
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  Z 


See Automatic Accounting Instructions
About AAIs
Automatic Accounting Instruction form, 53.1.2
Distribution Automatic Account, 53.1.2
About UDCs for Load and Delivery, 54.1
Activity Codes
User Defined Code, 54.1
Actual Quantities window, 11.2.1
Actuals trip, 4.1
memo text, 53.1.3
Adding a new trip to the sequence, 5.4
Adding a trip, 4.2
Additional Order Information (aviation) form, 14.1.1
Additional Order Information (marine) form, 14.1.1
Additional Order Information window, 12.3.1
Additional Sales Order Line Entry window, 15.1
Agreement Entry Window, 11.2.1, 11.3.2, 12.2.1, 12.3.2
Approving a trip, 4.5
Assigning connected vehicle registration and license, 31.3
Vehicle Compartments form, 31.3.1
Assigning depot staff
Depot Staff Assignment form, 34.1
Assigning product quantities for a trip, 4.4
Assigning sales orders, 4.3
Assigning staff license information
Staff Licenses form, 35.1
Assigning the delivery sequence, 4.6
Assigning vehicle license and registration, 30.4
Vehicle/Staff License Maintenance form, 30.4
Assigning vehicle staff, 30.6
Staff Assignment form, 30.6
Automatic Accounting Instruction form, 53.1.2
Automatic accounting instructions
record types, 53.1.3
Automatic Accounting Instructions
4220, 53.1.1
4221, 53.1.1
4230, 53.1.1
4231, 53.1.1
4232, 53.1.1
4240, 53.1.1
4241, 53.1.1
4245, 53.1.1
4250, 53.1.1
4260, 53.1.1
4270, 53.1.1
4280, 53.1.1
4281, 53.1.1
4282, 53.1.1
4920, 53.1.1
adding memo text, 53.1.3
entering multi-currency transactions, 53.1.3
required information for setup, 51.2.1
Aviation and marine
See Confirm load and delivery


Branch sales markups
required setup information, 51.2.1
Build trips
See Trip building
Bulk Delivery Ticket, 18.2.1
Bulk Disposition form, 13.4, 13.4.1
Bulk Invoice, 18.2.1
Bulk Loading Note - Order
See Preload documents
Bulk Loading Note - Trip
See Preload documents
Business Unit Name Search window, 4.2.1


