33 Cash Receipts Variance Report

This chapter contains these topics:

This report lists the amounts that have been billed and received, and those still outstanding for the month and year-to-date (YTD). Each detail line for a bill code is a summary of all the transactions for that bill code. The report is based on the A/R Account Ledger file (F0311) and also includes information from the following files: Building (Business Unit) Master (F0006), Tenant/Lease Master (F1501), and Unit Master (F1507).


The information in the sample report is not complete. Therefore, some totals do not agree with the rest of the information.


From the Real Estate Management System menu (G15), choose Cash Receipts.

From the Cash Receipts menu (G1513), choose Cash Receipts Variance Report.

33.1 Cash Receipts Variance Procedures

When you choose the report from the menu, the system displays a DREAM Writer version list. From this screen, you can copy, change, or run a version of the report. For an overview of the DREAM Writer facility, see Appendix B, "DREAM Writer Overview" in this guide.

33.2 Guidelines

  • Processing options control the reporting period that appears in the As of field.

  • The system applies a payment to the month and year in which it was billed. Therefore, if a payment is received today for an invoice that was posted in a prior month, the prior month includes that payment.

  • The report does not include separate detail lines for each transaction in the A/R ledger. All the transactions for a bill code related to a tenant, lease, and unit are summarized in a single line.

    You can review the detail from one of the following screens: Manual Billing Entry, Receipts Entry, and Tenant A/R Ledger Inquiry.

33.3 Cash Receipts Variance Report

Figure 33-1 Cash Receipts Variance Report (1 of 2)

Description of Figure 33-1 follows
Description of "Figure 33-1 Cash Receipts Variance Report (1 of 2)"

Figure 33-2 Cash Receipts Variance Report (2 of 2)

Description of Figure 33-2 follows
Description of "Figure 33-2 Cash Receipts Variance Report (2 of 2)"