40 Lease Master Listing

This chapter contains these topics:

This report provides a profile for specific leases that includes the setup information related to the tenant, lease, recurring billings, and extraordinary billings. You can print the profile in its entirety, or you can limit the report to one or more of the following sections as specific changes occur to the respective setup information:

Section Section
Lease Unit Details Expense Participation
Lease Log Details Sales Overages
Recurring Billings Escalation

The processing options controls the sections that the report includes. It is based on the Tenant/Lease Master file (F1501).

Except for Lease Unit Details, the individual sections are also available as separate versions of this report on their respective menus. For example, the Recurring Billing Information Listing is made up of the Recurring Billings section of the Lease Master Listing and provides the setup information for recurring billings. It is a selection on the Recurring Billing menu (G1521).


From the Real Estate Management System menu (G15), choose Tenant and Lease Reporting.

From the Tenant and Lease Reporting menu (G1514), choose Lease Master Listing.

You can also access the Tenant and Lease Reporting menu from the Tenant and Lease Information menu (G1511).

40.1 Lease Master Listing Procedures

When you choose the report from the menu, the system displays a DREAM Writer version list. From this screen, you can copy, change, or run a version of the report. For an overview of the DREAM Writer facility, see Appendix B, "DREAM Writer Overview" in this guide.

40.2 Lease Master Listing Report

Figure 40-1 Lease Master Listing Report (1 of 18)

Description of Figure 40-1 follows
Description of "Figure 40-1 Lease Master Listing Report (1 of 18)"

Figure 40-2 Lease Master Listing Report (2 of 18)

Description of Figure 40-2 follows
Description of "Figure 40-2 Lease Master Listing Report (2 of 18)"

Figure 40-3 Lease Master Listing Report (3 of 18)

Description of Figure 40-3 follows
Description of "Figure 40-3 Lease Master Listing Report (3 of 18)"

Figure 40-4 Lease Master Listing Report (4 of 18)

Description of Figure 40-4 follows
Description of "Figure 40-4 Lease Master Listing Report (4 of 18)"

Figure 40-5 Lease Master Listing Report (5 of 18)

Description of Figure 40-5 follows
Description of "Figure 40-5 Lease Master Listing Report (5 of 18)"

Figure 40-6 Lease Master Listing Report (6 of 18)

Description of Figure 40-6 follows
Description of "Figure 40-6 Lease Master Listing Report (6 of 18)"

Figure 40-7 Lease Master Listing Report (7 of 18)

Description of Figure 40-7 follows
Description of "Figure 40-7 Lease Master Listing Report (7 of 18)"

Figure 40-8 Lease Master Listing Report (8 of 18)

Description of Figure 40-8 follows
Description of "Figure 40-8 Lease Master Listing Report (8 of 18)"

Figure 40-9 Lease Master Listing Report (9 of 18)

Description of Figure 40-9 follows
Description of "Figure 40-9 Lease Master Listing Report (9 of 18)"

Figure 40-10 Lease Master Listing Report (10 of 18)

Description of Figure 40-10 follows
Description of "Figure 40-10 Lease Master Listing Report (10 of 18)"

Figure 40-11 Lease Master Listing Report (11 of 18)

Description of Figure 40-11 follows
Description of "Figure 40-11 Lease Master Listing Report (11 of 18)"

Figure 40-12 Lease Master Listing Report (12 of 18)

Description of Figure 40-12 follows
Description of "Figure 40-12 Lease Master Listing Report (12 of 18)"

Figure 40-13 Lease Master Listing Report (13 of 18)

Description of Figure 40-13 follows
Description of "Figure 40-13 Lease Master Listing Report (13 of 18)"

Figure 40-14 Lease Master Listing Report (14 of 18)

Description of Figure 40-14 follows
Description of "Figure 40-14 Lease Master Listing Report (14 of 18)"

Figure 40-15 Lease Master Listing Report (15 of 18)

Description of Figure 40-15 follows
Description of "Figure 40-15 Lease Master Listing Report (15 of 18)"

Figure 40-16 Lease Master Listing Report (16 of 18)

Description of Figure 40-16 follows
Description of "Figure 40-16 Lease Master Listing Report (16 of 18)"

Figure 40-17 Lease Master Listing Report (17 of 18)

Description of Figure 40-17 follows
Description of "Figure 40-17 Lease Master Listing Report (17 of 18)"

Figure 40-18 Lease Master Listing Report (18 of 18)

Description of Figure 40-18 follows
Description of "Figure 40-18 Lease Master Listing Report (18 of 18)"