
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W 


Account Master file, 19.1.1
Accounting distribution
Cash receipt, 30.5
Invoice, 21.4
Voucher, 21.4
Accounts payable
AAIs, 172.1, 172.1
Expense account, 172.1
Manual billing, 14
Payable account, 172.1
Recurring billing, 68
Sales overage, 75.6
Security deposit refunds, 124
Vouchers, 14.6
Accounts receivable
AAIs, 172.1, 172.1
Cash receipts, 25
Caution, 26.14, 173.5
Document types, 26.12
Escalation, 114
Expense participation, 96
Fees and interest, 136, 136
Global updates, 156.5, 156.6
Invoices, 14
Manual billing, 14
Receivable account, 172.1
Recurring billing, 68
Revenue account, 172.1
Sales overage, 75.6
Security deposits, 124
Tenant A/R ledger, 29
Accounts Receivable Entry screen, 21.3
Accrued rent, 140
Address Book
Global update, 156.6
Address Book Addition window, 3.2
Address Book Master file, 2
Adjust Sales History screen, 75.6.3, 86
Adjust Sales Reports screen, 75.6.2, 82
Caution, 82.1.1, 86.2
Adjusted exposure, 96.1.3
Adjusted share, 96.1.6
Adjustment reasons
Cautions, 26.14, 173, 173.5
Adjustment reasons, 173
Cash receipts, 28.7
Classification, 180.8
Classification codes, 173.5
E.P. class accounts, 101
Expense class, 98
Fees and interest, 136.3.2
Projected rent, 154
Sales history, 86
Sales overage, 75.1.6
Sales reports, 82
Security deposits, 124.6.1
Adjustments Journal, 136.3.2
Adjustments Journal Review screen, 124.6.1, 136.3.2
Alpha name, 2
Amenity ID, 180.4
A/P Account Ledger file, 14
A/R Account Ledger file, 14, 25.1.2
Integrity test, 157.2
A/R Credit/Cash Management file, 24
A/R Fee Interest file, 136.1.1, 137
Area edits, 163.8
Automatic accounting instructions (AAIs)
Bill codes, 173
Cash receipts, 26.13
Cautions, 26.13, 172, 173
G/L Transaction Generation, 20
Automatic Accounting Instructions Master file, 172
Automatic Accounting Instructions screen, 171.1, 172
Automatic offsets
Cash receipts, 31.2.5
Invoices, 19.2.5


Balance Forward Update, 24.4
Control, 15.9
Delete, 135, 160
Integrity test, 157.4
Limit by company, 26.10
Out-of-balance condition, 15.9
Review and approval, 14.2, 25.1.3
Sales report batch review, 84
Security, 17.4
Troubleshooting, 17.3
Batch Control Integrity, 157.4
Batch Control Records file, 15.9
Integrity test, 157.4
Purge, 158.3, 158.4
Batch Delete
Invoices, 160
Revenue fees, 135
Sales information, 160
Batch Entry and Status screen, 15.9, 25.1.1
Batch status
Approved, 17.4, 30.4
Error, 15.7, 18
Pending, 17.4, 30.4
Batch type
Cash receipts, 25.2, 136.3.2
G/L Transaction Generation, 20
Revenue fees, 131.3.1, 131.3.2, 131.3.3
Tenant sales reports, 84.4
Bill code lines, 69
Combine on invoices or statements, 69.5
Inactivate, 69.7
Separate invoices and statements, 69.6
Suspend, 69.7
Bill Code/Adjustment Reason Listing, 171.2, 174
Bill codes
AAIs, 173
Caution, 173
Control information, 173
Global update, 156.5
Priority code, 26.6
Security deposits, 125
Setup, 173
Unapplied cash (credit), 28.5.1
Bill Codes/Adjustment Reasons screen, 171.2, 173
Security deposits, 125
Billing Code Extension file, 173
Unapplied cash (credit), 28.5.1
Billing control
Escalation, 117.6
Expense participation, 100.6
Fees and interest, 139.4
Recurring billing, 69.11
Revenue fees, 132.1.2
Sales overage, 76.5, 77.6
Billing Control ID Revisions screen, 151
Caution, 151
Billing Control Information screen, 150
Billing Control Integrity, 157.3
Billing Edit/Register, 18
Billing journal review
Escalation, 114.5.4
Expense participation, 96.3.6
Fees and interest, 136.3.1
Manual billings, 17
Recurring billings, 68.3.1
Revenue fees, 131.3.2
Sales overage, 75.6.5
Accounting distribution, 21.4
Accrual adjustment, 69.8.1
Automatic prepaid application, 20
Batch delete, 160
Batch type, 20
Billing control, 150
Billing status, 150
Catch-up, 74.2, 114.4, 139.4
Deferral adjustment, 69.8.1
Discounts, 15, 26.9
Document types, 15.11, 20.3, 26.12
Duplicate invoices, 15.11
Escalation, 114
Expense participation, 96
Extended invoice text, 16
FASB 13, 140
Fees and interest, 136, 136.3.1
Frequency, 180.5
Generation type, 15.6, 20.3
Journal entries, 21.4
Journal review, 17
Manual, 14
Post, 19, 96.3.6, 114.5.4, 131.3.2, 136.3.1
Print, 22
Prorated, 74.2
Purge, 158.4
Recurring billings, 68
Revenue fees, 131
Review and approval, 14.2
Sales overage, 75
Security, 15.7
System-generated, 15.6, 20.3
Taxes, 15.10, 69.10
Tenant’s A/R ledger, 29
Troubleshooting, 17.3
Billings Detail History file, 20.3
Billings Detail Modifications screen, 17.3
Billings Generation Control Master file, 69.11, 150
Integrity test, 157.3
Building (Business Unit) Master file, 161
Business unit structure, 161.7
Business unit type, 180.1
Global update, 156.4
Integrity test, 157.5
Level of detail, 161
Purge, 158.9
Replication, 167
Revenue accounts, 175.5
Setup information, 161
Standard log information, 161.5
Building/Unit Statistics report, 169
Business Unit Fee Table screen, 131.1, 132
Business Unit Name Search window, 162.2
Business Unit Search screen, 162


