11 Confirm a Load by Trip

This chapter contains these topics:

11.1 Confirming a Load by Trip

To confirm a load by trip, you indicate to the system which products and in what quantities have been successfully loaded onto a vehicle. You record what was actually loaded versus what was scheduled to be loaded for the trip. You cannot confirm the loading of a second trip for a vehicle until you complete the first trip by loading, delivering, and dispositioning any remaining product.

You can record either ambient or standard quantities. The system uses the standard quantity to relieve inventory, re-extend cost, and write ledger records. If you enter ambient, the system converts the ambient quantity to standard. The system checks to verify that the calculated volume correction factor (VCF) is within the range specified in the bulk item master.

When you confirm a load by trip, the system records CT document numbers to the item ledger. The system creates a separate record for each compartment. Once the trip is delivery confirmed, you can see these order numbers from the CT document in the item ledger. If you deliver less than what was ordered, and you enter the difference as back to stock, you will see a record in the item ledger for the quantity (negative number) and the CT number from that record.

Due to the nature of some products, specific customer requests, or both, it is often necessary to sample, test, and record test results before you can confirm a load. You can record test results for bulk or packaged products.

Complete the following tasks:

  • Confirming a Bulk Load by Trip

  • Confirming a Packaged Load by Trip

  • Entering Test Results by Trip

11.1.1 Before You Begin

See Also:

11.2 Confirming a Bulk Load by Trip

After you print the Bulk Loading Note - Trip, you indicate to the system what was actually loaded onto a vehicle, as opposed to what was scheduled to be loaded for the trip. You can record temperature and density information for bulk products and calculate standard quantities.

Confirming a load updates the following tables:

  • Item Ledger table (F4111)

  • Account Ledger table (F0911) (in-transit product)

  • Item Location table (F41021)

  • Load and Delivery Ledger table (F49511)

  • Load and Delivery Location - Vehicle table (F4902)

  • Load and Delivery Item Balance table (F49021)

  • Bulk Product Transaction table (F41511) (bulk products only)

Complete the following tasks:

  • Confirm a bulk load

  • Confirm load of a bulk trip by batch

To confirm a bulk load


From Load and Delivery Management (G49), choose Picking/Loading Operations

From Picking and Loading Operations (G4912), choose Confirm Bulk Load - Trip

You confirm a bulk load to record what was actually loaded onto a vehicle versus what was scheduled to be loaded for the trip. You record load information, such as load date and load time, and record temperature and density information for a bulk product in order to calculate standard quantities. Alternatively, if you do not enter temperature and density information, the system uses the default tank information.

If you want to confirm the loading from a tank containing commingled stock, you must specify the owner to indicate to the system for which owner of stock in the tank to adjust inventory. Enter the owner's address book number for each order line. If the stock is not your own, processing option settings in the Load and Delivery Transaction Server prevent the system from creating general ledger entries.

You can specify in the Confirm Bulk Load processing options the owner to use as the default value for tanks containing stock commingled for duty, when duty is paid, or when duty is not paid.

If you are using an automated gantry system, you can specify a processing option that enables the download, upon successful load confirmation, of loading information for subsequent trips to the system.

If you are confirming the loading of a trip from a gantry, the program also displays the gantry status of the trip and gantry errors, if detected.

If you are loading splash blended products for an actuals trip, you can change the mixture of the blend product to account for situations where the actual mixture does not match the formula set up in the bill of materials. At load confirm, you can change both the kit parent item quantity and the kit component item load quantities of an actuals trip. The program recalculates the load quantity for the parent item, based on the load quantities of the kit items. Once changed, the default formula from the bill of materials is no longer in effect.

On Confirm Bulk Load - Trip

Figure 11-1 Confirm Bulk Load - Trip screen

Description of Figure 11-1 follows
Description of "Figure 11-1 Confirm Bulk Load - Trip screen"

  1. Complete the following fields:

    • Depot

    • Trip Number

    • Load Date

    • Load Time

    • Delivery Date

  2. Accept the entries.

    The system displays the load information by compartment for the product specified for the trip.