Calculating customer freight, 23.2
Calculating freight charges, 23.1
Calculating supplier freight, 23.3
supplier freight, 44.1.1
depot throughput capacity, 37.1.2
work day
required information for setup, 51.2.1
how to use depot throughput, 37.1.2
total depot throughput, 37.1.2
Changing trip sequence information, 5.3
Changing trip status, 57.3
assigning, 43.1.2
creating, 39.3
Commingled stock
assigning orders to trips, 4.3
confirm delivery, 13.4
confirm load, 11.2
confirm load and delivery, 12.2, 12.3
Commissions and royalties
required setup information, 51.2.1
Compartment Disposition window, 13.4.1, 13.4.1
Compartment numbers
example, 28.1.2
how system formats, 28.1.1
Compartment Status
User Defined Code, 54.1
Confirm Bulk Delivery form, 13.3.1
Confirm Bulk Load - Trip form, 11.2, 19.4.2, 19.4.3
Confirm delivery
bulk, 13.3
calculate volume from dips, 13.3.1
calculate volume from weighbridge, 13.3.1
four point analysis, 13.3.1
record customer payments, 13.3.1
search for a trip, 13.3.1
bulk disposition, 13.4
compartment allocation, 13.4.1
Compartment Disposition window, 13.4.1
external document number, 13.5.1
record customer payments, 13.5.1
recording after delivery confirm, 13.4.1
search for depot, 13.5.1
splitting disposition, 13.4.1
to existing order, 13.4.1
bulk order, 13.3.2
bulk trip, 13.3.1
external document number, 13.3.1
mass delivery
exception report, 13.2.2
mass delivery (order), 13.2.1
view additional sales information, 13.2.2
mass delivery (trip), 13.2
search for a trip, 13.2.1
view additional trip information, 13.2.1
milk run, 13.3.2
packaged disposition, 13.6
packaged order, 13.5.2
packaged trip, 13.5.1
search for a trip, 13.5.2
Trip Worksheet, 13.7
types, 13.1
Confirm load, 11.1
bulk trip, 11.2
assign documents to print, 11.2.1
calculate volume from dip readings, 11.2.1
calculate volume from weighbridge, 11.2.1
enter actual load quantities, 11.2.1
enter agreement numbers, 11.2.1
enter external document number, 11.2.1
enter seal numbers, 11.2.1
enter test results, 11.4
enter vehicle registration, 11.2.1
four point analysis, 11.2.1
review gantry details, 11.2.1
packaged trip, 11.3
enter agreement numbers, 11.3.2
enter external document number, 11.3.2
enter vehicle registration, 11.3.2
select documents, 11.3.2
select multiple locations, 11.3.2
splash blend, 11.2
Confirm load and delivery, 12.1
aviation and marine
enter aviation information, 14.1, 14.1.1
enter marine information, 14.1, 14.1.1
bulk order
assign documents to print, 12.3.1
calculate volume from dips, 12.3.1
calculate volume from weighbridge, 12.3.1
specifying a carrier, 12.3.1
bulk trip, 12.2
assign documents to print, 12.2.1
calculate volume from dips, 12.2.1
calculate volume from weighbridge, 12.2.1
enter agreement number, 12.2.1
enter external document number, 12.2.1, 12.2.2
enter seal numbers, 12.2.1
enter vehicle registration, 12.2.1
four-point analysis, 12.2.1
review gantry details, 12.2.1
credit order, 12.4
enter additional charges, 15.1
gantry batch download
report, 17.1
overview, 9.2
packaged order
assign documents to print, 12.3.2
enter agreement number, 12.3.2
packaged trip
assign documents to print, 12.2.2
enter agreement numbers, 12.2.2
enter vehicle registration, 12.2.2
trip, 12.2
packaged, 12.2.1
Confirm Packaged Delivery form, 13.5.1, 13.6
Confirm Packaged Load - Trip form, 11.3.1
Confirming a bulk load by trip, 11.2
Confirming a credit order, 12.4
Confirming a load by trip, 11.1
Confirming a packaged load by trip, 11.3
Confirming bulk delivery, 13.3
Confirming delivery, 13.1
Confirming load and delivery, 12.1
sales order, 12.3
bulk, 12.3
packaged, 12.3.1
Confirming load and delivery by sales order, 12.3
Confirming load and delivery by trip, 12.2
Confirming mass delivery, 13.2
Confirming packaged delivery, 13.5
Connected vehicle
accessing information about, 31.2.1
defining, 31.2
deleting, 31.2.1
registration and license
assigning, 31.3
Connected Vehicle Registration Entry form, 31.3.1
Connected Vehicles form, 31.2
Load and Delivery
about setup, 27.2
explanation, 1.1.9
required setup information, 51.2.1
Contract Purpose
User Defined Code, 54.1
Contract Status
User Defined Code, 54.1
Contract Type
User Defined Code, 54.1
Contractor Load Entry window, 4.3
dummy vehicle, 31.2.1
Creating a distance-based freight table, 43.3
Distance-Based Freight form, 43.3
Creating a fixed-fee freight table, 43.4
Fixed-Fee Freight form, 43.4
Creating a zone-based freight table, 43.2
Zone-Based Freight form, 43.2.1
Creating document codes, 39.3
Delivery Document Maintenance form, 39.3.2
Creating Document Distribution (ECS) preferences, 40.3
Document Distribution (ECS) form, 40.3, 40.3
Creating Document Set (ECS) preferences, 40.2
Document Set (ECS) form, 40.2, 40.2
Creating document sets, 39.4
Vehicle Compartments form, 39.4.1
Creating Freight (ECS) preferences
Freight (ECS) form, 44.1, 44.1
Currency codes
assigning, 43.1.2
Customer billing instructions
required setup information, 51.2.1


Default location and printers
required setup information, 51.2.1
Define Subsystem form, 41.1
gantry, 48.1
Defined Codes
shift codes, 54.1
Defining a vehicle, 30.2
Defining connected vehicles, 31.2
Connected Vehicles form, 31.2
Defining delivery document control, 19.2
Defining depot print instructions, 39.5
Depot Document Print Setup form, 39.5
Defining document next numbers
Document Next Number form, 39.2.1
Defining download control, 50.3
Download Control form, 50.3
Defining download data queue interface, 50.2
Download Data Queue Interface form, 50.2
Defining prohibited product load sequences, 32.2
Prohibited Product Load form, 32.2
Defining prohibited product mix, 32.3
Prohibited Product Load form, 32.3.1
Defining the gantry subsystem
Define Subsystem form, 48.1
Defining the load and delivery Transaction Server
Load and Delivery Transaction Server form, 46.1
Defining the print subsystem
Define Subsystem form, 41.1
Defining the update program, 50.4
Update Program form, 50.4
document codes, 39.3.3
Delivery confirm
See Confirm delivery
Delivery Document Maintenance form, 39.3.2
Delivery document printing
about setup, 38.2
assigning invoices documents
non-primary, 39.3.3
primary, 39.3.3
deleting document codes, 39.3.3
explanation, 1.1.13
preprinting, 39.5
process flow for setup, 38.2.1
Delivery documents
define document control, 19.2
promised delivery date, 19.2.1
explanation, 1.1.5
overview, 18.2
print batch
restart, 20.1, 20.1
review, 20.1, 20.1
print before load confirm, 19.3
batch processing, 19.3.1
interactively, 19.3.1
print copies, 19.5
additional copies, 19.5.1
print during load confirm, 19.4
prenumbered forms, 19.4.3
select documents, 19.4.2, 19.4.3
subsystem mode, 19.4.2
purpose, 19.1
types, 18.2.1
Delivery Sequence Entry window, 4.6
print instructions
defining, 39.5, 39.5
choosing alternate formats, 34.1.1
throughput capacity
about setup, 36.2, 36.2
explanation, 1.1.12
how to use, 37.1.2
understanding the calendar, 37.1.2, 37.1.2
Depot Document Print Setup form, 39.5
Depot Staff Assignment form, 34.1
Dispatch Group
User Defined Code, 54.1
Dispatcher Workbench form, 4.3, 6.1
fold area, 4.3
Distance-Based Freight form, 43.3
Distance-Based Freight Table
assigning distances, 43.3.1
creating, 43.3
assigning, 43.3.1
how system calculates, 43.3.1
Distribution Automatic Account, 53.1.2
assigning invoices documents
primary, 39.3.3
creating, 39.3
next numbers
defining, 39.2
creating, 39.4
Document code
deleting, 39.3.3
Document Codes
example, 39.3.1
Document distribution (ECS) form, 40.3, 40.3
Document Distribution (ECS) preferences, 40.3
Document Next Number form, 39.2.1
Document Number Entry window, 11.2.1, 11.3.2, 12.2.1, 12.2.2, 13.5.1
Document Print Batch Inquiry form, 20.1, 20.1
Document print control
creating a print subsystem
example, 41.1.1
setting parameters
example, 41.1.2
Document Print Control
User Defined Code, 54.1
Document Print Control Confirm window, 19.4.3, 20.1
Document Print Control form, 19.4.3, 20.1
Document Print Control Restart window, 19.4.3
Document Print Control Run Type
User Defined Code, 54.1
Document Reason
User Defined Code, 54.1
Document Register Detail window, 21.1
Document Reprint form, 19.5
Document Selection Window, 11.2.1, 11.3.2, 12.2.1, 12.3.1, 12.3.2, 19.4.2, 19.4.3
Document Set
User Defined Code, 54.1
Document Set Assignment form, 39.4.1
Document set (ECS) form, 40.2, 40.2
Document Set (ECS) preferences, 40.2
Document Status
User Defined Code, 54.1
Document Type
User Defined Code, 54.1
Download control
defining, 50.3
Download Control form, 50.3
Download data queue interface
defining, 50.2
Download Data Queue Interface form, 50.2
Driver Search Window, 4.2.1
vehicle copying, 31.2.1
Dummy vehicle
description, 29.2.2


Entering additional charges, 15.1
Entering Test Results by Trip, 11.4
Entry Window, 12.2.2
Equipment Type
User Defined Code, 54.1


