3 Create Agreements

This chapter contains these topics:

Section 3.1, "Creating Agreements"

Section 3.2, "Defining Agreement Relationships"

Section 3.3, "Defining Agreement Values"

3.1 Creating Agreements

The Agreement Management system provides methods to document and track the terms, products, quantities or currency amounts, and penalties on each of your agreements with business partners. Depending on the agreement terms and your company's procedures, you can choose some or all of the methods to define your agreements.

You must define the relationships for each agreement. This creates a master for each agreement that you can use to define the terms of the agreement, extend the agreement, or create additional agreements.

Each agreement has values that might differ from other agreements or the system values. In addition to the product quantity values, you can specify unique prices and penalties if agreement terms are not met.

An agreement might have multiple sources and destinations. For example, you might want to specify one or more destinations that can receive a product to fulfill the agreement. You might want to identify only one or several locations that can provide, or source, a product.

Some agreements are based on moving specific product quantities during specific periods of time. If you define specific time frames, you can also monitor the actual maintenance of the agreement to the schedule.

Some agreements include terms to exchange products. Not all products have the same unit value. If your agreement includes unlike products or products with unequal values, you can define the ratios that make exchanges equal.

To create an agreement, complete the following tasks:

  • Defining Agreement Relationships

  • Defining Agreement Values

  • Defining Product Source

  • Defining Time Frames

  • Defining Exchange Ratios

3.1.1 Before You Begin

3.1.2 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Multi-currency The Agreement Management system can accommodate multi-currency agreements. If you establish a base currency for your depot, it displays on each of the forms. Additionally, you can identify different currencies for different sources and destinations when you define the agreement values and locations.
Currency amount or quantity You can create an agreement with a partner for a currency amount rather than item quantity. The forms display information as either amounts or quantities, depending on how you define the terms of the agreement.
Revising an agreement After you have entered an agreement and assigned it to transactions, the system prohibits changes to some fields. For example:
  • You cannot change Agreement Quantity if transactions exist.

  • You cannot shorten the Effective Dates if the changed date would exclude existing transactions.

Extending or renewing an agreement You have several options to renew or extend agreements. The option that you use depends on your company's operating procedures and policies. You can:
  • Create a new agreement

  • Copy an existing agreement and identify the original agreement in the Created From field

  • Add a supplement number to extend or renew an agreement

  • Change the expiration date in the original agreement and create numbered supplements.

Closing an agreement An agreement is no longer active when the expiration date equals the current system date. To close an agreement earlier than the expiration date, change the status and/or enter a cancellation date and reason on the Agreement Master form.

You can also close an agreement while making agreement adjustments.

Attaching a note to an agreement You can choose from the following memo functions to attach an explanatory message to an agreement:
  • Agreement notes

  • Opening notes

  • Closing notes

When you attach a note:

  • The opening, closing, and transaction notes print on the Agreement Balance Statement.

  • You can work with the notes in the transaction programs.

  • The * Notes message displays in the upper right corner of certain forms.

3.2 Defining Agreement Relationships


From Agreement Management (G38), choose Daily Operations

From Agreement Management Daily Operations (G381), choose Agreement Master

Choose Agreement Master to:

  • Set up an agreement in the system

  • Enter the information that defines the agreement's relationships with your partner and to other agreements

  • Access other programs that define the agreement

To define agreement relationships

On Agreement Master

Figure 3-1 Agreement Master screen

Description of Figure 3-1 follows
Description of "Figure 3-1 Agreement Master screen"