  3. Accept the information in the following fields or make corrections, if necessary:

    • Quantity Loaded

    • Tank ID

    • Owner

    • Temperature

    • Compartment Number

    The type of trip determines whether the information in these fields might need to be corrected. For example, for an actuals trip, you can enter the actual quantity loaded at this time.

    See Section 4.1, "Creating a Trip" for more information about actuals trips.

    For actuals trips, the quantity shown on the form becomes the actual quantity. Although not required, you can change the quantity to the value that was actually loaded on the vehicle.

  4. Choose the Load Trip option.

    Additional windows or forms might display, prompting you to confirm additional information, depending on the particular trip and the processing option settings.

Field Explanation
Depot Indicates the depot from which a trip originates. The Trip Depot and the Trip Number fields identify the unique combination of vehicle, registration number, load date, and shift.
Trip Number The number assigned to a trip during direct assignment or trip building. The Trip Depot and the Trip Number fields identify the unique combination of vehicle, registration number, load date, and shift.
Quantity Loaded The number of units that are on board in the vehicle compartment based on the unit of measure classification field on the form.
Tank ID An 8-character field identifying the tank as defined on the Branch/Plant Constants form.

Form-specific information

This field identifies the current tank at the depot. You can override this value with the tank ID of another active tank.

Owner A number that identifies an entry in the Address Book system. Use this number to identify employees, applicants, participants, customers, suppliers, tenants, and any other Address Book members.

Form-specific information

The address book number of the owner of commingled stock.

Temp The temperature of the product.
Cmpt Num The compartment number in a connected vehicle.

A connected vehicle is a number of vehicles with compartments. The logical compartment number represents the compartments as if the connected vehicle were one vehicle.

Example: Three vehicles are connected. The first is the power unit, the second has 4 compartments and the third has 3 compartments. The first 4 logical compartment numbers equal the compartment numbers on the second vehicle. The 5th, 6th, and 7th logical compartments represent the compartments in the third vehicle.

11.2.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Performing a four-point analysis You can access Four-Point Analysis Maintenance from Confirm Bulk Load - Trip to calculate gain or loss for a bulk product on a trip.

See Calculating Gain or Loss for Received Products in the JD Edwards World Bulk Stock Management Guide.

Recording dip readings You can access the Dip Volume Calculator from Confirm Bulk Load - Trip to record dip readings and calculate standard volume for a bulk product.

See Calculating Volume from Dip Readings in the JD Edwards World Bulk Stock Management Guide.

Entering registration for a planning (dummy) vehicle If the trip is set up with a planning (dummy) vehicle, the Vehicle Registration Entry window displays automatically from Confirm Bulk Load - Trip. You must enter the registration number to confirm the load. You can also specify to update other trips for this vehicle, load date, and shift, and to update the Connected Vehicle table.

See Section 30.2, "Defining a Vehicle" and Section 31.2, "Defining Connected Vehicles."

Entering agreement numbers You can access the Agreement Entry Window from Confirm Bulk Load - Trip to enter the agreement number and supplement number for a sales order. In many cases, you don't know the agreement number or supplement number until the truck arrives to be loaded. The agreement management information must be set up prior to entering this information here.

If the order source is from a foreign depot, then you must enter a borrow agreement number.

See Defining Agreement Relationships in the JD Edwards World Agreement Management Guide.

Assigning documents to print You can access the Document Selection Window from Confirm Bulk Load - Trip or it displays automatically if you have set the appropriate processing option. The window displays the documents that will be printed upon successful load confirmation and gives you an option to override the assigned documents by order detail line.

See Section 19.4, "Printing Delivery Documents During Load Confirm."

Recording weighbridge information You can access the Weighbridge Information form from Confirm Bulk Load - Trip to record weighbridge readings and calculate standard volume or weight for a bulk product.

See Calculating Volume from Weighbridge Information in the JD Edwards World Bulk Stock Management Guide.

Entering actual quantities You can access the Bulk Load Confirmation window to enter actual loaded quantities by compartment. You might need to record actual quantities, for example, if the flow meter doesn't stop at the ordered quantity and the quantity loaded exceeds the quantity ordered. This allows you to confirm the actual quantities loaded versus the quantities ordered. The window displays automatically when you confirm a load for a trip with more than one order in a particular compartment.
Entering seal numbers If you attempt to confirm a load for a vehicle which requires seal numbers, the Seal Numbers Window displays from Confirm Bulk Load - Trip. The Vehicle Master record must be set up with a value greater than zero in the Number of Seals field to require the entry of seal numbers during load confirmation.