Order Number, 13.5.2
Fixed-Fee Freight form, 43.4
Fixed-fee freight table
creating, 43.4
Additional Order Information (aviation), 14.1.1
Additional Order Information (marine), 14.1.1
Automatic Accounting Instruction, 53.1.2
Bulk Disposition, 13.4, 13.4.1
Confirm Bulk Delivery, 13.3.1
Confirm Bulk Load - Trip, 11.2, 19.4.2, 19.4.3
Confirm Packaged Delivery, 13.5.1, 13.6
Confirm Packaged Load - Trip, 11.3.1
Connected Vehicle Registration Entry, 31.3.1
Connected Vehicles, 31.2
Define Subsystem, 41.1, 48.1
Delivery Document Maintenance, 39.3.2
Depot Document Print Setup, 39.5
Depot Staff Assignment, 34.1
Dispatcher Workbench, 4.3, 6.1
Distance-Based Freight, 43.3
Distribution Automatic Account, 53.1.2
Document Distribution (ECS), 40.3, 40.3
Document Next Number, 39.2.1
Document Print Batch Inquiry, 20.1, 20.1
Document Print Control, 19.4.3, 20.1
Document Reprint, 19.5
Document Set Assignment, 39.4.1
Document Set (ECS), 40.2, 40.2
Download Control, 50.3
Download Data Queue Interface, 50.2
Fixed-Fee Freight, 43.4
Freight (ECS), 44.1, 44.1
Gantry Actual Load Detail Inquiry, 26.2
Gantry Load Detail Inquiry, 26.2
Interface Constants, 49.1
In-Transit Balance by Item, 25.5
In-Transit Balance by Vehicle, 25.4
Load and Delivery Constants, 28.1.2
Load and Delivery Ledger Inquiry, 25.3
Load and Delivery Order Inquiry, 25.2
Load and Delivery Transaction Server form, 46.1
Load Status Inquiry, 26.2
Mass Delivery Confirm - Order, 13.2.1
Mass Delivery Confirm - Trip, 13.2
Milk Run Delivery Confirmation, 13.3.2
Price Adjustment Definitions, A.3.2
Problem Inquiry, 26.3
Prohibited Product Load
product load sequence version, 32.2
product mix version, 32.3.1
Record Trip Worksheet Information, 13.7.1
Resource Load Inquiry, 3.1
Review Document Register, 21.1
Staff Assignment, 30.6
Staff Licenses, 35.1
Test Results Revisions, 11.4.1
Throughput Capacity by Period, 37.1.1, 37.1.1
Trip Creation/Maintenance, 4.2
Trip Sequence Inquiry, 5.2
Trip Sequence Maintenance, 5.3
Trip Status Maintenance, 57.2, 57.2
Update Program, 50.4
Update Sales Price/Cost, A.4.2
Vehicle Compartments, 30.3
Vehicle Equipment, 30.5
Vehicle Master, 30.1.2
Vehicle Out of Service Dates, 30.7
Vehicle/Staff License Maintenance, 30.4
Work Day Calendar Setup, 52.1.1, 52.1.1
Zone-Based Freight, 43.2.1
assigning quantities, 43.1.2
about setup, 42.2
information on general ledger accounts, 53.1.3
delivery distances and quantities, 43.1
example using charge rates and quantities, 43.1.1
fixed fee, 43.1
geographic delivery zones, 43.1
Freight calculation
about setup, 42.2
customer, 23.2
generating invoices, 23.2
periodic invoices, 23.2
customer and supplier, 23.1
process, 23.1.1
explanation, 1.1.6, 1.1.14
overview, 22.2
review freight charges, 23.4
supplier, 23.3
types, 22.2.1
Freight (ECS) form, 44.1, 44.1
Freight (ECS) preference
filling the mode of transport and carrier fields, 44.1.1
supplier freight calculations, 44.1.1
Freight tables
delivery distances, 43.1
delivery distances and quantities, 43.1
delivery quantities, 43.1
creating, 43.3
fixed fee, 43.1
creating, 43.4
geographic delivery zones, 43.1
using charge rates and quantities
example, 43.1.1
creating, 43.2


about setup, 47.2
defining download control, 50.3
defining download data queue interface, 50.2
defining the Update program, 50.4
explanation, 1.1.16
interface constants
setting up, 49.1
process flow for subsystem, 50.1.1
setting up report writers, 50.1
Gantry Actual Load Detail Inquiry form, 26.2
Gantry Load Detail Inquiry form, 26.2
Gantry loading
batch download
report, 17.1
communication, 16.1
download request, 16.6
downloading trips, 16.3
explanation, 1.1.2, 16.1
process, 16.1
review errors, 26.3
review load status, 26.2
setup, 16.4
use criteria, 16.2


Handling codes
vehicle, 30.2.1


explanation, 1.1.7
See Reports and inquiries
Interface constants
setting up, 49.1
Interface Constants form, 49.1
In-Transit Balance by Item form, 25.5
In-Transit Balance by Vehicle form, 25.4
Invoice document
assigning invoices documents
non-primary, 39.3.3
Item cross-references
required setup information, 51.2.1


Job Type
User Defined Code, 54.1


Left on Board Compartment Allocation window, 13.4.1
load and delivery
packaged trip
pick from multiple locations, 12.2.2
Load and delivery
explanation, 1.1.4
See Confirm load and delivery
Load and delivery confirm
See Confirm load and delivery
Load and Delivery Constants form, 28.1.2
Load and Delivery Ledger Inquiry form, 25.3
Load and delivery management
overview, 1
process flow, 1
Load and Delivery Management
features, 1.1
Load and Delivery Order Inquiry form, 25.2
Load and Delivery Transaction Server form, 46.1
Load confirm
See Confirm load
Load line fields
description, 30.3.1
Load Status Inquiry form, 26.2
Loading note
enabling print messages, 32.2.1
Loading notes
See Preload documents


Mass Delivery Confirm - Order form, 13.2.1
Mass Delivery Confirm - Trip form, 13.2
Measurement Method
User Defined Code, 54.1
Media Type
User Defined Code, 54.1
required setup information, 51.2.1
Milk Run Delivery Confirmation form, 13.3.2
Milk run trip, 4.1
Mode of Transport
User Defined Code, 54.1
Automatic Accounting Instructions, 53.1.3
Multiple Locations window, 12.2.2


Next numbers
defining, 39.2
required setup information, 51.2.1
Number Entry window, 13.3.1
Numbers Window, 11.2.1, 12.2.1


Order activity rules
required setup information, 51.2.1
Order Detail Load and Delivery Window, 25.2.1
Order hold information
required setup information, 51.2.1
Order line types
required setup information, 51.2.1
Order Number
defined, 13.5.2


Package Invoice, 18.2.1
Packaged Delivery Ticket, 18.2.1
Packaged Loading Note - Order
See Preload documents
Packaged Loading Note - Trip
See Preload documents
Packaged Picking Ticket
See Preload documents
Picking tickets
See Preload documents
Planning vehicle
description, 29.2.2
Document Distribution (ECS)
creating, 40.3
Document Set (ECS)
creating, 40.2
filling the mode of transport and carrier fields, 44.1.1
supplier freight calculations, 44.1.1
Preload documents, 7.2
Bulk Loading Note - Order, 8.4.3
explanation, 1.1.3
Packaged Loading Note - Order, 8.4.7
Print Pick Slips (order), 8.2
printing, 8.1
loading notes, 8.4
picking tickets, 8.2
Trip Worksheet, 8.3
Trip Worksheet, 8.3, 8.3
delivery documents, 39.5
Price Adjustment Definitions form, A.3.2
Pricing Based On Date
User Defined Code, 54.1
Print control
creating a print subsystem
example, 41.1.1
setting parameters
example, 41.1.2
Print instructions
defining, 39.5
Print messages
enabling on the bulk loading note, 32.2.1
Print Pick Slips (order)
See Preload documents
delivery document
about setup, 38.2
Printing copies of delivery documents, 19.5
Printing delivery documents, 19.1
Printing delivery documents before load confirm, 19.3
Printing delivery documents during load confirm, 19.4
Printing loading notes, 8.4
Printing picking tickets, 8.2
Printing preload documents, 8.1
Printing the Trip Worksheet, 8.3
Problem Inquiry form, 26.3
transport on a vehicle, 29.2.1
Programs and IDs
P00071 (work day calendar setup), 52.1.1
P3711 (test results Revisions), 11.4.1
P40105 (define subsystem), 41.1, 48.1
P40200EC (Document Distribution (ECS;, 40.3
P40200EC (Document Set (ECS;, 40.2
P40200EC (freight (ECS;, 44.1, 44.1
P40300EC (Document Distribution (ECS;, 40.3
P40300EC (Document Set (ECS;, 40.2
P40300EC (freight (ECS;, 44.1
P4071 (price adjustment definitions), A.3.2
P40901 (automatic accounting instruction), 53.1.2
P40901 (distribution automatic account), 53.1.2
P42520 (print pick slips - order), 8.2
P42950EC (update sales price/cost), A.4.2
P49001 (load and delivery constants), 28.1.2
P49010 (vehicle master), 30.1.2
P49012 (vehicle compartments), 30.3
P49015 (vehicle out of service dates), 30.7
P49020 (staff licenses), 35.1
P49020 (vehicle/staff license maintenance), 30.4
P49021 (in-transit balance by item), 25.5
P49022 (in-transit balance by vehicle), 25.4
P49025 (connected vehicle registration entry), 31.3.1
P49025 (connected vehicles), 31.2
P49030 (vehicle equipment), 30.5
P49040 (depot staff assignment), 34.1
P49040 (staff assignment), 30.6
P49060 (throughput capacity by period), 37.1.1, 37.1.1
P49075 (prohibited product load)
product load mix version, 32.3.1
product load sequence version, 32.2
P49090 (work day calendar setup), 52.1.1
P49110 (zone-based freight), 43.2.1
P49120 (distance-based freight), 43.3
P49130 (fixed-fee freight), 43.4
P49160 (document next number), 39.2.1
P49190 (delivery document maintenance), 39.3.2
P49195 (document set assignment), 39.4.1
P49197 (depot document print setup), 39.5
P49260 (resource load inquiry), 3.1
P49300 (dispatcher workbench), 4.3, 6.1
P49350 (trip creation/maintenance), 4.2
P49370 (trip sequence maintenance), 5.3
P49371 (trip sequence inquiry), 5.2
P49380 (trip status maintenance), 57.2, 57.2
P49390 (load and delivery order inquiry), 25.2
P49410 (bulk loading note - order), 8.4.3
P49445 (packaged loading note - order), 8.4.7
P49500 (trip worksheet), 8.3, 8.3
P49510 (confirm bulk load - trip), 11.2, 19.4.2, 19.4.3
P49510B (additional order information - aviation), 14.1.1
P49510C (additional order information - marine), 14.1.1
P49511 (load and delivery ledger inquiry), 25.3
P49530 (confirm packaged load - trip), 11.3.1
P49570 (download data queue interface), 50.2
P49571 (download control), 50.3
P49572 (update program), 50.4
P49575 (load status inquiry), 26.2
P49576 (gantry load detail inquiry), 26.2
P49577 (gantry actual load detail inquiry), 26.2
P495791 (problem inquiry), 26.3
P49580 (document print batch inquiry), 20.1, 20.1
P49582 (document print control), 19.4.3, 20.1
P49680 (document reprint), 19.5
P49690 (review document register), 21.1
P49701 (interface constants), 49.1
P49710 (confirm bulk delivery), 13.3.1
P49711 (milk run delivery confirmation), 13.3.2
P49715 (bulk disposition), 13.4, 13.4.1
P49720 (confirm packaged delivery), 13.5.1, 13.6
P49730 (mass delivery confirm - order, 13.2.1
P49730 (mass delivery confirm - trip), 13.2
P49760 (record trip worksheet information), 13.7.1
XT49799 (Load and Delivery Transaction Server), 46.1
Prohibited Product Load form
product load sequence version, 32.2
product mix version, 32.3.1
Prohibited products
defining load mix, 32.3
defining load sequences, 32.2
User Defined Code, 54.1


