47 Overview to Gantry Setup

This chapter contains these topics:

47.1 Objectives

  • To set up the gantry to load bulk products on a bulk vehicle using an automated gantry or loading rack

  • To define the gantry subsystem that enables communication between the gantry load rack and other software components of the Load and Delivery Management system

  • To set up interface constants to establish communications parameters between the gantry subsystem and the Load and Delivery Management system

  • To set up report writers to define a set of programs that control the processing between the Load and Delivery Management system and the gantry

  • To understand the inter-relationship between the programs that control gantry processing

47.2 About Gantry Setup

You set up the gantry to load bulk products on a bulk vehicle using an automated gantry or loading rack. By automating the loading of bulk products, you are essentially replacing the functions of the bulk load confirmation and bulk loading note.

The Load and Delivery Management system uses its gantry subsystem to communicate with the gantry custom software system and the gantry hardware. You must define the system's gantry subsystem by establishing valid names for the gantry-related programs.

You must set up interface constants to establish communications between the Load and Delivery Management system, which includes the gantry subsystem, and your company's gantry custom software system. The gantry custom software system is required for downloading information to the gantry.

You set up report writers to define a set of programs that control the processing between the Load and Delivery Management system and the gantry.

Complete the following tasks:

  • Define the gantry subsystem

  • Set up interface constants

  • Set up gantry report writers

See Also: