16 Enter an Interbranch Sales Order

This chapter contains these topics:


From ECS Sales Order Management (G4910), choose ECS Sales Order Processing

From ECS Sales Order Processing (G491011), choose Enter Orders (Page Mode)

16.1 Entering an Interbranch Sales Order (ECS)

You enter an interbranch sales order to ship inventory from another supply branch/plant within your company directly to a customer. For example, you use an interbranch sales order when a customer orders an item from your branch/plant, but your branch/plant does not carry the item. Or, you regularly sell from one location but fill and ship the orders from another location, such as a central supply warehouse.

Figure 16-1 Interbranch Sales Order

Description of Figure 16-1 follows
Description of "Figure 16-1 Interbranch Sales Order"

Before you enter interbranch sales, you must create a specific document type for interbranch sales orders. You must also set the processing options for the Sales Order Entry program to process interbranch sales.

The system processes interbranch sales orders in the same way as other sales orders with the following exceptions:

  • During invoice processing, the system prints an invoice for the customer. You have the option to print an interbranch invoice for the selling branch/plant

  • During sales update, you can choose to have the system perform one of the following:

    • Create accounts payable and accounts receivable journal entries for the selling branch/plant and accounts receivable entries for the supplying branch/plant

    • Create accounts receivable entries only for the selling branch/plant

Choose a pricing method for the supplying branch/plant to use for interbranch orders in the same way as other sales orders. For example, the supplying branch/plant can charge a transfer price or a cost markup to the selling branch/plant.

The transfer price can be any price that is set by the supplying branch/plant. The cost markup price is a specific price that you set up in the Branch Sales Markup table. This markup is applied to the inventory cost.

Specify the pricing method to use in a processing option in the Sales Order Entry program.

The system retrieves payment terms and payment instrument information for the selling branch/plant and the customer from the Customer Master table. You can override payment information for the customer and the branch/plant.

The system also retrieves exchange rate information from the currency code that is set up in Customer Master table for the supplying branch/plant to the selling branch/plant and the selling branch/plant to the customer. You can override the currency information for the customer, which is helpful if you process international sales orders in different currencies.

16.2 Applying Markup Costs for Interbranch Sales (ECS)

Typically, companies apply transfer costs to interbranch sales. You set up transfer costs in the Branch Sales Markup tables so that the branch/plant placing the order (the demand branch/plant) pays a markup amount to the supplying branch/plant.

Example: Applying Markup Costs for Interbranch Sales

The following example illustrates the accounting entries for an interbranch sales transaction entered in branch/plant 40 and shipped from branch/plant 30.

Assume the following information for the example:

  • Demand branch/plant number = 40

  • Supply branch/plant number = 30

  • Item Cost = 1000.00 (cost to the supplying branch/plant)

  • Transfer Cost = 50.00 (add-on cost to the demand branch/plant)

  • Sales Price = 1500.00 (price paid by the customer)

Activity Description
Sale of goods The system records the sale of goods from the supply branch/plant (30) to the demand branch/plant (40) with the following accounting entries:
  • Debit branch/plant 40 Inventory Account for 1050.00

  • Credit branch/plant 30 Revenue Account for 1050.00

Relieve inventory The system makes the following accounting entries to record the relieved inventory and increased cost of goods sold (COGS) for the supplying branch/plant:
  • Debit branch/plant 30 COGS Account for 1000.00

  • Credit branch/plant 30 Inventory Account for 1000.00

  • Debit branch/plant 40 COGS Account for 1050.00

  • Credit branch/plant 40 Inventory Account for 1050.00

Sale to customer The system records the sale to the customer with the following accounting entries:
  • Debit branch/plant 40 Accounts Receivable Account for 1500.00

  • Credit branch/plant 40 Revenue Account for 1500.00

16.2.1 Before You Begin

To enter an interbranch sales order

You can use an interbranch order to fill a sales order from a branch/plant other than the selling branch/plant. This is helpful if your company sells from one location but fills and ships orders from another location, such as a central supply warehouse.

The processing options specific to Interbranch Orders, appear under the heading Transfer Price Update on Enter Orders (Page Mode) P4211.

  • Processing option 61 is used to designate special document types for interbranch orders. Typically SI is used for this purpose. You must use one of the special document types for interbranch orders when entering an interbranch sales order

  • Processing option 62 is used to specify the pricing method used on the order. It can either be set to 1 for Branch cost markup which is the default or 2 for Transfer price. This setting determines the cost of the item, which is explained in the Cost and Price section below

  • Processing option 63 tells the program whether inter-branch invoicing is allowed. By setting this to 1 you ensure that you can create an invoice from the supplying branch to the selling branch

On Sales Order Entry

Figure 16-2 Sales Order Entry screen

Description of Figure 16-2 follows
Description of "Figure 16-2 Sales Order Entry screen"

  1. Complete the following fields:

    • Branch/Plant

    • Document Type

    • Sold To

    • Ship To

    • Detail Branch/Plant

    • Quantity

    • Item

  2. Access the fold area to fill the order from more than one supplying branch/plant.

    Figure 16-3 Sales Order Entry (Fold Area) screen

    Description of Figure 16-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 16-3 Sales Order Entry (Fold Area) screen"

  3. Complete the following field:

    • Branch/Plant

16.2.2 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Interbranch sales by line item If the customer orders more than one item, not all items need to be shipped as interbranch sales. You can enter a supply branch/plant for a line that is different from the detail branch/plant for the other lines on the order.
Creating an interbranch version of a sales order If you use interbranch sales often, you can create a separate version of the Sales Order Entry program to use only for interbranch sales order entry. To do so:
  • Create the separate version

  • Set up a default document type, for example, SI (Sales Interbranch), for the Document Type field

  • Specify the document type for interbranch sales orders in the processing options for the Enter Orders (Page Mode) program

  • Specify different order activity rules and a different line type default

Price and Cost Price and cost information is retrieved differently for interbranch orders than for other sales orders in P4211. For an interbranch order, the price information is retrieved from the Base Price file (F4106) using the selling branch (header branch).

Processing option 62 determines the pricing method used to calculate the cost.

  • For Branch cost markup, the cost is retrieved from the Cost file (F4105) using the supplying branch (detail branch). A markup is applied if it has been setup in the Branch Sales Markups program (P3403). This value becomes the Cost of Goods Sold amount to the selling branch

  • For Transfer pricing, the program retrieves the price of the item from the Base Price file (F4106) of the supplying branch, and places that value in the unit cost field of the interbranch order. In other words, the selling branch "buys" the goods from the supplying branch at the same price that would be charged to outside customers of the supplying branch

Transfer Pricing Flag The Inter Branch Sales field SO01 on the Sales Order Detail file (F4211) is also known as the Transfer Pricing Flag. It is updated with either 1,2,3 or 4 depending on the cost method used and whether an interbranch invoice is created as defined in processing option 63:

1 – Transfer pricing method - Cost markup

Interbranch invoice - No

2 – Transfer pricing method - Cost markup

Interbranch invoice - Yes

3 – Transfer pricing method - Transfer pricing

Interbranch invoice - No

4 – Transfer pricing method - Transfer pricing

Interbranch invoice - Yes

Updating price, cost, and exchange rate information You can update the price, cost, and exchange rate for an item if it changes after you enter the interbranch sales order. Set the appropriate processing options in the Update Sales Price/Cost program before running the program to update the following information:
  • Price information for interbranch orders

  • Exchange rate for both the supplying and selling branch/plants

Creating a separate DREAM Writer version for interbranch orders You can create a separate DREAM Writer version of the Enter Orders (Page Mode) program for interbranch orders. You must specify the order type, order activity rule, and line type for interbranch orders in the version.
Interbranch sales orders for configured items You can enter a configured item sales order to fill demand from a warehouse other than where the order was placed. Interbranch sales orders with transfer pricing are supported for configured items. However, pricing rules are not supported for interbranch sales.
Sales Order Detail Tag File (F49211) This file is used to store the information needed to create an Interbranch Invoice. During Sales Order Entry, the program will write a record to this file if processing option 63 is set to allow interbranch invoicing.

F49211 is also used in Cycle Billing.

16.3 Printing an Interbranch Invoice


From ECS Sales Order Management (G4910), choose Sales Order Processing

From ECS Sales Order Processing (G491011), choose Invoice Processing

From Invoice Processing (G42113), choose Invoice Print

In addition to printing the customer invoice for the selling branch/plant, the system can also print an interbranch invoice for the supplying branch/plant. Set processing option 61 in the Enter Orders (Page Mode) program to enable the system to print interbranch invoices.

To print interbranch invoices, you must also set up a separate DREAM Writer version in the Print Invoices program. Set the appropriate processing option to print interbranch invoices.


JD Edwards World recommends that you copy the following demonstration versions to ensure that the system uses the correct data sequence to update records:

"Sales Invoices - Interbranch - Batch" to print interbranch invoices by batch.

"Sales Invoices - Interbranch - History" to print interbranch invoices from history.

16.3.1 Before You Begin

  • Verify that the processing option for printing interbranch invoices is set in the Enter Orders (Page Mode) program

  • Verify that processing option (28) in the Print Invoices program for printing interbranch invoices or customer invoices is set, depending on the type of invoice that you want to print

16.3.2 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Invoice document types Processing option 8 behind Print Invoices (P42565) designates what document type is created for the invoice. Typically, RI is used for the invoice on customer invoices, and RT is used for interbranch invoices. These are the default values if the option is left blank.

When processing an interbranch invoice, the invoice program writes the document type and document number to the Sales Order Detail Tag file (F49211) record originally created during sales order entry.

Viewing invoices online You can view interbranch and customer invoices on the following forms:
  • Online Invoice

  • Sales Ledger Inquiry

  • Customer Service

You must specify the order type in a processing option in each of the programs.

Limitations of interbranch invoices Understand the following limitations when using interbranch invoices:
  • You cannot print interbranch invoices from the Online Invoice program

  • You cannot use the Invoice Cycle preference for the interbranch invoices. However, you can use this preference to set up invoice cycles for the customer's invoice

  • You cannot print customer invoices during shipment confirmation. However, you can print interbranch invoices after shipment confirmation

16.4 Updating Interbranch Sales Information


From ECS Sales Order Management (G4910), choose End of Day Processing

From End of Day Processing (G491013), choose Update Customer Sales

During the sales update process, you can run the Update Customer Sales program to create journal entries for interbranch sales.