assigning to freight, 43.1.2


Record Trip Worksheet Information form, 13.7.1
Record Type
User Defined Code, 54.1
Recording bulk disposition, 13.4
Recording packaged disposition, 13.6
Recording trip worksheet information, 13.7
Registration Entry window, 12.2.1
Registration/License Type
User Defined Code, 54.1
explanation, 1.1.7
Gantry Batch Download, 17.1
Gantry Interface File Purge, 58.1.1
In-Transit Inventory Report, 25.6
Mass Confirmation Exception, 13.2.2
Reports and inquiries
gantry information, 26.1
in-transit balance by vehicle, 25.4, 25.5
assign bulk disposition, 25.4.1, 25.5.1
review item balance, 25.4.1
review load and delivery ledger, 25.4.1, 25.5.1
review vehicle balance, 25.5.1
in-transit inventory report, 25.6
load and delivery ledger information, 25.3
trip/product toggle, 25.3.1
load and delivery order information, 25.2
review bulk transactions, 25.2.1
review customer ledger, 25.2.1
review item ledger, 25.2.1
review load and delivery ledger, 25.2.1
review order details, 25.2.1
overview, 24.2
review gantry errors, 26.3
review gantry load status, 26.2
review actual load detail, 26.2.1
review compartment data, 26.2.1
review gantry errors, 26.2.1
Resource Load Inquiry form, 3.1
Review Document Register form, 21.1
Reviewing freight charges, 23.4
Reviewing gantry information, 26.1
Reviewing in-transit balance by vehicle, 25.4, 25.5
Reviewing load and delivery ledger information, 25.3
Reviewing load and delivery order information, 25.2
Reviewing the in-transit inventory report, 25.6
Reviewing trip sequence information, 5.2
Reviewing trip status, 57.2


Sales Catalog Sections
User Defined Code, 54.1
Sales Catalog Subsections
User Defined Code, 54.1
Select Multiple Locations window, 11.3.2
Selection Window, 12.2.2
creating, 39.4
Setting up connected vehicles, 31.1
Setting up date level repricing
Update Sales Price/Cost form, A.4.2
Setting up delivery level repricing
Price Adjustment Definitions form, A.3.2
Setting up depot throughput capacity
Throughput Capacity by Period form, 37.1.1, 37.1.1
Setting up gantry report writers, 50.1
Setting up interface constants, 49.1
Interface Constants form, 49.1
Setting up load and delivery constants
Load and Delivery Constants form, 28.1.2
Setting up the work day calendar
Work Day Calendar Setup form, 52.1.1, 52.1.1
Setting up vehicle compartments, 30.3
Vehicle compartments form, 30.3
Setting up vehicle equipment, 30.5
Vehicle Equipment form, 30.5
Setting up vehicle out-of-service dates, 30.7
Vehicle Out of Service Dates form, 30.7
connected vehicles, 31.1
delivery document printing
about, 38.2
depot throughput capacity
about, 36.2
freight calculation
about, 42.2
about, 47.2
Load and Delivery constants
about, 27.2
about, 33.2
about, 51.2
Transaction Server
about, 45.2
about, 29.2
compartments, 30.3
Shift Codes
User Defined Code, 54.1
Shipping Zone
User Defined Code, 54.1
Source Depot window, 4.2.1
Splash blend, 11.2
about setup, 33.2
choosing alternate formats, 30.6.1
choosing alternate formats, 34.1.1
explanation, 1.1.11
vehicle assigning, 30.6
Staff Assignment form, 30.6
Staff Licenses form, 35.1
Standard trip, 4.1
Standard units of measure
required setup information, 51.2.1
about setup, 51.2
required information for setup
Automatic Accounting Instructions, 51.2.1
branch sales markups, 51.2.1
commissions and royalties, 51.2.1
constants, 51.2.1
customer billing instructions, 51.2.1
default location and printers, 51.2.1
item cross-references, 51.2.1
messages, 51.2.1
next numbers, 51.2.1
order activity rules, 51.2.1
order hold information, 51.2.1
order line types, 51.2.1
standard units of measure, 51.2.1
User Defined Codes, 51.2.1
warehouse locations, 51.2.1
work day calendar, 51.2.1
explanation, 1.1.17
required information, 51.2.1


