159 FASB 13 Generation/Conversion

This chapter contains these topics:

Before the first time you use the automatic process to create FASB 13 entries for recurring billings, one of the following is assumed:

  • You are initially converting to the JD Edwards World Real Estate Management system from a prior system.

  • You have already manually entered FASB 13 differences (accrual and deferral entries) on the Recurring Billing Entry screen.

In either case, you must run the FASB 13 Generation/Conversion program to generate new FASB 13 adjustment entries. Therefore, it is only necessary to run this global update once. The program, which is based on the Tenant/Lease Master file (F1501), updates the Recurring Billings Master and FASB 13 Lease Control files (F1502 and F1513, respectively). A processing option controls whether the system performs the update or only prints a report so that you can preview the effect of the update.

The processing logic is very similar to the FASB 13 generation program. For more information, see the chapters Chapter 140, "FASB 13 Process" and Chapter 141, "FASB 13 Generation" in this guide. For a graphical overview of FASB 13, see Appendix C, "FASB 13 Graphical."


Before you run the update, carefully review the selections in the DREAM Writer version.


From any Real Estate Management menu, enter 27 in the Selection field.

From the Advanced Operations menu (G1531), choose Global Updates/Purges. From the Global Updates/Purges menu (G1533), choose FASB 13 Generation/Conversion.

159.1 FASB 13 Generation/Conversion Procedures

When you choose the program from the menu, the system displays a DREAM Writer version list. From this screen, you can copy, change, or run a version of the program. For an overview of the DREAM Writer facility, see Appendix B, "DREAM Writer Overview" in this guide.

159.2 FASB 13 Generation/Conversion Report

Figure 159-1 FASB 13 Generation/Conversion Report

Description of Figure 159-1 follows
Description of "Figure 159-1 FASB 13 Generation/Conversion Report"