
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  K  L  M  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  W  Z 


Configuration Management
processing work orders, 5.1
Engineering Change Orders
Enter/Change Order, 4.1
Generic Text
Enter/Change Bill, 7.3
Enter/Change Routing, 7.3
Routing Revisions, 4.3
Quantity at Operation
Super Backflush, 19.6
Serial Number Tracking, 4.4, 16.3
Completions, 19.7
Substitute Availability
Enter/Change Order, 4.2
Summarized Journal Entries
Enter/Change Order, 4.1
Warehouse Picking Interface
Component Shortages, 14.5
Enter/Change Order, 4.1, 4.1
Enter/Change Work Center, 34.6
features, 1.1
Inventory Issues, 16.1
Order Processing, 5.1, 5.1, 5.1
Routing Instructions, 4.3
table, 1.3, 1.3
All Shortages report
sample, 14.5.2
Alternate Line Selection form
scheduling items on a production line, 26.2
Assembly inclusion rules
processing, 5.1
Assign Issued Component LSN’s (P3107)
form, 19.7, 19.7
Assign Work Order LSN’s (P3105)
form, 4.4
Assigning serial numbers, 4.4
reviewing, 14.1
Availability reviewing, 14.3


overview, 3.5
BOM Component Master Text (P0016)
window, 7.3


Category Code 02 (P00051)
form, 33.1
Category Code 03 (P00051)
form, 33.1
Changing the status of a work order to closed, 20.2
Closing rates
overview, 30.1
activating substitution checking, 7.1
creating for potent units, 7.5
defining rules for work orders, 7.2
defining where they are made, 7.3
inventory interfaces when reposting, 7.6
manage for grade and potency, 7.4
overview, 6.1
process, 6.1.2
reposting open and on-order quantities, 7.6
soft, 6.1.1
work with, 7
Completing a work order through backflush, 19.3
Completing a work order with serialized components, 19.7
Completing a work order without backflushing, 19.2
Completing partial quantities on a work order, 19.4
Completing rates
Inventory Issues form, 27.1
overview, 27.1
quality management test results, 27.1
Completing work orders, 19.1
Completion with Backflush (P31114)
form, 19.3
partial quantities on work orders, 19.4
warehouse management system interface, 19.1
work orders, 19.1
work orders through backflush, 19.3
work orders without backflushing, 19.2
Component Item Substitutions (P31042)
form, 4.2
Component Scrap (P31116)
fold area, 16.4
form, 16.4
Component Shortages
report, 14.5.1
Component Shortages report
generating, 14.5.1
sample, 14.5.1
Component Useability (P30201)
fold area, 23.1
form, 23.1
overview, 23.1
Costing by work center, 4.2, 5.2


Defining commitment rules, 7.2
Defining commitments at a work center location, 7.3
Discrete manufacturing
overview, 2.2
Dispatch List report
generating, 18.5
Document type codes
setting up, 33.1, 33.1


Employee Labor Rates (P00191)
form, 34.2
Enter Receipts by PO (P4312)
form, 3.3.1
Enter/Change Bill (P3002)
form, 7.3
Enter/Change Order
processing options, 4.2
Enter/Change Order (P48013)
form, 4.1, 20.2
Enter/Change Rate Schedule form
sample, 21.1
Enter/Change Resource Units (P3007)
form, 34.7
generating, 34.7
refreshing information, 34.7
Enter/Change Routing (P3003)
form, 7.3
using generic text, 7.3
Enter/Change Work Center (P3006)
form, 34.6
maintaining business units and tracking costs, 34.6
maintaining rates, 34.6
system calculations, 34.6
Warehouse Management interface, 34.6
Entering hours and quantities manually, 17.3
Entering hours and quantities through payroll time entry, 17.4
Entering rates
Enter/Change Rate Schedule form, 21.1
line/item relationship, 21.1
overview, 21.1
production lines, 21.1
Entering work order headers, 4.1