  1. Complete the following fields:

    • Depot

    • Agreement Number

    • Name/Description

    • Status

  2. Complete the following optional fields:

    • Supplement Number

    • Agreement Type

    • Agreement Purpose

    • Agreement Manager

    • Agreement Administrator

    • Amendments

    • Partner Agreement

    • Edit Qty/Trans/Bal/Tol

    • Update at Ambient, Standard, or Weight

    • Commingled Agreement

    • Distribution Agreement Reporting Codes 1 through 4

  3. To define relationships with other agreements, complete the following optional fields:

    • Associated Agreement

    • Associated Supplement

    • Parent Agreement

    • Parent Supplement

    • Created from Agreement

    • Created from Supplement

    • Closed to Agreement

  4. Complete the following fields or accept the defaults:

    • Date

    • Effective Date

    • Expiration Date

    • New/Renewal

    • Agreement Quantity Type

    • Write Accommodations

Field Explanation
Agreement Nbr/Supp A unique number your company assigns to identify a particular agreement. You might want to assign some significance to the agreement number (for example, an agreement type code, location, year, and so forth). An agreement might have multiple supplements to record addendum or changes, for example.
Name/Description A user defined name or remark.
Status A user defined code that indicates the current status of the agreement.
Agreement Type/Purpose A user defined code that indicates the general type of the agreement.
Agreement Mgr/Admin The Address Book Number of the manager of this particular contract. The coding considerations for this number are the same as for data item AN8 and this item is verified in the Address Master File.
Amendments (Y/N) A flag used to indicate whether amendments exist for this agreement.
Partner Agreement The agreement number assigned by your partner. Frequently, business partners maintain numbering systems that are different from yours. If your company requires both agreement numbers for tracking purposes, enter your partner's number in this field.
Edit Qty/Trans/Bal/Tol A code that determines whether you want the system to enforce quantity requirements when you assign an agreement number to a transaction. Valid values are:

Y or 1

Yes, have the system verify that sufficient quantity remains on the agreement and that the transaction does not violate the minimum quantity.

N or 0

Do not consider quantity when performing an edit of an agreement number.

If you set Agreement Quantity Type to A for amount, the quantity control is not valid and this field must be either N or 0.

Update at Amb/Std/Wgt (A,S,W) This code determines the method the system uses to update the agreement. Valid values are:

A – Use the ambient volume, when available, to update agreement balances

S – Use the standard volume, when available, to update agreement balances

W – Use weight, when available, to update agreement balances

Commingled Agreement A value that indicates the agreement uses commingled inventory. During load confirmation, if you load product from a commingled tank, you must enter an agreement number designated as commingled.
Reporting Code 1 A user defined code to group agreements that have similar attributes. Use reporting codes to link or group related agreement constants. The system uses this information in the Agreement Search and Online Balance Inquiry programs to determine the agreement information to display.
R/C 2 A user defined code to group agreements that have similar attributes. Use reporting codes to link or group related agreement constants. The system uses this information in the Agreement Search and Online Balance Inquiry programs to determine the agreement information to display.
R/C 3 A user defined code to group agreements that have similar attributes. Use reporting codes to link or group related agreement constants. The system uses this information in the Agreement Search and Online Balance Inquiry programs to determine the agreement information to display.
R/C 4 A user defined code to group agreements that have similar attributes. Use reporting codes to link or group related agreement constants. The system uses this information in the Agreement Search and Online Balance Inquiry programs to determine the agreement information to display.
Associated Agreement A unique number assigned by the company to identify a particular agreement.

Your company might base or associate the terms of a new or renewal agreement or supplement on an existing agreement. If so, enter the agreement number of that agreement here.

The system uses the agreement number in the Agreement Search, Online Statement, and Online Balance Inquiry programs to determine the data to display.

Parent Agreement You can use the parent agreement and supplement numbers define a relationship between two or more agreements. The system uses the agreement and supplement numbers in the Agreement Search, Online Statement, and Online Balance Inquiry programs to determine the data to display.
Created From Agreement You can enter an agreement number and supplement to identify a previous agreement as being related to this agreement and supplement. The system can use this field as a selection field during Agreement Search.
Closed To Agreement If this contract is created from an existing contract, enter the number in this field.

You can use this field as a selection field during Contract Search.

Date The actual date the contract or agreement was signed. This may or may not be the same as the Effective Date.
Effective Date The date the agreement becomes effective.

Form-specific information

If you have entered an agreement and assigned transactions to it, you cannot change this date to a date that excludes the assigned transactions.