Tariff Code
User Defined Code, 54.1
Technical operations, 55.2
explanation, 1.1.8
trip status, 57.1
change, 57.3
review, 57.2
Test Results Revisions form, 11.4.1
Testing Method
User Defined Code, 54.1
Throughput capacity
calculating total capacity, 37.1.2
how to use, 37.1.2
understanding the calendar, 37.1.2
depot, 37.1
Throughput Capacity by Period form, 37.1.1, 37.1.1
Transaction server
explanation, 1.1.15
Transaction Server
about setup, 45.2
products on a vehicle, 29.2.1
Trip building, 2.2
add trip
assign staff, 4.2.1
record vehicle registration, 4.2.1
return last trip, 4.2.1
save trip as pending, 4.2.1
search for vehicle ID, 4.2.1
source depot, 4.2.1
create trip
add trip, 4.2
approve trip, 4.5
assign delivery sequence, 4.6
assign product quantities, 4.4
assign sales orders, 4.3
delivery capacity
review unassigned orders, 3.1.1
explanation, 1.1.1
graphic, 2.2
trip sequence, 5.1
add new trip, 5.4
change, 5.3
review, 5.2
trip types
actuals, 4.1
milk run, 4.1
standard, 4.1
Trip Creation/Maintenance form, 4.2
Trip maintenance checks
description, 30.3.1
Trip Search window, 13.2.1, 13.3.1, 13.5.2
Trip Sequence Inquiry form, 5.2
Trip Sequence Maintenance form, 5.3
Trip Staff Assignment window, 4.2.1
Trip Status
User Defined Code, 54.1
Trip Status Maintenance form, 57.2, 57.2
Trip Type
User Defined Code, 54.1
Trip Worksheet
See Preload documents


See User Defined Codes
Understanding gantry loading, 16.1
Unit Name Search window, 13.5.1
Unit of Measure
User Defined Code, 54.1
Unit of Measure Classification
User Defined Code, 54.1
Update program
defining, 50.4
Update Program form, 50.4
Update Sales Price/Cost form, A.4.2
User Defined Codes
about for Load and Delivery, 54.1
activity codes, 54.1
compartment status, 54.1
contract purpose, 54.1
contract status, 54.1
contract type, 54.1
dispatch group, 54.1
document print control, 54.1
document print control run type, 54.1
document reason, 54.1
document set, 54.1
document status, 54.1
document type, 54.1
equipment type, 54.1
job type, 54.1
measurement method, 54.1
media type, 54.1
mode of transport, 54.1
pricing based on date, 54.1
property, 54.1
record type, 54.1
registration/license type, 54.1
required setup information, 51.2.1
sales catalog sections, 54.1
sales catalog subsections, 54.1
shipping zone, 54.1
stop type, 54.1
tariff code, 54.1
testing method, 54.1
trip status, 54.1
trip type, 54.1
unit of measure, 54.1
unit of measure classification, 54.1
vehicle status, 54.1
vehicle type, 54.1
work day calendar type, 54.1


about setup, 29.2
accessing information about connected, 31.2.1
assigning special handling codes, 30.2.1
setup, 30.3
assigning license and registration, 31.3
defining, 31.2
setup, 31.1
copying a dummy, 31.2.1
defining, 30.2
deleting connected, 31.2.1
description, 29.2.2
entering registration, 30.4.1, 31.3.2
setup, 30.5
license and registration
assigning, 30.4
load line fields, 30.3.1
process flow, 30.1.1
out-of-service date setup, 30.7
description, 29.2.2
equipment, 30.5
explanation, 1.1.10
out-of-service dates, 30.7
assigning, 30.6
choosing alternate formats, 30.6.1
manually assigning, 30.6.1
trip maintenance checks, 30.3.1
type of transport products, 29.2.1
Vehicle Compartments form, 30.3
Vehicle Equipment form, 30.5
Vehicle master
process flow, 30.1.1
Vehicle Master form, 30.1.2
Vehicle Out of Service Date form, 30.7
Vehicle Registration Entry window, 4.2.1, 11.2.1, 11.3.2, 12.2.2
Vehicle Search Window, 4.2.1
Vehicle Status
User Defined Code, 54.1
Vehicle Type
User Defined Code, 54.1
Vehicle/Staff License Maintenance form, 30.4


Warehouse locations
required setup information, 51.2.1
Work day
required information for setup, 51.2.1
Work Day Calendar Setup form, 52.1.1, 52.1.1
Work Day Calendar Type
User Defined Code, 54.1
Working with the trip sequence, 5.1
Working with trip status, 57.1


Zone-Based Freight form, 43.2.1
Zone-Based Freight Table
creating, 43.2