hours and quantities tracking, 1.1
manufacturing accounting, 1.1
material tracking, 1.1
process/routing instructions, 1.1
production scheduling and tracking, 1.1
reporting, 1.1
work order creation, 1.1
Alternate Line Selection, 26.2
Assign Issued Component LSN’s (P3107), 19.7, 19.7
Assign Work Order LSN’s (P3105), 4.4
BOM Component Master Text, 7.3
Category Code 02, 33.1
Category Code 03, 33.1
Completion with Backflush, 19.3
Component Item Substitutions, 4.2
Component Scrap, 16.4
Component Useability, 23.1
Employee Labor Rates, 34.2
Enter Receipts by PO, 3.3.1
Enter/Change Bill, 7.3
Enter/Change Order, 4.1, 20.2
Enter/Change Rate Schedule, 21.1
Enter/Change Resource Units, 34.7
Enter/Change Routing, 7.3
Enter/Change Work Center, 34.6
General Message, 34.1
General User Defined Codes, 7.5
General User-defined Codes, 33.1
Hours & Quantities, 19.6
Hours and Quantities, 17.3, 17.5, 19.5
Inventory Issues, 16.3, 27.1
Item Availability Definition, 14.2
Item Branch/Plant Information, 7.2, 8.2
Item Ledger, 23.2
Item Ledger - amount/quantity format, 23.2
Item Ledger - running balance, 23.2
Item Master Information, 10.2
Kanban Consumption, 22.2, 29.2
Kanban Supply, 22.3
Line Dispatch List, 28.3
Line Scheduling Workbench, 26.2
Line Sequencing Workbench, 26.3
Location Lot Status Change, 11.5
Lot Availability, 11.2
Lot Dates, 11.4
Lot Master Revisions, 10.3
Lot Status Codes, 11.5
Lot Tracing, 12.3
Manufacturing Constants, 7.2, 7.3, 34.4
Operation Status, 33.1
Part Availability, 14.3
Partial Completion, 19.2, 19.4
Parts List Comparison, 23.4
Parts List Inquiry, 14.3
Payroll Time Entry, 17.4
Phase, 33.1
Priority, 33.1
Production History, 28.2
Production Status, 28.1
Revision Level, 4.1
Routing Revisions, 3.6, 4.3
Schedule Review, 26.4
Select Multiple Locations, 4.2, 19.4
Shop Floor Calendar, 34.3
Shop Floor Workbench, 18.3
Shortage Maintenance, 14.4
Shortage Workbench, 14.4
Speed Lot Update, 11.4
Split Lines, 26.2
Standard Procedures, 34.1
Standard Units of Measure, 7.5
Status, 33.1
Substitute Availability, 4.2
Summary Availability, 23.1
Super Backflush, 19.5
Supply/Demand Inquiry, 23.1
Track/Track Inclusion Rules, 12.4
Type, 33.1
Work Order - Category Codes, 4.1
Work Order Completion, 19.5
Work Order Detail Entry, 4.1
Work Order Inventory Issues, 19.3, 19.5
Work Order Parts List, 4.2
Work Order Record Types, 4.1


General Message (P00192)
form, 34.1
General User Defined Codes (P00051)
fold area, 7.5
form, 7.5
General User-defined Codes (P00051)
form, 33.1


enter manually, 17.3
enter through Payroll Time Entry, 17.4
overview, 17.1
process, 17.4
reviewing transactions, 17.6.2
update, 17.5
Hours & Quantities (P311221)
fold area, 19.6
form, 19.6
Hours and Quantities (P311221)
fold area, 17.3
form, 17.3, 17.5, 19.5
Hours and Quantities Proof report
generating, 17.6.2
sample, 17.6.2