See Section 30.2, "Defining a Vehicle."

Entering an external document number If you need to create a manual document for customers, you can access the Document Number Entry window to enter an external document number for a particular order. Entering this number updates the Sales Order Detail table. Also, delivery documents will not be printed.
Reviewing gantry details If the trip was loaded by an automated gantry, you can choose the Gantry Load Detail Status Inquiry option to review the load details for the trip. To review actual load quantities for a trip, choose the Retrieve Gantry Actuals option from Gantry Load Detail Status Inquiry form, which accesses the Gantry Actual Load Detail Inquiry form.

See Section 26.1, "Reviewing Gantry Information."

Reviewing left-on-board information If you attempt to load product into a vehicle compartment for which you have different product left on board the compartment from the previous trip, you will receive an error message. You can access the detail area to review the item, item number, quantity left on board, and the owner, if one was assigned.

If the item left on board differs from the scheduled product, the default value for Quantity Loaded will be the same as the scheduled quantity. If the products are the same, then the default value will be the scheduled amount minus the quantity left on board.

Confirming by lot While confirming a bulk load you can commit inventory by lot number for each confirmed item. If the item is lot controlled, the current lot number will be the default value. Access the detail area to enter the lot number.

To confirm load of a bulk trip by batch


From Load and Delivery Management (G49), choose Picking/Loading Operations

From Picking and Loading Operations (G4912), choose Batch Bulk Load - Trip

To speed the load confirm process for bulk trips, you can confirm a group of trips by batch. The Batch Bulk Load Confirm report writer program allows you to enter the trip numbers and additional selection criteria for the trips you want to confirm. You can run Batch Bulk Load Confirm in proof or final mode. Both modes generate a report of trips successfully load confirmed. Final mode updates tables for the trips that successfully load confirm. Proof mode generates a report, but updates no tables.

11.3 Confirming a Packaged Load by Trip


From Load and Delivery Management (G49), choose Picking/Loading Operations

From Picking and Loading Operations (G4912), choose Confirm Packaged Load - Trip

To confirm a packaged load by trip, you record what was actually loaded onto a vehicle versus what was scheduled to be loaded for the trip. You record the actual load quantities and the location and lot from which the product was loaded.

Confirming a load updates the following tables:

  • Item Ledger table (F4111)

  • Account Ledger table (F0911) (in-transit products)

  • Item Location table (F41021)

  • Load and Delivery Ledger table (F49511)

  • Load and Delivery Location - Vehicle table (F4902)

  • Load and Delivery Item Balance table (F49021)

  • Bulk Product Transaction table (F41511) (bulk products only)

11.3.1 Before You Begin

To confirm a packaged load by trip

On Confirm Packaged Load - Trip

Figure 11-2 Confirm Packaged Load - Trip screen

Description of Figure 11-2 follows
Description of "Figure 11-2 Confirm Packaged Load - Trip screen"

  1. Complete the following fields:

    • Depot

    • Trip Number

    • Load Date

    • Load Time

    • Delivery Date

  2. Accept the entries.

    The system displays the load information for the product specified for the trip.

  3. Accept the information in the following fields or make corrections, if necessary:

    • Loaded - Quantity on Board

    • Location

    • Lot

  4. Choose the Load Confirm option.

    Additional windows or forms might display, prompting you to confirm additional information, depending on the particular trip and the processing option settings.

Field Explanation
Loaded Quantity On Board The number of units that are on board in the vehicle compartment based on the unit of measure classification field on the form.
Lot Serial Number A number that identifies a lot or a serial number. A lot is a group of items with similar characteristics.
Location A code that identifies inventory locations in a branch/plant. You define the format of the location identifier by branch/plant.

11.3.2 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Choosing from multiple locations You might encounter circumstances where you picked product from different locations than those indicated on the pick slip. To indicate the correct locations, you can choose the option to access the Select Multiple Locations window for the order line you want to load.
Entering registration for a dummy vehicle If the trip is set up with a dummy vehicle, the Vehicle Registration Entry window displays automatically from Confirm Packaged Load - Trip. You must enter the registration number to confirm the load. You can also specify to update other trips for this vehicle, load date, and shift, and to update the Connected Vehicle table.

