order phase codes (00/W1) indicate the implementation phase of the work order. You can use phase codes to group families of orders for project management, cost accounting, and inquiry purposes. For example, if inspection on the internal parts of a product is not possible beyond a certain point in its production, you can divide the routing into phases. You can then use the phase code to indicate availability of the product for the next level of inspection.

On Phase

Complete the following fields:

  • System Code

  • User-defined Code

  • Character Code

  • Description

To set up category codes


From Shop Floor Management (G31), choose Shop Floor Control Setup

From Shop Floor Control Setup (G3141), choose Category Code 02

Work order category codes 02 and 03 can represent any category or description by which you want to group work orders for project management, cost accounting, or inquiries. For example, you can set up one category code to represent types of problems encountered in the work order implementation, such as improper startup or inadequate maintenance, and another code to represent locations where the work is taking place.

On Category Code 02

Figure 33-5 Category Code 02 screen

Description of Figure 33-5 follows
Description of "Figure 33-5 Category Code 02 screen"

Complete the following fields:

  • System Code

  • User-defined Code

  • Character Code

  • Description

To set up operation status codes


From Shop Floor Management (G31), choose Shop Floor Control Setup

From Shop Floor Control Setup (G3141), choose Operation Status

Work order operation status codes (31/OS) indicate the progress or status of an order during the steps followed in a particular operation. For example, you can set up codes to indicate if materials have been received or work begun at a particular operation. This allows management to monitor the progress of operations that have longer run times, or shop floor personnel to indicate when items are ready to move to the next operation.

On Operation Status

Figure 33-6 Operation Status screen

Description of Figure 33-6 follows
Description of "Figure 33-6 Operation Status screen"

Complete the following fields:

  • System Code

  • User-defined Code

  • Character Code

  • Description

To set up document type codes


From any menu, enter UDC in the command line

You can categorize your work orders by document type using user-defined codes (00/DT). For example, you can define document type codes to indicate rework orders, prototype orders, or repair orders. If you do not specify a document type on a new work order, the system enters a document type of WO (Firm Work Order).

Document types are used to categorize information across your JD Edwards World systems. You can specify up to 12 document types to be used for work orders and rates in supply/demand calculations by entering them in the processing options for the Supply/Demand Inclusion Rules in the Manufacturing Planning system. The Manufacturing Accounting system uses the document type to match the document types defined in your automatic accounting instructions (AAIs) when you post journal entries to the general ledger.

On General User-defined Codes

Figure 33-7 General User-Defined Codes screen

Description of Figure 33-7 follows
Description of "Figure 33-7 General User-Defined Codes screen"

  1. Complete the following fields to locate document types:

    • System Code

    • User-defined Code

  2. Complete the following fields to set up new document type codes:

    • Character Code

    • Description