CAM (common area maintenance), 96
Cash Receipt Program, 65, 65
Cash receipts
AAIs, 172.1, 172.2
Accounting distribution, 30.5
Adjustment, 28.7
Adjustment account, 172.1
Adjustment reasons, 28.7.1
Automatic application, 26.6
Automatic prepaid application, 20, 26.14
Balance forward, 28.1
Batch type, 20, 25.2, 136.3.2
Caution, 26.14, 173.5
Chargeback, 28.4
Discounts, 26.9
Entry, 26, 27
Fees and interest, 136.3.2
General ledger, 28.3
Global update, 156.5
Invoice matching, 28.2
Journal entries, 30.5
Limit batch by company, 26.10
Methods of application, 25.1.2, 28
Non-sufficient funds, 26.8
Overview, 25
Priority code, 26.6
Receipts & Adjustments Journal, 32
Reversal, 26.7
Review and approval, 25.1.3
Security deposits, 124, 127
Spread, 28.6
Tenant A/R ledger, 29
TI (type of input) codes, 28
Unapplied cash (credit), 28.5, 127.1
Cash Receipts Entry screen, 30.3
Cash Receipts Journal Review screen, 30.2
Cash Receipts Variance Report, 25.3.2, 33
Catch-up billings
Escalation, 114.4
Fees and interest, 139.4
Recurring billings, 74.2
Category codes
Unit, 163, 164
AAIs, 26.13, 172, 173
Accounts receivable, 26.14, 173.5
Adjust Sales Reports screen, 82.1.1, 86.2
Adjustment reasons, 26.14, 173, 173.5
Bill codes, 173
Billing control, 151
Billings, 14
Building Information Purge, 158.9
Cash receipts, 26.14, 173.5
Composite unit status, 180.7
Document types, 26.12
DREAM Writer facility, B.1.2, B.1.6, B.3, B.6
Expected Sales Report Entry screen, 80.2
Expense participation, 96.2
FASB 13 Generation, 141.4
FASB 13 Generation/Conversion, 159
Fees and interest, 137.7
General Journal Review screen, 21
Global updates, 156
Lease Information Purge, 158.6
Lessee Flag field, 14.6
Multi-Currency facility, 171
Posting process, 19.2.3, 31.2.3
Print Statements - Enhanced, 24.4, 179.2
Product scale records, 80
Projected Rent Generation, 153.2, 153.4
Recurring Billing Global Selection, 148
Recurring Billing Global Update, 149.3
Recurring Billing Information screen, 69.4
Sales overage, 88
Sales report processing, 80.2, 82.1.1, 86.2, 88
Security deposit refunds, 127.1
Standard log information, 176
Statement messages, 179.2
System constants, 171
Tenant A/R Ledger Inquiry screen, 29.2
TI (type of input) codes, 28.1
User defined codes, 180
Vouchers, 14
Century change year (#CYR), 141.3.2
Chargeback, cash receipt, 28.4
Class exposure, 96.1.1
Collection Activity Table, 56
Collection Log Entry, 61
Collection Log Inquiry, 59
Collection Log Report, 66, 66, 66.2
Collection Rebuild, 67
Collection Review, 57
Company Number Entry screen, 26.10
Composite unit status, 145.2, 164.7, 180.7
Caution, 180.7
Updates, 146.5
Critical date, 9
Critical Date Report, 48
Critical Date Review Report, 49
Critical Date Review screen, 9
Customer Master file, 22.4, 23.4


Data Dictionary Repository screen, 171
Overview, A
DBA (doing business as), 12
DBA Information Listing, 13
DBA Information screen, 12
DBA Master file, 12
Deferred rent, 140
Delinquency Notice, 62.3
Detail Post Error report
Cash receipts, 31.2.4
Invoices, 19.2.4
Cash receipts, 26.9
Invoices, 15, 26.9
Document Inquiry window, 15.11
Document types
Caution, 26.12
Matching documents, 26.12.2
Original Documents, 26.12.1
Doing business as (DBA), 12
Dollar breakpoint, 75.1.4
DREAM Writer facility
Additional parameters, B.3
Cautions, B.1.2, B.1.6, B.3, B.6
Data selection, B.5
Data sequence, B.6
Menu window, B.1.4
Overview, B
Printer information, B.1.6
Processing options, B.4
Version identification, B.2
Version inquiry, B.1.1
Version list, B.1


Enter tenant work orders
Procedures, 52.1
E.P. Billing Generation, 109
With calculation revisions, 96.3.5
Without calculation revisions, 112
E.P. Billing History Report, 111
E.P. Calculation Generation, 96.3.3, 103
E.P. Calculation Register, 96.3.4, 107
E.P. Calculation Revisions screen, 96.3.4, 106
Alternate formats, 106
E.P. Class Adjustment Listing, 96.3.3, 105
E.P. Class Adjustments screen, 96.3.1, 98
E.P. Class Information screen, 96.3.1, 97
Field and positional wildcards, 97.5
E.P. Class Listing, 96.3.1, 99
Security, 99.4
E.P. Extraction Register, 96.3.3, 104
E.P. Information Listing, 96.3.2, 102
E.P. Information screen, 96.3.2, 100
E.P. Invoice Journal Review screen, 96.3.6
Error status, batch, 15.7, 18
Floor information, 163.8
Out-of-balance condition, 19.2.4, 31.2.4
Property/Building Information screen, 161.7
Unit Information screen, 164.7
AAIs, 172.1
Adjusted percent, 114.1.4
Adjustment factor, 114.1.3
Base index, 114.1.2
Base rent, 114.1.5
Billing control, 117.6
Calculation, 114.1
Calculation method, 114.1.1
Catch-up billings, 114.4
Consumer Price Index (CPI), 114
Current index, 114.1.1
Direct method, 114.1.1
Factored percent escalation, 114.1.3
Generation type, 15.6, 20.3, 120
Gross escalated rent, 114.1.5
Gross percent escalation, 114.1.2
Lease factor, 114.1.3
Maximum percent (limit), 114.1.4
Maximum rent, 114.1.5
Minimum percent (limit), 114.1.4
Net annual rent adjustment, 114.1.5
Net escalated rent, 114.1.5
Override method, 114.1.1
Periodic adjustment amount, 114.1.5
Porters’ Wage, 114
Escalation Billing Generation, 114.5.3, 120
Escalation Billing Journal Review screen, 114.5.4
Escalation Billing Register file, 114.5.3, 120
Escalation Calculation Register, 114.5.3, 121
Escalation History Report, 114.5.4, 123
Escalation Index Master file, 114.1.1, 115
Escalation Indices Listing, 114.5.1, 116
Escalation Indices screen, 114.5.1, 115
Escalation Information Listing, 114.5.2, 118
Escalation Information screen, 114.5.2, 117
Escalation Update W/O Post, 114.5.4, 122
Estimated E.P. Edit/Update, 96.3.5, 110
Estimated E.P. Generation, 108
With calculation revisions, 96.3.5
Without calculation revisions, 112
Estimated E.P. PSF Generation, 113
Without calculation revisions, 112
Estimated E.P. Recurring Billings workfile, 108
Estimated E.P./R.B Edit/Update report, 110
Estimated expense participation
Generation type, 15.6, 20.3
Expected Sales Report Entry screen, 75.6.2, 80
Cautions, 80.2
Detailed batch review, 84.3
Expected Sales Report Generation, 75.6.2, 79
Expense class, 96.1.1
Expense class information, 97
Expense participation
AAIs, 172.1
Account exclusion, 96.1.2
Actual billings, 103
Adjusted exposure, 96.1.3
Adjusted share, 96.1.6
Adjustment amount, 96.1.2
Adjustment factor, 96.1.2, 97.6
Administration fee, 96.1.2, 96.1.8
Base exclusion, 96.1.4
Billing control, 100.6
Billing generation, 109
Billing journal review, 96.3.6
Billing methods, 96.2
Calculation, 96.1
Calculation generation, 103
Calculation revisions, 106
Caution, 96.2
Class exposure, 96.1.1
Class groups and subgroups, 100.5
Class limit (ceiling), 96.1.3
Computation method, 96.1.2
E.P. information, 100
Estimated billings, 96.1.8
Estimated recurring billings, 103, 108
Expense class, 96.1.1
Expense class adjustments, 98
Expense class information, 97
Expense stop, 96.1.4
Generation type, 15.6, 20.3
Generation types, 103, 108, 109
Gross share, 96.1.5
Gross-up factor, 96.1.2
Group limit, 96.1.6
Net exposure, 96.1.4
Net share, 96.1.7
Occupancy adjustment factor, 96.1.7
Overview, 96
Share factor, 96.1.5
Share (lease) limit, 96.1.6
Specific account factors, 101
Subgroup limit, 96.1.6
Total exposure, 96.1.2
Transaction exclusion, 96.1.2
With calculation revisions, 96.2
Without calculation revisions, 112
Expense Participation Audit file, 103
Expense Participation Billing Register file, 96.3.3, 103
Expense Participation Calculation Details, 96.3.3
Expense Participation Class Adjustment file, 96.1.2, 98
Expense Participation Class Master file, 96.1.1, 97
Extended Invoice Text file, 16
Extended Invoice Text screen, 14.1.2, 16
Extended text
Invoice, 16
Log line, 4