Importing Mass Data, 4, 4.2, 4.3, 7.3, 17.3, 34.6, D
Inclusion rules
lot tracing/tracking, 12.4
with Enterprise Requirements Planning and Execution, 1.5
with Purchase Order Management, 1.8
with Sales Order Management, 1.7
Inventory Issues form
completing rates, 27.1
Inventory Issues (P31113)
fold area, 16.3
form, 16.3
Issue inventory
backflushing, 15.2
closing out materials, 16.3
for a parent quantity, 16.3
location, 15.3
manually, 15.2
preflushing, 15.2, 16.2
process, 15.5
reversing a transaction, 16.3
super backflushing, 15.2
tables that store data, 15.4
Warehouse Management interface, 16.1
Issuing inventory
assigning serial numbers, 16.3
associating components, 16.3
Issuing materials, 16.1
Issuing materials by preflushing, 16.2
manage shortage information, 14.4
record component scrap, 16.4
reviewing availability and shortages, 14.1
Item Availability Definition (P410011)
form, 14.2
Item Branch/Plant Information (P41026)
form, 7.2, 8.2
Item Ledger (P4111)
form, 23.2
form - amount/quantity format, 23.2
form - running balance, 23.2
overview, 23.2
using the running balance format, 23.2


Kanban Consumption form
sample, 22.2, 29.2
Kanban Supply form
sample, 22.3


Labor hours
leadtime concepts, B.1
calculating, B.6
calculating cumulative leadtime, B.6.2
calculating level leadtime, B.6.1
calculating manufacturing leadtime, B.6.1.1
factors, B.1
fixed, B.2.1
operation start and due dates, B.2.1
overlapping and concurrent operations, B.5
overview, B.1
types, B.1
work order start dates, B.2
Line Dispatch List form
reviewing line dispatch list, 28.3
Line Scheduling Workbench form
scheduling items on a production line, 26.2
Line Sequencing Workbench form
scheduling rates by classification scheme or manually, 26.3
Lot Availability form
sample, 11.2
Lot control
grade and potency overview, 8
Lot Dates form
sample, 11.4
Lot Dates program (P00051), 11.4
Lot Master Revisions form
sample, 10.3, 11.3
Lot Master Revisions program (P4108), 10.3, 11.3
Lot processing
entering lot information
creating a lot, 10.3
duplicate lots, 10.3
entering lot control information, 10.3
entering lot information for items, 10.2
Item Master Information form, 10.2
Lot Master Revisions form, 10.3
reclassifying lots
correcting errors, 13.1.1
document numbers, 13.1.1
viewing lot availability, 11.2
Lot Availability form, 11.2
viewing lot transactions
Lot Tracing form, 12.3
Lot Tracing report, 12.2
Lot Tracking report, 12.2
setting up trace/track inclusions rules, 12.4
Trace/Track Inclusion Rules form, 12.4
working with lot activity dates, 11.4
changing activity dates for a single lot, 11.4
changing activity dates for multiple lots, 11.4
Lot Dates form, 11.4
Lot Master Revisions form, 11.4
Speed Lot Update form, 11.4
tracking lot dates, 11.4
working with lot quantities, 11.3
Lot Master Revisions form, 11.3
reviewing lot quantities, 11.3
tracking lot quantities, 11.3
working with lot statuses
assigning status codes to different lot locations, 11.5
Location Lot Status Change form, 11.5
Lot Status Codes form, 11.5
setting up lot status codes, 11.5
Lot Status Codes form
sample, 11.5
Lot Status Codes program (P00051), 11.5
Lot Tracing form
sample, 12.3
Lot Tracing report
sample, 12.2
Lot Tracing/Tracking program (P41203), 12.3
Lot Tracking report
sample, 12.2


Machine hours
leadtime concepts, B.1
Managing commitments for grade and potency controlled items, 7.4
Managing shortage information, 14.4
Manufacturing Accounting
summarized work orders, 4.1
Manufacturing Constants (P3009)
form, 7.2, 7.3, 34.4
Manufacturing Work Order Entry
processing options, 4.2
Manufacturing Work Order Entry Z File (P48013Z) program, 4
Manufacturing Z file processing programs, D
issuing, 16.1
issuing by preflush, 16.2
Move hours
leadtime concepts, B.1


Operation status codes
setting up, 33.1, 33.1
Operation Status (P00051)
form, 33.1
overlapping, B.4
Outside operations
usage, 3.3.1


