3 Enter Identifying Information

This chapter contains these sections:

You must enter information that identifies a change request before you can enter details about it. The system requires very little identifying information to enter a change request. Identifying information is not account specific.

Complete the following tasks:

Identifying information consists of general information and optional descriptive text that provides additional information about a change request. The system stores general information in the Change Request Master table (F5301). The system stores descriptive text in the Change Request Detail Description table (F53015).

3.1 Entering General Information


From Change Management Processing (G53119), choose Change Request Revisions

To enter general information

  1. On Change Request Revisions, complete the following required fields:

    • Job Number *

    • Description

    Figure 3-1 Change Request Revisions screen (Buyout A)

    Description of Figure 3-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 3-1 Change Request Revisions screen (Buyout A)"

  2. Complete any of the following optional fields:

    • Change Request

    • Status Code *

    • Remark

    • Owner Change Required

    • Reference 1*

    • Reference 2-3

    • Type *

    • Priority Code *

    • Subledger Inactive

    • Approved Date

    • Originator *

    • Submit Quote By

    • Requested By

    • User Date 2

    • Responsible Manager *

    • Planned Start

    • Planned Finish

    • UDC Code 1-5

    • Initiated By

    • Area

    • Category Code 3-5


You can use fields with an asterisk (*) as search criteria on Manage Change Request (P532109).
Field Explanation
Job Number The number of the job, or project, that the change request is associated with. This number must be set up in the Business Unit Master table (F0006).
Change Request The number of the change request for a particular job.

Screen-specific information

If you leave this field blank when you add a change request, the system assigns the next number for the job. If you enter a number, the system assigns subsequent change request numbers starting from the number you assign.

Desc A user defined name or remark.

Screen-specific information

A description of the change request.

Status Code This code (UDC 53/ST) indicates the status of the change request. It is for information only and is not attached to a ledger type. It should not be confused with the status codes defined in the Status Code Update Table.
Remark A generic field that you use for a remark, description, name, or address.
Own Chg Req A code that indicates whether owner approval is required before beginning work on the change request. You can use this code to indicate whether the work is in or out of scope of the original contract. If out of scope, the owner approval is required. This field is for reporting purposes only and does not affect the processing of the change request.

Valid codes are:

Y – Requires owner approval (out of scope).

N – Does not require owner approval (in scope).

blank – The field is ignored.

Reference 1 Any number used to identify a specific source document or originating entry that might be related to a change request.
Type A user-defined code (53/TY) that indicates the type of change request.
Reference 2 A general purpose reference number that provides a cross-reference for a specific change request.
Prior. Cde A user-defined code (53/PR) that indicates the priority of the change request.
Reference 3 Any number used to identify a specific source document or originating entry that might be related to a change request.
Subledger Inactive A code (00/SI) that indicates whether a specific subledger is active or inactive. Any value other than blank indicates that a subledger is inactive.
Approved Date The date on which the person with the appropriate authority approves a requisition or voucher.
Originator The address book number of the person who originated the change request.
Submit Quote By User-defined Julian date 1.
Requested By The address book number of the person making the request.
User Date 2 User defined Julian date 2.
Resp Manager The address book number of the person who approves the change request.
Planned Start The date when the item or line of work is to start.
Planned Finish The date when the item or line of work is to finish.
UDC Code One-Five User Defined Codes (10 separate codes are allowed) which can be used to generate selective reporting based on user assigned values of these codes.

Screen-specific information

UDCs One through Five (RB06-RB10) are job-specific codes.

Initiated By User-defined codes (53/01) (10 separate codes are allowed) which can be used to generate selective reporting based on user assigned values of these codes.
Area User-defined codes (53/02) (10 separate codes are allowed) which can be used to generate selective reporting based on user assigned values of these codes.
Category Code 3-5 User-defined codes (53/03) (10 separate codes are allowed) which can be used to generate selective reporting based on user assigned values of these codes.

Screen-specific information

These UDCs also include codes 53/04 and 53/05.

3.1.1 What You Should Know About

Deleting Description
Deleting a change request You can delete a change request only if you did not enter information for the change request in any of the following tables:
  • Change Request Details (F5302)

  • Change Request Log (F4303)

  • Change Request Text (F53015)

3.2 Entering Descriptive Text


From Change Management Daily Operations (G53119), choose Change Request Revisions

Descriptive text is additional information about the change request, which is an optional task you can perform after you enter the general information.

To enter descriptive text

  1. On Change Request Revisions, locate the change request.

  2. Choose Change Request Text (F15).

    Figure 3-2 Change Request Description screen

    Description of Figure 3-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 3-2 Change Request Description screen"

  3. On Change Request Description, enter the descriptive text for the change request.

3.2.1 What You Should Know About

Descriptive Text Description
Inserting and deleting lines You must use a C action code to insert and delete lines in a change request.