F0311 Selection/Sort, 24
Batch review and approval, 14.2, 25.1.3
Data Dictionary, 171
DREAM Writer, B
FASTR, 155
Multi-Currency, 171
Next Numbers, 171
Vocabulary Overrides, 171
Facility setup
Buildings, 161
Floors, 163
Properties, 161
Units, 164
AAIs, 172.1
Accrual adjustment, 69.8.1
Accrual billing, 69.8.1
Actual rent, 141.1
Adjustment, 141.1
Century change year (#CYR), 141.3.2
Changes, 69.8.2
Conversion, 159
Deferral adjustment, 69.8.1
Difference, 141.1
Effect, 141.1
Generation control, 141.4
Overview, 140
Straight-line rent, 141.1
Term, 141.3
FASB 13 Detail Listing, 140.5, 144
FASB 13 Generation, 140.2, 141
Caution, 141.4
FASB 13 Generation/Conversion, 140.1, 159
Caution, 159
FASB 13 Lease Change Window, 69.8.2
FASB 13 Lease Control file, 140.2
FASB 13 Recurring Billing Update, 140.4, 143
FASB 13 Register - Month, 140.5, 144
FASB 13 Register - Year, 140.5, 144
FASB 13 Revisions screen, 140.3, 142
FASTR facility, 155
Fee and interest
Setup, 137
Fee and Interest Generation, 136.2, 139
Fee and Interest Listing, 136.1.2, 138
Fee and Interest Table screen, 136.1.1, 137
Fees and interest
AAIs, 172.1
Adjustments, 136.3.2
Adjustments journal review, 136.3.2
Billing control, 139.4
Catch-up billing, 139.4
Caution, 137.7
Compounding interest, 137.6.3
Fixed amount or rate, 137.6.1
Generation type, 15.6, 20.3
Invoice journal review, 136.3.1
Invoices, 136.3.1
Level of detail, 137.5
Overview, 136
Search level, 137.5
Security deposits, 130.4
Simple interest, 137.6.1
File IDs
F0005, 180
F0006, 161
F0009, 18, 19.1.2
F0011, 15.9
F0012, 172
F0018, 19.1.2
F0019, 178
F00191, 178
F00192, 179
F0101, 2
F0301, 22.4, 23.4, 64
F0311, 11, 14, 25.1.2, 63, 64
F0315, 24
F0315JA, 24
F0315WJA, 24
F0411, 14
F0901, 19.1.1
F0902, 31.1.2, 152.1
F0911, 14, 63
F1501, 3, 11, 96.1
F15011, 69.11, 150
F15012, 96.3.3, 96.3.5, 100
F15013, 75.6.1, 76
F15014, 75.6.1, 76
F15015, 75.6.1, 77
F15016, 114.1, 117
F15018, 12
F1501JA, 130
F1502, 68.1.1, 68.1.1, 69
F1502W, 108
F1503, 3, 176
F1504, 4
F1505, 131.1, 132, 133
F1505H, 131.2.1, 134
F1506, 163
F1507, 164
F15071, 145
F1509, 56
F1510, 175
F1511, 14
F1511H, 20.3
F1512, 173
F1513, 140.2
F1515, 57, 60, 62, 67
F1516, 16
F1520, 6, 20
F1525, 136.1.1, 137
F1526, 58, 59, 60, 61, 66, 158.11, 158.11
F1527, 60, 61, 158.11, 158.11
F1530, 96.1.1, 97
F1531, 96.1.2, 98
F1532, 103
F1533, 96.1.2, 100
F1538, 96.3.3, 103
F1540, 75.6.2, 79
F1541, 75.6.3, 85
F1543, 89.1.6, 90
F1544, 89.1.6, 90
F1545, 89.2.3, 91
F1546, 89.2.3, 91
F1548, 114.5.3, 120
F1550, 114.1.1, 115
F4008, 177
P00191, 178
Account Master, 19.1.1
Accounts Receivable Ledger, 11
Address Book Master, 2
A/P Account Ledger, 14
A/R Account Ledger, 14, 25.1.2, 63, 64
A/R Credit/Cash Management, 24
A/R Fee Interest, 136.1.1, 137
Automatic Accounting Instructions Master, 172
Batch Control Records, 15.9
Billing Code Extension, 173
Billings Detail History, 20.3
Billings Generation Control Master, 69.11, 150
Building (Business Unit) Master, 161
Collection Activity Rules, 56
Collection Log Additional Text, 158.11, 158.11
Collection Log Transaction Log, 158.11
Collection Transaction Log, 58, 59, 60, 61, 66, 158.11
Collection Transaction Log-Additional Text, 60, 61
Customer Master, 22.4, 23.4, 64
DBA Master, 12
Escalation Billing Register, 114.5.3, 120
Escalation Index Master, 114.1.1, 115
Estimated E.P. Recurring Billings, 108
Expense Participation Audit, 103
Expense Participation Billing Register, 96.3.3, 103
Expense Participation Class Adjustment, 98
Expense Participation Class Adjustment file, 96.1.2
Expense Participation Class Master, 96.1.1, 97
Extended Invoice Text, 16
FASB 13 Lease Control, 140.2
Floor Master, 163
General Constants, 18, 19.1.2
General Message Detail, 179
General Message/Rates, 178
Generic Message/Rate Types, 178
G/L Account Balances, 31.1.2, 152.1
G/L Account Ledger, 14, 63
Lease Financial Summary, 6, 20
Lease Master, 11
Log Standards Extension Master, 4, 176
Log Standards Master, 176
Management Fee Master, 131.1, 132, 133
Minimum Rent/Recoveries Master, 75.6.1, 77
Overview, A
Primary files, A.1
Product Scales Master, 75.6.1, 76
Real Estate Management Constants, 175
Recurring Billings Master, 68.1.1, 68.1.1, 69
Revenue Fee Generation History, 131.2.1, 134
Sales Analysis Control, 89.1.6, 90
Sales Analysis Reporting, 89.1.6, 90
Sales Overage Master, 75.6.1, 76
Sales Reporting Control, 75.6.2, 79
Sales/Use/VAT Tax, 19.1.2
Secondary files, A.2
Square Footage Comparison Log, 89.2.3, 91
Square Footage History, 89.2.3, 91
Supporting files, A.3
Tax Area Master, 177
Tenant Class Account Exclusion, 96.1.2, 100
Tenant Class Master, 96.1, 96.3.3, 100
Tenant Escalation Master, 114.1, 117
Tenant Receivable Cash Management, 57, 60, 62, 67
Tenant Sales History, 75.6.3, 85
Tenant/Lease Billings Detail, 14
Tenant/Lease Master, 3
Unit Master, 164
Unit Status/Leasing Activity, 145
User Defined Codes, 180
Financial status, 6
Financial Summary Regeneration, 157.2
Technical considerations, 157.2.2
Fiscal ’lease year, 175.5
Fiscal lease year, 75.4.1
Floor Information screen, 163
Alternate format, 163
Error, 163.8
Floor Master file, 163
Setup information, 163
Standard log information, 163.6
Unit category codes, 163
Unit groups, 163.5
Frequency Pattern Update, 156.7


