31 Post Receipts

This chapter contains these topics:

The Real Estate Management system has its own version of the posting program. This chapter describes the posting process for receipts and how it creates the automatic offset entries to the general ledger.


Remember that when you add a cash receipt, the system creates transactions in the A/R Account Ledger file (F0311) and updates the Lease Financial Summary file (F1520).

For an overview of cash receipts, see Chapter 25, "Cash Application Process" in this guide.


From the Real Estate Management System menu (G15), choose Cash Receipts.

From the Cash Receipts menu (G1513), choose Post Receipts. The system displays the Post Receipts screen with a list of processing options.

Different versions of the post program are also available on other menus in the Real Estate Management system.

31.1 Posting Process

The posting process includes the following two parts: pre-post and post.

31.1.1 Pre-Post

During the pre-post, the system performs the following tasks:

  • Selects the transactions from the A/R Account Ledger file (F0311) that are both approved and unposted. Processing options control this.

  • Verifies each transaction for the following:

    • Whether the account exists in the Account Master file (F0901) and is a posting account.

    • Whether the business unit exists in the Building (Business Unit) Master file (F0006).

    • Whether the G/L date is valid.

    • Whether the intercompany accounting is balanced.

  • Verifies that the batches are approved and journal entries are in balance.


Batch control balancing does not prevent posting.
  • Changes the status of a batch to Error if any transaction within the batch is in error. An error condition prevents a batch from posting.

  • Prints the Posting Edit Report, which shows any batch errors that exist. The system prints the report in batch sequence. If the only error in a batch is an intercompany balancing problem, the system does not list the batch on this report.

31.1.2 Post

During the post, the system performs the following tasks for any batches that have completed the pre-post without an error:

  • Gets the automatic offset method, summary by batch, summary within a document, or detail by document from General Constants file (F0009).

  • Collects and posts the automatic offset amounts for the receipts.

  • Creates and posts entries for adjustments and discounts.

  • Posts the transactions to the G/L Account Balances file (F0902).

  • Marks the transactions as posted in the following files:

    • G/L Account Ledger (F0911)

    • A/R Account Ledger (F0311)

    • Batch Control Records (F0011)

    The posted codes in the three files are P, D, and D, respectively.

  • Performs intercompany settlements, if requested, for ledger type AA only.

  • Prints one of the two following reports depending on the final posting status of the batch.

    • For batches that post, the Posting Journal lists the transactions posted to the G/L Account Balances and Account Ledger files. A processing option controls whether the system prints the Posting Journal.

    • For batches that do not post because of balancing problems, the Detail Post Error report lists the detail transactions, which you can use to identify the problem.

31.2 Post Receipts Procedures

During the posting process, you perform the following tasks:

  1. Review and approve the batches of documents.

  2. Set the processing options.

  3. Submit the batches for posting.

  4. Review the edit reports.

  5. Review the posted receipts.

31.2.1 Review and Approve the Batches

A batch must have a status of Approved before you can post it. For more information, see Chapter 30, "Receipts Journal Review" in this guide.

31.2.2 Set the Processing Options

When you choose Post Receipts from the menu, the Post Receipts screen appears, displaying a list of processing options. These options control how the system processes the information. Review them and make any necessary changes.

31.2.3 Submit the Batches for Posting

After you have set the processing options, press Enter. The system submits the job for processing and returns you to the menu, which displays the message Post Receipts submitted to batch. To return to the menu without submitting a job, press F3.


While the posting process is in progress, remember the following:
  • Do not make any changes to the information involved in the process such as the Account Master file, automatic accounting instructions (AAIs), A/R constants, and the processing options.

  • Do not stop the posting process.

  • Do not begin a second post.

31.2.4 Review the Edit Reports

The system always prints the Posting Edit Report, which lists each error that exists within a batch. If the batch has no errors, the report shows the batch number, batch date, and the message ***NO ERRORS*** Batch will post.

If the only error in a batch is an intercompany balancing problem, the system does not list the batch on the Posting Edit report. On the other hand, if a batch is out of balance, the system not only identifies the error on the Posting Edit Report, but it also prints the Detail Post Error report. This report includes detail similar to the Posting Journal except with information that has not been posted. You use this information to determine the cause of the balancing error. Because the system does not post a batch with an error, you must correct all the errors listed on these reports before you attempt to post the batch again.

31.2.5 Review the Posted Receipts

Posting Journal and Other Reports

For batches that posted, the Posting Journal lists the automatic offsets for the cash receipts. These offsets debit the bank account according to its respective AAI, which is RB, and credits accounts receivable according to its respective AAI, which is RC. A processing option controls whether the system prints the Posting Journal.

Figure 31-1 General Ledger Post - Cash Receipts

Description of Figure 31-1 follows
Description of "Figure 31-1 General Ledger Post - Cash Receipts"

Figure 31-2 Posting Journal

Description of Figure 31-2 follows
Description of "Figure 31-2 Posting Journal"

The offset transactions have the following characteristics:

  • Document type - A/R document types are RK for cash that has been received and applied to an invoice, RC for discounts, RA for adjustments, and AE for automatic entries.

  • Document number - If the A/R constant for the offset method is B, the document number is the same as the batch number assigned to the document. If the constant is D or S, the number is the number of the payment.

  • Explanation - For offset transactions, the explanation is usually Post Offset by Batch RXXXXXXXX. The batch number replaces the character string XXXXXXXX.

    For cash entries, the explanation is Bank Deposit.

In addition to the Posting Journal, the following reports are available to review the posted transactions:

Online Review

In addition to the reports, the following screens are available for an online review:

  • Receipts Journal Review - You can review a cash receipt and verify that it is posted. However, you cannot use this screen to view the automatic offsetting entries. To view these entries, you begin with the General Journal Review screen.

  • Tenant A/R Ledger Inquiry - You can view an individual A/R transaction (document) associated with a billing and its related payments. However, you cannot use this screen to view the automatic offsetting entries.

  • General Journal Review - You can access different levels of review for an A/R batch, its documents, and their related accounting distribution. In order to display cash receipts and adjustments, you must specify batch type R for a processing option.

31.2.6 Processing Options

See Section 181.6, "General Ledger Post (P09870)."

31.3 Guidelines

  • You can set up security that controls the approval and posting of batches by a user. There is a separate constant for this in the Accounts Receivable and General Accounting systems. If a user is secured from one of those systems and not the other, an out-of-balance posting condition and G/L error could occur because the Real Estate Management system updates both G/L and A/R. For more information about batch security, see the JD Edwards World Technical Foundation Guide.

  • For intercompany settlements, note the following setup issues for the General Accounting Constants screen:

  • If the Post Out of Balance field is set to Y (Yes), the system posts journal entries even if debits do not equal credits.

  • If the Intercompany Settlements field is set to Y (Yes), the intercompany transactions within a batch must be in balance in order for the system to post entries that are out of balance. You must set up both ICH and ICCC as AAIs.

  • If the Intercompany Settlements field is set to D (Detail), the intercompany transactions within a batch must be in balance in order for the system to post entries that are out of balance. You must set up ICH as an AAI for company 00000 only.

  • You must ensure that all post menu selections are routed to the same job queue and that the job queue only allows one job to process at a time.

  • After you post a batch, you cannot delete it.

  • For more information, see the JD Edwards World General Accounting I Guide and JD Edwards World Accounts Receivable Guide.