95 Sales Analysis Report

This chapter contains these topics:

With this report, you can use different DREAM Writer versions called ranking reports to sort the sales analysis information by building, tenant, and product code. It is based on the Sales Analysis Reporting file (F1543).

For an overview of sales analysis, see Chapter 89, "Sales Analysis Process" in this guide.


From the Real Estate Management System menu (G15), choose Sales Overage.

From the Sales Overage (Percent Rent) menu (G1522), choose Sales Analysis Processing.

From the Tenant Sales Analysis Processing menu (G15222), choose Sales Analysis Report.

95.1 Sales Analysis Report Procedures

When you choose the report from the menu, the system displays a DREAM Writer version list. From this screen, you can copy, change, or run a version of the report. For an overview of the DREAM Writer facility, see Appendix B, "DREAM Writer Overview" in this guide.

95.1.1 Sales Summary Report

Figure 95-1 Sales Summary Report

Description of Figure 95-1 follows
Description of "Figure 95-1 Sales Summary Report"

95.2 Report Format Sales Analysis Report

All the versions of the report for comparative sales analysis have a basic format that consists of nineteen columns. Starting from the left side of the report, these columns are organized into the following five groups:

95.2.1 Key Information

This group contains three columns: Detail, Description, and IC (Invalid Comparison). The detail and description relate to the key field or flag that is ranked such as building (business unit and description), tenant (address number and name), product (product code and description), and so on. This is controlled by the last field specified in the data sequence of the DREAM Writer version. For example, if the ranking is of tenants, the last field in the sequence must be Address Number. If it is of product, the last field must be Product Code.

An invalid comparison is identified by an asterisk (*) in the IC column. This is controlled by a processing option.

95.2.2 Square Footage

The Square Feet column contains the square footage that relates to the detail line and is defined in the lease.

95.2.3 User-Selected Statistic

This column, which is controlled by a processing option, can be one of the following: item count, empty months, absolute change in square footage, net change in square footage, sales amount for rolling 12 months, or last year's square footage.

95.2.4 First Set of Sales Figures

This group contains seven columns for the standard sales figures: Gross (This Year, Last Year, and Change), Per Square Foot (This Year, Last Year, and Change), and Percent Change. A processing option controls whether these amounts are monthly, quarterly, year-to-date (YTD), or projected annual.

95.2.5 Second Set of Sales Figures

This group is similar to the first set of sales figures, but you specify a different set of figures for comparison.