See Section 30.2, "Defining a Vehicle" and Section 31.2, "Defining Connected Vehicles."

Entering agreement numbers You can access the Agreement Entry Window from Confirm Packaged Load - Trip to enter the agreement number and supplement number for a sales order. In many cases, you don't know the agreement number or supplement number until the truck arrives to be loaded. The agreement management information must be set up prior to entering this information here.

If the order source is from a foreign depot, then you must enter a borrow agreement number.

See Defining Agreement Relationships in the JD Edwards World Agreement Management Guide.

Assigning documents to print You can access the Document Selection Window from Confirm Packaged Load - Trip or it displays automatically if you have set the appropriate processing option. The window displays the documents that will be printed upon successful load confirmation and gives you an option to override the assigned documents by order detail line.

See Section 19.4, "Printing Delivery Documents During Load Confirm."

Entering an external document number If you need to create a manual document for customers, you can access the Document Number Entry window to enter an external document number for a particular order. Entering this number updates the Sales Order Detail table. Also, delivery documents will not be printed.

11.4 Entering Test Results by Trip


From Load and Delivery Management (G49), choose Picking/Loading Operations

From Picking and Loading Operations (G4912), choose Confirm Bulk Load - Trip or Confirm Packaged Load - Trip

11.4.1 Before You Begin

  • Specify the version to use for Test Results Revisions in the processing options of Confirm Bulk Load - Trip or Confirm Packaged Load - Trip.

To enter test results by trip

For some products, testing for certain specifications might be required. In these cases, passing results must be entered into the system before the load can be confirmed. Testing equipment could be available on the vehicle for the driver to sample and test the product, or samples could be sent to a lab for analysis.

When you set up testing, you can specify that testing be optional, required, or guaranteed. If testing is optional, you will receive a warning message to enter test results when you confirm a load. If testing is required or guaranteed, you will receive an error message when you confirm a load, requiring you to enter test results. In most cases, you must enter passing results before you can confirm the load.

You set up testing information using preferences in the Quality Management system. If testing is required, you must access Test Results Revisions to record valid test results before you can continue to successfully load confirm the trip. Confirm Bulk Load - Trip and Confirm Packaged Load - Trip use a trip-based version of Test Results Revisions.

On Confirm Bulk Load - Trip or Confirm Packaged Load - Trip

  1. Locate a trip to load confirm.

    See Section 11.2, "Confirming a Bulk Load by Trip"or Section 11.3, "Confirming a Packaged Load by Trip."

  2. Access Test Results Revisions.

    Figure 11-3 Test Results Revisions screen

    Description of Figure 11-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 11-3 Test Results Revisions screen"

    The system displays the testing criteria for the trip.

  3. On Test Results Revisions, complete the following fields for each compartment:

    • Result Value

    • Branch/Plant

  4. Access the detail area (F4).

    Figure 11-4 Test Results Revisions screen

    Description of Figure 11-4 follows
    Description of "Figure 11-4 Test Results Revisions screen"

  5. Complete the following field:

    • Tester

  6. Accept the entries.

  7. The program completes the following field:

    • Pass/Fail (P/F)

  8. Return to Confirm Bulk Load - Trip or Confirm Packaged Load - Trip to complete load confirmation.

Field Explanation
Result Value The result of the performed test.
Pass/Fail (P/F) The value which identifies whether the test passed (P) or failed (F).

11.4.2 What You Should Know About

Overriding test results If a test fails, you can override the test results if necessary. Choose the override test status option to access the Test Status Revision Window and complete the form.
Reviewing testing information While entering test results, you can choose an option to access the Test Revisions form to review information on a specific test.
Printing a Certificate of Analysis If you want to have the system automatically print a Certificate of Analysis after load confirmation, you set a processing option in Confirm Bulk Load - Trip or Confirm Bulk Load - Order.

The Certificate of Analysis is not supported by the delivery document process. When printing delivery documents, you need to print the Certificate of Analysis separately.