General Constants file, 18, 19.1.2
General Journal by Batch, 31.2.5
General Journal Review screen, 14.4.2, 21
Caution, 21
Revenue fees, 131.3.1
General ledger
Revenue fees, 131
General Message Detail file, 179
General Message screen, 171.6, 179
Caution, 179.2
General Message Search window, 179.4
General Message/Rates file, 178
Generate Sales Report Control Records report, 79.1
Generation type
Billing control, 150
Escalation, 15.6, 20.3, 120
Estimated expense participation, 15.6, 20.3, 103, 108
Expense participation, 15.6, 20.3, 103, 109
Fees and interest, 15.6, 20.3
G/L Transaction Generation, 20.3
Manual billing, 15.6, 20.3
Recurring billing, 15.6, 20.3
Sales overage, 15.6, 20.3, 88
Generic Message/Rate Types file, 178
G/L Account Balances file
Cash receipts, 31.1.2
Projected rent, 152.1
G/L Account Ledger file, 14
G/L Transaction Generation, 14.3.1, 20
Batch type, 20
Generation types, 20.3
Technical consideration, 20.3
Global updates
Caution, 156
Frequency Pattern Update, 156.7
Lease Global Update, 156.2
Priority Code Reapplication, 156.5
Property/Building Relations, 156.4
Update A/R from Address Book, 156.6
Gross overage billing, 75.1.3
Gross sales overage rent, 75.1.7
Gross share, 96.1.5


Holdover Process Edit Report, 10.1
Holdover Tenant Report, 11, 11.3


Financial status, lease, 6
Occupancy, 8.2
Tenant’s A/R ledger, 29
Integration with other systems
Address Book, 2
Financials, 20
Work Orders, 1.1.17
Integrity tests, 157
Batch Control Integrity, 157.4
Billing Control Integrity, 157.3
Financial Summary Regeneration, 157.2
Log Line Integrity, 157.5
Intercompany settlements, cash receipts, 31.3
Compounding, 137.6.3
Late fees, 136
Security deposits, 130.4, 136
Invoice Batch Review screen, 17.2
Invoice Entry Journal Review screen, 21.2
Invoice Journal Review screen, 131.3.2


Journal Entries screen
Adjustments to projected rent, 152.2.1
Cash receipts, 30.5
Invoices, 21.4
Vouchers, 21.4
Journal review
Billings, 17
General, 21
Receipts, 30


Activity report, 46
A/P vouchers, 14.6
A/R invoices, 14
Changes related to FASB 13, 69.8.2
Doing business as (DBA), 12
Global updates, 156.2, 156.4
Integrity test, 157.5
Leasing activity, 145
Log details, 3
Primary lease, 3.7
Projected rent, 152
Purge, 158.6
Security deposits, 124, 126
Setup information, 3
Standard log information, 3.6
Status, 180.3
Status for recurring billing, 69.11
Sublease, 3.7
Type, 180.2
Unit details, 3
Lease Date Edit Worksheet, 43
Lease Expiration Listing, 44
Lease Fee Table screen, 131.1, 132.2
Lease Financial Status Inquiry screen, 6
Lease Financial Summary file, 6
Integrity test, 157.2
Lease Financial Summary Files, 20
Lease Follow-Up Worksheet, 45
Lease Global Update, 156.2
Lease Information screen, 3
Alternate formats, 3
Security deposits, 126
Lease Log Details report, 41
Lease Log Summary Analysis report, 42
Lease Master Listing, 40
E.P. Information Listing, 102
Escalation Information Listing, 118
Lease Log Details, 41
Recurring Billing Information Listing, 70
Sales Overage Information Listing, 78
Leasing Activity report, 46
Leasing status, units, 145.3
Lessee flag, 14
Level of detail
Buildings, 161
Business units, 161
Fees and interest, 137.5
Properties, 161
Log Detail Listing, 50
Log information
Amenity ID, 180.4
Buildings, 161.5
Critical date review, 9
Extended text, 4
Floors, 163.6
Integrity test, 157.5
Lease Log Summary Analysis report, 42
Leases, 3.6
Log class, 180.4
Properties, 161.5
Units, 164.5
Log Line Integrity, 157.5
Log lines
Building, 161
Caution, 176
Floor, 163
Lease, 3
Models, 176
Property, 161
Standard information, 176
Unit, 164
Log Standards Extension Master file, 4, 176
Log Standards Information screen, 171.4, 176
Log Standards Master file, 176
Buildings, 161
Critical Date Review screen, 9
Floors, 163
Integrity test, 157.5
Leases, 3
Properties, 161
Units, 164
Log Text Copy window, 4.4
Log Text Information screen, 4
Log Text Line-by-Line Copy window, 4.5


Mailing address, 2
Management Fee Master file, 131.1, 132, 133
Manual billing
Generation type, 15.6, 20.3
Overview, 14
Taxes, 15.10
Manual Billing Entry screen, 14.1.1, 15
Alternate formats, 15
Manual Billing Journal Review screen, 14.2.1, 17
Market rent, 147
Market/Renewal/Potential Rent screen, 147
Message Information window, 179.4
Minimum Rent/Recoveries Master file, 75.6.1, 77
Min/Max Rent & Recoveries screen, 77
Min/Max Rents & Recoveries screen, 75.6.1
Multi-Currency facility, 171
Multi-Unit Information screen, 166
Alternate format, 166
Duplicate information, 166.5


Net exposure, 96.1.4
Net share, 96.1.7
Next Increase Listing, 114.5.2, 119
Next Numbers facility
Lease, 3.9
Manual billing, 15.1
Sublease, 3.7
Tenant, 2.5
Next Numbers screen, 171
Non-sufficient funds, 26.8
AAIs, 172.1


