10 Calculate Gain or Loss for Received Products

This chapter contains these topics:

10.1 Calculating Gain or Loss for Received Products


From Bulk Stock Management (G4150), choose Bulk Stock Management

From Bulk Stock Management (G41501), choose Four-Point Analysis Maintenance

Use Four-Point Analysis Maintenance when you record received products to calculate any gains or losses that might have occurred during shipment. "Four points" refers to the opening and closing readings at a supplying location and the opening and closing readings at a receiving location. "Analysis" refers to the variance between the two results (that is, the gain or loss).

You can choose to perform a four-point analysis for each line item on a purchase order. You can also perform a four-point analysis on partial receipts. The program creates a four-point record for each receipt.

The output for Four-Point Analysis Maintenance is informational only. It does not update the gain/loss table or the general ledger. You cannot retrieve this data for other programs. If you need the output elsewhere, for example, to enter a gain or loss manually, print the form and enter the data in the required program.

If you receive an item that is set up for receipt routing, you can set a processing option in receipts entry to call Four-Point Analysis Maintenance when product is routed to the "payment eligible" and "on-hand" steps.

The following diagram illustrates a four-point analysis.

Figure 10-1 Four-Point Analysis

Description of Figure 10-1 follows
Description of "Figure 10-1 Four-Point Analysis"

During four-point analysis the system does the following:

  • Adds the opening on-board quantity to the quantity loaded (Point 1) and compares the total to the start trip quantity (Point 2). Any difference represents the loading (inturn) gain or loss. The system calculates a percentage based on the sum of opening on-board plus loaded quantities.

  • Compares the start trip quantity (Point 2) to the end trip quantity (Point 3). Any difference represents the transport (trip) gain or loss. The system calculates a percentage based on the opening on-board quantity.

  • Compares the end trip quantity (Point 3) with the sum of the discharged (Point 4) and left-on-board quantities. Any difference represents the unloading (outturn) gain or loss. The system calculates a percentage based on the end trip quantity.

  • Calculates the total gain or loss, both in volume and percent.

To calculate gain or loss for received products

On Four-Point Analysis Maintenance

Figure 10-2 Four-Point Analysis Maintenance screen

Description of Figure 10-2 follows
Description of "Figure 10-2 Four-Point Analysis Maintenance screen"

  1. Complete the following fields or accept the default values:

    • Record Number

    • PO Number

    • Mode of Transport

    • Supplier

    • Carrier Number

    • Vehicle Identification

    • Item

    • Branch/Plant

    • Load Date

    • Unload Date

  2. Access the detail area.

    Figure 10-3 Four-Point Analysis Maintenance screen, detail area

    Description of Figure 10-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 10-3 Four-Point Analysis Maintenance screen, detail area"

  3. Enter the ambient quantities in the following required fields:

    • Loaded

    • Discharged

  4. Complete one or more of the following optional fields:

    • Opening on Board

    • Start Trip

    • End Trip

    • Left on Board

    • Alternate Quantity Unit of Measure

  5. Choose the item to calculate the gains or losses.

  6. Access Four-Point Temperature/Density.

    Figure 10-4 Four-Point Temperature/Density screen

    Description of Figure 10-4 follows
    Description of "Figure 10-4 Four-Point Temperature/Density screen"

  7. On Four-Point Temperature/Density, complete the following fields for each corresponding field that you completed in the detail area:

    • Temperature

    • Temperature Type

    • Density

    • Density Type

    • Density Temperature

    • Density Temperature Type

  8. Return to Four-Point Analysis Maintenance.

  9. Accept the entries.

    The system adds the record.

Field Explanation
Loaded The amount of product loaded from the tank to the vessel.
Discharged The quantity discharged (unloaded) from the vessel.
Opening on Board The standard quantity of product already on the vessel before loading additional product.
Start Trip The quantity at standard temperature at the beginning of the trip. This is normally the sum of the opening on-board quantity and the loaded quantity. If there is a difference, this would be reflected as a loading or inturn gain or loss.
End Trip The quantity at the end of the trip or voyage. This quantity is compared to the quantity at the start of the trip, and any difference is reflected as a Transport (Trip) gain or loss. This End Trip quantity is also compared to the sum of the discharged quantity and the left-on-board quantity. Any difference is an unloading (outturn) gain or loss.
Left on Board The quantity (if any) left on the vehicle after the product is discharged (unloaded).
Alternate Unit Qty This specifies quantities that are in an alternate unit of measure.

Form-specific information

If you leave this field blank, the system calculates the quantity based on the standard quantity.

10.1.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Accessing Four-Point Analysis Maintenance Alternatively, you can access Four-Point Analysis Maintenance from the Bulk Product Receipts window while recording receipts.

You can set a processing option to automatically call Four-Point Analysis Maintenance from the Routing Movements program when product moves into the payment eligible step, then again into on-hand.

When called from the payment eligible step, the program completes the date and quantity loaded. The end trip, unload, and left on board points are protected from input.

When called from the on-hand step, the program completes the unload date and unload quantity. The beginning on board, loaded, and start trip points are protected from input.

Recording standard quantities You can enter standard quantities if you already have them. If you enter standard quantities, you do not need to access the Four-Point Temperature/Density window to convert ambient quantities to standard quantities.
Calculating volume for Four-Point Analysis Maintenance You can use Dip Volume Calculator to enter the opening and closing dip readings of any supplying or receiving point and calculate volumes. You can then print the dip calculations, return to the Four-Point Analysis Maintenance form, and enter the quantities in the appropriate fields.
Protecting records from revisions You can use the Protect option to secure records from being changed.
Reversing a receipt If you reverse a receipt entry for a bulk product, the system calls the Four-Point Analysis Server and also reverse the four-point analysis record.
Recording a disposition If you receive a product that has been set up for receipt routing, you can record a product disposition, such as product that was damaged or lost in shipment. Recording a disposition for products defined as payable = Y, writes a physical gain or loss record to the Bulk Item Ledger (F41512) table.