Part Availability (P30205)
form, 14.3
Partial Completion (P31114)
form, 19.2, 19.4
Parts list
assigning interactively, 4.2
overview, 3.2
phantom items, 3.2.1
regenerating, 5.1
Parts List Comparison (P31117)
form, 23.4
Parts List Inquiry (P3121)
fold area, 14.3
form, 14.3
Payroll Time Entry (P061181)
form, 17.4
Phantom items
usage", 3.2.1
Phase (P00051)
form, 33.1
Prime load code
leadtime concepts, B.1
Printing all shortages, 14.5.2
Printing component shortages, 14.5.1
Printing scheduling information for work centers, 18.5
Printing the supply and demand report, 23.1
Priority, 33.1
Priority codes
setting up, 33.1, 33.1
Priority (P00051)
form, 33.1
Processing a work order using quantity at operation, 19.6
Processing kanban consumption by item
Kanban Consumption form, 22.2, 29.2
overview, 22.2, 29.2
Processing kanban supply by item, 22.3, 22.4, 29.3
Kanban Supply form, 22.3
Processing kanbans
consumption by item, 22.2
consumption by iteM, 29.2
one-phase mode, 22.1.1, 29.1.1
supply by item, 22.3, 22.4, 29.3
two-phase mode, 29.1.2
Processing options
Enter/Change Order, 4.2
Manufacturing Work Order Entry, 4.2
Work Order Generation - Print and Automatic Issue, 5.2
Processing work orders, 5.1
Production History form
reviewing production history, 28.2
Production Status form
reviewing production status, 28.1
Programs and IDs
P00051 (category code 02), 33.1
P00051 (category code 03), 33.1
P00051 (general user defined codes), 7.5
P00051 (general user-defined codes), 33.1
P00051 (lot dates), 11.4
P00051 (lot status codes), 11.5
P00051 (operation status), 33.1
P00051 (phase), 33.1
P00051 (priority), 33.1
P00051 (status), 33.1
P00051 (trace/track inclusion rules), 12.4
P00051 (type), 33.1
P00071 (shop floor calendar), 34.3
P0016 (bom component master text), 7.3
P00191 (employee labor rates), 34.2
P00191 (standard procedures), 34.1
P00192 (general message), 34.1
P061181 (payroll time entry), 17.4
P3002 (enter/change bill), 7.3
P3003 (enter/change routing, 7.3
P3006 (enter/change work center), 34.6
P3007 (enter/change resource units), 34.7
P3009 (manufacturing constants), 7.2, 34.4
P3009 (manufacturing constants)", 7.3
P30201 (component useability), 23.1
P30205 (part availability), 14.3
P30BREV (revision level), 4.1
P31042 (component item substitutions), 4.2
P3105 (assign work order LSN’s), 4.4
P3107 (assign issued component LSN’s, 19.7
P3107 (assign issued component LSN’s), 19.7
P3109 (enter/change rate schedule), 21.1
P3111 (work order parts list), 4.2
P31113 (inventory issues), 16.3, 27.1
P31113 (work order inventory issues), 19.3, 19.5
P31114 (completion with backflush), 19.3
P31114 (partial completion), 19.2, 19.4
P31114 (work order completion), 19.5
P31116 (component scrap), 16.4
P31117 (parts list comparison), 23.4
P3111S (substitute availability), 4.2
P3112 (routing revisions), 3.6, 4.3
P311221 (hours & quantities), 19.6
P311221 (hours and quantities), 17.3, 17.5, 19.5
P31123 (super backflush), 19.5
P3118 (shortage maintenance), 14.4, 14.4
P3121 (parts list inquiry), 14.3
P31225 (shop floor workbench), 18.3
P31226 (production status), 28.1
P31227 (production history), 28.2
P3128 (shortage workbench), 14.4
P3152 (schedule review), 26.4
P3153 (line scheduling workbench), 26.2
P3154W (split lines), 26.2
P3155W (alternate line selection), 26.2
P3156 (line sequencing workbench), 26.3
P3157 (kanban consumption), 22.2, 29.2
P3158 (kanban supply), 22.3
P3159 (line dispatch list), 28.3
P3191 (close rates), 30.1
P4021 (supply/demand inquiry), 23.1
P410011 (item availability definition), 14.2
P41003 (standard units of measure), 7.5
P4101 (item master information), 10.2
P41026 (item branch/plant information, 7.2, 8.2
P4108 (lot master revisions), 10.3, 11.3, 11.4
P41080 (speed lot update), 11.4
P4108S (location lot status change), 11.5
P4111 (item ledger), 23.2
P4111 (item ledger - amount/quantity format), 23.2
P4111 (item ledger - running balance), 23.2
P41202 (summary availability), 23.1
P41203 (lot tracing), 12.3
P41280 (lot availability), 11.2
P42053 (select multiple locations), 4.2, 19.4
P4312 (enter receipts by PO), 3.3.1
P48002 (work order record types), 4.1
P48013 (enter/change order), 4.1, 20.2
P48016 (work order - category codes), 4.1
P4802 (work order detail entry), 4.1
Purchased parts
leadtime concepts, B.1
Purging a work order, 20.3