Occupancy status, units, 145.3
Occupancy/Vacancy Listing, 47
Offset transactions
Cash receipts, 31.2.5
Invoices, 19.2.5
Open A/R Summary, 64
Open A/R Summary Report, 64.2
Out-of-balance condition
Batch, 15.9
Posting process, 19.2.4, 31.2.4
Outstanding Chargebacks, 65
Outstanding Chargebacks report, 65.3
Cash receipts, 25
Database files, A
DREAM Writer facility, B
E.P. with calculation revisions, 96.2
E.P. without calculation revisions, 112
Escalation, 114
Expense participation, 96
FASB 13, 140
Fees and interest, 136
Manual billing, 14
Projected rent, 152
Real Estate Management system, 1
Recurring billing, 68
Revenue fees, 131
Sales overage, 75
Security deposits, 124
Tenant sales analysis, 89


.P. Billing History Report, 96.3.6
P.M. System Constants screen, 171.3, 175
Alternate format, 175.5
Caution, 175
Post Adjustments, 124.6.1, 131.3.1, 136.3.2
Post General Journal, 131.3.1
Post Invoices, 19, 131.3.2
Automatic offsets, 19.2.5
Caution, 19.2.3
Escalation, 114.5.4
Expense participation, 96.3.6
Fees and interest, 136.3.1
G/L Transaction Generation, 19
Manual billing, 14.3.2
Out-of-balance condition, 19.2.4
Recurring billing, 68.3.3
Sales Overage, 75.6.5
Security, 19.4
Post Receipts, 25.2, 31, 136.3.2
Automatic offsets, 31.2.5
Caution, 31.2.3
Intercompany settlements, 31.3
Out-of-balance condition, 31.2.4
Security, 31.3
Post Sales Reports to History, 75.6.3, 85
Post Vouchers, 124.6.2, 131.3.3
Posting Edit Report
Cash receipts, 31.2.4
Invoices, 19.2.3
Posting Journal
Cash receipts, 31.2.5
Invoices, 19.2.5
Posting process
A/P vouchers, 19.1
A/R invoices, 19.1
Cash receipts, 31.1
Potential rent, 147
Primary lease, 3.7
Print Adjustments Journal, 136.3.2
Print Billing Edit/Register, 18
Escalation, 114.5.4
Expense participation, 96.3.6
Fees and interest, 136.3.1
Manual billing, 14.2.2
Recurring billing, 68.3.2
Sales overage, 75.6.5
Print Delinquency Notice, 62
Print Invoices, 22
Escalation, 114.5.4
Expense participation, 96.3.6
Fees and interest, 136.3.1
Manual billing, 14.5
Recurring billing, 68.3.4
Reference number, 22.4
Sales Overage, 75.6.5
Print Receipts & Adjustments Journal, 25.1.6
Fees and interest, 136.3.2
Print Statements, 23
Fees and interest, 136.3.2
Manual billing, 14.5
Recurring billing, 68.3.4
Print Statements - Enhanced, 14.5, 24
Cautions, 24.4, 179.2
Global update, 156.6
Set up messages, 178, 179
Priority code
Bill codes, 26.6
Cash receipts, 26.6
Global update, 156.5
Priority Code Reapplication, 156.5
Product scale record, 75.1.1
Caution, 80
Product Scales Master file, 75.6.1, 76
Program ID
P03500X, 24
Program IDs
P00051, 180
P00062, 161
P0006S1, 162
P00100, 15.9, 25.1.1
P00121, 172
P00192, 179
P00192T1, 179.4
P00192T2, 179.4
P00201, 21, 30
P005W, 15.11
P00NS, 162.2
P01051, 2
P01AB, 3.2
P03103, 30.3
P03105, 21.3
P03201, 131.3.2
P03202, 21.2
P03212, 30.2, 124.6.1, 136.3.2
P03311, 32, 136.3.2
P03802, 156.6
P04105, 21.3
P04201, 124.6.2, 131.3.3
P04202, 21.2
P09101, 21.4
P09201, 131.3.1
P09870, 19, 31
P09871, 19.2.5, 31.2.5
P15006P, 168
P1501, 3, 126
P15011, 151
P150111, 150
P15012, 100
P15013, 76
P15015, 77
P15016, 117
P15018, 12
P15018P, 13
P1502, 69
P15021, 148
P1503, 176
P1504, 4
P15043, 93
P1505, 132
P1506, 163
P1507, 164
P15071, 166
P15072, 146
P1507P, 170
P1508, 177
P1510, 175
P15100, 74
P15100P, 73
P15103, 26, 27, 30.3, 65, 65, 127
P151031, 26.10
P15105, 134
P1511, 15, 17.3
P151101, 103
P151102, 109
P151112, 108
P15113, 110
P15114, 113
P15115, 167
P15116, 149
P15117, 156.2
P15118, 158.6
P15119, 158.4
P1512, 125, 173
P15120, 88
P1513, 142
P15130, 141
P15131, 140.1, 159
P15132, 143
P15133, 69.8.2
P15143, 92
P15150, 120
P15152, 122
P1516, 16
P15160, 139
P15172, 145
P15199, 19, 20
P15201, 17, 68.3.1, 75.6.5, 96.3.6, 114.5.4, 136.3.1
P15202, 17.2
P15204, 9
P15206, 84
P15207, 84.2
P15215, 8
P15217, 165
P15221, 6
P15222, 29
P15243, 94
P1525, 137
P15250, 87
P15263, 158.11
P1530, 97
P15300, 18
P15301, 34
P15305, 71
P1530P, 99
P1531, 98
P1532, 104
P15321, 83
P1533, 101
P1535, 105
P1538, 107
P15382, 106
P1538H, 111
P1540, 80, 81, 82, 84.3, 86
P15400, 43
P15401, 40
P154011, 70
P154012, 41
P154013, 102
P154014, 78
P154015, 118
P15402, 50
P15403, 44
P15404, 133.2
P15406, 144
P15407, 144
P15408, 119
P15409, 144
P1541, 158.3
P15410, 169
P15415, 35
P15420, 36
P15421, 37
P1543, 158.2
P15430, 45
P15431, 157.5
P1544, 90
P15440, 33
P15450, 174
P15471, 46
P1548, 121
P1548H, 123
P1550, 115
P15500, 22
P155001, 24
P15501, 23
P1550P, 116
P15550, 72
P15600, 47
P15605, 49
P15610, 39
P15611, 48
P15615, 128
P15625, 138
P15655, 130
P15660, 153
P15665, 154
P15675, 95
P15690, 42
P15702, 157.4
P15703, 157.4
P15733, 38
P15780, 79
P15802, 157.2
P15803, 156.7
P15804, 156.4
P15806, 160
P15807, 135
P15808, 158.9
P15820, 85
P15830, 91
P15903, 156.5
P15905, 157.3
P159071, 147
P15LG1, 4.4
P15LG2, 4.5
P83300, 155
P83500, 155
P98300, 66, 67, B.1
P98300W, B.1.4
P98301, B.2
P983011, B.3
P983012, B.1.6
P98302, B.5
P98303, B.6
P98312, B.4
P98314, B.1.1
Projected rent
Overview, 152
Projected Rent Generation, 152.1, 153
Adjustments, 152.2.1
Cautions, 153.2, 153.4
Occupied units, 153.4
Reapply adjustments, 154
Remark codes, 153.4
Vacant units, 153.4
Properties, 161
Property/Building Information screen, 161
Error, 161.7
Property/Building Listing, 168
Property/Building Relations, 156.4
Prorated billings, 74.2
Building information, 158.9
Cautions, 158.6, 158.9
Collection Log, 158.11
Lease information, 158.6
Sales analysis, 158.2
Sales reports, 158.3
Tenant billing detail, 158.4
Warning, 158


Real Estate Management Constants file, 175
Real Estate Management system
Batch type, 20
Cash receipts, 25
Constants, 171
Database files, A
E.P. with calculation revisions, 96.2
E.P. without calculation revisions, 112
Escalation, 114
Expense participation, 96
Facility setup, 161, 163, 164
FASB 13, 140
Features, 1.1
Fees and interest, 136
Global updates, 156
Integrity tests, 157
Lease setup, 3
Manual billing, 14
Multi-Currency facility, 171
Overview, 1
Projected rent, 152
Recurring billing, 68
Revenue fees, 131
Sales overage, 75
Security deposits, 124
System setup, 171
Tenant sales analysis, 89
Tenant setup, 2
Tenant work orders, 1.1.17
User defined codes, 180
Reapply Projection Adjustment, 152.2.2, 154
Reason codes, 173.5
Receipts & Adjustments Journal, 32
Receipts Entry screens
Heads Down, 25.1.2, 27
Heads Up, 25.1.2, 26
Receipts Journal Review screen, 25.1.4, 30
Received Security Deposit Entry screen, 124.3, 127
Caution, 127.1
Recurring billing
Accrual adjustment, 69.8.1
A/P vouchers, 69.11
Automatic update, 148, 149
Bill code lines, 69
Billing control, 69.11
Catch-up, 74.2
Deferral adjustment, 69.8.1
FASB 13 conversion, 159
Generation type, 15.6, 20.3
Lease status, 69.11
Overview, 68
Prorated, 74.2
Taxes, 69.10
Recurring Billing Comparison Report, 68.1.3, 71
Recurring Billing Facsimile, 68.2.1, 73
Recurring Billing Generation, 68.2.2, 74
Recurring Billing Global Selection, 148
Caution, 148
Edit/update report, 148
Exception report, 148
Recurring Billing Global Update, 149
Caution, 149.3
Reset function, 149.3
Recurring Billing Information Listing, 68.1.2, 68.1.2, 70
Recurring Billing Information screen, 68.1.1, 68.1.1, 69
Alternate formats, 69
Caution, 69.4
Recurring Billing Journal Review screen, 68.3.1
Recurring Billings Master file, 68.1.1, 68.1.1, 69
Integrity test, 157.3
Renewal rent, 147
AAIs, 172.1
Accrued, 140
Adjustments to projected rent, 152.2.1
Deferred, 140
Escalation, 114
Expense Participation, 96
FASB 13, 140
Fees and interest, 136
Late fees, 136
Market rent, 147
Potential rent, 147
Projections, 152
Recurring billing, 68
Renewal rent, 147
Sales overage, 75
Rent Change Report, 68.1.4, 72
Rent Projection FASTR Reports, 152.3, 155
Rent revision, units, 147
Replicate Collection Log, 60, 60
Replicate Property/Units screen, 167
Batch mode, 167.2
Interactive mode, 167.2
Adjustments Journal, 136.3.2
Batch Control Integrity, 157.4
Batch Delete, 160
Bill Code/Adjustment Reason Listing, 174
Billing Edit/Register, 18
Building Information Purge, 158.9
Building/Unit Statistics, 169
Cash Receipts Variance, 33
Collection Log, 66, 66.2
Collection Log Purge, 158.11
Critical Date, 48
Critical Date Review, 49
DBA Information Listing, 13
Delinquency Notice, 62.3
Detail Post Error, 19.2.4, 31.2.4
E.P. Billing History, 111
E.P. Calculation Register, 107
E.P. Class Adjustment Listing, 105
E.P. Class Listing, 99
E.P. Extraction Register, 104
E.P. Information Listing, 102
Escalation Calculation Register, 121
Escalation History, 123
Escalation Indices Listing, 116
Escalation Information Listing, 118
Estimated E.P./R.B Edit/Update, 110
Expected Sales Report Entry, 80
FASB 13 Detail Listing, 144
FASB 13 Generation, 141
FASB 13 Generation/Conversion, 159
FASB 13 Recurring Billing Update, 143
FASB 13 Register - Month, 144
FASB 13 Register - Year, 144
FASTR, 155
Fee and Interest Generation, 139
Fee and Interest Listing, 138
Financial Summary Regeneration, 157.2
General Journal by Batch, 31.2.5
Generate Sales Report Control Records, 79.1
Holdover Process Edit Report, 10.1
Holdover Tenant, 11.3
Invoice, 22
Lease Date Edit Worksheet, 43
Lease Expiration Listing, 44
Lease Follow-Up Worksheet, 45
Lease Global Update, 156.2
Lease Information Purge, 158.6
Lease Log Details, 41
Lease Log Summary Analysis, 42
Lease Master Listing, 40
Lease profile, 41, 70, 78, 102
Lease profiles, 118
Leasing Activity, 46
Log Detail Listing, 50
Log Line Integrity, 157.5
Management Fee Generation, 134
Next Increase Listing, 119
Occupancy/Vacancy Listing, 47
Open A/R Summary, 64.2
Outstanding Chargebacks, 65.3
Post to Sales History, 85
Posting Edit Report, 19.2.3, 31.2.4
Posting Journal, 19.2.5, 31.2.5
Projected Rent Generation, 153
Property/Building Listing, 168
Reapply Projection Adjustments, 154
Receipts & Adjustments Journal, 32
Recurring Billing Comparison, 71
Recurring Billing Facsimile, 73
Recurring Billing Global Edit/Update, 148
Recurring Billing Global Selection, 148
Recurring Billing Information Listing, 70
Recurring Billing PSF Generation, 113
Rent Change, 72
Rent Projection FASTR Reports, 155
Revenue Fee Batch Deletion, 135
Revenue Fee Generation, 134
Revenue Fee Listing, 133.2
Sales Analysis, 95
Sales Analysis Generation, 92
Sales Analysis Purge, 158.2
Sales History, 87
Sales Overage Calculation Register, 88
Sales Overage Information Listing, 78
Sales Report Listing, 83
Sales Report Purge, 158.3
Security Deposit Refund Generation, 130
Security Deposits Required or Received, 128
Square Footage History Generation, 91.1
Statement, 23
Statement - Enhanced, 24
Tenant Alpha Listing, 34
Tenant A/R Daily Balance, 38
Tenant Billing Detail Purge, 158.4
Tenant Billing Listing, 36
Tenant Log Information, 39
Tenant Master Listing, 35
Tenant Rent Roll, 37
Unit Listing, 170
Unit Status/Activity Generation, 145
Vacancy Listing, 47
Required Security Deposit Entry screen, 124.2, 126
Revenue accounts
Business unit, 175.5
Revenue Fee Batch Deletion, 131.2.2, 135
Revenue Fee Generation, 131.2.1, 134
Revenue Fee Generation History file, 131.2.1, 134
Revenue Fee Listing, 133
Revenue Fee Listing report, 133.2
Revenue fees
AAIs, 172.1
Batch types, 131.3.1, 131.3.2, 131.3.3
Billing control, 132.1.2
Fee tables, 132
Fee type, 131, 180.6
General journal review, 131.3.1
Invoice journal review, 131.3.2
Overview, 131
Setup, 132
Voucher journal review, 131.3.3
Reverse a cash receipt, 26.7
Review and approval
Billings, 14.2
Cash receipts, 25.1.3


