26 Overview to Tank and Flow Meter Setup

This chapter contains these topics:

26.1 Objectives

  • To set up the structural tank information that the system uses to process transactions

  • To set up a blending tank and define the allowed blending categories

  • To set tank information, such as discharge and filling rates, that the system needs to calculate volume and manage depot transactions

  • To set up the strappings information for all tanks within a depot

  • To define the default temperature and density specific to a tank

  • To specify the allowed product groups and sequence restrictions within tanks

  • To set up flow meters for a depot

26.2 About Tank and Flow Meter Setup

A depot consists of tanks that hold various products. You must define the tanks, allowed products, and meters at the depot location. The system uses this information to calculate volumes and optimize tank usage.

Complete the following tasks:

  • Set up a tank

  • Define tank temperature and density

  • Define product groups

  • Set up a flow meter

26.2.1 Before You Begin