19 Overview to Bulk Depot Setup

This chapter contains these topics:

19.1 Objectives

  • To set up a depot

  • To specify depot constants for bulk products, such as location specifications and default temperature and density

  • To set up valid locations, such as tanks, within each depot

19.2 About Bulk Depot Setup

Managing bulk inventory transactions is key to controlling inventory and product movements. To successfully manage transactions, you must first set up your depots.

You set up each depot to supply the default information that is used throughout the Bulk Stock Management system. The system pre-loads these default values whenever you perform a bulk transaction, print reports, or use programs to locate information. You can update or maintain this information as your business situations demand.

You can set up separate depots for bulk and packaged products or set up one depot for both. Your company's business processes determine how you set up depots.

Bulk depot setup involves the following tasks:

  • Setting up depot constants for bulk products

  • Setting up depot locations

19.2.1 Before You Begin

  • Create an Address Book record for each depot (branch/plant) or owner for commingled stock. See the JD Edwards World Address Book and Electronic Mail Guide.

  • Set up each depot as a business unit to define information about inventory, expense, and revenue entries. Even if your company chooses not to post any accounts at the depot level or wants to record accounting activity to another business unit, you must set up each depot as a business unit. See the JD Edwards World General Accounting I Guide.

  • Define a default branch/plant. See Setting Up Constants (P41001) in the JD Edwards World Inventory Management Guide.