Sales analysis
Analysis period, 89.1.1
Bar graph, 94
Invalid comparisons, 89.1.5
Item count, 89.1.4, 90.1
Key structures, 89.1.6
Level of summary, 89.1.3, 90.1
Overview, 89
Ranking, 89.1.2
Recalculation, 93
Sales analysis flag, 85.3, 89.2.4
Sequence, 89.1.2
Square footage control flag, 89.2.3
Square footage history, 91
Summary code, 89.1.6, 90
Sales Analysis Control file, 89.1.6, 90
Purge, 158.2
Sales Analysis Control Revision screen, 89.2.2, 90
Sales Analysis Generation, 89.2.4, 92
Sales Analysis Inquiry screen, 89.2.5, 94
Sales Analysis Purge, 158.2
Sales Analysis Report, 89.2.5, 95
Sales Analysis Reporting file, 89.1.6, 90
Purge, 158.2
Sales Analysis Revisions screen, 89.2.4, 93
Fiscal periods, 175.5
Technical considerations, 93.6
Sales History Report, 75.6.3, 87
Sales information
Batch delete, 160
Sales overage
AAIs, 172.1
Adjustments, 75.1.6
Billing control, 76.5, 77.6
Billing journal review, 75.6.5
Caution, 88
Computation methods, 75.3
Dollar breakpoint, 75.1.4
Expected sales reports, 75.6.2
Fiscal ’lease year, 175.5
Fiscal lease year, 75.4.1
Generation type, 15.6, 20.3, 88
Gross overage billing, 75.1.3
Gross sales overage rent, 75.1.7
Maximum rent, 75.1.6
Minimum rent, 75.1.6
Normal processing, 75.5.1
Overview, 75
Pre-calculation check, 75.2
Processing methods, 75.5
Product scale record, 75.1.1
Recovery, 75.1.6
Sales report processing, 75.6.2
Unexpected sales reports, 75.6.2
Year-end override, 75.5.2
Year-to-date (YTD) period, 75.1.2
Sales Overage Calculation Register, 88
Sales Overage Generation, 75.6.4, 88
Sales Overage Information Listing, 78
Sales Overage Information screen, 75.6.1, 76
Sales Overage Listing, 75.6.1
Sales Overage Master file, 75.6.1, 76
Integrity test, 157.3
Sales Report Batch Detail screen, 84.2
Sales Report Batch Review screen, 75.6.3, 84
Sales Report Entry screen, 84.3
Sales Report Listing, 75.6.2, 83
Sales report processing, 75.6.2
Batch review, 84
Batch type, 84.4
Cautions, 80.2, 82.1.1, 86.2, 88
Expected sales entry, 80
Expected sales generation, 79
Post sales to history, 85
Report status, 80.5, 82.1.2, 86.2
Sales history adjustment, 86
Sales listing, 83
Sales reports adjustment, 82
Unexpected sales entry, 81
Sales Report Purge, 158.3
Sales Reporting Control file, 75.6.2, 79
Purge, 158.3
Sales taxes
AAIs, 172.1
Sales/Use/VAT Tax file, 19.1.2
Accounts Receivable Entry, 21.3
Adjust Sales History, 86
Adjust Sales Reports, 82
Adjustments Journal Review, 124.6.1, 136.3.2
Automatic Accounting Instructions, 172
Batch Entry and Status, 15.9, 25.1.1
Bill Codes/Adjustment Reasons, 173
Billing Control ID Revisions, 151
Billing Control Information, 150
Billings Detail Modifications, 17.3
Business Unit Fee Table, 132
Business Unit Search, 162
Cash Receipts Entry, 30.3
Cash Receipts Journal Review, 30.2
Company Number Entry, 26.10
Critical Date Review, 9
DBA Information, 12
DREAM Writer Additional Parameters, B.3
DREAM Writer Data Selection, B.5
DREAM Writer Data Sequence Setup, B.6
DREAM Writer Printer File Overrides, B.1.6
DREAM Writer Processing Options Revisions, B.4
DREAM Writer Version Identification, B.2
DREAM Writer Version Inquiry, B.1.1
DREAM Writer Version List, B.1
E.P. Calculation Revisions, 106
E.P. Class Adjustments, 98
E.P. Class Information, 97
E.P. Information, 100
E.P. Invoice Journal Review, 96.3.6
Escalation Billing Journal Review, 114.5.4
Escalation Indices, 115
Escalation Information, 117
Extended Invoice Text, 16
FASB 13 Revisions, 142
Fee and Interest Table, 137
Floor Information, 163
General Journal Review, 21, 131.3.1
General Message, 179
Invoice Batch Review, 17.2
Invoice Entry Journal Review, 21.2
Invoice Journal Review, 131.3.2, 136.3.1
Journal Entries, 21.4, 30.5
Lease Fee Table, 132.2
Lease Financial Status Inquiry, 6
Log Standards Information, 176
Log Text Information, 4
Manual Billing Entry, 15
Manual Billing Journal Review, 17
Market/Renewal/Potential Rent, 147
Min/Max Rents & Recoveries, 77
Multi-Unit Information, 166
P.M. System Constants, 175
Property/Building Information, 161
Receipts Entry (Heads Down), 27
Receipts Entry (Heads Up), 26
Receipts Journal Review, 30
Received Security Deposit Entry, 127
Recurring Billing Information, 69
Recurring Billing Journal Review, 68.3.1
Replicate Property/Units, 167
Required Security Deposit Entry, 126
Sales Analysis Control Revision, 90
Sales Analysis Inquiry, 94
Sales Analysis Revisions, 93
Sales Overage Information, 76
Sales Report Batch Detail, 84.2
Sales Report Batch Review, 84
Sales Report Entry, 84.3
Security Bill Code Revisions, 125
S.O. Billing Journal Review, 75.6.5
Specific Account Factors, 101
Statement Messages - Enhanced, 178
Tax Rate/Area Information, 177
Tenant A/R Cash Receipts, 30.3
Tenant A/R Ledger Inquiry, 29
Tenant Information, 2
Tenant/Lease Information, 3
Unexpected Sales Report Entry, 81
Unit Information, 164
Unit Search, 165
Unit Status/Activity Revisions, 146
User Defined Codes, 180
Vacancy Inquiry, 8
Voucher Entry, 21.3
Voucher Entry Journal Review, 21.2
Voucher Journal Review, 124.6.2, 131.3.3
Batch, 17.4
Billings, 15.7
E.P. Class Listing, 99.4
Expense participation class code, 97.6
Posting process, 19.4, 31.3
Security Bill Code Revisions screen, 124.1, 125
Security Deposit Refund Application, 129
Security Deposit Refund Generation, 124.5, 130
Security deposits
AAIs, 172.1
Adjustments, 124.6.1
Adjustments journal review, 124.6.1
Bill code setup, 125
Caution, 127.1
Entry of received deposits, 127
Entry of required deposits, 126
Installments, 130.4
Interest earned, 130.4, 136
Non-refunded portions, 127.2
Overview, 124
Voucher journal review, 124.6.2
Vouchers, 124.6.2
Security Deposits Required and Received report, 124.4
Security Deposits Required or Received report, 128
Security group, 125.1
S.O. Billing Journal Review screen, 75.6.5
Specific Account Factors screen, 96.3.2, 101
Spread, cash receipt, 28.6
Square footage
AAIs, 172.2
Area edit, 163.8
Selection, 175.5
Square Footage Comparison Log file, 89.2.3, 91
Square Footage History file, 89.2.3, 91
Square Footage History Generation, 89.2.3, 91
Standard log information, 176
Statement Messages - Enhanced screen, 171.6, 178
Statements, 23
All receipts, 23.2.1
Balance forward, 23.2.4
Cautions, 24.4, 179.2
Credit balance, 23.2.5
Enhanced, 24
Open balance, 23.2.2
Security deposits, 23.2.3
Zero balance, 23.2.6
Status Log Inquiry, 58
Sublease, 3.7
System setup
AAIs, 172
Bill codes and adjustment reasons, 173
Caution, 171
Log standards information, 176
Overview, 171
Real Estate Management system constants, 175
Statement messages, 178, 179
Tax rate and area information, 177
User defined codes, 180
System-generated billings, 15.6, 20.3