entering manually, 17.3
entering through Payroll Time Entry, 17.4
non-pay-points, 19.6
overview, 17.1
process, 17.4
reviewing transactions, 17.6.2
updating, 17.5
Queue hours
leadtime concepts, B.1


Recording component scrap, 16.4
Repetitive manufacturing
overview, 25.2
All Shortages, 14.5.2
Component Shortages, 14.5.1
Hours and Quantities Proof, 17.6.2
Lot Tracing, 12.2
Lot Tracking, 12.2
Supply and Demand, 23.1
Work Order Summary, 5.2.1
Resource units
leadtime concepts, B.1
Reviewing availability, 14.3
Reviewing availability and shortages, 14.1
Reviewing hours and quantities transactions, 17.6.2
Reviewing item ledger information, 23.2
Reviewing line dispatch list
Line Dispatch form, 28.3
overview, 28.3
Reviewing material information, 23.1
Reviewing production across lines
Schedule Review form, 26.4
Reviewing production history
overview, 28.2
Reviewing production status
overview, 28.1
Production History form, 28.2
Production Status form, 28.1
Reviewing rate information
line dispatch list, 28.3
production history, 28.2
production status, 28.1
Reviewing work order information, 18.3
Revising the status of a work order, 20
Revising work order information, 18.4
Revision Level (P30BREV)
window, 4.1
Routing instructions
attaching manually, 4.3
attaching using batch, 4.3
changing the status, 4.3
deleting an outside operation, 4.3
locating, 4.3
outside operations, 3.3.1
overview, 3.3
regenerating, 5.1
Warehouse Management interface, 5.1
Routing Master Revisions - Z File program (P3003Z), 7.3
Routing Revisions (P3112)
fold area, 3.6, 4.3
form, 3.6, 4.3
using generic text, 4.3
using the Warehouse Management system, 4.3