Expiration Date The date that the agreement ceases to be in effect. If you do not enter a date in this field, the system enters a date that you defined during system setup.

Form-specific information

If you have entered an agreement and assigned transactions to it, you cannot change the expiration date to a date that would exclude already assigned transactions.

New/Renewal A flag that indicates whether this is a new agreement or a renewal agreement. Valid values are:

N – New (Default)

R – Renewal

Agreement Qty Type A code that indicates if this agreement is based on quantity by item or currency amount. Valued values are:

Q – Quantity

A – Currency Amount

If you specify Q, you can enter quantity and unit of measure for the products covered by the agreement.

If you specify A, you can enter currency amounts covered by the agreement.

The system calculates currency amounts on the price for sales order transactions or the cost for purchase transactions.

Write Accommodations Y or 1

Yes, include accommodations.

N or 0

No, do not include accommodations.

If you include accommodations (Y), the system uses alternate AAIs during purchase order, sales order, and general stock movement processing.

3.2.1 Processing Options

3.3 Defining Agreement Values

After you have entered basic information for the agreement, you can define the agreement values, including:

  • Items included in the agreement

  • Destinations where each item will be delivered

  • Price overrides and cost rules

Each agreement is based on moving inventory by you or your partner. When you enter an item, you must indicate if the item is due to your company or due to your partner. For example:

  • When you loan to your partner, product is due to your partner.

  • When you borrow from your partner, product is due to your company.

Figure 3-2 Agreements Are Defined by Moving Inventory

Description of Figure 3-2 follows
Description of "Figure 3-2 Agreements Are Defined by Moving Inventory"

Some agreements stipulate pricing that might differ from the amounts you have set up for your direct customers. You can use this program to override the price when an agreement is assigned to a transaction.

You also can define a cost rule that the system uses to process costs that exceed the actual price of the item. For example, when you deliver a product to your partner's customer, you might charge a fee in addition to the price of the item. By defining a cost rule in the Agreement Management system, you indicate how the system should process the cost for the purchase order.

Complete the following tasks:

  • Define items and destinations

  • Define price overrides and cost rules (optional)

Figure 3-3 Agreement Quantities screen

Description of Figure 3-3 follows
Description of "Figure 3-3 Agreement Quantities screen"

3.3.1 Defining Items and Destinations


From Agreement Management (G38), choose Daily Operations

From Agreement Management Daily Operations (G381), choose Agreement Quantities

You must list each item that is included on a specific agreement to manage it with the Agreement Management system. Additionally, you must specify if the item is due to your company (C) or if the item is due to your partner (P).

To define items and destinations

On Agreement Quantities

Complete the following fields:

  • Due To

  • Destination

  • Destination Type

  • Quantity or Amount of Agreement

  • Unit of Measure

Field Explanation
Due To A code that identifies which partner is due to receive the listed item. Valid values are:

C – Company - Your company expects to receive product from the partner.

P – Partner - Your partner expects to receive product from your company.

Destination A value that identifies where an item on the agreement will be delivered. This required field must match the Destination Type code.

If Destination Type is AB

Destination must be an address book in F0101

If Destination Type is CC

Destination must be a cost center in F0006

If Destination Type is *A

Destination must be *ANY

Ty A code that identifies the type of destination. Valid values are:

AB – The destination must be an Address Book number.

CC – The destination must be a cost center.

*A – The destination can be any location.

Quantity The gross quantity or currency amount for the life of the agreement.

If you defined the agreement quantity type as Q, enter a quantity in this field. If you defined the agreement quantity type as A, enter a currency amount in this field.

UM A user defined code (00/UM) that indicates the quantity in which to express an inventory item, for example, CS (case) or BX (box).

3.3.2 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Quantity or amount agreements If you defined the agreement as a quantity type (Q) agreement, you enter the quantity of units of measure.

If you defined the agreement as a currency amount type (A), you enter the currency amounts.

