171 Overview of System Constants

This chapter contains these topics:

When you set up the Real Estate Management system, you define specific system constants. These constants must be defined before you can set up tenants, facilities, and leases and before you process information. The system can then verify the information it processes against those constants. This chapter is an overview of the screens related to this setup activity.


Generally, after you set up the system, you do not change the system constants. If you do make changes, ensure you are thoroughly familiar with that information because it is central to the system processes. You should also ensure that only authorized personnel can access and maintain the constants.

The following screens, which you do not access from any Real Estate Management menu, are also important to system setup:

  • Screens for the financial systems:

    • Accounts Payable Constants

    • Accounts Receivable Constants

    • Company Numbers & Names

    • General Accounting Constants

    • Payment Terms Revisions


Note that the Multi-Currency facility does not currently function in the Real Estate Management system.
  • Advanced function screens:

    • Next Numbers

    • Data Dictionary Repository

    • Vocabulary Overrides

For more information about these screens, see the respective JD Edwards World system guides.

171.1 Automatic Accounting Instructions

This screen lets you view the automatic accounting instructions (AAIs) that are set up for the JD Edwards World systems you use. AAIs make up a table of instructions about your accounting logic and rules. These instructions, which are stored in the Automatic Accounting Instructions Master file (F0012), are used primarily to enforce consistent accounting rules and minimize repetitive manual entry of account numbers. AAIs link the accounting information in the different JD Edwards World systems to the chart of accounts in the general ledger. Therefore, each system that has an interface with the General Accounting system uses AAIs.

171.2 Bill Codes/Adjustment Reasons

This screen lets you set up and work with the control information that defines and limits the bill codes and adjustment reasons. The information is stored in the Billing Code Extension file (F1512). The system uses bill codes and adjustment reasons to identify the AAIs related to the transactions. In view of the relationship between the AAIs and the bill codes and adjustment reasons, you must first set up the AAIs before you can set up the codes.

The Bill Code/Adjustment Reason Listing is a report of the billing and adjustment (receipt) codes and their respective control fields. It can also include the AAIs that relate to the codes and reasons.

171.3 Real Estate Management System Constants

This screen lets you define how the Real Estate Management system functions in your business environment. This information is stored in the Real Estate Management Constants file (F1510).

171.4 Log Standards Information

Log information further describes a lease or facility. For leases, the log information relates to the terms and conditions such as critical dates, security deposits, lease options, text descriptions, and so on. For facilities, it relates to square footage, critical dates, the number of units within a building or on a floor, tenant improvements, inspection of the sprinkler system, and so on. This information is entered as log lines and is stored in the Log Standards Master and Log Standards Extension Master files (F1503 and 1504, respectively).

The Log Standards Information screen lets you set up and work with models of standard log lines and extended text. You can then copy such a model into leases, properties, buildings, floors, or units that have similar requirements. Before you can set up a model, you must first set up the related user defined codes. This includes the log class (15/LG), amenity identification (15/AM), and others that are a part of the log line.

171.5 Tax Rate/Area Information

This screen lets you set up and work with the areas, rates, and effective dates for current and future taxes. Each tax area can be assessed taxes by different tax authorities for different purposes and rates. This information is stored in the Tax Area Master file (F4008), and the system uses it to calculate the tax amounts for billings when tax processing is in effect.

The screen is similar to the Tax Rate/Area screen that is used for other systems. You should use the Tax Rate/Area Information screen to define the tax information used exclusively in the Real Estate Management system. Real Estate Management offers a unique tax explanation code of AR. In this case, the bill code (G/L offset) is required for each tax authority defined for a tax rate/area.

171.6 Statement Messages - Enhanced

This screen works in conjunction with the Print Statements - Enhanced program. It lets you set up and work with the user defined codes (15/MS) that identify the messages you can print on a statement. You then use the processing options for the Print Statements - Enhanced program to specify what messages are printed. This information is stored in the Generic Message/Rate Types and Generic Message/Rates files (F0019 and F00191, respectively).

The General Message screen, which you access from the Statement Messages - Enhanced screen, lets you set up and work with the text associated with the message codes that are defined on the Statement Messages - Enhanced screen. The text is stored in the General Message Detail file (F00192).

171.7 User Defined Codes

You define the codes that are valid for many of the fields on the screens of JD Edwards World systems. These user defined codes exist in tables based on a specific system and code type. If you use a code that is not set up in the table related to that field, the system gives you an error. The tables for user defined codes are kept in the User Defined Codes file (F0005).

The following codes require special consideration for the Real Estate Management system:

  • Business Unit Type

  • Lease Type

  • Lease Status

  • Log Class

  • Billing Frequency

  • Revenue Fee Type

  • Composite Unit Status

  • Adjustment Classification