Schedule Review form
reviewing production across lines, 26.4
Scheduling items on a production line
Alternate Line Selection form, 26.2
Line Scheduling Workbench form, 26.2
overview, 26.2
Split Lines form, 26.2
Scheduling rates
quality management test results, 26.1
sequencing rates by classification scheme or manually, 26.3
Scheduling rates by classification scheme or manually
Line Sequencing Workbench form, 26.3
Scheduling work orders, 18.1
Select Multiple Locations (P42053)
form, 4.2, 19.4
Sequencing rates by classification scheme or manually
overview, 26.3
Serial numbers
assigning to work order components, 4.4
Setting up document type codes, 33.1, 33.1
Setting up employee labor rates, 34.2
Setting up manufacturing constants, 34.4
Setting up operation status codes, 33.1, 33.1
Setting up priority codes, 33.1, 33.1
Setting up resource units, 34.7
Setting up standard procedures, 34.1
Setting up the shop floor calendar, 34.3
Setting up type codes, 33.1, 33.1
Setting up work centers, 34.6
Setup hours
leadtime concepts, B.1
Shop Floor Calendar (P00071)
deleting a branch calendar, 34.3
form, 34.3
system defaults, 34.3
Shop Floor Control
features, 1.1
process flow, 1.2
system integration, 1.6
system setup, 32.1
transactions, 2.2.3
types of manufacturing, 1.4
using units of measure, 2.2.2
Shop Floor Workbench (P31225)
form, 18.3
Shop paperwork
overview, 3.5
Shortage Maintenance (P3118)
fold area, 14.4
form, 14.4
Shortage Workbench (P3128)
form, 14.4
entering, 14.1
report, 14.5.2
reports, 14.5.1
reviewing, 14.1
Warehouse Management interface, 14.5
Speed Lot Update form
sample, 11.4
Speed Lot Update program (P41080), 11.4
Split Lines form
scheduling items on a production line, 26.2
Standard Procedures (P00191)
form, 34.1
Standard Units of Measure (P41003)
form, 7.5
Start date
calculations, 3.4
Status (P00051)
form, 33.1
Substitute Availability (P3111S)
form, 4.2
Summary Availability (P41202)
form, 23.1
overview, 23.1
Super Backflush (P31123)
form, 19.5
operation numbers, 19.5
Supply and Demand
report, 23.1
Supply and Demand report
sample, 23.1
Supply/Demand Inquiry (P4021)
demand quantities, 23.1
fold area, 23.1
form, 23.1
supply quantities, 23.1
System integration
See Integration, 1
System setup
document type codes, 33.1, 33.1
employee labor rates, 34.2
manufacturing constants, 34.4
objectives, 32.1
operation status codes, 33.1, 33.1
priority codes, 33.1, 33.1
resource units, 34.7
shop floor calendar, 34.3
standard procedures, 34.1
type codes, 33.1, 33.1
work centers, 34.6


Time basis code
leadtime concepts, B.1
Trace/Track Inclusion Rules form
sample, 12.4
inclusion rules, 12.4
inclusion rules, 12.4
Type codes
setting up, 33.1, 33.1


Units of measure
usage, 2.2.2
Updating hours and quantities, 17.5


Work center
print scheduling information, 18.5
Work center costing
attaching parts list, 4.2
order processing, 5.2
Work Center Master Revisions Z File (P3006Z), 34.6
Work Order - Category Codes (P48016)
form, 4.1
Work Order Completion (P31114)
form, 19.5
Work Order Detail Entry (P4802)
form, 4.1
Work Order Generation - Print and Automatic Issue
processing options, 5.2
Work Order Hrs & Qty - Z File program (P311221Z), 17.3
Work Order Inventory Issues (P31113)
form, 19.3, 19.5
Work Order Parts List (P3111)
form, 4.2
Work Order Parts List Z File (P3111Z) program, 4.2
Work Order Record Types (P48002)
form, 4.1
Work Order Routing Z File (P3112Z) program, 4.3
Work order start dates
fixed leadtime, B.2.1
Work Order Summary report
sample, 5.2.1
Work orders
adding description details, 4.1
assign parts list, 3.2
assign parts list interactively, 4.2
assign routing instructions, 3.3
assigning serial numbers, 4.4
assigning serial numbers during issues, 16.3
associating components during issues, 16.3
backscheduling, 3.5
changing the status to ’closed’, 20.2
choosing substitutes, 4.2
committing inventory overview, 6.1
completing, 19.1, 19.4
completing partial quantities on work orders, 19.4
completing through backflush, 19.3
completing without backflushing, 19.2
deleting, 20.1
entering a purchase order for outside operations, 4.3
entering revision level, 4.1
entering work order headers, 4.1
item records, 4.3
locating related sales order information, 4.1
naming saved purged records, 20.3
overlapping operations, B.4
overview, 3
process, 5.1
processing assembly inclusion rules, 5.1
reorganizing tables when purging, 20.3
reviewing information, 18.3
revising information, 18.4
revising the status, 20
scheduling, 18.1
shop paperwork, 3.5
start date calculations, 3.4
using OPNQRYF when purging, 20.3
Working with commitments, 7
Working with hours and quantities, 17.1


Z file processing programs, 4, 4.2, 4.3, 7.3, 17.3, 34.6, D