Quantity checking Use the detail area of Agreement Quantities to define which of the following types of quantity checking that you want the system to perform:
  • Agreement level

  • Minimum/maximum agreement quantity level

  • Balance level

You also can specify whether the system displays warnings during quantity checking and how the warnings appear.

3.3.3 Defining Price Overrides and Cost Rules


From Agreement Management (G38), choose Daily Operations

From Agreement Management Daily Operations (G381), choose Agreement Quantities

You can establish a price for an item for your partner that differs from the price for your direct customers or in other agreements. The price information you define here overrides the current price whenever you assign this agreement to a transaction.

You also can define a cost rule that the system uses as a default value for a purchase order. The cost rule tells the system how to process costs that exceed the actual price of the item.

3.3.4 Before You Begin

To define price overrides and cost rules

On Agreement Quantities

  1. Access the detail area.

    Figure 3-4 Agreement Quantities screen, detail area

    Description of Figure 3-4 follows
    Description of "Figure 3-4 Agreement Quantities screen, detail area"

  2. Accept the defaults, or complete the following optional fields:

    • Effective Dates

    • Minimum/Maximum Quantity or Amount

  3. Complete one of the following fields:

    • Override Price

    • Price Schedule

    • Landed Cost Rule

Field Explanation
Eff Dates The date the agreement becomes effective.

Form-specific information

This date only applies to the line for this item and destination. The system applies the agreement's effective date if you do not enter a different date.

Min/Max Amt The maximum transaction quantity allowed for any transaction assigned to this agreement. If you apply quantity control to the agreement and a transaction is entered for more than this quantity, a penalty can be assessed.
Min/Max Qty The minimum transaction quantity allowed for any transaction to fulfill the agreement.

If you apply quantity control to the agreement, the system checks that each transaction meets the minimum allowed. If a transaction is entered for less than this quantity, a penalty can be assessed.

Ovr Price The list or base price to charge for one unit of this item. The unit price you enter here overrides the current price whenever you assign this agreement to a transaction.
Price Sched A user defined code (System 40/Type AS) that identifies a penalty schedule. If you or your business partner do not meet the agreement conditions you define here, you can apply the penalty schedule. You must set up penalty schedules with the Advanced Pricing and Adjustments programs.
Landed Cost Rule A reporting code that differentiates segments of inventory in ways meaningful to those personnel responsible for the buying function in an organization. Depending upon the nature of the inventory, this code might be used to establish attributes such as:
  • Color

  • Country of origin

  • Primary content (for example, brass, wood, etc.)

  • Seasonality

  • Rebate group

JD Edwards World has predefined reporting code 5 as a purchasing code for landed cost rules.

3.3.5 Processing Options

3.3.6 Defining Product Source


From Agreement Management (G38), choose Daily Operations

From Agreement Management Daily Operations (G381), choose Agreement Quantities

If the agreement states that your partner will ship the product to you (product due to company), your partner's address book or cost center number is the source. If the agreement states that you will ship the product to your partner (product due to partner), your company is the source. An agreement might allow you to move an item from more than one source to the destination specified in the agreement detail line. You can list each address book or cost center source that the agreement allows.

If the agreement stipulates only one source, you do not need to define the product source. When you enter information on Agreement Quantities for agreements that stipulate only one source, the system automatically creates records in the Product Source/Destination Master table (F38012).

To define product source

On Agreement Quantities

  1. Access the Product Source/Destination form from the destination and item line that you want to define.

    Figure 3-5 Agreement Source/Destination screen

    Description of Figure 3-5 follows
    Description of "Figure 3-5 Agreement Source/Destination screen"

  2. On Agreement Source/Destination, complete the following fields:

    • Product Source

    • Product Source Type

    • Quantity

  3. To identify a quantity range, access the detail area.

    Figure 3-6 Agreement Source/Destination screen, detail area

    Description of Figure 3-6 follows
    Description of "Figure 3-6 Agreement Source/Destination screen, detail area"

  4. Complete the following optional fields:

    • Minimum Transaction Quantity

    • Maximum Transaction Quantity

Field Explanation
Source A value that identifies the location that will supply the item to fulfill the agreement. The code must match the Source Type code.