If you set the interbranch sales processing option (26) in the Sales Update program (P42800) to create accounts receivable and accounts payable entries for both the selling and the supplying branch/plants, the system creates the following types of batches:

16.4.1 Example: Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Entries

  • Batch type I - Debits the COGS account, and credits the receivables accounts and inventory for the supplying branch/plant and selling branch/plant.

  • Batch type V - Credits the payables accounts and debits the inventory for the selling branch/plant.

In this example: Price to customer = $100, Cost at supplying branch = $60, Cost + 20% markup to selling branch = $72.

AAI 4260 is used to write the interbranch revenue.

I Batch

Selling branch:

AAI Account Debit Credit
RC A/R Trade $100  
4230 Revenue   $100
4220 Cost Of Goods Sold $72  
4240 Inventory   $72

Supplying branch:

AAI Account Debit Credit
RC A/R Trade $72  
4260 Interbranch Revenue   $72
4220 Cost Of Goods Sold $60  
4240 Inventory   $60

V Batch

Selling branch:

AAI Account Debit Credit
4240 Inventory $72  
PC A/P Trade   $72

16.4.2 Example: Accounts Receivable Entries

If processing option 26 in P42800 is set to create only the accounts receivable entries, the system creates the following types of batches:

  • Batch type I - Credits the revenue accounts and inventory, and debits the COGS account of the selling branch/plant

  • Batch type ST - Credits the revenue account and inventory for the selling branch/plant, and debits the COGS accounts and inventory for the supplying branch/plant

In this example: Price to customer = $100, Cost at supplying branch = $60, Cost + 20% markup to selling branch = $72.

I Batch

Selling branch:

AAI Account Debit Credit
RC A/R Trade $100  
4230 Revenue   $100
4220 Cost Of Goods Sold $72  
4240 Inventory   $72

ST Batch

Supplying branch:

AAI Account Debit Credit
4220 Cost Of Goods Sold $60  
4240 Inventory   $60


AAI Account Debit Credit
4240 Inventory $72  


AAI Account Debit Credit
4260 Interbranch Revenue   $72

General Ledger records (F0911) that have a batch type of ST for interbranch sales transfer are bypassed by the Item Ledger/Account Integrity report (P41543).

16.4.3 Before You Begin

  • Verify that the interbranch sales processing options in Update Customer Sales are set to:

    • Recognize the order type used to identify interbranch orders

    • Create necessary types of accounting entries

16.4.4 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Document types If you are creating a V batch, you need to have the interbranch invoice document type (RT) setup in UDC tables 00/DT and 00/DV. Failure to do this will result in error 2362 being generated by sales update.

16.4.5 What You Should Know About Processing Options

Topic Description
Transfer Cost Update (65) The system allows you to designate more than one order type for interbranch sales. If you have multiple document types for interbranch sales, type them one after the other in the processing option, for example, SISTS3.

16.5 Consignment Sales

A consignment sale is a sale in which one person or company acts as an agent to sell the goods from another person or company. In JD Edwards World, this is accomplished through an Interbranch Sales Order.

As an example, think of a company that sells large trucks and earth moving equipment. In order to support their customers, the company also sells replacement parts on behalf of other suppliers. These parts are therefore being sold on 'consignment' by the 'agent' on the behalf of the 'consignor'.

16.5.1 Set up and Process for Consignment Sales

Using the terms defined above, you can set up a vendor to provide consignment sales as follows:

  • Ensure that the consignor address book entry has a search type of V for vendor, and also set the Payables flag to Y

  • Set up supplier master and purchasing instructions for the consignor

  • Set up a separate company for consignment branches. This is so that the consignment goods are not kept on the books of your regular companies

  • Set up a consignment branch as a business unit in the new company. Enter the consignor address number as the Branch/Plant address number

  • All the items that are to be sold under consignment need to be set up in both the Branch/Plant from which your regular sales operate and also the consignment Branch/Plant

  • Set up price information on the items in the regular sales Branch/Plant but no quantities. The items in the consignment Branch/Plant should be set up with quantities and the cost of the item to the agent, which can be maintained in either the Cost file (F4105) or the Base Price file (F4106). This is the Branch/Plant from which the orders will be sourced, so all quantities are maintained here

  • Set processing options (61, 62, 63) behind Sales Order Entry (P4211) to trigger interbranch sales

  • On order entry set the agent Branch/Plant in the header of the order since it is the selling branch. Enter the consignment Branch/Plant in the detail of the order since it is the sourcing branch

  • After invoicing the customer, run Print Invoices (P42565) with the specific version that creates an interbranch invoice (XJDE0010)

  • The final step is to set processing options 25 and 26 on Sales Update (P42800) to ensure the correct journal entries are made. Sales update produces two batches:

    • Type I for invoices, with invoice numbers for both the customer and the consignor

    • Type V for the voucher which is the payable by which the agent pays the consignor