131 Revenue Fee Process

This chapter contains these topics:

The flexibility of the revenue fee process lets you work with a variety of fees to produce an invoice, voucher, or intercompany journal entry. For example, a fee management company can create receivables to bill owners, or an owner can create payables to pay a leasing agent. In the event that one party is billed internally and another is paid, a single journal entry can be created to offset the revenue and expense accounts associated with the invoice and voucher specifications. Because you are not restricted to management fees only, the term revenue fee is more appropriate.

A fee is based on revenue from either an entire business unit or an individual lease. For a business unit, which relates to a management perspective, the revenue can be based on either the A/R Account Ledger file (F0311) or one or more accounts in the G/L Account Ledger file (F0911). For a lease, which relates to commissions, the revenue is based on the A/R Account Ledger file only because the lease number is a part of the F0311 record but not the F0911 record. This is controlled by the fee type, which is a user defined code (system 15, type FE).

The revenue can be the amounts that have been either billed or collected (an accrual or cash basis, respectively). This is controlled by the fee table. The following chart shows the primary decisions that affect the setup and calculation of revenue fees:

Figure 131-1 Revenue Fee Setup and Calculation

Description of Figure 131-1 follows
Description of "Figure 131-1 Revenue Fee Setup and Calculation"

* You must have the Cash Basis Accounting module in order to use the AZ ledger for revenue fees.

Before you begin the revenue fee process, set up the following information:

  • Real Estate Management constants

  • Facility, tenant, and lease information

  • Revenue fee types and other user defined codes

  • General accounting, accounts receivable, and accounts payable constants

  • Object and subsidiary accounts in the G/L chart of accounts

  • Bill codes with their automatic accounting instructions (AAIs)

The revenue fee process involves the following tasks:

  1. Set up the fee tables.

  2. Generate the revenue fees.

  3. Review, post, and print the G/L, A/R, and A/P transactions.

For more information about the basic operations related to the general ledger, A/R invoices, and A/P vouchers, see the JD Edwards World General Accounting I Guide, JD Edwards World Accounts Receivable Guide, and JD Edwards World Accounts Payable Guide.

131.1 Set Up the Fee Tables

The setup screen for revenue fees lets you set up and work with the fee tables. This information is stored in the Management Fee Master file (F1505) and controls the generation of the fees. The screen has two formats to display the fee tables for either business units or leases.

131.2 Generate the Revenue Fees

131.2.1 Revenue Fee Generation

This program lets you generate a batch of invoices, vouchers, or G/L transactions related to revenue fees. Regardless of the batch, the revenue fee process always creates the G/L transactions. The program is based on the Management Fee Master file and can update one or more of the following files: A/R Account Ledger (F0311), A/P Account Ledger (F0411), G/L Account Ledger (F0911), and Revenue Fee Generation History (F1505H).

131.2.2 Revenue Fee Batch Deletion

This program lets you delete an unposted batch created by the Revenue Fee Generation program. Therefore, it updates the same files as the generation program.


The Batch Delete program, which you access from the Advanced Operations menu (G1531), does not apply to the revenue fee process. This program relates only to unposted batches in the Tenant/Lease Billings Detail file (F1511).

131.3 Review, Post, and Print the Transactions

The review, post, and print process within the revenue fee process is performed with either the General Accounting, Accounts Receivable, or Accounts Payable system. This is because the A/R, A/P, and G/L transactions that you create are not related to a tenant billing module. You can, however, access the respective journal review screens and post programs from the Revenue Fees menu (G1526).

131.3.1 General Accounting

General Journal Review

This screen, which is the first level of detail in the review process, lets you review and approve batches of journal entry information. From it you can access two other levels of detail. The series of screens displays and updates information in the Batch Control file (F0011) and the G/L Account Ledger file. The batch type is always G for G/L transactions.

Post General Journal

With this version of the post program, the system does the following:

  • Selects unposted G/L transactions from the G/L Account Ledger file.

  • Verifies the information in each transaction.

  • Posts the accepted transactions to the G/L Account Balances file (F0902).

  • Marks the transactions as posted in the G/L Account Ledger file and Batch Control Records file. The posted codes in the two files are P and D, respectively.

You must set up the Batch Type Selection processing option for G/L transactions (batch type G).

131.3.2 Accounts Receivable

Invoice Journal Review

This screen, which is the first level of detail in the review process, lets you review and approve batches of invoices. From it you can access two other levels of detail. The series of screens displays and updates information in the Batch Control file and the A/R Account Ledger file. The batch type is I for invoices.

Post Invoices

With this version of the post program, the system does the following:

  • Selects unposted A/R invoices from the G/L Account Ledger file.

  • Verifies the information in each transaction.

  • Posts the transactions to the G/L Account Balances file.

  • Marks the transactions as posted in the following files: G/L Account Ledger, A/R Account Ledger, and Batch Control Records. The posted codes in the three files are P, D, and D, respectively.

  • Creates and posts the automatic offsets to accounts receivable.

You must set up the Batch Type Selection processing option for A/R invoices (batch type I).

131.3.3 Accounts Payable

Voucher Journal Review

This screen, which is the first level of detail in the review process, lets you review and approve batches of vouchers. From it you can access two other levels of detail. The series of screens displays and updates information in the Batch Control file and the A/P Account Ledger file. The batch type is V for vouchers.

Post Vouchers

With this version of the post program, the system does the following:

  • Selects unposted A/P vouchers from the G/L Account Ledger file.

  • Verifies the information in each transaction.

  • Posts the accepted transactions to the G/L Account Balances file.

  • Marks the transactions as posted in the following files: G/L Account Ledger, A/P Account Ledger, and Batch Control Records. The posted codes in the three files are P, D, and D, respectively.

  • Creates and posts the automatic offsets to accounts payable.

You must set up the Batch Type Selection processing option for A/P vouchers (batch type V).