If Source Type is AB,

Transaction Source must be an address book number in F0101.

If Source Type is CC,

Transaction Source must be a cost center in F0006.

If Source Type *A,

Transaction Source must be *ANY.

Ty This field specifies what type of source was entered in the source field.

If Transaction Source is an Address Book number in F0101, - Source Type must be AB.

If Transaction Source is a cost center in F0006, - Source Type must be CC.

If Transaction Source is *Any, - Source Type must be *A.

Min/Max Transaction Quantities The minimum transaction quantity allowed for any transaction to fulfill the agreement.

If you apply quantity control to the agreement, the system checks that each transaction meets the minimum allowed. If a transaction is entered for less than this quantity, a penalty can be assessed.

3.3.8 Defining Time Frames


From Agreement Management (G38), choose Daily Operations

From Agreement Management Daily Operations (G381), choose Agreement Quantities

You can schedule dates and quantities that you anticipate for the duration of the agreement. The information you enter is a forecast of the activity to fulfill the agreement. When you complete this schedule, you can compare the actual activity to the forecast with the Online Statement program.

To define time frames

On Agreement Source/Destination

  1. Access the Agreement Quantities Schedule form from the destination and item line that you want to define.

    Figure 3-7 Agreement Quantities Schedule screen

    Description of Figure 3-7 follows
    Description of "Figure 3-7 Agreement Quantities Schedule screen"

  2. On Agreement Quantities Schedule, complete the following fields:

    • Scheduled Quantity

    • Effective Date

    • Expired Date

3.3.10 Defining Exchange Ratios


From Agreement Management (G38), choose Daily Operations

From Agreement Management Daily Operations (G381), choose Exchange Ratios

Alternatively, you can access Exchange Ratios by choosing the option from the Product Source/Destination form.

If an agreement contains two or more unlike items, you might need a method to balance them. You can define exchange ratios for quantity agreements if the agreement contains items of unequal value.

To define exchange ratios, designate an item as the balancing item, list the ratios for the unlike items, and specify effective and expiration dates for the ratio. The ratio must equal one unit of measure for the balancing item. You can have only one balancing item per agreement.

Example: Defining Exchange Ratios

This example assumes that you have an exchange agreement with a partner to exchange unleaded gasoline for various additives or lubricants. Liter for liter, the items are not of equal value. According to the agreement, the exchange requires that you receive more liters of gasoline for every liter of additive and lubricant that you provide. The following information illustrates this example:

Item Balancing Product Flag Ratio Product Ratio Balancing Product
Unleaded gasoline X 1 1
Additive blank 1 1.5

To define exchange ratios

On Agreement Exchange Ratios

Figure 3-8 Agreement Exchange Ratios screen

Description of Figure 3-8 follows
Description of "Figure 3-8 Agreement Exchange Ratios screen"

  1. Complete the following fields for the balancing item:

    • Due To

    • Item Number

    • Unit of Measure

    • Balancing Item Flag

    • Product

    • Balancing Product

    • Effective Date

    • Expired Date

  2. For each of the additional items, access the detail area and complete the following fields on a separate line:

    • Due To

    • Item Number

    • Unit of Measure

    • Product

    • Balancing Product

    Note that you also can view a decimal representation of the item to balancing item ratio in the detail area.

Field Explanation
B P This field specifies that a product is to be viewed as the balancing product. A ratio may be specified for each product that expresses its relationship to the balancing product.
Product This field specifies the numerator for the balancing product ratio.

If you entered an X in the Balancing Product field, this entry should always be 1.0.

Bal Prod This field specifies the denominator for the balancing product ratio.

If you entered an X in the Balancing Product field, this entry should always be 1.0.

Effective Date The date the agreement becomes effective.
Expired Date The date that the agreement ceases to be in effect. If you do not enter a date in this field, the system enters a date that you defined during system setup.