Tax Area Master file, 177
Tax Rate/Area Information screen, 171.5, 177
Manual billing, 15.10
Recurring billing, 69.10
Setup, 177
Address information, 2, 3.2
Doing business as (DBA), 12
Lease information, 3
Sales analysis, 89
Sales report processing, 75.6.2
Work orders, 1.1.17, 165.3
Tenant Alpha Listing, 34
Tenant A/R Cash Receipts screen, 30.3
Tenant A/R Daily Balance report, 38
Tenant A/R Journal, 63
Tenant A/R Ledger Inquiry screen, 25.1.5, 29
Alternate format, 29
Caution, 29.2
Tenant Billing Listing, 36
Tenant Class Account Exclusion file, 100
Tenant Class Master file, 96.1, 96.3.3, 96.3.5, 100
Integrity test, 157.3
Tenant Escalation Master file, 114.1, 117
Integrity test, 157.3
Tenant Information screen, 2
Alternate format, 2
Tenant Log Information report, 39
Tenant Master Listing, 35
Tenant Rent Roll report, 37
Tenant Sales History, 75.6.3
Tenant Sales History file, 85
Tenant Scheduling Workbench
Navigation, 53
Tenant W.O. Cost Inquiry
Guidelines, 54.2
Navigation, 54
Procedures, 54.1
Tenant W.O. Status Summary
Navigation, 55
Report fields, 55.1, 55.1
Version list screen, 55.1
Tenant Work Order Entry
Navigation, 52
Procedures, 52.1
Tenant/Lease Billings Detail file, 14
Integrity test, 157.4
Purge, 158.4
Tenant/Lease Master file, 3
Integrity test, 157.5
Text information
Invoice, 16
Log line, 4
TI (type of input) codes, 28
A (adjustment), 28.7
B (balance forward), 28.1
C (charge back), 28.4
Caution, 28.1
G (general ledger), 28.3
I (invoice matching), 28.2
S (spread), 28.6
U (unapplied credit), 28.5, 127.1
Tickle date, 9
Total exposure, 96.1.2


Unapplied cash (credit)
AAIs, 172.2
Automatic prepaid application, 20, 26.14
Bill code classification, 28.5.1
Method of application, 28.5, 127.1
Security deposits, 124
Unexpected Sales Report Entry screen, 75.6.2, 81
Unit details, lease, 3
Unit Information screen, 164
Alternate format, 164
Error, 164.7
Manual update of unit status, 170.4
Updates, 8.2
Unit Listing, 170
Unit Master file, 164
Unit Search screen, 165
Tenant work orders, 165.3
Unit Status/Activity Generation, 145
System-controlled information, 145.2
User-controlled information, 145.2
Unit Status/Activity Revisions screen, 146
Unit Status/Leasing Activity file, 145
Category codes, 164
Composite status, 180.7
Composite unit status, 145.2, 164.7
Global update, 156.4
Integrity test, 157.5
Leasing activity, 145
Leasing status, 145.3
Market rent, 147
Master unit, 164.1
Occupancy, 8.2
Occupancy status, 145.3
Occupancy/Vacancy Listing, 47
Potential rent, 147
Renewal rent, 147
Rent revision, 147
Replication, 167
Setup information, 164
Standard log information, 164.5
Status, 145
Sub-unit, 164.1
Unit groups, 163.5
Vacancy Listing, 47
Update A/R from Address Book, 156.6
Update Holdover Dates, 10
User defined code IDs
System 00, type DI, 26.12
System 00, type DT, 26.12
System 00, type MC, 180.1
System 03, type AR, 28.7.1, 173.5
System 15, type AD, 28.7.1, 173.5, 180.8
System 15, type AE, 145.3
System 15, type BC, 180.5
System 15, type FE, 131, 180.6
System 15, type FY, 136.1.1
System 15, type LG, 180.4
System 15, type LS, 180.3
System 15, type LT, 180.2
System 15, type SG, 125.1
System 15, type US, 180.7
System 15, type UX, 145.2
System 15, U1-U5, 163, 164
System 51, type AM, 180.4
User defined codes
Adjustment classification, 180.8
Adjustment classifications, 173.5
Adjustment reasons, cash receipts, 28.7.1
Amenity ID, 180.4
A/R document types, 26.12
Billing frequency, 180.5
Business unit type, 180.1
Caution, 180
Composite unit status, 145.2, 180.7
Fee type, 136.1.1
Invoice document types, 26.12
Lease status, 180.3
Lease type, 180.2
Leasing activity, 145.3
Log class, 180.4
Reason codes, 173.5
Revenue fee type, 131, 180.6
Security group, 125.1
Setup, 180
System constants, 171.7
Unit category codes, 163, 164
User Defined Codes file, 180
User Defined Codes screen, 180


Vacancy Inquiry screen, 8
Alternate format, 8
Vacancy Listing, 47
Vocabulary Overrides screen, 171
Voucher Entry Journal Review screen, 21.2
Voucher Entry screen, 21.3
Voucher journal review
Revenue fees, 131.3.3
Security deposits, 124.6.2
Voucher Journal Review screen, 124.6.2, 131.3.3
Vouchers, 14.6
Accounting distribution, 21.4
Batch type, 20
Document type, 15.11
Document types, 20.3
Journal entries, 21.4
Post, 131.3.3
Revenue fees, 131
Security deposit refunds, 124.6.2


Purges, 158
Address Book Addition, 3.2
Business Unit Name Search, 162.2
Document Inquiry, 15.11
DREAM Writer Menu, B.1.4
FASB 13 Lease Change Window, 69.8.2
General Message Search, 179.4
Log Text Copy, 4.4
Log Text Line-by-Line Copy, 4.5
Message Information, 179.4
Work Orders system, 1.1.17
AAIs, 172.1